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Discussion thread - BD Armory AI tournaments

What features would you like in a AI dogfighting tournament?  

423 members have voted

  1. 1. What features would you like in a AI dogfighting tournament?

    • Stock + BD Armory only
    • Other mods too (please state preferences)
    • 2 v 2 format as mentioned in OP
    • Another format (please state details)
    • Stock aerodynamic model
    • FAR aerodynamic model
    • Open entry class
    • Different classes of planes
    • Open weapon loadouts
    • Restricted weapon loadouts

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When fighting with missiles it's not really a problem but I just watched a dogfight between two of my jets with just a .50 locked in position.

God, that was boring. only turning in the same plane, head on attacks ... I eventually got so bored I took control and downed the other. They don't even know how to make yo-yo's.

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You got it!

Congrats on the win bby!

Thanks you :)

I feel a bit lucky because i don't have the mosquito machtup & i haven't try against the f-8 too !

Not bad for a first try , i spend some time to perfect my Shark . That was too short for me to Tweak Shark + Eagle , so i stay focus on Shark only !

ThX again for downloading & uploading all the content to make this tournament possible . You spend a good among of time too !

TY ;) TY ;) TY ;)

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Well done everyone, seems that contest went well. I hope I can find some WiFi this evening to watch the matchups (my 141 got whitewashed, ouch!)

Has anyone looked into Kerbal Constructs to create 2v2 starting arenas? Doesn't have to be near the KSC or water, which might improve framerate.

Noted on Tweakscale and Firespitter for WW2 variant btw.

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The tournament was really cool.

About the WW2 variant, tweakscale is too buggy, we would be better with procedural parts.

So, I believe that the only mods we need are:


-Procedural parts




-B9 proc wings (maybe)

The bug while using KAX with FAR was solved so we don't need to worry.

It's also important to note that the least mods, the better.

Edited by tetryds
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Incredible, in the last round of the last match my intact plane few straight into the ground after getting both the Sharks engines :) Well done ZLM, I'll be back, and with higher minimum altitude!

I know right! I couldnt believe it! I almost ended the video, but since it was the 5th match of the championship I figured I'd wait for the coup de grace. And then your plane dove straight into the ground and I laughed my butt off for like 5 minutes straight!!! :D:sticktongue::D

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Hmmm ... AJE still doesn't work as advertised (tried the latest Github build). Prop engines won't run. Besides, can the AI handle the complex engine management?

Something else that I do find useful: Adjustable Landing Gear. With those large props, let's not have everyone build an F4U.

And: Take Command (puts kerbals in seats). Let's build a cockpit instead of using that horrid thing that looks like an insect eye. Pilot kill or ragdoll is game over.

Edited by Azimech
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@Azimech: Oh, I heard it was already working, nevermind then.

I still much rather KAX propellers, we can just set a max allowed throttle.

Also max wing mass ratio.

But we don't have glasses for making cockpits and that takes a lot of time.

We can even enforce using certain cockpits from a mod, but making one should be optional.

Adjustable landing gears would not be needed if we had a landing gear between the smallest and medium one, but it's a good mod, I guess it's up for voting.

Is there a ww2 airplane weapons pack? Not that important, just wondering.

Maybe we nees a whole new thread specifically for WW2 planes?

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This is my proposal for the famous 20mm cannon used in the Fw190 and Bf109. It's a first try, haven't even tested it yet. It's based on and uses the model of the Howitzer, 1/3 in size.

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

// --- general parameters ---
name = MauserMG15120
module = Part
author = BahamutoD

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
rescaleFactor = 0.3

// --- node definitions ---
node_attach = -0.72, 0, 0.0, -1, 0, 0, 1

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = precisionEngineering
entryCost = 2100
cost = 3500
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = Mauser MG 151/20
manufacturer = Bahamuto Dynamics
description = Very effective 20 mm cannon
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.042
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 5
maxTemp = 3600

stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER

name = BahaTurret
weaponType = cannon
rotationSpeed = 0

fireSoundPath = BDArmory/Parts/m1Abrams/sounds/shot
overheatSoundPath = BDArmory/Parts/50CalTurret/sounds/turretOverheat
deployAnimName = deploy
hasFireAnimation = true
fireAnimName = fireAnim
spinDownAnimation = false

yawTransformName = aimRotate
pitchTransformName = aimPitch

roundsPerMinute = 650
accuracy = 25
bulletMass = 0.000115
bulletVelocity = 700
ammoName = 20mmCannonShells
requestResourceAmount = 1
maxTargetingRange = 2500
bulletDrop = true
projectileColor = 255, 247, 0, 255

cannonShellPower = 1
cannonShellRadius = 10

minPitch = 0
maxPitch = 0
yawRange = 0
onlyFireInRange = false

maxHeat = 3600
heatPerShot = 25
heatLoss = 740

tracerStartWidth = 0.8
tracerEndWidth = 0.01
maxEffectiveDistance = 5000

showReloadMeter = true
reloadAudioPath = BDArmory/Parts/m1Abrams/sounds/reload

name = 20mmCannonShells
amount = 200
maxAmount = 200


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Wut? Is this already started? Hell, I need to -really really- look for the rules and announcement post to find it on the N-th page of a thread titled to 'gauging interest'.

I'd suggest starting a brand new thread where the first post tells that it's on and entries are welcome. If entries are still open - I'm lazy to read all of the last few pages to figure that out.

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Have I got good news for you people!




Granted, the sound is off and the muzzle flash is grotesk ... but that takes me back to the early days of IL2: Forgotten Battles, 12 years ago. Seeing a Fw 190A flying at you with all those guns blazing ...

Edited by Azimech
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Ok I will set up the WW2 thread then!

Will do that today later, when I am home.

Anyone can run the battles so that helps a lot :)

A resized Howitzer? You are a genius.

We can also tweak the hidden vulcan to use it as a .50

This is going to be epic.

Edit: we can also get sounds for the guns.

Edited by tetryds
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Maybe you should have a config for the basic jet so as to imitate the me 262 or gloster meteor or maybe a tweaked srb to recreate the me 163 komet (love how its spelt with a k in german).... Not even as participation craft, but as a standard to get an idea of how good your craft is before submitting a tournament..

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What I love about these videos is that I can see actual aerial combat maneuvers being performed. At one point two of the aircraft were locked in a vertical scissors maneuver that ended with one of them getting lead and getting the kill shot. Another was a wonderful display of a hi-lo yo-yo.

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Yop !

What about having the "WWII" letters on the edited parts , that way we can have a special WWII pack . Personally i'll raise down a bit the RPM to 500/550 , but let's see after some test !

I go make a test with you edited Howitzer :) & i must build something , i only got a old Bloch MB 131 a bit bigger .

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Ok I am writing the OP for the WW2 dogfight thread right now.

Maybe you should have a config for the basic jet so as to imitate the me 262 or gloster meteor or maybe a tweaked srb to recreate the me 163 komet (love how its spelt with a k in german).... Not even as participation craft, but as a standard to get an idea of how good your craft is before submitting a tournament..

Yes, I was thinking about that right after I posted, it seems like a good idea, we already have that small jet engine from AJE that can be used perfectly.

It will be very hard to make good fighters with them though, seems fun.

Yop !

What about having the "WWII" letters on the edited parts , that way we can have a special WWII pack . Personally i'll raise down a bit the RPM to 500/550 , but let's see after some test !

I go make a test with you edited Howitzer :) & i must build something , i only got a old Bloch MB 131 a bit bigger .

I believe that would be a bit too much, haha.

We mostly need balanced guns which compare to some WW2 guns, don't need to be replicas in performance, just fair.

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