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ASET Props Pack. v1.5 (for the modders who create IVA)


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  On 4/8/2017 at 8:07 PM, alexustas said:

I do not know, sorry

All stock IVAs I worked with was correctly aligned


Basically waht is happening here, i spawn the IVA and it appears very far off center, then i move it to the 0,0,0 marker but any props placed inside it then have such an offset as i pasted, hence in game they are appearing far away from the cockpit.

As a workaround i created an empty gameObject, pulled the Internal Space Component to it and aligned the props in relation to this, unfortunately now they spawn inside the cockpit walls but i might be able to get around this somehow

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Hello, your mods are epic and I am having a ton of fun with them. I have a couple of questions and suggestions

Question: How in the ever loving hell does one make any sense out of / convert to these horrible quaternion rotations? I have the basic euler rotations from Unity, but the configs require quaternions, and I've tried EVERY online conversion calulator, tutorials, trial and error, and no matter what, not one thing ever works out remotely as intended, other than straight up and down or front/back, or copying the numbers from an existing config (which has been good enough so far, but I want to get into environmental ambiance like weirdly rotated cargo bags, etc., and isn't good enough for that)

Suggestions / Ideas:

1) A button or some such prop for changing the computer orientation of the pod in IVA (as in, the way that SAS and so on behave differently when a pod is placed sideways/upside down. A button similar to having clicked “control from here” on a differently facing part)
2) A Mercury-style periscope prop would be wonderful. Could work almost identically to the CRT monitor under the hood, but without the grainy image, or green tint, and with the zoom and pan and so forth mapped onto props that look like physical mechanical levers, + big metal circular pressure bracket.
3) Is it possible to make a pull-tab prop that fires a single direction of RCS (also Mercury-style) when activated? Such as when a tab is pulled, it acts as if you are holding down “W” only, until pushed back in. For really low tech pods or escape vehicles etc.
4) It would be awesome if there were a way to click and swap out the globes in the IMP(act?) indicator during flight, switching to another image in the folder. Then you could have the actual globe show you where you can land on the moon, or wherever else, and if implemented, this would inherently allow a great synergy with scansat, since you could export maps from scansat, toss them in the IMP folder, and get a globe with your current kerbal space program's actual level of knowledge of that celestial body for landing, as has been collected by scan probes!
5) A hatch handle prop to go on the docking node portions of the interiors, that when clicked will transfer the crew member into the connected living space if any.
6) This may already be a thing, but if so I can't figure it out: Is it possible to have the RCS joysticks actually draggable by mouse to control RCS? Similar to how the throttle works when dragged. Whenever I install RCS props, they look cool but are static.

Edited by Crimeo
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  On 4/10/2017 at 2:52 PM, Crimeo said:

but I want to get into environmental ambiance like weirdly rotated cargo bags, etc., and isn't good enough for that)


describe your problem in more detail, please


If to be brief, then:

Requests number 1 and 2  require modifications to the Part  model

Requests number 3, 5 and 6  a significant revision of the RPM plug-in

№4 was discussed here

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to all IVA builders

I spent the last few weeks on a complete redesign and refinement of such an important prop as a toggle switch and I started working on a similar concept related to Push-Buttons

Modular Toggle Switch complete guide



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Modular Push-Button early WIP guide


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DL: ASET Props Dev build

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  On 4/14/2017 at 6:20 PM, alexustas said:

describe your problem in more detail, please


The problem is that Unity displays all the rotations in 3 number Euler notation, but the configs require quaternions. I've looked up all the conversion calculators I could find and tried all kinds of intuitive guesses at how to convert as well (such as "use the converter, but maybe the first number in the config is supposed to be w thrn xyz instead of xyzw, etc)

Nothing ever works, items that I try to calculate the rotations for (euler to quaternion) always end up basically randomly rotated unpredictably. As in, in game, they look nothing like how they did in unity if I try any rotation on my own. Not even a clear consistent pattern to the errors...

I have had success for instrument panels by simply copying the initial rotations in the starting config before deleting those props. But if I want to add anything not perfectly aligned with a panel (like fire extinguishers, rescue beacons, crew manuals, cargo, etc), thrre is no existing reference, and I need to be able to calculate rotations.

The POSITION numbers unity gives all work perfectly, so I know my unity space is oriented correctly. It must be a fundamental euler to quaternion issue.

How do you guys come up with your quaternion values, basically?

Edited by Crimeo
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Ah, thank you! That did help. My problem was I was loading the underlying IVA models directly, i.e. from Blender, and not using the IVA spawn feature of part tools. Thus, that all-important "save to config" button did not exist / did not know that was a thing, which takes care of the quaternion calculations.

Everything is working fine now, except one occasional problem: A FEW of the props, only a small number of them, when "spawn" is clicked, fail to load a prop, giving the error "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" -- so far I've only seen this happen for 1) All of the primitive props, like the boxes and triangles, and 2) Most of the rotary switches, such as "FDAI_ErrorScaleSelector-01", "RES_DISP_ModeSelector" and the other props next to that in the list that are also rotary switches.

I thought maybe it was anything that shared one model with many versions, but not so, because, for example, all of the individual retrobutton SAS props work fine.

Looking at folder, all the config specified models and textures are right there, can't figure it out.

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@alexustas I'm updating kOSPropMonitor to the latest version of KSP and kOS and maybe adding a few more features. Would you like me to maintain a patch for ASET MFDs?

Also, I see on your YouTube channel that you have a version of the kOS Terminal prop where the numpad is working. Will you be making all the keyboard buttons work, or do they already? I can add a thing to make the buttons function for kOSPropMonitor.

Edited by dsonbill
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hey very nice work alex!

I got to dig into my log files for an other reason but I could find following lines:


[LOG 00:16:26.354] Load(Model): ASET/ASET_Props/Misc/Primitives/Primitive_TRIANGLE_90
[ERR 00:16:26.356] Texture 'ASET/ASET_Props/Misc/Primitives/PrimitiveDiffuse' not found!

[LOG 00:16:26.357] Load(Model): ASET/ASET_Props/Misc/Primitives/Primitive_TRIANGLE_90_Beveled
[ERR 00:16:26.359] Texture 'ASET/ASET_Props/Misc/Primitives/PrimitiveDiffuse' not found!


I'm using 1.4 installed by ckan. Spacedock is currently down so I could not check if the files are there in the zip...
In my case these files are not present and somehow requested by the parts. Anyhow it's a tiny thing and might not cause a problem yet.

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  On 4/29/2017 at 11:52 PM, Drew Kerman said:

What are your KSP texture settings in the game options? I'm willing to bet they are too low for decent textures to render in the displays. 


My texture settings are as following: (I do know you properly don't need most of the settings)

Anti-allasing: 2x

Texture quality: half res

Pixel light count: 30

Shadow cascades: 2

Conic patch draw mode: Dynamic

Conic patch limit: 5


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found this:


these are SwitcherCover_Black _Clear.cfg and SwitcherCover_Red.cfg - and this is after I fixed the red switch by replacing [#color] with <color=#color> - not sure what the text labels are supposed to be linked to... still new at this!

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  On 4/23/2017 at 12:42 AM, dsonbill said:

Also, I see on your YouTube channel that you have a version of the kOS Terminal prop where the numpad is working. Will you be making all the keyboard buttons work, or do they already? I can add a thing to make the buttons function for kOSPropMonitor.


It was basically an experiment. Only proof of concept. The resulting config code was extremely complicated and cumbersome. So I decided to remove this feature


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Ahh, yes it was. Thank you very much. These addons are

  On 3/15/2017 at 4:50 AM, alexustas said:


Hmm ... I do not see anything suspicious


Can you please repeat the same workflow with this option?

and can you remove "LonesomeRobots" folder for more cleaner logs?






more likely what "NavUtil" mod is outdated



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Regarding the Linux/OSX crashes, I'm on Linux and have done a bit of research. I installed RPM, ASET, and MK1-2 IVA in a clean install of KSP. I turned on the RPM debug, loaded the game and launched only the capsule. I did this twice and both times the game crashed after loading "swPush_THRTL_CUT". I went into MK1-2_ASETinternal.cfg and removed that section and tried again. This time it crashed right before where that switch was. I went back, put it back, and removed the section following it, "swPush_THRTL_FULL". This time the game progressed further before it crashed.

[LOG 14:21:40.337] [JSICallbackAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 90 (PanelDivider), supporting 1 callback animators.
[LOG 14:21:40.342] [JSIActionGroupSwitch]: Configuration complete in prop 91 (swPush_THRTL_CUT).
[LOG 14:21:40.343] [JSICallbackAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 91 (swPush_THRTL_CUT), supporting 1 callback animators.
[LOG 14:21:40.343] [JSICallbackAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 91 (swPush_THRTL_CUT), supporting 1 callback animators.
[LOG 14:21:40.346] [JSIVariableAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 92 (ALCORThrottleCtrl), supporting 1 variable indicators.
[LOG 14:21:40.347] [JSICallbackAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 92 (ALCORThrottleCtrl), supporting 2 callback animators.
[LOG 14:21:40.347] [JSICallbackAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 93 (DigitalIndicator_Throttle), supporting 1 callback animators.

I tried the same procedure but, instead of getting further, it went back to crashing right after that final PanelDivider. Don't know if this'll be of any help. But let me know if there's anything more I can try.

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  On 5/13/2017 at 5:20 AM, StarkRG said:

Regarding the Linux/OSX crashes, I'm on Linux and have done a bit of research. I installed RPM, ASET, and MK1-2 IVA in a clean install of KSP. I turned on the RPM debug, loaded the game and launched only the capsule. I did this twice and both times the game crashed after loading "swPush_THRTL_CUT". I went into MK1-2_ASETinternal.cfg and removed that section and tried again. This time it crashed right before where that switch was. I went back, put it back, and removed the section following it, "swPush_THRTL_FULL". This time the game progressed further before it crashed.

[LOG 14:21:40.337] [JSICallbackAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 90 (PanelDivider), supporting 1 callback animators.
[LOG 14:21:40.342] [JSIActionGroupSwitch]: Configuration complete in prop 91 (swPush_THRTL_CUT).
[LOG 14:21:40.343] [JSICallbackAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 91 (swPush_THRTL_CUT), supporting 1 callback animators.
[LOG 14:21:40.343] [JSICallbackAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 91 (swPush_THRTL_CUT), supporting 1 callback animators.
[LOG 14:21:40.346] [JSIVariableAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 92 (ALCORThrottleCtrl), supporting 1 variable indicators.
[LOG 14:21:40.347] [JSICallbackAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 92 (ALCORThrottleCtrl), supporting 2 callback animators.
[LOG 14:21:40.347] [JSICallbackAnimator]: Configuration complete in prop 93 (DigitalIndicator_Throttle), supporting 1 callback animators.

I tried the same procedure but, instead of getting further, it went back to crashing right after that final PanelDivider. Don't know if this'll be of any help. But let me know if there's anything more I can try.


Nice work, I can run similar experiments on Arch Linux if time permits and see if I can dig up some more information. Does anyone know of a Unity Bug that relates to this?

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Hello, I'm sure you've got your hands full already but it'd be nice if your LifeSupportMonitor could be expanded for compatibility with other LS mods, USI Life Support in particular since that seems to have become the new standard thanks to MKS.

Aside from that, I also want to thank you for your work on this pack. I saw your new Mk 1 Lander Can and instantly fell in love, and now I'm using the Unity Editor (for the first time!) to overhaul my other stock cockpit interiors to use the lovely new not-completely-glass-cockpit assets. Definitely won't turn out as nice looking as your lander can, but thankfully it's not too hard to improve on the vanilla Mk 1 capsule :)

Edit: Also, I'd love if "NASA_GaugeSngl_ABLATIVE" could display Deadly Reentry Continued's "AblativeShielding" resource which replaces stock's "Ablator" resource while using said mod. I wouldn't mind an alternate "NASA_GaugeSngl_DRCABLATIVE" to swap out via modulemanager in case of DRC, if it's not possible to make a single gauge display 'either or'.

Edit 2: Strangely, the Ablative gauge worked fine with DRC in an IVA I'm editing right now, but it doesn't seem to work in the Mk1 Lander Can's ASET IVA. I can't investigate tonight since it's almost 2AM now, but seems to not work consistently for some reason.

Edit 3: I've got a little complaint to make about your CRT Display part. I think this picture shows the problem well:

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The image in the spoiler is of the CRT in an IVA I put together for myself (though this complaint applies to your lander can IVA also), and as can be clearly seen the CRT's camera display is anything but clear to see. That's during a transition to the dark side of Kerbin, and not actually on the dark side of Kerbin yet. Even in ideal lighting conditions (mid day on the launch pad) it's next to impossible to see the camera display through the CRT's snow effect, so it probably needs to be toned down quite a bit. I'd suggest that the snow effect should never hinder the camera view, but still be just slightly visible for that CRT nostalgia.

Edited by Nerezza
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  • 2 weeks later...

It mostly works in 1.3.0 with the latest versions of MM and RPM; except that the text on the operations manuals, the life support screens, and the lights that indicate whether or not certain compatible mods are installed, is vertical instead of horizontal. Anybody know what might be causing this and/or how to fix it?

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  On 6/1/2017 at 2:38 AM, King Something said:

It mostly works in 1.3.0 with the latest versions of MM and RPM; except that the text on the operations manuals, the life support screens, and the lights that indicate whether or not certain compatible mods are installed, is vertical instead of horizontal. Anybody know what might be causing this and/or how to fix it?


Those props use an older way of displaying text in RPM that goes through stock KSP text display code that changed this release.  Once I figure out how to fix it, there will be an RPM update.

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