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How low can you abort and survive?

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This is a fun and simple challenge to see how low you can abort a 3-man pod and have all of the kerbals survive. It is a quick time waster and should be fun. Now the rules!


Stock Aerodynamics

Stock Parts

Must be a 3-man pod

Maximum of 3 parachutes

Must get away from rocket with LES

The only part that MUST survive is pod

Must stay at KSC

No Hyperedit, config edits or physic altering

Must have 2 pictures, when you abort, and when you land safely

No EVA'ing kerbals

MUST go at least 1km in to the air

The scoreboard!

(Lowest Abort)

1. Foxster: 116m





(Beating yourself)






My Attempt

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Have fun!

Edited by HoloYolo
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Er am I missing something? You can do this from the surface.

I am not certain but here's what I think he means: Freefall without 'chutes from at least 1km and use an LES and decoupler at the lowest altitude and have the capsule survive.

Edited by Foxster
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Let me change the rules XD! Can you redo please?
You have to go at least 1km above the ground, decouple and escape using the LES as low as you can, and make the kerbals survive with max of 3 parachutes.
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You have to go at least 1km above the ground, decouple and escape using the LES as low as you can, and make the kerbals survive with max of 3 parachutes.

Not trying to be rude, but you can abort from any altitude usually. Otherwise the abort system would be flawed. "as low as you can above 1km" would be 1km.

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I'm sorry dude, but I just don't get it. As others said, the closest you can Abort to 1km is 1 km, which can be pinpointed by user of a specialised vehicle. But even in a proper launch, generally speaking the earlier you have to Abort the safer it is.

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