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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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11 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

Is this the way to use the Saddle Truss, or am I just being autistic?  I can't get a tank in there any other way for some reason.


Disable the stock angle-snap in the editor -- it interferes with placement of parts on the inside of other parts (also helps with cargo bays/etc).

If you want decouplers, then yes, how you have it is about as correct as it can be (can use regular stock radial decouplers as well).  You can also just surface mount the tanks inside of the saddle if you don't want decouplers.  Using docking ports is also possible, but tricky due to KSPs tree-based hierarchy (you have to use the re-root tool a couple of times to get it working with surface-attached docking ports).

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15 hours ago, Pipwup said:

Welp when the game launches... It don't launch and sticks to a .smf file, tried for hours fixing, any solution gets the game and mod buggy.

As @Jimbodiah stated -- we'll need more information.  What version of KSP are you using (KSP 1.4+ is unsupported)?  Did you install the dependencies (need TU, KSPWheel, CRP, ModuleManager)?  Did you provide a log file?

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5 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

As @Jimbodiah stated -- we'll need more information.  What version of KSP are you using (KSP 1.4+ is unsupported)?  Did you install the dependencies (need TU, KSPWheel, CRP, ModuleManager)?  Did you provide a log file?

Yeah ok i was running 1.4 so imma just go back to 1.3

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On 17/04/2018 at 12:42 AM, Shadowmage said:

(I promise, I'm working on getting everything fixed for 1.4 as fast as I can, and lots of stuff is 'working', but still a lot is very much broken; still going to be at least a few weeks... I'll try to narrow down that timeframe when I know more)

It takes as long as it takes :) Totally going to be worth the wait. Probably about time i get KS3P though going by those screenies :D

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General Development Update:

More work over the weekend on cleaning up configs for model defs, texture sets, and modular parts.  At this point there are only a few errors left in the log that need to be addressed, all on parts that have not yet started the update process (Station Core, MSRB, RCS).  I'll be focusing this week on the remaining misc. error cleanup and getting the majority of the 'general' parts back into functional and 'finished' state -- ISDC, MHS, RBDC, DSP, WDP, etc.

Once that is finished, it should only leave the few 'big' part series to finish cleaning up/fixing up (StationCore, MSRB, MUS).  These should already be mostly functional (aside from configs needing to be updated), but most still have a few of their features that need implementations finished (SRB engines, MUS RCS, StationCore solar-panel selection).

Closer....slowly but steadily....   Later this week/next week I'll try and put together a progress report on what all is left to do so that you guys can see where things stand. 

I have not scrapped the concepts for the 'satellite core' and 'modular service module' parts.  I intend on working on these parts after the current 'rework' updating is done.


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32 minutes ago, FrancoisH said:

As long as we don't wait like we waited for this one...

Hehe, I think it'll look a bit better than that mess (and better than most other KSP setups as well :) )



Working on going through each part, marking which ones are fully working, and which ones still need work done on them (models/textures/config/code).


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11 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

Clean your camera lens please.

Hehe, yeah, the KS3P default settings are....overdone.  You should have seen it with the 'lens dirt' effect still in place (its an actual thing...) -- it was quite ridiculous.

Once I'm a bit further along with SSTU, I'm going to take the time to tweak them a bit.  Turn down/remove the vignette, turn down the darkening from wherever, decrease the bloom slightly.  Mostly it is the bloom, screen-space ambient, and screen-space reflections that I'm interested in.  Had I known the Post-Process stack existed, I likely would have included those functions in TU from the beginning.  Still might at some point, though the fact that a mod already exists for it complicates matters.

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Color coding my station modules so I don't have to click each one to find the one I need.



green = life support
yellow = hab
orange = lab
red = power
white = batteries
blue = tourists

So yes, the engine section at the bottom has a big LS tank as that is my ferry between earth and other bodies for tourist missions. The blue module on top has a deep-freeze cryo shelter in which I put my tourists to save on happymeals along the way.


Edited by Jimbodiah
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Took some snaps on a recently started career in RSS. 90% of the parts I use are SSTU, ofcourse!




This is what an Apollo mission looks like when you only have 3.75m parts unlocked :)


Alternate Apollo mission with a 2.5m Orion pod (3 crew) and LR87-LH2 engines from my JPL pack, sat dish and blue solar panels from Coatl Probes+.



The station (minus crew) arriving at Mars as one of the five transports sent out in preparation for the crew. Two for life-support and comsats, one for lander and extra fuel, one with rocket parts to inflate the torus and then the last transport is the station itself. Everything should be docked and ready t go when the crew arrives a few days later. I decided not to jetisson the truss tank on this ship so that I could collect all the remaing fuel from the other 4 ships and maybe get some spare fuel for the return mission not needing to ditch the entire return ship but keep it in LEO.


First landing on Mars; the idea was to re-use the lander 2-3x which is why it is a single stage vehicle. Only 100m/s dV to spare after docking, so that was cutting it close :)  Jeb being himself by standing on the solar panel to see if it would hold him.



The newly constructed deathstar research station in LEO.




Starts singing nation anthem, doesn't know the words. Mumbles along and hopes no one notices.


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@Hunony Hello to you :)

I would not look like being rude but... maybe could you look at, at least, the current last page of this topic or the two last pages as there's at least 3 or 4 messages from @Shadowmage displaying new engines, looks in 1.4.2, how much work he still have to finish the update of the existing parts... All posted in April of this year...

So I could have simply said "yes", it's still active, but ... sorry... can't help myself and think we could put at least a minute to look at the last page of a topic to see if it's still maintained ;)

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