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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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Only one problem is that the cargo section is from my patch pack. I know Mage is working on an even better part than mine and it might be coming in a release soon, but without my patches you will not have the VolumeContainer functionality right now. I made an SSTU-only version, but using my JPL patch for the ATV section that also has a probe core, SAS, reaction wheel and a science box built in for returning science home.

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sstu-only version (with JPL patch)

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  On 7/19/2017 at 4:24 PM, Jimbodiah said:

Only one problem is that the cargo section is from my patch pack. I know Mage is working on an even better part than mine and it might be coming in a release soon, but without my patches you will not have the VolumeContainer functionality right now. I made an SSTU-only version, but using my JPL patch for the ATV section that also has a probe core, SAS, reaction wheel and a science box built in for returning science home.


ill throw together one of my own, im trying to keep my loading time down at the moment :P


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Jimbo's tip of the day

Q: Need a radial attachment point to put that docking port on but that stock radial frisbee thingy is just too big or too fugly for your taste???  Well look no further...

A: The SSTU MFT-A tank will attach radially, so just rotate it, set the length to the shortest version, configure tank type to "structural" and presto... custom radial attachment points.



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@Shadowmage I'm getting this NRE spam:

[EXC 00:20:32.276] NullReferenceException
    UnityEngine.Transform.Rotate (Vector3 axis, Single angle, Space relativeTo)
    SSTUTools.SSTUAnimateRotation.Update ()

when I do the following:

In the VAB, place a command pod or something else as root
stack two centrifuges (of the same size) under the root part
inflate both centrifuges, then alt-click the one attached to root, so you pick up a copy of both centrifuges at once
observe NRE spam

it goes away if you trash the ghost parts you just picked up, or if after placing them you deflate the last two parts, or delete them.

It doesn't happen if the group is two different sized centrifuges. It happens when you pick up a copy of any group of parts if there's at least 2 inflated rotating centrifuges of the same size in the group.

If you need a log I can get one later which isn't full of career gameplay, just wanted to post before I go to bed in case you can reproduce


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  On 7/20/2017 at 2:48 PM, Rodger said:

I'm getting this NRE spam:


Ahh, KSPs wonderful in-editor cloning BS again.

(basically when alt-click cloning parts in the editor, KSP skips past 95% of the initialization code.... which as you might guess, causes problems with things then not being initalized properly).

File it on the bug-tracker, I'll look into fixing it for the next release.  Include logs.

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Hi @Shadowmage,

I am hoping you can help me understand the numbers I am seeing. I am trying to set sizes of the engines and to then determine what the Mount Sizes will be. Can you help me with the math and how it all works?

Here are the modified numbers of the RD-0110:

@engineScale = 1.5646
@engineSpacing = 2.3
@engineMountDiameter = 1.9
@diameterIncrement = 0.1

If I clear the mount to be nothing, the mount is still set to be 2.2. I cannot figure out why it defaults to this when none of those values are set above and the mountSizeMult = 1.

Thanks for the help!

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IIRC (and its been awhile, so I might not), about the only thing you should need to touch is the 'engineScale'.  It scales everything else automatically -- spacing, diameters, etc.  (You still need to adjust the mass, cost, and engine module values though)

I would suggest you give that a try first, and see if it behaves more like you would expect.

So the entirety of the patch would be:

@engineScale = 1.5646

(It was intended to be very simple/easy to convert the engines for RSS / other rescale use)

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  On 7/20/2017 at 11:21 PM, Shadowmage said:


IIRC (and its been awhile, so I might not), about the only thing you should need to touch is the 'engineScale'.  It scales everything else automatically -- spacing, diameters, etc.  (You still need to adjust the mass, cost, and engine module values though)

I would suggest you give that a try first, and see if it behaves more like you would expect.

So the entirety of the patch would be:

@engineScale = 1.5646

(It was intended to be very simple/easy to convert the engines for RSS / other rescale use)


@Shadowmage Yep! That did the trick, now if I want to fine tune it a little bit, that will be easy enough to do. Thanks!

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Regarding the docking ports integrated into the StationCore parts --

Before I go and remove a feature that will break save games, I thought I would ask for a bit of help in trying to solve the problems regarding that feature (I would prefer to keep it if possible, but the current bugs are unacceptable).



Basically there appears to be inconsistent problems with the switchable/optional docking ports on the StationCore parts.  The problem manifests as craft/vessels being unable to undock in some situations.  This renders the vessels permanently joined, with the only options of fixing the problem being sending up an entirely new craft/vessel/station or manual save game editing.  A separate/second problem apparently exists with a 'decouple' option being available in some cases, even when no docking port was selected (this problem is likely easy to solve, but still need to know how to replicate it).


What I need in order to be able to track down and (hopefully) fix the problem is a method to reliably reproduce the problem.  My current attempts to reproduce it have been inconsistent at best, and mostly a waste of time.  This is where you all come in :)

I am looking for a set of stock+sstu only save game files; one save right before docking, one save right after the 'no undocking bug' has occurred, and a list of the precise steps needed to trigger the problem from the 'pre-dock' save.  (technically only the pre-dock and list of steps are needed, but quick access to a post-dock-bug save will allow me to run a diff on the save files to check for corrupted or incorrect saved game-state)

If other methods to consistently reproduce the problem exist, I would also accept information regarding them (e.g. specific design setups / list of steps to cause the problem to manifest).  In the end all I am looking for is a reliable method to reproduce the problem so that I can actually work on debugging and fixing it.  If I can't reproduce it, I won't be able to fix it.


If I cannot get this fixed in the next few days/weeks, I will be removing the optional/switchable docking ports from the StationCore parts entirely.  This will be save/vessel breaking if it happens (might only effect vessels using the optional integrated docking ports, but might effect all station-core parts, unknown how far the breakage would extend).

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Tenth launch completed, three more launches and then off to the moon to fill up all the tanks and inflate the torus. I'm calling it a night...

Having tons of fun with customizing the colors and parts!

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  On 7/25/2017 at 12:03 AM, F1RacerDan said:

i can tfigure for the life of me why the Merlin rockets have no test data numbers for the rated engine burn? have i installed something wrong?


That would be a question for RO - all the RO configuration is on that side and SSTU by itself does not interact with TestFlight

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This Friday will be the second anniversary of SSTU.

I had really wanted to do something commemorative for the occasion.  Sadly my current workload is a bit past 'crazy busy', so I'm not sure what I'll be able to pull off.


How does adding recoloring support to the SC capsules sound (okay, so probably only one for now)?  Worthwhile?  (as I think it is mostly texturing work, I might be able to get it done Sat. morning prior to packing up the last weeks worth of bugfixes).


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