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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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  On 5/30/2017 at 6:44 PM, blowfish said:

Regarding the lighting issue, Taniwha has a a script that can fix the models without re-exporting them.


Thankfully I think most of the lights in my parts are added at the script/plugin level, so should just be able to setup the layers at the point where I create the Light objects.  In theory anyway :)

But good to know, will certainly take a look at it (the script).  Is it easily available from Taniwha's github / otherwise linked somewhere in the ksp forums?

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  On 5/30/2017 at 7:07 PM, Shadowmage said:

Thankfully I think most of the lights in my parts are added at the script/plugin level, so should just be able to setup the layers at the point where I create the Light objects.  In theory anyway :)

But good to know, will certainly take a look at it (the script).  Is it easily available from Taniwha's github / otherwise linked somewhere in the ksp forums?


Yes.  https://github.com/taniwha/io_object_mu/blob/master/lightfix.py

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  On 5/31/2017 at 6:06 PM, Cheesecake said:

OK, but I have a Upperstage with a diameter of 3,125m. The maximum V.Scale is 1,750. It's a little bit short for me.


That is currently the maximum length; anything further would require model and plugin changes (which might be coming eventually, but not in the immediate future). 

The part/module supports options for longer main tanks, which would increase the base length (and thus the max scaled length), but first the appropriate models need to be created (which is non trivial, and would take probably a few hours; time that I currently do not have).

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  On 5/31/2017 at 6:42 PM, Jimbodiah said:




LoL... I knew you guys were going to have fun with the recoloring stuff :)


  On 5/31/2017 at 6:41 PM, RedParadize said:

I think so. For the split tank version it would look stupid if it was longer anyway. At that point, might as well go for the straight one, and if you think its not long enough just ad a regular tank on top of it.


Those were my thoughts as well.  But I've had a few requests for 'longer MUS' tanks, so likely will add some additional tank models and/or increase the top end of the scaling a bit (min scale will stay, but max may increase).

(if interested, I could provide instructions for adding additional tank models through a simple MM patch; would likely be a good short/mid-term solution until I can get something official in place;  send me a PM if interested).

Edited by Shadowmage
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  On 5/31/2017 at 7:03 PM, RedParadize said:

@Shadowmage I imagine that we will be eable to recolor capsule as well at some point? SC-B capsule need your new shader.


Eventually, yes;  most of the ShipCore series-based parts should support recoloring at some point.  It is a few hours work per-part to get them converted to the new texture and shader layout, but before that can happen, I need to come up with a generic texture-switch-with-recoloring module  (all of the existing recolor work is baked into the ModelData system, which really only works for the ModularXXX type of parts that support model switching of some sort). 

Probably only a few hours more work to get the module created / adapted from existing code, but it was enough work all together that I wanted to hold off until I could see how the rest of the recoloring stuff was received and make sure there were no outstanding issues to sort out.

So perhaps in the next few months it could be a reality.  At that point it would also be possible to add recoloring support to most stock/other mods parts as well; would only need to create the textures/masks, and do a tiny bit of config work/patching on them  (nothing that I would be interested in doing personally, but certainly an option for some of the more ambitious KSP users).

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  On 5/31/2017 at 7:01 PM, Jimbodiah said:

AAAwwwwwww   :mad:


The new spherical tanks look amazing, Mage!!! Wow.



Is there a functional difference for the spherical tanks?  Like better insulation/less boil off, weight, etc?  Or is it just a cosmetic difference?  

Edit- they do look damn cool. 


Edited by jdub3350
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  On 5/31/2017 at 7:44 PM, Shadowmage said:

Spherical tanks -- purely cosmetic.  They actual have less volume compared to an equivalently sized cylindrical tank (though the same mass-fraction/wet-dry ratio).


Copy that.  Thanks!   I've been using the SSTU parts in RO/RP-0 and the looks and functionality just can't be beat.  I've managed to make some pretty cool (though entirely overengineered) spacecraft. Great work! 

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  On 5/31/2017 at 7:52 PM, jdub3350 said:

Copy that.  Thanks!   I've been using the SSTU parts in RO/RP-0 and the looks and functionality just can't be beat.  I've managed to make some pretty cool (though entirely overengineered) spacecraft. Great work! 


It really the place to have that discussion but there is some rationale for the spherical tank. In space and without excessive trust, spherical tank can be made extremely light if not structural, to the point where having separated structure around them start to make some sense. Food for trough...

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@Shadowmage SSTUAirstreamShield seem to have stopped working correctly. If you take SC-E for example, part in it will be shielded from drag and heat regardless if open or not, however part inside act like if they were not, engines will works etc and will have the flag "shielded:No" in action menu. 

Edit: looks like solar panel do not work, regardless if open or not.

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FYI:  While playing around with the colors, I found a combination that looks a lot like gold.    R@227, G@175, B@80, Specular@255

A shade lighter would be R@255 G@200 B@80

Let me know what you guys think.



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