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Fan Theory - Kerbals not Native to Kerbin


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  Xyphos said:
I think ScanSat is a mod, not stock.

I don't have said mod and I don't have said part(s).

Anomalies - like that ziggurat- are in the stock game. If you are really really patient, you can find all those, without the mods I mentioned.

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The almost universal observation that Kerbals can't take their suits off can be disregarded as evidence, thanks to another simple observation:

In Career mode, you can't EVA anywhere but Kerbin until the Astronaut Center is up to a certain level. This suggests that the suits aren't airtight until then, implying that Kerbals can, indeed, breathe the atmosphere at some capacity.

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I just figure that A: perhaps the helmet doesn't come off, so the Kerbal would have to take off the whole suit, and B: Kerbals are aquatic. We can't go underwater, so for all we know there are vast cities down there. Indoors they can climate-control the buildings to keep them humid so they don't dry out, but in general it's too inconvenient to build cities on land. The KSC is only on land because launching from the seafloor would be a huge pain.

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What if the whole universe is just a simulation? What if every kerbal was just a randomly generated piece of code!?! That world explain the crazy physcs and the lack of cities and everything!!! It's almost like the world is limited by the computer it's run on!!!!!!

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  dbmorpher said:
What if the whole universe is just a simulation? What if every kerbal was just a randomly generated piece of code!?! That world explain the crazy physcs and the lack of cities and everything!!! It's almost like the world is limited by the computer it's run on!!!!!!
You're right! Get the tinfoil!
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I thought of a neat story about the "Kerman" clan a week or two ago, I'm developing it as a story...

Interesting that your theory is not too dissimilar to mine... but mine has a nice twist to it. :)

If I ever get the time, I'll develop it and post it.

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  dbmorpher said:
What if the whole universe is just a simulation? What if every kerbal was just a randomly generated piece of code!?! That world explain the crazy physcs and the lack of cities and everything!!! It's almost like the world is limited by the computer it's run on!!!!!!

The PC I'm running it on means the entire planet should be one giant city bahaha

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Nice theory!

I've always thought that they lived underground. It would explain how they can be cooped up in a tiny capsule for over a year and be completely fine. They are used to living in tight spaces.

There are rational explanations for why the KSC is above ground, where nothing else is. The VAB and launch pad are above ground because a giant mechanical lift would need to be very powerful... easier to build on the surface and move it across to the launch pad... also accidental explosions in a confined environment are much more devastating than in an open space... that also explains the fuel tanks. The tracking station needs to be above ground obviously.

Doesn't explain why the admin building or research buildings need to be above ground though.

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  Tourist said:
Doesn't explain why the admin building or research buildings need to be above ground though.

R&D is as explosive as the launchpad so is on the surface for the same reason. Besides, it has a telescope that needs to see the sky.

Admin is just 1 small office in a large building that happened to have a bit of extra space. The bulk of the building is the morgue, where bits of unlucky Kerbals are decontaminated prior to being sent back to their families in used coffee cans ("Here's what we found of your Kerbal. Please clean and return the can."). The pond beside Admin is really the containment for the runoff from the decontamination process (which is why it has different properties from the ocean). Because most of Admin's business is dealing with the paperwork incident to fatalities, it made sense to colocate it in the morgue.

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  ElJugador said:
The almost universal observation that Kerbals can't take their suits off can be disregarded as evidence, thanks to another simple observation:

In Career mode, you can't EVA anywhere but Kerbin until the Astronaut Center is up to a certain level. This suggests that the suits aren't airtight until then, implying that Kerbals can, indeed, breathe the atmosphere at some capacity.

I can dismiss it simpler than that. The VAB and SPH doors are open. Unless they have Star Trek force fields, those engineers running around the floor would be dead.

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  Alshain said:
I can dismiss it simpler than that. The VAB and SPH doors are open. Unless they have Star Trek force fields, those engineers running around the floor would be dead.

But OTOH, you never see the doors open from the outside.....

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  Geschosskopf said:
But OTOH, you never see the doors open from the outside.....

And for all we know what we see outside those doors is nothing more than projection being shown on them to make them feel like all is normal.

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No. When inside, the doors are open because you're inside already. When outside, they scramble to close doors as quickly as possibly, because they know what happens when you are outside with a brand new rocket.

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  Mipe said:
No. When inside, the doors are open because you're inside already. When outside, they scramble to close doors as quickly as possibly, because they know what happens when you are outside with a brand new rocket.

But leaving the doors open would ruin the clean-room conditions in which spacecraft must be assembled. So there's some barrier in place and the view of the outside is an illusion of some sort (force field, mural, etc.). I personally favor the force field because trucks drive through the apparent opening. I think it's like the force field on the Deathstar's landing bays, more or less transparent and able to filter out air but allow ships and trucks through it.

But OTOH, from inside it always looks like its daylight outside. Why? Obviously to make the night shift more productive. If they think it's actually daytime, they won't be as sleepy on the job :). So somehow the force field provides the illusion of daylight.

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  Geschosskopf said:
But leaving the doors open would ruin the clean-room conditions in which spacecraft must be assembled. So there's some barrier in place and the view of the outside is an illusion of some sort (force field, mural, etc.). I personally favor the force field because trucks drive through the apparent opening. I think it's like the force field on the Deathstar's landing bays, more or less transparent and able to filter out air but allow ships and trucks through it.

But OTOH, from inside it always looks like its daylight outside. Why? Obviously to make the night shift more productive. If they think it's actually daytime, they won't be as sleepy on the job :). So somehow the force field provides the illusion of daylight.

Maybe the VAB has some sort of timewarp feature and all spacecraft construction actually DOES take place during the day. Plus, I'm pretty sure we see clouds a lot in the promotional videos, so I think they actually do exist on Kerbin in some capacity, even as a very transient phenomenon. Besides, parallax puts the 'lie' in this argument.

Also, you didn't address my ingenious rebuttal

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  linuxgurugamer said:
Remember, the answer is 42, but they don't know the question

That would explain sooo much...

Imagine Douglas Noel Kerman thinking, plotting...

42 Boosters? 42 Struts? 42 Parachutes?...

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  oliv897 said:
So this has been on my mind for awhile now and the more i play the more it becomes at least to me more credible.

My theory is that Kerbal's do not come from Kerbin, if we take a look at the Space Agency we can clearly see that it is the only sign of civilization on the entire planet, now I have noticed other things such as we NEVER see any Kerbal outside (does this mean the air is toxic?) the few we do see (ship crew) always wear a space suit even on the surface with no option(yet) to remove it (another tip that the atmosphere is Toxic?)

My theory states that not only do they not originate from Kerbin but that they and the premise of the game is to research enough on space travel in order to find a way home, now if we think for a moment that these are abandoned/lost colonists that would explain their stupidity and also their lack of understanding but also allow for the closeness they show to me and you.. everyday people.

I think they're Colonists that have lost contact from their home planet and are now doing all they can to find a way back home and they need our help!

There is much more evidence to support this as well such as we only know them as Kerbals that would be the correct way to label a person or being from the planet Kerbin, now what if they are cut off? an example we are Human, not Earthlings(we are but officially we're human) now if we sent colonists to Mars and then cut contact, surely in ooh a few generations they'd simply refer to themselves as Martian? not Human?

This is what's been on my mind and I thought I'd post it here to get some more feedback on it and see if any other players have noticed anything that would support this?

One of NASA's deep space mission testing survival of rodents, I believe it was gerbals, was thrown off course by a passing neutron star and landed on the Kraken home world. Unfortunately long space flight disturbed the rodent species specific gender recognition and well, long story short Kerbals appears, much to the displeasure of the Kraken who were forced to leave and occupy various odd places in the system (though there seems to be some lingering strange attraction to the launch pad).

Occams razon, why create a long complicated myth when a short one suffices (and answers two questions at once).

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  • 6 months later...

I believe Nova Silsko had a plan for the easter eggs that went very similar along the lines of this.

Nova Silsko: " The "plan", for a narrative loosely connecting easter eggs, as was originally imagined by me, was that a long, long time ago, a precursor civilization to the Kerbals had lived in the same solar system. This is evidenced by the face on Duna, the SSTV signal, Vallhenge, the Monoliths, etc.

Their home planet, however, was lost due to a severe miscalculation of the parameters of their interstellar travel system (maybe the player could've gotten their hands on the tech, but that's a bit of a lame way to acquire interstellar travel, being forced to jump through a bunch of hoops and calculate a bunch of stuff...), which resulted in the whole planet being placed in an extremely distant orbit around the sun, where it quickly froze and died. The rapidly dwindling population of survivors managed to launch numerous monoliths across the system, in hopes of seeding intelligent life.

Their plan failed. They made Kerbals.

This planet would not be visible in the map view, or discoverable through any telescope. To find it would require the player to locate several SSTV signals (these and the monuments were the equivalent of what flags are today for Kerbals - a "look, we were here") around the system. Each signal would normally contain a complete list of orbital parameters for the home planet, but over millions of years of degradation, only a snippet would remain.

Once the orbital elements of the planet had been found after decoding and analyzing enough signals, its current position could be calculated with reasonable accuracy, and a mission sent out. Once found, the planet would reveal itself as just a bit smaller than Kerbin, covered in frozen cities, abandoned monuments, oceans frozen solid, and an atmosphere long lost to the depths of space. This far out, the sun might even not light up the world too much, leaving it in a perpetual state of twilight. A very, very, very unusual and alien world.

On the subject of the first SSTV signal - it depicts four precursor critters standing by their monument, their home planet, and the symbol of the planet's world government, a universal sign of peace and exploration. A number would have been added later on, as Duna's contribution to the orbital solution."


Source: http://pastebin.com/3vvjushy  

Maybe someone should make a mod in the future based off the original story for the easter eggs, I would download it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Edited by DoctorpooandtheTURDIS
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If Kerbals aren't native to Kerbin, then why are there a whole bunch of companies and organisations asking for help from the space program? I mean if they were stranded and trying to get home, then why would companies exist at all? The point of different companies is that they are all trying to compete for your purchases, but if they were stranded and trying to get home they would all work together.

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