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Whats your favourite part?


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I was just wondering what your favourite part is when you are building either space planes or rockets and why. It can either be a stock or modded part.

Mine would have to be a simple parachute because without it I cant get my Kerbals home!

Hopefully this post might introduce other players to parts they may have never used before :)

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Poodle Engine! It's very compact and it's an excellent space engine... It's been a while since I last used the nuclear engine so I can't call it the best overall vacuum engine but it's great for landing and generally moving around. I also like LT-2 Landing Struts because they aren't LT-1 Landing Struts.

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Hhhmm... it is a tie between the LV909, docking port juniors, or struts once I have these Kerbins SOI is my oister.

My least favorite are the lifting engines minus the Rhino

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or Mk2 Lander Can in stock.

Interesting, a lot of people actually don't like the lander can on the basis that's it dosn't fit in with other parts. Not criticizing you though.

Mine would be the Jumbo-64. Cuz it's orange.

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And for this it is my favorite part. All hail the Cubic strut!


Indeed All hail the Cubic Octagonal Strut!

And for similar reasons, all hail the small nose cone!

These two parts with their ability to be radially attached adding attachment nodes without using any up make them some of the most useful parts imaginable. . . . the smallest circular RCS tank also has it, but I use it much less frequently.

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Assuming we're talking about stock parts, I think I have to go with the LV-909. That said, the Skipper (for undetermined reasons) also has a special place in my arsenal. I just have a fondness for those intermediate misfit engines.

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Personally, my favorite part(s) are the KSP Interstellar Warp drives.

Sorry orbital mechanics, I've got places to go and things to do.

Sure I could do orbital transfers if I wanted to, but who likes waiting for transfer windows? Not me.

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There's a little orange 2.5m engine from SXT that I simply can't live without if I'm doing conventional landers.

Failing that, imma be dull and say airbrakes, because they save every mission every time.

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