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Booking in for a flight, Eceron Station please.

Also, is it permitted to do two flights in the same turn?

Booked, and sorry you cant, you can land at one as a stop over in the same turn, but one flight only per turn..

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Oh Tim, you are a funny guy.. I suggest everyone loads up the current file and has a look, or for hose of you too lazy, this really was a \'home delivery\'...


And if you leave the focus on the ship too long.. opps.. someone isn\'t geting a tip...


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Important note for all..

I am away for the Abbey medieval tournament http://abbeytournament.com/welcome.htm anyone in Brisbane Queensland going could run into me with the 15th century Swiss group DTL - Das Törichte Leben .. .. from now until Monday...

Please consider a bit of self moderation <G> and don\'t explode/burn/destroy any thing, leave the house or have a party ... ... hmmm I guess none of the stander rules apply to Kerbal! ok, the food money is under the dirty washing up, at lest do some chores and send a message to the next person on the list when you are done with your turn!

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Salda007 it is your go! I shall bump Kerbalnaut down one..

Just saw this this afternoon. First flight ended in a LOCV(*)--my 'Flying Pig-4' flies like its namesake unless I draw from the centermost tank last. Trying again now...

(*-Loss of Crew and Vehicle)

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Okay, just got the suborbital-only 'Flying Pig-5' (*) out there. Lost the aerospike engine while taxiing over a stray hill near KSC-II (overshot the landing), but it was out of fuel anyway, so no big loss.


Also, it looks like sal_vager\'s ship is missing. I never saw anything but khyron42\'s ship, whether visually or through a target marker. Maybe someone who knows how to hack save files can edit sal\'s back in?

The flights listed in the tracking station (and where) are:

sjwt-Star01 (Mun)

X10 (Minmus)

Universal Lander One (Mun)

mun dragon (ERS) (Mun)

Alien Invader (Mun)

Ice Dancer (Minmus)

Quadra-lol (Minmus)

Minar-1 (Minmus)

Z-16-3 (Mun)

Double MiniMunshot (Minmus)

X-8 High Road (KSCII)

Pizza Delivery 1 (Minmus)

Flying Pig-5 (KSCII)

Save file attached.

Also, sign me up for another go! TO THE MUN, ALICE!

(*-Why, no, I wasn\'t all that optimistic when I started my spaceplane program. What makes you ask?)

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We successfully touched down 6 km form the pole, drove the lander to it. It is only a few minutes away form the true north, but due to the unpredictability of the tricycle rover, we are calling it a day.

I request another flight to the same base to resupply 'Santa Base' with supplies.

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uhhh.. mission control, this is captain stogas of the minmus orbiter m2-4, requesting permission to abort mission, i repeat, abort mission, one of our pilots have been temporarily relocated, expect us back soon, over..

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The EZ MiniMun IIEB lander has landed at the Minmus north pole. This rocket was a modification by closette to my own design, which can be found here along with some other designs: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=13953.msg216527#msg216527

Oh and also I accidentally bumped into your ship, zekes, which moved it a little. I hope you don\'t mind.

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Mission M2-4 is a success, Minmus Lander M2-4 successfully landed at Eceron Station, despite having a leak to blame for losing one tank of RCS fuel..

Full photo of the Eceron Station:


Minmus Lander M2-4 on the far right. While being higher than the other similar landers in the station, it did bring an additional ASAS module, feel free to use it as spare parts for any fixing of your craft\'s damage.

Notes: I took the liberty of re-braking sal_vager\'s Ice Dancer, since it was moving toward\'s Tim_Barret\'s X10 again. Also, I contracted the landing gear on the X10, since it was moving towards the Ice Dancer too (The X10 can stand perfectly with them contracted, don\'t worry Tim).

I also got the Pizza Delivery 1 standing again, since it was lying on the ground when I found it:


I hope nobody is angry with me tinkering with their craft, sincere apologies if you are. ;)

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