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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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5 minutes ago, tater said:

assuming, as in another suggestion that this is mostly a cfg issue, and not some modeling nightmare!

Adding MFT-LV tanks for the proposed ModularServiceModule would just be a matter of config file work (quite a bit of it... but no modeling, texture, or code work should be needed).  Setup the model definitions (and texture sets, and solar positioning setups, and fairing setups), add the new CORE definitions to the MSM part config, and it should all 'just work' from there.

(I already have intentions on offering both the 8-tank and flat octagonal form factors as MSM body variants -- but currently working on getting the implementation/back-end code functional before I spend any more time on configs)

On that note, the new animation/solar panel code is coming along nicely.  A little bit of initial in-game testing last night with the new module setup on the MSM, and the animations were playing properly (at least in the editor).  Didn't get around to testing any of the solar panel functions, but that should be ready for testing tonight.

Next bit of new code development will be on the RCS-fuel-type switching feature.  Already have the code for it, but it is not in a place that can easily be used by other PartModules, so it will be going the same route as the Animation and Solar code -- a centralized class that handles all RCS fuel-selection related functions that can easily be added and linked into existing PartModule code.  Results in slightly longer PartModule classes (by number of lines code), but most of the added code is simple boilerplate setup code to add UI controls to the part right-click menu and link those UI fields into the new container class (the container class internally handles all updating of those fields... but the fields have to be defined in the PartModule itself... a KSP limitation).

After I get this initial use of the code working (on the MSM), and all of the functions and features implemented, then I get the fun task of going back to the existing PartModules and reworking them to integrate the new code (ModularStationCore, ModularBooster, stand-alone solar panel, animation, and lights PartModules).

One solar panel related 'feature' that I have currently not carried over is the 'panel lock' and manual rotation feature.  Not sure as I'm going to either, as there is simply no way to accommodate for it in the KSP part-action setup -- I need an arbitrary number of UI controls, one for each 'pivot' in the model (the model can have from zero to infinite pivots) -- KSP demands that you setup UI controls in advance in the code, and cannot add them dynamically -- thus there is no way to properly handle the UI setup for it using standard part right-click menu.  I could potentially make up a new GUI for it.... but that is quite a lot of work for a feature that will see limited use (and was of questionable utility to begin with).

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19 minutes ago, tater said:

3.125m COS M part docked to Orion. The new LC tank with panels looks just like the octagonal PPE units proposed for DSG. Perhaps MFT-L could be a SM core type to point to? (assuming, as in another suggestion that this is mostly a cfg issue, and not some modeling nightmare!)

I will do that tonight (if I manage to get out of work before 10...). By the way, I had a rescaled version of the Orion to 3.125m. I have to fix it because it does not work with last few update.  Compared to the 2.5m Apollo it's almost to scale. If you want I can send it to you. (I also have a 1.875 Soyuz.)


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Nice, that might give me some cfg modding to play with to see if I can do it without mucking things up too badly.

A Fregat looking probe SM (like jumbo's pic above) is something I'd love to see---just because I love the way that tank looks when they are spherical, and now I want to use them for everything, lol.

1 minute ago, RedParadize said:

I will do that tonight (if I manage to get out of work before 10...). By the way, I had a rescaled version of the Orion to 3.125m. I have to fix it because it does not work with last few update.  Compared to the 2.5m Apollo it's almost to scale. If you want I can send it to you. (I also have a 1.875 Soyuz.)


The 3.125m Orion is also in @JoseEduardo's SSTU expansion mod (sort of out of spec for 1.3.1 right now).

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4 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:


Hehe, quiet devs (usually) = busy devs :)


Still ripping into the animation handling across all of the part-modules.  Yesterday/last night saw the conversion of the SSTUAnimateLight module to use the new system.  Even went a few extra steps, and now do run-time compiling of the emissive and light animations -- should be more performant, and reduce garbage generation for handling those animations (it wasn't bad before, but now is even better).  The module takes the float-curves that are defined in the part-config, locates all of the transforms/etc, and turns the float-curves into Unity AnimationCurves->AnimationClips->Animation Components that are added into the prefab part's transforms.  Ohh, and you don't need to touch the Unity editor for any of it (can even add new light/emissive animations to existing parts that previously lacked them if you provide an emissive texture).

It is actually going to be a bit more work than I had at first anticipated, so might take another week or so to finish up.  About 1/2 done with the code-side work currently, but then still need to go back through and fix all of the configs that will need to be adjusted.  Thankfully (so far) it looks like the breakage is limited to animation states, but will know more after I get a few more modules' converted and try loading up some old craft/saves.  Once I have all of the information, I'll post a list of what parts will be effected, and to what extent.  Some will have more problems than others, simply because the PartModules within the part will be changing, and KSP code sometimes has issues with that (it mostly loads correctly with modules add/removed... but only mostly).

One previously unrealized potential from all of this -- who would be interested in some fuel tank mounts that have integrated landing struts?  (not suspension-based, but rigid/animated)   Should be entirely doable after this code rework pass is done.  As the MFT module will support animated bodies/noses/mounts (for cargo bay use), it would be possible to include a mount that has a built-in set of animated and deployable landing struts.  (pending modeling/texturing time of course)

Another 'new' feature will be the support for looping animations, and compound animation setups.  Can have a single 'compound' animation setup that will play one animation clip to its end, and then loop another.  Spinning antenna dishes, blinking lights, etc.  Not sure where exactly that I would use this feature... but its a feature that should be available.

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57 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:

One previously unrealized potential from all of this -- who would be interested in some fuel tank mounts that have integrated landing struts?  (not suspension-based, but rigid/animated)   Should be entirely doable after this code rework pass is done.  As the MFT module will support animated bodies/noses/mounts (for cargo bay use), it would be possible to include a mount that has a built-in set of animated and deployable landing struts.  (pending modeling/texturing time of course)

Yes, lol.

Out of curiosity, would such code also permit something like the Dragon 2 hinged docking port fairing for possible future crew vehicles? 

Some of the horizontal lander concepts (biconics, etc) could possibly have such a nose cone on them so they could be docked to a transfer vehicle, then the cover secured for the entry phase, for example (I don't recall seeing this in concept art, but it seems pretty reasonable to me). 

57 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:

Another 'new' feature will be the support for looping animations, and compound animation setups.  Can have a single 'compound' animation setup that will play one animation clip to its end, and then loop another.  Spinning antenna dishes, blinking lights, etc.  Not sure where exactly that I would use this feature... but its a feature that should be available.

That's pretty cool, though.



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22 minutes ago, tater said:

Yes, lol.

Out of curiosity, would such code also permit something like the Dragon 2 hinged docking port fairing for possible future crew vehicles?

Potentially, sure.  The adapter models would of course have to be built (and configured) with that in mind -- it would need an attach node that was underneath the hinged portion for docking port to be attached to.  The hinged portion would need colliders in order to prevent docking when it was closed.

Another so far un-mentioned possibility from 'animated adapters' would be your desired 'landing strut' setups for the surface-based inflatable HAB parts.  Built-in.  (possibly with airlocks...).  (of course, pending the models actually being created)

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True, that would definitely leverage the existing parts to already have a lot of work into. Such horizontal adapters could also contain a hatch oriented for surface EVA, and might even fit COS parts as well (or a variant with shorter legs, I suppose). More uses, same total part count. :D

I'm sure with a little thought there might be other, novel concepts possible.

For example, a deployable sun-shield adapter? Such a shield could be used on "zero boil off" cryo tanks (orbital prop depot concepts nearly always include this). Perhaps like a petal adapter in look, but with something between the petals? (have to look at concept art for these).


In the soyuz docking time-lapse, above, the spinning radar is cool, but of course it locks in on, then points once on the final approach (around 1 minute in on vid).

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Is there any way to selectively install sections of this mod?  I LOVE the engines and fuel tanks but the whole mod slows down my KSP so bad it's incredibly frustrating.  I am running a low spec computer that runs stock KSP just fine.

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Added angle snap patch for all docking ports, including SSTU:

Launched and docked the "saddle" side stages for Duna 1. There was a tiny Fregat-like upper stage that did the rendezvous within RCS range of docking the side tanks.


D1 in LDO. The craft at the front is the sortie lander. The mission was to land, collect science over a few days, then come back to be comfortable in the centrifuge hab (lab is directly behind the orbital CM, based on Orion).:



Ready to get her feet dirty...



Lander upper stage returns to Duna 1. Orbital science, and close Ike flyby was also accomplished.


When the return window opened, she headed back for kerbin, and using the Mun managed a 100km LKO for rendezvous with the crew return vehicle.

Duna mission 2 will sortie the same vehicle to Ike with the lander before examining another region of Duna after refilling the central tank, and adding 2 more side tanks. There has been discussion about adding two small,  pure "drop tanks" to the saddle boosters. This mission profile would have all 3 motors burn the TDI burn, then transfer propellant to the semi-depleted central tank, dumping the drop tanks. There will then be a small amount of propellant remaining for Dunian orbital injection, Ike orbit insertion, etc, retaining all the central tank propellants for the TKI and KOI burns.

Edited by tater
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6 hours ago, Delta_6 said:

Is there any way to selectively install sections of this mod?  I LOVE the engines and fuel tanks but the whole mod slows down my KSP so bad it's incredibly frustrating.  I am running a low spec computer that runs stock KSP just fine.

Yes, you can remove parts from the mod, I believe in legacy, the first post talks about it in relation to just using for other mods without it's parts...

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7 hours ago, Delta_6 said:

Is there any way to selectively install sections of this mod?  I LOVE the engines and fuel tanks but the whole mod slows down my KSP so bad it's incredibly frustrating.  I am running a low spec computer that runs stock KSP just fine.

I beg to differ about the solution @RW-1 mentioned. I don't think there is a Legacy folder.

Although you could pretty easily remove a few part config files the textures would still load and take up RAM. It would not be worth the trouble to delete specific textures.

If you are having low performance, don’t install the PBR extras, run KSP in 64bit.

otherwise SSTU should increase performance because it lets you use 1 part where stock might take 6-10 by having built in RCS, etc which reduces physics calculations.


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I made a sort of dragon 2 inspired Orion orbital module tonight to retrieve my Duna crew from LKO.

It's an Orion OM, a smaller diameter than the capsule tank, and 6 draco engines canted outward from the OM bottom. At the very bottom is a full sized heat shield (light). I threw a few solar panels, as well as 4  of the KF large hydraulic legs (smallified to 0.38 I think). The thing can deorbit, and land propulsively, though the piloting is sometimes non-trivial :) .

The worst part is not knowing where it's going to land. With some rare for me quick saves, I managed to land it between the mountains and KSC. I never managed to blow it up, but I really wanted to land at KSC. None the less, pretty entertaining.

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On 12/10/2017 at 12:34 PM, Nightside said:

I beg to differ about the solution @RW-1 mentioned. I don't think there is a Legacy folder.

Although you could pretty easily remove a few part config files the textures would still load and take up RAM. It would not be worth the trouble to delete specific textures.

If you are having low performance, don’t install the PBR extras, run KSP in 64bit.

otherwise SSTU should increase performance because it lets you use 1 part where stock might take 6-10 by having built in RCS, etc which reduces physics calculations.


The mod doesn't slow in flight gameplay, it increases time to the loading process but of course any large mod will do that, the main thing that frustrates me is in the VAB or SPH the part sections lag like a [snip] when I scroll into the SSTU parts in those sections.  Also it takes ages to exit the game, the main screens take so long to load when coming out of the game proper.

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5 hours ago, tater said:

I made a sort of dragon 2 inspired Orion orbital module tonight to retrieve my Duna crew from LKO.

It's an Orion OM, a smaller diameter than the capsule tank, and 6 draco engines canted outward from the OM bottom. At the very bottom is a full sized heat shield (light). I threw a few solar panels, as well as 4  of the KF large hydraulic legs (smallified to 0.38 I think). The thing can deorbit, and land propulsively, though the piloting is sometimes non-trivial :) .

Dude!!!   Screenshots or it never happened. You know how things work here!  :wink:

BTW: You could try Kerbal Reusability Expansion, it has most of the SpaceX strapon parts like the Draco pods. I tend to use these to land without parachutes, you only need 300dV of fuel so I patched them to contain a little fuel and lowered the thrust to match the SSTU super dracos. No recoloring support but it looks cool none-the-less.

49 minutes ago, Theysen said:

Can we rename the default MFT-L textures to Kapton or MLI  instead of Gold Foil?
The assumption of using gold as insulation material has to die! :P:D

Dreams were just shattered!!!!!

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2 hours ago, Theysen said:

Can we rename the default MFT-L textures to Kapton or MLI  instead of Gold Foil?
The assumption of using gold as insulation material has to die! :P:D

Gotta play around with new toys :wink: .

Besides, those NASA guys have something to do with it:




Yeah, the artist renderings vary a lot. Some are gold mylar (MLI), some are aluminized mylar (MLI), some are bare metal, some are white or gray or orange thermal blanket.


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17 hours ago, Nightside said:

I beg to differ about the solution @RW-1 mentioned. I don't think there is a Legacy folder.

Although you could pretty easily remove a few part config files the textures would still load and take up RAM. It would not be worth the trouble to delete specific textures.

If you are having low performance, don’t install the PBR extras, run KSP in 64bit.

otherwise SSTU should increase performance because it lets you use 1 part where stock might take 6-10 by having built in RCS, etc which reduces physics calculations.


My apologies, I must have missed where he said it was affecting performance, I was just referring to removing all the parts (parts folder) for what he may not want to use in the VAB. Sure leaving all those textures that have to load would still  kill it, kinda glad I updated my rig last year.


I have another stupid question, for the docking cam in RPM on the SSTU capsules, I'm only seeing the metal back texture of the built in docking port, or if a custom port install that SSTU docking port, possible solution?  I know it must be another simple thing I'm missing.

But overall I'm re-loving KSP with the transition to IVA and the wonderful cockpits by ASET!

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On 12/10/2017 at 6:36 AM, Delta_6 said:

Is there any way to selectively install sections of this mod?  I LOVE the engines and fuel tanks but the whole mod slows down my KSP so bad it's incredibly frustrating.  I am running a low spec computer that runs stock KSP just fine.

Not really.  Due to lots of texture and model sharing between parts, there is no clean way to split the mod up.

It can be done, but only with considerable effort.  Basically you have to pick what parts you want to keep, and then go through every config file associated with those parts to note the models and texture names that need to be kept (part.cfg, model-data.cfg, texture-set.cfg).  This is sometimes non-obvious, as a simple thing like an engine also requires all of the models and textures for the mounts and adapters.

On the bright side of that -- I currently have it in my TODO notes to reduce the texture resolution for the diff/spec/met/ao textures for the recolorable parts.  Should result in a massive decrease in RAM use when just the default install is used.  Might see this implemented in one of the next few releases (if it doesn't muddy up the textures too much).


1 hour ago, RW-1 said:

I have another stupid question, for the docking cam in RPM on the SSTU capsules, I'm only seeing the metal back texture of the built in docking port, or if a custom port install that SSTU docking port, possible solution?  I know it must be another simple thing I'm missing.

Likely the RPM camera position/config is configured incorrectly.  Could be either in the models, or in the config.  Generally the SSTU parts with built-in docking ports -should- have viable docking camera transforms.  But I don't use RPM, so they have never been tested. (nor do I have any way to know if they were 'fixed' if I were to adjust them).

Sadly, not sure what to tell you on this one.  Short of someone taking a look at the models who also knows about RPM, it is not something that I'll be working on.  If someone can tell me exactly what needs to be done (e.g. move 'transform XXXX up 0.15m on X axis), I can likely get it fixed up, but I do not have the time or patience to find/download/setup RPM just to test a feature that I will never use and have no interest in.


3 hours ago, Theysen said:

Can we rename the default MFT-L textures to Kapton or MLI  instead of Gold Foil?
The assumption of using gold as insulation material has to die!

Its not intended to be made of gold.  It is simply gold colored.  And as the precise material in use is different and varied between parts using the color, 'gold foil' was the most appropriately generic and descriptive name.  Perhaps 'golden colored foil' would be a bit more apt, but is a far more cumbersome description.

You can, of course, patch the name in your personal game if it bugs you that badly.  Find the TexturesUnlimited/PresetColors.cfg, and patch the 'title=' line for the gold foil entry to say whatever you want in the GUI (don't patch the name=XXX entry, or you'll break all the configs using that color).


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1 hour ago, Shadowmage said:

Not really.  Due to lots of texture and model sharing between parts, there is no clean way to split the mod up.

It can be done, but only with considerable effort.  Basically you have to pick what parts you want to keep, and then go through every config file associated with those parts to note the models and texture names that need to be kept (part.cfg, model-data.cfg, texture-set.cfg).  This is sometimes non-obvious, as a simple thing like an engine also requires all of the models and textures for the mounts and adapters.

On the bright side of that -- I currently have it in my TODO notes to reduce the texture resolution for the diff/spec/met/ao textures for the recolorable parts.  Should result in a massive decrease in RAM use when just the default install is used.  Might see this implemented in one of the next few releases (if it doesn't muddy up the textures too much).


Likely the RPM camera position/config is configured incorrectly.  Could be either in the models, or in the config.  Generally the SSTU parts with built-in docking ports -should- have viable docking camera transforms.  But I don't use RPM, so they have never been tested. (nor do I have any way to know if they were 'fixed' if I were to adjust them).

Sadly, not sure what to tell you on this one.  Short of someone taking a look at the models who also knows about RPM, it is not something that I'll be working on.  If someone can tell me exactly what needs to be done (e.g. move 'transform XXXX up 0.15m on X axis), I can likely get it fixed up, but I do not have the time or patience to find/download/setup RPM just to test a feature that I will never use and have no interest in.


Its not intended to be made of gold.  It is simply gold colored.  And as the precise material in use is different and varied between parts using the color, 'gold foil' was the most appropriately generic and descriptive name.  Perhaps 'golden colored foil' would be a bit more apt, but is a far more cumbersome description.

You can, of course, patch the name in your personal game if it bugs you that badly.  Find the TexturesUnlimited/PresetColors.cfg, and patch the 'title=' line for the gold foil entry to say whatever you want in the GUI (don't patch the name=XXX entry, or you'll break all the configs using that color).


SI, I wouldn't expect you too if it is within RPM. I could go there to ask, but it's no biggie in my mind, was just getting spoiled by the IVA docking cam. Could place an external and go that route as well. No worries.

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40 minutes ago, tater said:

LOL, it never even occurred to me someone might assume anyone else thought the foil used was actual gold, vs just gold colored.

Most of the time it is aluminized polyimide (usually more yellow than gold). But MLI sometimes have a tin layer of gold on it. Its better against corrosion from ultraviolet light and x-rays. 

Edited by RedParadize
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