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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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2 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

Those patches have not been maintained in... forever.  Too much flux between all of the mods in the past for me to keep up with all of the changes.

Perhaps now is a good time to look into cleaning them up though as I don't foresee any large changes for SSTU in the future, and Nertea is actively pushing 'final release' tags to his mods.


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Hello there again,

When I do decouple heat shields, there's a decouple sound but no animation, unlike with stock one. Is this known, normal or do I have something interfering?

Found nothing in the log.

Kind regards.


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hey, i have a question, when starting a new game, there is settings for boil off. however, other mods also add in their own boil off mechanics- IIRC, KSP-IE and nerteas cryo tanks have boiloff built in. will this mod interfere with that; will i have, for example, stacked boil off values, or anything like that? im just worried if it will be an issue or not, but if this just affects your own mods tanks, and other mods hopefully wont affect your mods tanks in addition too your own boil off mechanics (iirc one of the mods adds in boil off for all resource storage of liquid hydrogen, when using CRP, but i am not sure of this).

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On 4/23/2019 at 11:15 PM, Shadowmage said:

Should work on either version, but was compiled against the KSP 1.7 libraries, so can only guarantee compatibility for that version.

Thank you


On 5/13/2019 at 9:12 PM, Shadowmage said:

There should be an unlockable 0.625m diameter option for the fuel tanks.  Don't remember offhand when/where it is unlocked, but should come with the stock 0.625m tanks.

I do use CTT (Community Tech Tree) and they should be unlocked near the beginning ? And still not unlocked on Tiers 4. Seems a bit strange. I'll ask on CTT post later but nobody else did notice that?

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I believe it'll be better if some new engines such as BE-4,Raptor  Vulcan engine and Chinese's YF series engines are added into this mod since there is no other mod can simulate them in this kind of high quality. I also believe there are more people would like to use them in their own rocket.

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OD'd on ARK the last few months, slowly playing KSP again here and there. Right now I am contemplating making a 1.6.1 RSS install, updating from my current 1.3.1 setup and was wondering if there is any use in making craft files for the repository in this version? Are there major changed between 1.6.1 and 1.7.0 that would break the craft files: would 1.6.1 crafts work in 1.7?

Edited by Jimbodiah
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On 5/16/2019 at 6:09 PM, Shadowmage said:

Those patches have not been maintained in... forever.  Too much flux between all of the mods in the past for me to keep up with all of the changes.

Perhaps now is a good time to look into cleaning them up though as I don't foresee any large changes for SSTU in the future, and Nertea is actively pushing 'final release' tags to his mods.


Far Future was always a deep WIP mod and has not been updated by Nertea in a while. Near Future I can look into soon as I am starting up a new install (although probably 1.6.1, it should update a lot of those integrations).

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2 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

OD'd on ARK the last few months, slowly playing KSP again here and there. Right now I am contemplating making a 1.6.1 RSS install, updating from my current 1.3.1 setup and was wondering if there is any use in making craft files for the repository in this version? Are there major changed between 1.6.1 and 1.7.0 that would break the craft files: would 1.6.1 crafts work in 1.7?

:)  I do that from time to time as well (ARK, or others; currently doing a run through a RimWorld colony).  Can't be all KSP all the time.

To answer your question -- there were pretty much zero substantial changes between 1.6 and 1.7 for SSTU (nor am I planning any for 1.8).  Craft files should continue to work for those versions, and into the future as far as planned.


3 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:


Far Future was always a deep WIP mod and has not been updated by Nertea in a while. Near Future I can look into soon as I am starting up a new install (although probably 1.6.1, it should update a lot of those integrations).

Would be much appreciated, if you have the time.  Just some basic integration would be good for now, though long-term I do want to develop fully fleshed out model/variant/fuel switching w/endcaps etc.


I'll be working some over the next few weeks in prep for the upcoming KSP 1.8 / new DLC, and this would be a perfect opportunity to add either updated patches or some 'official' craft files.

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12 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

OD'd on ARK the last few months, slowly playing KSP again here and there. Right now I am contemplating making a 1.6.1 RSS install, updating from my current 1.3.1 setup and was wondering if there is any use in making craft files for the repository in this version? Are there major changed between 1.6.1 and 1.7.0 that would break the craft files: would 1.6.1 crafts work in 1.7?

I believe there is no need to worry about those crafts files, they works fine——at least on my computer. May be you could open the game and run some test.

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You mean the current 1.3.1 files work in 1.6/1.7? I can check.

Found a bunch of things in my JPL patches that no longer work, mostly based on the COS parts (modules have changed).

Just updated the RSS patch and SSTU Color Presets, almost no changes needed here so I got off easy :)

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none of the sstu craft files from 1.3.1 survived the transition to 1.6 era sstu...so from my personal experience I'd have to say no.

...this more or less led to me having to recreate from scratch, my ares purebred liquid shortstack...which was a complete PITA for the record..all those sliders...the sliders... *shudders in horror* :P

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Yeah I figured, some parts have been combined into one modular part and even modules have been replaced, so I doubt anything will load properly.

Trying to fix all my COS based parts for the JPL patches mod at the moment, need to rework them all from scratch I think.

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On ‎5‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 8:55 AM, RaiderMan said:

it was a personal challenge/project, see if I could take something that had an SRB first core stage and make a liquid breathing first core stage..if you're interested I'd be happy to toss a drop box link up and you can play with it.

I 'd like to run some test for your project but my English isn't so good that I may not be able to catch up with(understand) your meaning. I'll have some time  in summer holidays and I will be happy if you contact me through  E-mail.


Edited by sadina
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9 hours ago, RaiderMan said:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/dj83g4181vqntho/0 1 a ares shortstack test.craft?dl=0

fair warning..when conducting pitch over, FEATHER the controls or use some kind of stability assist, like atmospheric autopilot..disable moderation and speed control, enable rocket mode and coordinated turn.

seriously..feather the controls here til you're out of atmo.

Does this space craft use any mod? If it does, please tell me.

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So sorry if someone else asked this, but does anyone know why in ksp 1.6 and 1.7 the Orion Service Module fails to keep its fuel config when you go to launch? It causes it to not work because of no pressure. So you can choose the right fuel for its engine in the VAB but when you switch to launch it goes away.

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