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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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6 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

Reflective shader setup testing (the red/blue colors are all 'reflected' from the cube-map; the gray stripe is where the reflection is disabled in the spec/refl texture):

...meaning more ram use for reflection-enabled parts/texture sets.  I'm also unfamiliar with how to best author the reflection textures, and it might well require higher-res textures to be used effectively for some models (NRM maps need to be high-res to get proper 'rough' reflective surfaces).

Back in the day FASA was using a Reflection plugin to make the Atlas shiny.  There were ram hits but the effect was beautiful.    I want to say it took Frizzank at-least 6 or 8 public betas before Quality vs RAM was hammered down enough to include it in a release.  Even today I would rate that Atlas (with Reflections working!) as the 2nd best looking Atlas in KSP.   I think @CobaltWolf now has the best looking atlas (well it his Github master... it isn't fully released yet) in game but he is not using reflections.   That being said, Shadowmage, I am assuming you would be using Reflections for more than one material.  This could exponentially (each reflection having it's own additional channel yes?) pop up RAM usage... But I am MORE than willing to try!



Edited by Pappystein
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Is there a changelog for this mod? I just downloaded an update for KSP (Friday 6/10/17, 12:01 (GMT+11, I live in Australia)) and one of my update mods says that SSTU is incompatible with the current version, and I don't know whether or not Shadowmage has updated it.

While I'm posting here anyway, I should mention that I can't find (what might be called) the Service/Landing module/s for the Lander Cores which I see in quite a lot of photos of this mod (see VenemousRequiem's post on page 1 for reference). Are they hidden in a subsection that I've just missed, is it in an extension pack, or is it currently not implemented in the available parts pack?

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10 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

That would be a new problem; likely caused by the plugin throwing an error during initialization.  Logs please; will let me know what/where the problem is, and at least diagnose / start debugging it.

Quote This seems to be working again thankfully. Below is your section of the KSP.log, I see it failing to find lots of textures but nothing that should cause that. Will send the full log to you separately in a PM.


[LOG 00:27:12.773] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/DEBUG_MODEL
[LOG 00:27:12.781] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/EmptyProxyModel
[LOG 00:27:12.789] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/IVA-ExtraKerbalSeat1
[LOG 00:27:12.797] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/IVA-ExtraKerbalSeat2
[LOG 00:27:12.804] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/IVA-ExtraKerbalSeat3
[LOG 00:27:12.811] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/IVA-SC-C-CM
[LOG 00:27:12.848] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC1-FL0-HH
[LOG 00:27:12.879] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC2-ASCF
[LOG 00:27:12.894] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC2-CRG
[LOG 00:27:12.904] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC2-FL0
[LOG 00:27:12.926] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC2-FL1
[LOG 00:27:12.951] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC2-POD
[LOG 00:27:12.972] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-ASCF
[LOG 00:27:12.991] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-CRG
[LOG 00:27:13.001] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-FL0
[LOG 00:27:13.020] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-FL1
[LOG 00:27:13.038] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-FL2
[LOG 00:27:13.061] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-POD
[LOG 00:27:13.082] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-ASCF
[LOG 00:27:13.103] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-CRG
[LOG 00:27:13.113] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-FL0
[LOG 00:27:13.132] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-FL1
[LOG 00:27:13.154] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-FL2
[LOG 00:27:13.172] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-FL3
[LOG 00:27:13.196] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-POD
[LOG 00:27:13.213] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-A-BPC
[LOG 00:27:13.243] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-A-DM
[LOG 00:27:13.260] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-A-OM
[LOG 00:27:13.278] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-A-SM
[LOG 00:27:13.299] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-2-1-FLAT
[LOG 00:27:13.314] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-2-1-LONG
[LOG 00:27:13.328] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-2-1-SHORT
[LOG 00:27:13.343] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-1-FLAT
[LOG 00:27:13.358] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-1-LONG
[LOG 00:27:13.372] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-1-SHORT
[LOG 00:27:13.385] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-2-FLAT
[LOG 00:27:13.399] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-2-LONG
[LOG 00:27:13.413] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-2-SHORT
[LOG 00:27:13.428] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-4-3-FLAT
[LOG 00:27:13.443] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-4-3-LONG
[LOG 00:27:13.457] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-4-3-SHORT
[LOG 00:27:13.472] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-DOME-A
[LOG 00:27:13.485] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-DOME-B
[LOG 00:27:13.497] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE1
[LOG 00:27:13.511] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE10
[LOG 00:27:13.525] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE11
[LOG 00:27:13.538] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE2
[LOG 00:27:13.551] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE3
[LOG 00:27:13.565] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE4
[LOG 00:27:13.579] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE5
[LOG 00:27:13.593] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE6
[LOG 00:27:13.606] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE7
[LOG 00:27:13.618] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE8
[LOG 00:27:13.632] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE9
[LOG 00:27:13.645] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-SOYUZ1
[ERR 00:27:13.655] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.655] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.660] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-SOYUZ2
[ERR 00:27:13.670] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.671] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.675] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-SOYUZ3
[ERR 00:27:13.684] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.685] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.690] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-SOYUZ4
[ERR 00:27:13.699] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.700] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.704] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-B-BPC
[ERR 00:27:13.715] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-BPC-DIFF' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.720] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CM
[ERR 00:27:13.736] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CM-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.737] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CM-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.743] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CMX
[ERR 00:27:13.758] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CM-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.759] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CM-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.764] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-B-SM
[ERR 00:27:13.776] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-SM-DIFF' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.782] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-BPC
[ERR 00:27:13.795] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-C-BPC-DIFF' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.801] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-CM
[ERR 00:27:13.814] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-C-CM-DIFF' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.820] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-CMX
[ERR 00:27:13.841] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-C-CM-DIFF' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.846] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-HUS
[LOG 00:27:13.868] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-ICPS
[LOG 00:27:13.889] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-SM
[LOG 00:27:13.914] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-DA
[LOG 00:27:13.930] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-DAX
[LOG 00:27:13.945] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-EL
[LOG 00:27:13.956] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-ER
[LOG 00:27:13.967] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-FS
[LOG 00:27:14.013] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-FSX
[LOG 00:27:14.040] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-WL
[LOG 00:27:14.054] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-WR
[LOG 00:27:14.070] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-WT
[LOG 00:27:14.082] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-AJ10-137
[LOG 00:27:14.105] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-AJ10-190
[LOG 00:27:14.124] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-F1
[LOG 00:27:14.150] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-F1B
[LOG 00:27:14.177] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-H-1
[LOG 00:27:14.198] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-J-2
[LOG 00:27:14.220] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-J-2X
[LOG 00:27:14.249] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-LMAE
[LOG 00:27:14.264] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-LMDE
[LOG 00:27:14.285] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-LR-81-8048
[LOG 00:27:14.311] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-LR-81-8096
[LOG 00:27:14.337] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1A
[LOG 00:27:14.356] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1B
[LOG 00:27:14.376] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1BV
[LOG 00:27:14.394] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1C
[LOG 00:27:14.412] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1CV
[LOG 00:27:14.434] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1D
[LOG 00:27:14.451] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1DV
[LOG 00:27:14.469] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-DELTA-IV
[LOG 00:27:14.485] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-DIRECT
[LOG 00:27:14.499] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-FLAT
[LOG 00:27:14.510] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-GENERIC
[LOG 00:27:14.523] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-NOVA
[LOG 00:27:14.539] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-PYRIOS
[LOG 00:27:14.553] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-RD-107
[LOG 00:27:14.567] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-RD-108
[LOG 00:27:14.582] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-S-II
[LOG 00:27:14.602] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-S-IVB
[LOG 00:27:14.619] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SATURN-V
[LOG 00:27:14.635] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD
[LOG 00:27:14.648] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD2
[LOG 00:27:14.662] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD3
[LOG 00:27:14.675] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD4
[LOG 00:27:14.687] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD5
[LOG 00:27:14.699] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD6
[LOG 00:27:14.711] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SKELETAL-L
[LOG 00:27:14.744] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SKELETAL-M
[LOG 00:27:14.766] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SKELETAL-S
[LOG 00:27:14.786] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SLS-6
[LOG 00:27:14.804] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SLS
[LOG 00:27:14.823] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-A
[ERR 00:27:14.834] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.835] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.836] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.840] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-B
[ERR 00:27:14.848] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.849] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.850] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.856] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-C
[ERR 00:27:14.865] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.866] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.867] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.871] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-D
[ERR 00:27:14.880] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.881] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.882] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.887] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-E
[ERR 00:27:14.895] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.897] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.897] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.901] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-F
[ERR 00:27:14.910] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.911] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.912] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.916] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-G
[ERR 00:27:14.928] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.929] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.935] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-UA
[ERR 00:27:14.943] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.944] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.948] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-UB
[ERR 00:27:14.962] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.963] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.968] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-UC
[ERR 00:27:14.980] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.981] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.986] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-UD
[ERR 00:27:14.999] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.000] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.004] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-UE
[ERR 00:27:15.013] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.014] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.019] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-US-A
[LOG 00:27:15.041] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-0110
[LOG 00:27:15.074] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-107A
[LOG 00:27:15.099] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-107X
[LOG 00:27:15.128] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-108A
[LOG 00:27:15.156] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-171
[LOG 00:27:15.213] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-180
[LOG 00:27:15.250] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-181
[LOG 00:27:15.277] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RL-10-A-3
[LOG 00:27:15.294] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RL10A-3
[LOG 00:27:15.312] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RL10A-4
[LOG 00:27:15.331] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RL10A-5
[LOG 00:27:15.350] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RL10B-2
[LOG 00:27:15.368] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RS-25
[LOG 00:27:15.389] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RS-68
[LOG 00:27:15.407] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-1
[LOG 00:27:15.419] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-2
[LOG 00:27:15.431] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-3
[LOG 00:27:15.445] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-4
[LOG 00:27:15.459] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-5
[LOG 00:27:15.473] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-6
[LOG 00:27:15.489] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-1
[LOG 00:27:15.502] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-2
[LOG 00:27:15.516] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-3
[LOG 00:27:15.529] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-4
[LOG 00:27:15.543] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-5
[LOG 00:27:15.558] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-6
[LOG 00:27:15.573] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-7
[LOG 00:27:15.588] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-1
[LOG 00:27:15.600] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-2
[LOG 00:27:15.613] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-3
[LOG 00:27:15.626] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-4
[LOG 00:27:15.641] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-5
[LOG 00:27:15.656] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-6
[LOG 00:27:15.673] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-7
[LOG 00:27:15.688] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-8
[LOG 00:27:15.703] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-1
[LOG 00:27:15.715] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-2
[LOG 00:27:15.728] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-3
[LOG 00:27:15.739] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-4
[LOG 00:27:15.751] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-5
[LOG 00:27:15.762] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-6
[LOG 00:27:15.773] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-7
[LOG 00:27:15.785] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-8
[LOG 00:27:15.798] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-FLAT
[ERR 00:27:15.807] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.808] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.813] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE1
[ERR 00:27:15.825] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.825] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.830] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE2
[ERR 00:27:15.841] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.842] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.847] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE3
[ERR 00:27:15.856] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.857] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.861] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE4
[ERR 00:27:15.870] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.870] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.875] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE5
[ERR 00:27:15.885] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.886] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.890] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE6
[ERR 00:27:15.900] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.901] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.905] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SuperDraco-L
[LOG 00:27:15.919] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SuperDraco
[LOG 00:27:15.932] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-ULLAGE-A
[LOG 00:27:15.944] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-DP-1P
[LOG 00:27:15.960] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-FR-W
[LOG 00:27:15.975] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-FR
[LOG 00:27:15.990] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-HGA
[LOG 00:27:16.005] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-LG-A
[LOG 00:27:16.170] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-LG-B
[LOG 00:27:16.186] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-PAR
[LOG 00:27:16.198] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RBDC
[LOG 00:27:16.209] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-1F-V
[LOG 00:27:16.219] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-4A-V
[LOG 00:27:16.231] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-4A-V2
[LOG 00:27:16.242] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-4F-T
[LOG 00:27:16.253] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-4F-V
[LOG 00:27:16.266] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-5F-V
[LOG 00:27:16.280] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-6A-T
[LOG 00:27:16.292] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-8A-T
[LOG 00:27:16.304] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RMB
[LOG 00:27:16.321] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-0-5
[LOG 00:27:16.363] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-1-0
[LOG 00:27:16.378] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-1-5
[LOG 00:27:16.395] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-2-0
[LOG 00:27:16.412] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-2-5
[LOG 00:27:16.431] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-3-0
[LOG 00:27:16.452] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-3-5
[LOG 00:27:16.473] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-4-0
[LOG 00:27:16.493] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-0-5
[LOG 00:27:16.508] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-1-0
[LOG 00:27:16.529] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-1-5
[LOG 00:27:16.548] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-2-0
[LOG 00:27:16.567] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-2-5
[LOG 00:27:16.591] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-3-0
[LOG 00:27:16.619] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-3-5
[LOG 00:27:16.643] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-4-0
[LOG 00:27:16.666] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-0-5
[ERR 00:27:16.673] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.674] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.678] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-1-0
[ERR 00:27:16.686] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.688] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.692] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-1-5
[ERR 00:27:16.699] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.700] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.704] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-2-0
[ERR 00:27:16.711] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.712] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.717] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-2-5
[ERR 00:27:16.725] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.726] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.730] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-3-0
[ERR 00:27:16.738] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.739] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.743] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-3-5
[ERR 00:27:16.751] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.752] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.757] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-4-0
[ERR 00:27:16.765] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.766] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.771] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-4-5
[ERR 00:27:16.779] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.780] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.785] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-5-0
[ERR 00:27:16.793] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.794] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.798] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-5-5
[ERR 00:27:16.806] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.807] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.812] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-6-0
[ERR 00:27:16.821] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.822] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.826] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-6-5
[ERR 00:27:16.835] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.836] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.840] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-7-0
[ERR 00:27:16.849] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.850] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.854] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-7-5
[ERR 00:27:16.864] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.865] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.869] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-8-0
[ERR 00:27:16.878] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.879] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.883] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-0-5
[ERR 00:27:16.889] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.890] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.895] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-1-0
[ERR 00:27:16.903] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.904] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.909] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-1-5
[ERR 00:27:16.917] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.918] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.922] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-2-0
[ERR 00:27:16.930] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.931] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.936] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-2-5
[ERR 00:27:16.944] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.945] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.950] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-3-0
[ERR 00:27:16.959] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.960] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.964] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-3-5
[ERR 00:27:16.972] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.973] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.978] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-4-0
[ERR 00:27:16.986] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.987] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.992] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-4-5
[ERR 00:27:17.001] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.002] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.006] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-5-0
[ERR 00:27:17.015] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.016] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.021] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-5-5
[ERR 00:27:17.029] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.030] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.035] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-6-0
[ERR 00:27:17.043] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.044] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.048] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-6-5
[ERR 00:27:17.057] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.058] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.062] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-7-0
[ERR 00:27:17.070] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.071] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.075] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-7-5
[ERR 00:27:17.084] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.086] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.090] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-8-0
[ERR 00:27:17.099] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.100] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.105] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-0-3
[ERR 00:27:17.112] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.112] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.117] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-0-5
[ERR 00:27:17.123] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.124] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.129] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-0-7
[ERR 00:27:17.135] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.136] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.141] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-1-0
[ERR 00:27:17.148] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.148] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.153] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-1-5
[ERR 00:27:17.160] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.160] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.165] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-2-0
[ERR 00:27:17.171] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.172] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.177] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-2-5
[ERR 00:27:17.183] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.184] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.189] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-3-0
[ERR 00:27:17.195] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.196] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.201] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-3-5
[ERR 00:27:17.207] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.208] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.213] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-4-0
[ERR 00:27:17.221] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.222] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.226] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-4-5
[ERR 00:27:17.232] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.233] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.238] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-5-0
[ERR 00:27:17.245] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.246] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.250] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-5-5
[ERR 00:27:17.256] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.257] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.263] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-6-0
[ERR 00:27:17.269] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.270] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.275] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-6-5
[ERR 00:27:17.281] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.282] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.287] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-7-0
[ERR 00:27:17.294] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.295] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.299] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-7-5
[ERR 00:27:17.306] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.307] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.311] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-8-0
[ERR 00:27:17.318] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.319] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.323] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-0-5
[ERR 00:27:17.335] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.340] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-1-0
[ERR 00:27:17.352] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.357] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-1-5
[ERR 00:27:17.372] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.377] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-2-0
[ERR 00:27:17.390] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.395] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-2-5
[ERR 00:27:17.414] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.419] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-3-0
[ERR 00:27:17.436] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.441] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-3-5
[ERR 00:27:17.461] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.467] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-4-0
[ERR 00:27:17.487] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.492] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-4-5
[ERR 00:27:17.514] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.519] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-5-0
[ERR 00:27:17.542] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.547] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-5-5
[ERR 00:27:17.572] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.577] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-6-0
[ERR 00:27:17.599] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.604] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-6-5
[ERR 00:27:17.629] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.634] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-7-0
[ERR 00:27:17.659] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.664] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-7-5
[ERR 00:27:17.692] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.697] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-8-0
[ERR 00:27:17.724] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.729] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-D-1-0
[ERR 00:27:17.737] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.738] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.743] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-D-2-0
[ERR 00:27:17.750] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.751] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.755] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-D-3-0
[ERR 00:27:17.763] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.764] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.769] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-D-4-0
[ERR 00:27:17.777] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.778] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.782] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-MOUNT-NONE
[LOG 00:27:17.792] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-MUS-INTERTANK-SKELETAL
[LOG 00:27:17.807] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-MUS-LOWER
[LOG 00:27:17.819] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-MUS-UPPER
[LOG 00:27:17.831] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-MUS-UPPERLONG
[LOG 00:27:17.842] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-2-0
[ERR 00:27:17.853] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.854] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.859] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-3-0
[ERR 00:27:17.875] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.876] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.880] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-4-0
[ERR 00:27:17.899] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.900] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.905] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-ADPT-M
[ERR 00:27:17.917] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.918] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.924] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-ADPT-N
[ERR 00:27:17.931] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.932] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.936] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-ADPT-S
[ERR 00:27:17.947] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.948] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.953] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-2-0
[ERR 00:27:17.967] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.968] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.973] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-3-0
[ERR 00:27:17.990] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.991] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.995] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-4-0
[ERR 00:27:18.019] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.020] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.026] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-ADPT-M
[ERR 00:27:18.038] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.039] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.044] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-ADPT-N
[ERR 00:27:18.051] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.052] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.058] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-ADPT-S
[ERR 00:27:18.069] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.070] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.075] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-V-CM
[LOG 00:27:18.092] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-V-LAS
[LOG 00:27:18.105] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-V-RM
[LOG 00:27:18.116] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-V-SM
[LOG 00:27:18.127] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-1-1-HUB-EXT
[ERR 00:27:18.136] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.137] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.142] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-1-1-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.151] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.152] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.157] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-1-1-VA
[LOG 00:27:18.167] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-2-1-DOME
[ERR 00:27:18.179] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.180] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.184] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-2-1-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.194] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.195] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.199] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-3-1-EXT
[ERR 00:27:18.207] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.208] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.212] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-3-1-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.222] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.223] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.228] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-3-2-EXT
[ERR 00:27:18.236] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.237] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.241] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-3-2-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.249] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.250] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.255] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-4-1-FLAT
[ERR 00:27:18.262] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.263] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.268] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-4-1-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.278] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.279] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.283] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-4-1-SHORT
[ERR 00:27:18.291] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.292] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.296] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-4-3-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.305] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.306] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.311] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-ALK-2
[ERR 00:27:18.318] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.319] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.323] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-T-2500
[LOG 00:27:18.335] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-CFG-A
[LOG 00:27:18.548] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-CFG-B
[LOG 00:27:18.768] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-CFG-C
[LOG 00:27:19.015] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-CFG-D
[LOG 00:27:19.308] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-LONG
[ERR 00:27:19.328] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.329] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.334] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-MEDIUM
[ERR 00:27:19.351] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.352] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.356] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-SHORT
[ERR 00:27:19.451] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.452] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.457] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-XSHORT
[ERR 00:27:19.473] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.474] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.479] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY1
[LOG 00:27:19.486] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY2
[LOG 00:27:19.494] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY3
[LOG 00:27:19.501] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY4
[LOG 00:27:19.509] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY5
[LOG 00:27:19.517] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY6
[LOG 00:27:19.525] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-COM
[ERR 00:27:19.534] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.535] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.539] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-FEM
[ERR 00:27:19.553] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.554] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.559] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-HAB
[ERR 00:27:19.576] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.577] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.582] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-LAB
[ERR 00:27:19.597] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.598] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.603] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-PWR
[ERR 00:27:19.614] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.615] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.620] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-STR
[LOG 00:27:19.635] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-TKS
[ERR 00:27:19.649] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.650] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.654] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-EVA-HATCH
[LOG 00:27:19.665] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-BKT-A
[LOG 00:27:19.682] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-BKT-B
[LOG 00:27:19.701] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-BKT-C
[LOG 00:27:19.725] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-BKT-D
[LOG 00:27:19.737] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-BKT-E
[LOG 00:27:19.752] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-L
[LOG 00:27:19.769] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-M
[LOG 00:27:19.786] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-MF
[LOG 00:27:19.799] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-NONE
[LOG 00:27:19.810] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-S
[LOG 00:27:19.826] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-SF
[LOG 00:27:19.838] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-T
[LOG 00:27:19.863] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-ISS
[LOG 00:27:19.888] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-MAX-L
[LOG 00:27:19.906] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-MAX-M
[LOG 00:27:19.925] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-MAX-S
[LOG 00:27:19.941] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMA-L
[LOG 00:27:19.955] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMA-M
[LOG 00:27:19.967] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMA-S
[LOG 00:27:19.980] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMB-L
[LOG 00:27:19.994] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMB-M
[LOG 00:27:20.006] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMB-S
[LOG 00:27:20.018] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMC-L
[LOG 00:27:20.032] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMC-M
[LOG 00:27:20.045] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMC-S
[LOG 00:27:20.058] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-WDP
[LOG 00:27:20.075] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-B1
[LOG 00:27:20.405] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-B2
[LOG 00:27:20.729] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-C1
[LOG 00:27:21.056] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-C2
[LOG 00:27:21.386] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-E
[LOG 00:27:21.408] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-F
[LOG 00:27:21.435] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-G
[LOG 00:27:21.464] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-H
[LOG 00:27:21.504] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-INF-M
[LOG 00:27:21.756] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-INF-S
[LOG 00:27:22.007] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HUB-COS
[ERR 00:27:22.025] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:22.026] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:22.031] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-MST-ISS
[LOG 00:27:22.046] Load(Model): SSTU/FX/SmokeFXTest
[LOG 00:27:22.056] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Bag/bag-med
[LOG 00:27:22.068] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Bag/bag-short
[LOG 00:27:22.081] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Hatch/PROP-Hatch
[LOG 00:27:22.092] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/IVAChair/PROP-IVAChair
[LOG 00:27:22.103] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/IVALight/PROP-IVA-Light01
[LOG 00:27:22.114] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/IVALight/PROP-IVA-Light02
[LOG 00:27:22.127] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Keyboard/PROP-KerbalKeyboard
[LOG 00:27:22.139] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/LC2-RPM-PROP/LC2-RPM-PROP
[LOG 00:27:22.149] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/LMcoas/PROP-COAS
[LOG 00:27:22.164] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/MFD1/PROP-MFD
[LOG 00:27:22.174] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Tanks/PROP-ClusterTankMed
[LOG 00:27:22.189] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Tanks/PROP-TankLarge
[LOG 00:27:22.201] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Tanks/PROP-TankMed
[LOG 00:27:22.212] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Tanks/PROP-TankShort
[LOG 00:27:22.224] Load(Model): SSTU/Spaces/LC2-POD-IVA/LC2-POD-IVA
[LOG 00:27:22.239] Load(Model): SSTU/Spaces/LC3-POD-IVA/LC3-POD-IVA
[LOG 00:27:22.259] Load(Model): SSTU/Spaces/LC5-POD-IVA/LC5-POD-IVA

These logs with a zillion mods are nightmares, no idea how you debug this. I try to carefully follow installation instructions but even doing exactly what they tell you, at least half of them spew hundreds of errors and no idea how you tell which one will impact you. I was thinking that someone with extensive knowledge of the mod environment could make some decent money offering a log-analysis service, I'd pay someone $25 to go through this and tell me how to minimize the errors in general and to identify anything that's broken in a fixable way and help me fix it, just need to time-box it so people don't expect 10 hours of work for $25, I'd be expecting one reasonably attentive hour.

Please let me know if you need anything else, least we can do getting awesome free stuff is help you make it better.

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36 minutes ago, wulf899 said:

Is there a changelog for this mod? I just downloaded an update for KSP (Friday 6/10/17, 12:01 (GMT+11, I live in Australia)) and one of my update mods says that SSTU is incompatible with the current version, and I don't know whether or not Shadowmage has updated it.

While I'm posting here anyway, I should mention that I can't find (what might be called) the Service/Landing module/s for the Lander Cores which I see in quite a lot of photos of this mod (see VenemousRequiem's post on page 1 for reference). Are they hidden in a subsection that I've just missed, is it in an extension pack, or is it currently not implemented in the available parts pack?

The LC tanks are a single, octagonal tank in the tanks section. There are then variants with the ore hauler (solid form), various tank layouts, etc. Is this what you refer to?

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Just now, tater said:

The LC tanks are a single, octagonal tank in the tanks section. There are then variants with the ore hauler (solid form), various tank layouts, etc. Is this what you refer to?

Possibly, although I can't check as SSTU seems to be freezing the new KSP version every time I boot it up. I did happen to see an octagonal tank which looks a lot like it, but it was super small (about 1.25m diameter), so once SSTU updates I'll have another look to confirm if I can find it. Thanks for letting me know!

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9 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

The low-part count isn't for fixing joint-rigidity (though it does help there), rather the low-part-count focus is for -improved performance-.  Every additional part added to a craft adds an additional Unity Physics Joint component, and these all take a ton of resources to simulate (plus the KSP per-part thermal/aero physics).  More parts = lower FPS.  Low FPS = me unhappy.  Seriously; the entire reason I started modding was because I kept getting yellow frame time on my large stations and bases, to the point that the input was laggy, and hard to actually do anything.  For awhile my solution was the part-welding mod (and then manual part welding) -- but I kept running into limitations in the stock PartModules (hence I started coding), and also in the stock model setups (so I started modeling).  And thus was born the first SSTU part -- the Apollo CM w/ integrated parachutes, docking port, decoupler, and RCS (this was a legacy version that is no longer around; the current model is actually the 2nd revision).

Besides, with the new stock 'auto-strut' feature, KJR is no longer a necessity.  The auto-struts do pretty much the same thing, but allow me to control what parts get strutted to which.  Not without their share of problems, but at least I can opt to turn them on/off.


Sadly there is really no option for the SRB nozzles to influence anything else.  Thrust is set by the body length/diameter.  ISP is upgraded through part-upgrades.  Can only have one thing editing each stat, or there will be unresolvable conflicts.  So ISP is effected by the upgrades, and the thrust by the body selection / scale.  Nothing else that can really be done about it.  (In theory, and with a metric crapload more plugin code, one could setup the nozzles to vary the thrust/ISP on a per-nozzle basis, but it would be a complex, buggy, and very fragile mess of code.... I avoid getting into those un-maintainable code situations wherever possible)

Edit:  Thinking on it a bit more, it might be possible to add a 'thrust multiplier' to the nozzles, that would be a final multiplier to the thrust calculated from the body length and diameter.  Not sure what it would add though.  Also -- the SRB-U will be having its V-ISP increased to reflect that it is a vacuum optimized variant (though SL ISP will likely be decreased); precise values TBD.

In case you weren't aware, burn time can already be adjusted on the SRBs; both through the stock thrust limiter, and through the SSTU-provided 'thrust curve editor'.  Also, thrust and burn time are inversely related; if you increase one, you decrease the other.


I think your 'grabber' part might already exist in the stock game -- the MK3 cargo ramp, mk2/3 cargo bays, and even the service bays can all be used for this purpose.

(though I could be mis-understanding your request.... have any pics for examples?)

Thanks again for the detailed response. I've been writing code since I wrote my first shooter arcade game in BASIC on an Apple II with killer cassette tape deck storage and I've had an active MAX license since it was 3DSr4 for DOS in 1994... but the last thing I need is yet another project. My entire house is pretty much a workshop now, one bedroom is a small-scale machine shop, another is dedicated to model building (wooden ships or scratch aircraft mostly), another room is the main woodworking room etc. etc. and that's just the beginning.

If you can find a few parts you need modeled and have some good pics, that I can do in my sleep and the models in general are very low complexity, very quick and easy stuff to do and with Unwrella/Flat Iron doing the unwrapping and Substance Painter 2 for textures, that part is quick also. In short I'd like to contribute but I'd need it to be very targeted - pick some parts you haven't been getting around to and I'll churn them out. I've done lots of modding elsewhere and doesn't make me happy to use tons of mods and not contribute in some way.

For example, this is the kind of modeling I do for fun, a Clan Executioner I did modding a BT game - 





Back to the subject, a thrust multiplier is all you'd need to make the nozzle choices mean something. One thing I wondered, I understand what you're saying about the SRBs, but I assume you're talking about your implementation? Because somehow the PP guy has ASL/Vac nozzles as choices that significantly change the ISP, and thrust seems to be independent of the size, within limits - you can dial the thrust up and down and the only thing that changes is the shape and length of the nozzle bell. I've been using that for a while, that's why I was thinking doing something similar with your nozzles would not be difficult.

And for the grabber part, if I'm in MAX I will noodle around with that too.

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12 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

Quote This seems to be working again thankfully. Below is your section of the KSP.log, I see it failing to find lots of textures but nothing that should cause that. Will send the full log to you separately in a PM.

  Reveal hidden contents

[LOG 00:27:12.773] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/DEBUG_MODEL
[LOG 00:27:12.781] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/EmptyProxyModel
[LOG 00:27:12.789] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/IVA-ExtraKerbalSeat1
[LOG 00:27:12.797] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/IVA-ExtraKerbalSeat2
[LOG 00:27:12.804] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/IVA-ExtraKerbalSeat3
[LOG 00:27:12.811] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/IVA-SC-C-CM
[LOG 00:27:12.848] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC1-FL0-HH
[LOG 00:27:12.879] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC2-ASCF
[LOG 00:27:12.894] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC2-CRG
[LOG 00:27:12.904] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC2-FL0
[LOG 00:27:12.926] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC2-FL1
[LOG 00:27:12.951] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC2-POD
[LOG 00:27:12.972] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-ASCF
[LOG 00:27:12.991] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-CRG
[LOG 00:27:13.001] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-FL0
[LOG 00:27:13.020] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-FL1
[LOG 00:27:13.038] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-FL2
[LOG 00:27:13.061] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC3-POD
[LOG 00:27:13.082] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-ASCF
[LOG 00:27:13.103] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-CRG
[LOG 00:27:13.113] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-FL0
[LOG 00:27:13.132] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-FL1
[LOG 00:27:13.154] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-FL2
[LOG 00:27:13.172] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-FL3
[LOG 00:27:13.196] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/LC5-POD
[LOG 00:27:13.213] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-A-BPC
[LOG 00:27:13.243] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-A-DM
[LOG 00:27:13.260] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-A-OM
[LOG 00:27:13.278] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-A-SM
[LOG 00:27:13.299] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-2-1-FLAT
[LOG 00:27:13.314] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-2-1-LONG
[LOG 00:27:13.328] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-2-1-SHORT
[LOG 00:27:13.343] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-1-FLAT
[LOG 00:27:13.358] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-1-LONG
[LOG 00:27:13.372] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-1-SHORT
[LOG 00:27:13.385] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-2-FLAT
[LOG 00:27:13.399] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-2-LONG
[LOG 00:27:13.413] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-3-2-SHORT
[LOG 00:27:13.428] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-4-3-FLAT
[LOG 00:27:13.443] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-4-3-LONG
[LOG 00:27:13.457] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-4-3-SHORT
[LOG 00:27:13.472] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-DOME-A
[LOG 00:27:13.485] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-DOME-B
[LOG 00:27:13.497] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE1
[LOG 00:27:13.511] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE10
[LOG 00:27:13.525] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE11
[LOG 00:27:13.538] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE2
[LOG 00:27:13.551] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE3
[LOG 00:27:13.565] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE4
[LOG 00:27:13.579] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE5
[LOG 00:27:13.593] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE6
[LOG 00:27:13.606] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE7
[LOG 00:27:13.618] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE8
[LOG 00:27:13.632] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-NOSE9
[LOG 00:27:13.645] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-SOYUZ1
[ERR 00:27:13.655] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.655] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.660] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-SOYUZ2
[ERR 00:27:13.670] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.671] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.675] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-SOYUZ3
[ERR 00:27:13.684] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.685] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.690] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT-SOYUZ4
[ERR 00:27:13.699] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.700] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.704] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-B-BPC
[ERR 00:27:13.715] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-BPC-DIFF' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.720] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CM
[ERR 00:27:13.736] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CM-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.737] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CM-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.743] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CMX
[ERR 00:27:13.758] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CM-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:13.759] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-CM-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.764] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-B-SM
[ERR 00:27:13.776] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-B-SM-DIFF' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.782] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-BPC
[ERR 00:27:13.795] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-C-BPC-DIFF' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.801] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-CM
[ERR 00:27:13.814] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-C-CM-DIFF' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.820] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-CMX
[ERR 00:27:13.841] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-C-CM-DIFF' not found!

[LOG 00:27:13.846] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-HUS
[LOG 00:27:13.868] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-ICPS
[LOG 00:27:13.889] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-C-SM
[LOG 00:27:13.914] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-DA
[LOG 00:27:13.930] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-DAX
[LOG 00:27:13.945] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-EL
[LOG 00:27:13.956] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-ER
[LOG 00:27:13.967] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-FS
[LOG 00:27:14.013] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-FSX
[LOG 00:27:14.040] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-WL
[LOG 00:27:14.054] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-WR
[LOG 00:27:14.070] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-E-WT
[LOG 00:27:14.082] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-AJ10-137
[LOG 00:27:14.105] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-AJ10-190
[LOG 00:27:14.124] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-F1
[LOG 00:27:14.150] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-F1B
[LOG 00:27:14.177] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-H-1
[LOG 00:27:14.198] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-J-2
[LOG 00:27:14.220] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-J-2X
[LOG 00:27:14.249] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-LMAE
[LOG 00:27:14.264] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-LMDE
[LOG 00:27:14.285] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-LR-81-8048
[LOG 00:27:14.311] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-LR-81-8096
[LOG 00:27:14.337] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1A
[LOG 00:27:14.356] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1B
[LOG 00:27:14.376] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1BV
[LOG 00:27:14.394] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1C
[LOG 00:27:14.412] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1CV
[LOG 00:27:14.434] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1D
[LOG 00:27:14.451] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-Merlin-1DV
[LOG 00:27:14.469] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-DELTA-IV
[LOG 00:27:14.485] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-DIRECT
[LOG 00:27:14.499] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-FLAT
[LOG 00:27:14.510] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-GENERIC
[LOG 00:27:14.523] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-NOVA
[LOG 00:27:14.539] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-PYRIOS
[LOG 00:27:14.553] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-RD-107
[LOG 00:27:14.567] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-RD-108
[LOG 00:27:14.582] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-S-II
[LOG 00:27:14.602] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-S-IVB
[LOG 00:27:14.619] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SATURN-V
[LOG 00:27:14.635] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD
[LOG 00:27:14.648] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD2
[LOG 00:27:14.662] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD3
[LOG 00:27:14.675] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD4
[LOG 00:27:14.687] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD5
[LOG 00:27:14.699] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SHROUD6
[LOG 00:27:14.711] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SKELETAL-L
[LOG 00:27:14.744] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SKELETAL-M
[LOG 00:27:14.766] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SKELETAL-S
[LOG 00:27:14.786] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SLS-6
[LOG 00:27:14.804] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SLS
[LOG 00:27:14.823] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-A
[ERR 00:27:14.834] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.835] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.836] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.840] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-B
[ERR 00:27:14.848] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.849] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.850] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.856] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-C
[ERR 00:27:14.865] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.866] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.867] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.871] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-D
[ERR 00:27:14.880] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.881] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.882] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.887] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-E
[ERR 00:27:14.895] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.897] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.897] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.901] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-F
[ERR 00:27:14.910] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.911] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-NRM' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.912] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES-White-GLOW' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.916] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-G
[ERR 00:27:14.928] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.929] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.935] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-UA
[ERR 00:27:14.943] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.944] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.948] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-UB
[ERR 00:27:14.962] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.963] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.968] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-UC
[ERR 00:27:14.980] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:14.981] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:14.986] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-UD
[ERR 00:27:14.999] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.000] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.004] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-UE
[ERR 00:27:15.013] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.014] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOZZLES2-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.019] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-MOUNT-SRB-US-A
[LOG 00:27:15.041] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-0110
[LOG 00:27:15.074] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-107A
[LOG 00:27:15.099] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-107X
[LOG 00:27:15.128] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-108A
[LOG 00:27:15.156] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-171
[LOG 00:27:15.213] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-180
[LOG 00:27:15.250] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RD-181
[LOG 00:27:15.277] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RL-10-A-3
[LOG 00:27:15.294] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RL10A-3
[LOG 00:27:15.312] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RL10A-4
[LOG 00:27:15.331] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RL10A-5
[LOG 00:27:15.350] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RL10B-2
[LOG 00:27:15.368] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RS-25
[LOG 00:27:15.389] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-RS-68
[LOG 00:27:15.407] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-1
[LOG 00:27:15.419] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-2
[LOG 00:27:15.431] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-3
[LOG 00:27:15.445] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-4
[LOG 00:27:15.459] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-5
[LOG 00:27:15.473] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-A-6
[LOG 00:27:15.489] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-1
[LOG 00:27:15.502] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-2
[LOG 00:27:15.516] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-3
[LOG 00:27:15.529] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-4
[LOG 00:27:15.543] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-5
[LOG 00:27:15.558] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-6
[LOG 00:27:15.573] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-B-7
[LOG 00:27:15.588] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-1
[LOG 00:27:15.600] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-2
[LOG 00:27:15.613] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-3
[LOG 00:27:15.626] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-4
[LOG 00:27:15.641] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-5
[LOG 00:27:15.656] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-6
[LOG 00:27:15.673] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-7
[LOG 00:27:15.688] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-C-8
[LOG 00:27:15.703] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-1
[LOG 00:27:15.715] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-2
[LOG 00:27:15.728] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-3
[LOG 00:27:15.739] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-4
[LOG 00:27:15.751] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-5
[LOG 00:27:15.762] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-6
[LOG 00:27:15.773] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-7
[LOG 00:27:15.785] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-D-8
[LOG 00:27:15.798] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-FLAT
[ERR 00:27:15.807] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.808] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.813] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE1
[ERR 00:27:15.825] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.825] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.830] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE2
[ERR 00:27:15.841] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.842] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.847] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE3
[ERR 00:27:15.856] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.857] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.861] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE4
[ERR 00:27:15.870] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.870] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.875] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE5
[ERR 00:27:15.885] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.886] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.890] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE6
[ERR 00:27:15.900] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:15.901] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SRB-NOSE-White-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:15.905] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SuperDraco-L
[LOG 00:27:15.919] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-SuperDraco
[LOG 00:27:15.932] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-ENG-ULLAGE-A
[LOG 00:27:15.944] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-DP-1P
[LOG 00:27:15.960] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-FR-W
[LOG 00:27:15.975] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-FR
[LOG 00:27:15.990] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-HGA
[LOG 00:27:16.005] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-LG-A
[LOG 00:27:16.170] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-LG-B
[LOG 00:27:16.186] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-PAR
[LOG 00:27:16.198] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RBDC
[LOG 00:27:16.209] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-1F-V
[LOG 00:27:16.219] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-4A-V
[LOG 00:27:16.231] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-4A-V2
[LOG 00:27:16.242] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-4F-T
[LOG 00:27:16.253] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-4F-V
[LOG 00:27:16.266] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-5F-V
[LOG 00:27:16.280] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-6A-T
[LOG 00:27:16.292] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RCS-8A-T
[LOG 00:27:16.304] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RMB
[LOG 00:27:16.321] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-0-5
[LOG 00:27:16.363] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-1-0
[LOG 00:27:16.378] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-1-5
[LOG 00:27:16.395] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-2-0
[LOG 00:27:16.412] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-2-5
[LOG 00:27:16.431] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-3-0
[LOG 00:27:16.452] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-3-5
[LOG 00:27:16.473] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-A-4-0
[LOG 00:27:16.493] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-0-5
[LOG 00:27:16.508] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-1-0
[LOG 00:27:16.529] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-1-5
[LOG 00:27:16.548] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-2-0
[LOG 00:27:16.567] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-2-5
[LOG 00:27:16.591] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-3-0
[LOG 00:27:16.619] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-3-5
[LOG 00:27:16.643] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-MCB-B-4-0
[LOG 00:27:16.666] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-0-5
[ERR 00:27:16.673] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.674] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.678] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-1-0
[ERR 00:27:16.686] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.688] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.692] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-1-5
[ERR 00:27:16.699] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.700] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.704] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-2-0
[ERR 00:27:16.711] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.712] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.717] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-2-5
[ERR 00:27:16.725] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.726] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.730] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-3-0
[ERR 00:27:16.738] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.739] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.743] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-3-5
[ERR 00:27:16.751] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.752] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.757] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-4-0
[ERR 00:27:16.765] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.766] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.771] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-4-5
[ERR 00:27:16.779] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.780] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.785] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-5-0
[ERR 00:27:16.793] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.794] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.798] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-5-5
[ERR 00:27:16.806] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.807] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.812] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-6-0
[ERR 00:27:16.821] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.822] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.826] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-6-5
[ERR 00:27:16.835] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.836] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.840] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-7-0
[ERR 00:27:16.849] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.850] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.854] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-7-5
[ERR 00:27:16.864] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.865] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.869] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-A-8-0
[ERR 00:27:16.878] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.879] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.883] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-0-5
[ERR 00:27:16.889] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.890] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.895] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-1-0
[ERR 00:27:16.903] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.904] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.909] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-1-5
[ERR 00:27:16.917] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.918] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.922] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-2-0
[ERR 00:27:16.930] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.931] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.936] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-2-5
[ERR 00:27:16.944] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.945] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.950] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-3-0
[ERR 00:27:16.959] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.960] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.964] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-3-5
[ERR 00:27:16.972] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.973] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.978] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-4-0
[ERR 00:27:16.986] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:16.987] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:16.992] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-4-5
[ERR 00:27:17.001] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.002] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.006] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-5-0
[ERR 00:27:17.015] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.016] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.021] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-5-5
[ERR 00:27:17.029] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.030] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.035] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-6-0
[ERR 00:27:17.043] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.044] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.048] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-6-5
[ERR 00:27:17.057] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.058] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.062] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-7-0
[ERR 00:27:17.070] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.071] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.075] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-7-5
[ERR 00:27:17.084] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.086] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.090] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-B-8-0
[ERR 00:27:17.099] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.100] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.105] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-0-3
[ERR 00:27:17.112] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.112] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.117] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-0-5
[ERR 00:27:17.123] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.124] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.129] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-0-7
[ERR 00:27:17.135] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.136] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.141] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-1-0
[ERR 00:27:17.148] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.148] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.153] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-1-5
[ERR 00:27:17.160] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.160] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.165] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-2-0
[ERR 00:27:17.171] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.172] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.177] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-2-5
[ERR 00:27:17.183] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.184] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.189] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-3-0
[ERR 00:27:17.195] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.196] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.201] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-3-5
[ERR 00:27:17.207] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.208] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.213] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-4-0
[ERR 00:27:17.221] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.222] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.226] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-4-5
[ERR 00:27:17.232] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.233] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.238] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-5-0
[ERR 00:27:17.245] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.246] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.250] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-5-5
[ERR 00:27:17.256] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.257] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.263] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-6-0
[ERR 00:27:17.269] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.270] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.275] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-6-5
[ERR 00:27:17.281] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.282] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.287] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-7-0
[ERR 00:27:17.294] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.295] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.299] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-7-5
[ERR 00:27:17.306] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.307] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.311] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-C-8-0
[ERR 00:27:17.318] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.319] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.323] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-0-5
[ERR 00:27:17.335] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.340] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-1-0
[ERR 00:27:17.352] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.357] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-1-5
[ERR 00:27:17.372] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.377] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-2-0
[ERR 00:27:17.390] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.395] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-2-5
[ERR 00:27:17.414] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.419] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-3-0
[ERR 00:27:17.436] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.441] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-3-5
[ERR 00:27:17.461] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.467] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-4-0
[ERR 00:27:17.487] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.492] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-4-5
[ERR 00:27:17.514] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.519] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-5-0
[ERR 00:27:17.542] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.547] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-5-5
[ERR 00:27:17.572] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.577] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-6-0
[ERR 00:27:17.599] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.604] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-6-5
[ERR 00:27:17.629] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.634] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-7-0
[ERR 00:27:17.659] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.664] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-7-5
[ERR 00:27:17.692] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.697] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-CF-8-0
[ERR 00:27:17.724] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.729] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-D-1-0
[ERR 00:27:17.737] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.738] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.743] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-D-2-0
[ERR 00:27:17.750] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.751] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.755] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-D-3-0
[ERR 00:27:17.763] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.764] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.769] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-D-4-0
[ERR 00:27:17.777] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.778] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.782] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-MOUNT-NONE
[LOG 00:27:17.792] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-MUS-INTERTANK-SKELETAL
[LOG 00:27:17.807] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-MUS-LOWER
[LOG 00:27:17.819] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-MUS-UPPER
[LOG 00:27:17.831] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-MUS-UPPERLONG
[LOG 00:27:17.842] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-2-0
[ERR 00:27:17.853] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.854] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.859] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-3-0
[ERR 00:27:17.875] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.876] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.880] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-4-0
[ERR 00:27:17.899] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.900] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.905] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-ADPT-M
[ERR 00:27:17.917] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.918] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.924] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-ADPT-N
[ERR 00:27:17.931] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.932] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.936] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-S-ADPT-S
[ERR 00:27:17.947] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.948] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.953] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-2-0
[ERR 00:27:17.967] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.968] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.973] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-3-0
[ERR 00:27:17.990] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:17.991] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:17.995] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-4-0
[ERR 00:27:18.019] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.020] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.026] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-ADPT-M
[ERR 00:27:18.038] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.039] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.044] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-ADPT-N
[ERR 00:27:18.051] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.052] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.058] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-TANK-SF-ADPT-S
[ERR 00:27:18.069] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.070] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-TANKS-SLS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.075] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-V-CM
[LOG 00:27:18.092] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-V-LAS
[LOG 00:27:18.105] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-V-RM
[LOG 00:27:18.116] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/SC-V-SM
[LOG 00:27:18.127] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-1-1-HUB-EXT
[ERR 00:27:18.136] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.137] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.142] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-1-1-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.151] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.152] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.157] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-1-1-VA
[LOG 00:27:18.167] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-2-1-DOME
[ERR 00:27:18.179] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.180] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.184] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-2-1-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.194] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.195] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.199] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-3-1-EXT
[ERR 00:27:18.207] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.208] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.212] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-3-1-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.222] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.223] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.228] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-3-2-EXT
[ERR 00:27:18.236] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.237] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.241] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-3-2-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.249] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.250] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.255] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-4-1-FLAT
[ERR 00:27:18.262] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.263] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.268] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-4-1-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.278] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.279] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.283] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-4-1-SHORT
[ERR 00:27:18.291] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.292] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.296] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-4-3-HUB
[ERR 00:27:18.305] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.306] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.311] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-ALK-2
[ERR 00:27:18.318] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-BEIGE-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:18.319] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/SC-ADPT1-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:18.323] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-ADPT-T-2500
[LOG 00:27:18.335] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-CFG-A
[LOG 00:27:18.548] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-CFG-B
[LOG 00:27:18.768] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-CFG-C
[LOG 00:27:19.015] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-CFG-D
[LOG 00:27:19.308] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-LONG
[ERR 00:27:19.328] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.329] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.334] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-MEDIUM
[ERR 00:27:19.351] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.352] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.356] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-SHORT
[ERR 00:27:19.451] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.452] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.457] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-XSHORT
[ERR 00:27:19.473] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.474] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.479] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY1
[LOG 00:27:19.486] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY2
[LOG 00:27:19.494] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY3
[LOG 00:27:19.501] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY4
[LOG 00:27:19.509] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY5
[LOG 00:27:19.517] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOCKPROXY6
[LOG 00:27:19.525] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-COM
[ERR 00:27:19.534] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.535] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.539] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-FEM
[ERR 00:27:19.553] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.554] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.559] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-HAB
[ERR 00:27:19.576] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.577] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.582] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-LAB
[ERR 00:27:19.597] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.598] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.603] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-PWR
[ERR 00:27:19.614] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.615] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.620] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-STR
[LOG 00:27:19.635] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-TKS
[ERR 00:27:19.649] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:19.650] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-DOS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:19.654] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-EVA-HATCH
[LOG 00:27:19.665] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-BKT-A
[LOG 00:27:19.682] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-BKT-B
[LOG 00:27:19.701] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-BKT-C
[LOG 00:27:19.725] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-BKT-D
[LOG 00:27:19.737] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-BKT-E
[LOG 00:27:19.752] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-L
[LOG 00:27:19.769] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-M
[LOG 00:27:19.786] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-MF
[LOG 00:27:19.799] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-NONE
[LOG 00:27:19.810] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-S
[LOG 00:27:19.826] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-SF
[LOG 00:27:19.838] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-DOS-T
[LOG 00:27:19.863] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-ISS
[LOG 00:27:19.888] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-MAX-L
[LOG 00:27:19.906] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-MAX-M
[LOG 00:27:19.925] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-MAX-S
[LOG 00:27:19.941] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMA-L
[LOG 00:27:19.955] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMA-M
[LOG 00:27:19.967] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMA-S
[LOG 00:27:19.980] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMB-L
[LOG 00:27:19.994] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMB-M
[LOG 00:27:20.006] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMB-S
[LOG 00:27:20.018] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMC-L
[LOG 00:27:20.032] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMC-M
[LOG 00:27:20.045] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-SMC-S
[LOG 00:27:20.058] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-WDP
[LOG 00:27:20.075] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-B1
[LOG 00:27:20.405] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-B2
[LOG 00:27:20.729] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-C1
[LOG 00:27:21.056] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-C2
[LOG 00:27:21.386] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-E
[LOG 00:27:21.408] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-F
[LOG 00:27:21.435] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-G
[LOG 00:27:21.464] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-H
[LOG 00:27:21.504] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-INF-M
[LOG 00:27:21.756] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HAB-INF-S
[LOG 00:27:22.007] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-HUB-COS
[ERR 00:27:22.025] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-DIFF' not found!

[ERR 00:27:22.026] Texture 'SSTU/Assets/ST-COS-NRM' not found!

[LOG 00:27:22.031] Load(Model): SSTU/Assets/ST-MST-ISS
[LOG 00:27:22.046] Load(Model): SSTU/FX/SmokeFXTest
[LOG 00:27:22.056] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Bag/bag-med
[LOG 00:27:22.068] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Bag/bag-short
[LOG 00:27:22.081] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Hatch/PROP-Hatch
[LOG 00:27:22.092] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/IVAChair/PROP-IVAChair
[LOG 00:27:22.103] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/IVALight/PROP-IVA-Light01
[LOG 00:27:22.114] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/IVALight/PROP-IVA-Light02
[LOG 00:27:22.127] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Keyboard/PROP-KerbalKeyboard
[LOG 00:27:22.139] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/LC2-RPM-PROP/LC2-RPM-PROP
[LOG 00:27:22.149] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/LMcoas/PROP-COAS
[LOG 00:27:22.164] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/MFD1/PROP-MFD
[LOG 00:27:22.174] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Tanks/PROP-ClusterTankMed
[LOG 00:27:22.189] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Tanks/PROP-TankLarge
[LOG 00:27:22.201] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Tanks/PROP-TankMed
[LOG 00:27:22.212] Load(Model): SSTU/Props/Tanks/PROP-TankShort
[LOG 00:27:22.224] Load(Model): SSTU/Spaces/LC2-POD-IVA/LC2-POD-IVA
[LOG 00:27:22.239] Load(Model): SSTU/Spaces/LC3-POD-IVA/LC3-POD-IVA
[LOG 00:27:22.259] Load(Model): SSTU/Spaces/LC5-POD-IVA/LC5-POD-IVA

These logs with a zillion mods are nightmares, no idea how you debug this. I try to carefully follow installation instructions but even doing exactly what they tell you, at least half of them spew hundreds of errors and no idea how you tell which one will impact you. I was thinking that someone with extensive knowledge of the mod environment could make some decent money offering a log-analysis service, I'd pay someone $25 to go through this and tell me how to minimize the errors in general and to identify anything that's broken in a fixable way and help me fix it, just need to time-box it so people don't expect 10 hours of work for $25, I'd be expecting one reasonably attentive hour.

Please let me know if you need anything else, least we can do getting awesome free stuff is help you make it better.

That all looks about normal; those models references textures which no longer exist, but KSP complains about it regardless (the real textures are loaded through plugin code along with the custom shaders).

As far as log debugging goes -- the things to look for are 'Exceptions'.  Notably ' NullReferenceException ' and ' IndexOutOfBoundsException ' are the two most common (but there are lots of others).  They will come along with a few other lines that say where the exception occurred in the stock or plugin code (called a stack-trace), which for the developer of the code is generally enough to tell them what went wrong.

^^^ That is why I always ask for logs.  Without them, all I can do is guess at what went wrong.


11 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

One thing I wondered, I understand what you're saying about the SRBs, but I assume you're talking about your implementation?

Yes; my implementation is built on layers of other code which manipulate most of the model stuff (use in lots of places), and handle the engine interaction (used in lots of other places).  In order to adjust thrust from multiple (internal to my code) sources, I would have to rework substantial parts of the code for both of features that are used elsewhere, for no benefit to the other features (and probably breaking things in the process). 

However, this is mostly the stock 'part upgrade' feature that I'm referring to.  You cannot both alter the stat through the part-upgrade -and- adjust it through plugin code without some major code overhead (due to how/when the stock part-upgrades are applied; they do not yet exist in the prefab part, so I cannot use their values to initialize the part; you also have to have the stats finalized in the prefab before the upgrades are applied (or the upgrade will simply overwrite them);  chicken-and-egg scenario there).  Solve-able?  Sure.  Worth the effort (and mostly time) to do so?  Not to me (I would rather spend that 20 hours on modeling new parts, or cleaning up patches, or finishing up some of the half-done textures).


11 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

Because somehow the PP guy has ASL/Vac nozzles as choices that significantly change the ISP, and thrust seems to be independent of the size, within limits - you can dial the thrust up and down and the only thing that changes is the shape and length of the nozzle bell.

The vac/atmo difference bit is already handled through the different parts (one for vac, one for atmo).  The default thrust is set -to the maximum- already (e.g. no reasonable reason for it to go higher).  Want lower thrust?  Use the thrust-limiter (or thrust-curve-setup GUI).   I do not see compelling reason to add a second thrust limit slider, when the stock one already exists.



13 hours ago, wulf899 said:

Is there a changelog for this mod? I just downloaded an update for KSP (Friday 6/10/17, 12:01 (GMT+11, I live in Australia)) and one of my update mods says that SSTU is incompatible with the current version, and I don't know whether or not Shadowmage has updated it.

While I'm posting here anyway, I should mention that I can't find (what might be called) the Service/Landing module/s for the Lander Cores which I see in quite a lot of photos of this mod (see VenemousRequiem's post on page 1 for reference). Are they hidden in a subsection that I've just missed, is it in an extension pack, or is it currently not implemented in the available parts pack?

Change-logs are posted along with the github releases:  https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/releases

Lander Core fuel tanks can be found in the editor under the part labeled SSTU-SC-TANK-MFT-L (SSTU - SC-TANK - MFT-L - Lander Tank is the in-game displayed name).  It features built-in scaling support; right click the part to bring up the options menu, and change the diamter using the provided slider/buttons.

If you are running KSP 1.3.1 (since apparently it is out now), the SSTU version check will likely complain, as technically it is not compatible with 1.3.1 yet (might work.. but probably has plugin loading problems; also will require an updated module-manager that works for 1.3.1).



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13 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

If you can find a few parts you need modeled and have some good pics, that I can do in my sleep and the models in general are very low complexity, very quick and easy stuff to do and with Unwrella/Flat Iron doing the unwrapping and Substance Painter 2 for textures, that part is quick also. In short I'd like to contribute but I'd need it to be very targeted - pick some parts you haven't been getting around to and I'll churn them out. I've done lots of modding elsewhere and doesn't make me happy to use tons of mods and not contribute in some way.

For example, this is the kind of modeling I do for fun, a Clan Executioner I did modding a BT game - 

Very nice looking model :)   Also sounds like you have some of the nicer tools for doing the work (Blender + gimp 'works', but is fairly slow for some things, such as unwraps). 

Substance Painter / designer always looked nice, but the licensing (cost) has always been prohibitive for a free mod.  From your posted model it looks like it works very well, and could have the potential to greatly improve the SSTU textures (I already try to do something similar with with my textures using noise/etc, but it is slow and difficult to configure, and the results are not as impressive).  Might have to d/l and check out the trials (and then run a funding campaign for the license :); j/k -- if it is really that good, I could probably pick up a license myself ).  Any thoughts on the subject -- is it worth the cost (for someone who may spend 20+ hours a week doing modeling/texturing)?

I wasn't expecting you to model anything; though if you wanted to, I would not be opposed to adding some new parts.  Mostly I was curious as to some examples of what the proposed 'grabber' part would look like.

(on a side note -- love BattleTech; grew up playing the old PC games like Mechwarrior 1, and even dabbled in the tabletop pen and paper stuff a little bit)


52 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:

Not to me (I would rather spend that 20 hours on modeling new parts, or cleaning up patches, or finishing up some of the half-done textures).

^^ on that note; I have thought of a way that I might be able to add a 'thrust multiplier' to the nozzles themselves that shouldn't interfere with the rest of the plugin/module too much, and shouldn't take too long to implement (and set configs for/do testing on).  And as the 'part upgrades' are only used for ISP on those parts, I thankfully don't really have to worry about that mess.  If there were no surprises in code interaction would only be a couple lines of edited code, and one more line added to each nozzle config in the part config files.

Still not entirely convinced of the use of it though.  From my view it would actually remove some utility from those parts due to limiting of choices.  Currently you can pick whatever visual layout you want, and fine tune the thrust for your desired performance; if the nozzles included thrust-multipliers the final performance would be dictated by the visual models, and you would either have to  deal with the specific performance of the nozzle that you wanted, or choose to use a nozzle that you don't want.  It makes even less sense when considering that these thrust multipliers would only ever be negative (e.g. the current maximum thrust available would not be increased on any nozzle, only decreased); so in essence, all this would be doing would be decreasing the performance of some nozzles for ? (I can't think of a good reason).

Perhaps I will investigate adding the feature to the plugin, but leave the default configs as-is in the default releases.  From there anyone would be free to write up a MM patch to add per-nozzle thrust differentiation in whatever fashion they would like.  If the code-side changes are minor, quick to implement, and without side-effect, I'm all for adding more plugin-level customization options even if I don't personally use them (lots of others exist all over in the SSTU code; features that were requested by users, that I don't personally use in the published releases).

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First let me thank you for this superawesome mod!

Been using it for quite a while now in RealismOverhaul and so far things work really neat :)

My most 'beloved' part is the procedural interstage decoupler with integrated ullage motors and automatic post-ullage decouple function, that's just the perfect combo, sweet marmalade!

Another thing which I really like are all the tank buttage and noseage options, they make things really easy and efficient.

And the large suite of available engines!


Now my observation/question/suggestion:

In RealismOverhaul, the ullage motors blast away for a little more than seven seconds and the auto decouple function on the decoupler, if enabled, decouples after roundabout 4 seconds, which often leads to really colorful iterations of unplanned rapid disassembly, if one forgets to click buttons and/or slide sliders^^ And the RO RD-180 seems to have no RO or RF config, it uses LFO^^

Is there a way to adjust the auto decouple time? And is there a way to make auto decouple on the ullaging procedural decoupler a default setting?

Could you please introduce a slider for setting auto decouple time, that would be really awesome! :)

And maybe another procedural decoupler variant, a girdered/trussed decoupler, like on Soyuz, Proton and Titan LVs. I think a simple solution would be making a griddy texture with transparency/alpha between the struts. Or a fancy 3d model.


Shall I open issues on GitHub? I'm always quite unsure about just directly opening those due to lack of experience^^


Peace and have fun!

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29 minutes ago, h0yer said:



First let me thank you for this superawesome mod!

Been using it for quite a while now in RealismOverhaul and so far things work really neat :)

My most 'beloved' part is the procedural interstage decoupler with integrated ullage motors and automatic post-ullage decouple function, that's just the perfect combo, sweet marmalade!

Another thing which I really like are all the tank buttage and noseage options, they make things really easy and efficient.

And the large suite of available engines!


Now my observation/question/suggestion:

In RealismOverhaul, the ullage motors blast away for a little more than seven seconds and the auto decouple function on the decoupler, if enabled, decouples after roundabout 4 seconds, which often leads to really colorful iterations of unplanned rapid disassembly, if one forgets to click buttons and/or slide sliders^^ And the RO RD-180 seems to have no RO or RF config, it uses LFO^^

Is there a way to adjust the auto decouple time? And is there a way to make auto decouple on the ullaging procedural decoupler a default setting?

Could you please introduce a slider for setting auto decouple time, that would be really awesome! :)

And maybe another procedural decoupler variant, a girdered/trussed decoupler, like on Soyuz, Proton and Titan LVs. I think a simple solution would be making a griddy texture with transparency/alpha between the struts. Or a fancy 3d model.


Shall I open issues on GitHub? I'm always quite unsure about just directly opening those due to lack of experience^^


Peace and have fun!

Thanks for the support and appreciation :)

ISDC -- If I remember correctly there should be some config-based adjustments for auto-decouple time;  its default value is '4' seconds:

        public float autoDecoupleDelay = 4f;

However it sounds like the root of the problem is that RO is patching/adjusting other things (fuel quantity / ISP / thrust / burn-time), but they have not adjusted the decouple time properly to account for the change in burn time.

(You can patch the line 'autoDecouple = false' in the SSTUInterstageDecoupler module config to 'autoDecouple = true' to change the default auto-decouple setting on the part)


RE: RO related problems -- I do not use or support RO.  Please direct any RO related problems to the RO thread and/or RO github repository.  I did not write the configs/patches, and have no direct control over how the parts function in RO.  That is handled entirely on the RO side of things.  (edit -- add links: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/88409-realism-overhaul-discussion-thread/&page=64 - or - https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul )

Now, if there is a problem with the stock/default configurations when used in an otherwise stock environment, then, yes, please, file a ticket on the SSTULabs tracker.



'Modular Decoupler' -- already planned, and has been for awhile, but I've been too busy to make up the models/textures for it.  It would be a new part that featured pre-built models (such as a truss for hot-staging setups), multiple switchable models, support scaling, and texture-switching/recoloring.  ( from the SSTULabs wiki master-parts-list, planned-parts:  "  SC-GEN-CDC - Customizable Decoupler - Scalable with model-selection (Lattice, standard, octagonal, near-future truss) " )

Edited by Shadowmage
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RE: RO related problems -- I do not use or support RO.  Please direct any RO related problems to the RO thread and/or RO github repository.  I did not write the configs/patches, and have no direct control over how the parts function in RO.  That is handled entirely on the RO side of things.

Now, if there is a problem with the stock/default configurations when used in an otherwise stock environment, then, yes, please, file a ticket on the SSTULabs tracker.

A'ight, I'll pass it over to the RO guys :)

I 'guessed' that the configs came from SSTU, but I guessed wrong, huh^^


'Modular Decoupler' -- already planned, and has been for awhile, but I've been too busy to make up the models/textures for it.  It would be a new part that featured pre-built models (such as a truss for hot-staging setups), multiple switchable models, support scaling, and texture-switching/recoloring.  ( from the SSTULabs wiki master-parts-list, planned-parts:  "  SC-GEN-CDC - Customizable Decoupler - Scalable with model-selection (Lattice, standard, octagonal, near-future truss) " )

Hmm, I think the marmalade just started smelling a little richer :)

And of course, thanks for the tips regarding the settings in the configs!



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12 minutes ago, blowfish said:

As a general rule, all the RO configs are in RO

Hmm, I put it wrong, my bad^^

I'm aware that the configs are in the RO folder, but I guessed they where contributed by SSTU.

It's confusing, aahh, lemme explain what I mean:

Some (almost all) RO configs come from the RO masters and reside inside RO, some come only as MM patch from the modder and are inside their RO compatible mod, like NicheParts or the NAR MEM cone of fun for example^^ Some come from the modders, but get contributed to RO, if I' ve understood that half ways correctly, and I really just guessed the latter one, wrong me, bad me, less guessing, more research, d'oh^^


Sorry for all the confusion :D

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Just now, h0yer said:

Hmm, I put it wrong, my bad^^

I'm aware that the configs are in the RO folder, but I guessed they where contributed by SSTU.

It's confusing, aahh, lemme explain what I mean:

Some (almost all) RO configs come from the RO masters and reside inside RO, some come only as MM patch from the modder and are inside their RO compatible mod, like NicheParts or the NAR MEM cone of fun for example^^ Some come from the modders, but get contributed to RO, if I' ve understood that half ways correctly, and I really just guessed the latter one, wrong me, bad me, less guessing, more research, d'oh^^



I'd actually say it's pretty rare for the authors of individual mods to write RO configs on their own - RO is quite a beast and takes some effort to understand, so typically RO support is added by the regular RO contributors who actually understand everything required.

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KSP 1.3.1 Update Info:

Official 1.3.1 update will (hopefully) be done this weekend (10-07-17 <-> 10-09-17).  Will include quite a few of the career fixes / balance changes that I've been working on this week.  Due to changes in KSP code, it will NOT be backwards compatible with 1.3.0.

WARNING -- I will (most likely) be removing the docking port options from the StationCore parts during this update.  This will be a craft breaking change if the craft uses the integrated docking port options.  I first posted my intent to make this change back in July, so there has been plenty of time to fix up craft/vessels/save games in the interim time -- https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/issues/522.

The docking ports are being removed due to generally buginess regarding run-time part-module changes; KSP doesn't cope with it very well, and I don't have time to investigate the proper hacks to get it working (and even then, it would still be just hacks that would likely still cause problems with other mods/patches/etc).  Also with the introduction of the 'welding docking port' (sstu or other mods') and KIS based assembly (does it even work with ST parts?), the need for integrated docking ports is much less than it was previously.  Some docking-port-related part-count reduction can still be had by using the ST-HUB parts (which should have their textures fixed soon'ish), and further docking-port related performance improvements can be had with the 'docking port toggle' mini-mod that I have created (but not officially released) -- https://github.com/shadowmage45/DockingPortToggle

If your craft currently do not use the docking ports ('none' selected in the editor), they should be unaffected.  I will do testing to confirm this, and include such information in the release notes (what craft/parts/setups would be effected).

(if there is much outcry about this change, I will consider pushing it back to the next major KSP version update (1.3.2/1.4?); the bugs should be mostly avoidable by simply not using the docking port options; alternatively, I could temporarily release a 2nd SSTUTools.dll that still includes the docking port option code)

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As usual, as soon as my game is stable/mods arent crashing things left and right, im getting good framerate, and get a career game rolling, a new update comes out ._.


In other news, i take entirely too many screenshots. 4.2GB screenshot folder so far, over the past ~3 years






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2 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

KSP 1.3.1 Update Info:


(if there is much outcry about this change, I will consider pushing it back to the next major KSP version update (1.3.2/1.4?); the bugs should be mostly avoidable by simply not using the docking port options; alternatively, I could temporarily release a 2nd SSTUTools.dll that still includes the docking port option code)

No outcry from me.  I have seen comments on this and have been playing Galileo slowly until you "fixed" this.   As one of the original people to point out the Docking port issues I can attest to the amount of work you HAVE put into trying to solve all these problems associated with built in Docking ports.  So let me say thank you man!


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4 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

Official 1.3.1 update will (hopefully) be done this weekend (10-07-17 <-> 10-09-17).

I gotta say that after coming back to this game after so many years (I started playing this late 2012), It's good to see that the mod community still has some modders who regularly make new content and keep it up to date. Really appreciated!

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7 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

Very nice looking model :)   Also sounds like you have some of the nicer tools for doing the work (Blender + gimp 'works', but is fairly slow for some things, such as unwraps). 

Substance Painter / designer always looked nice, but the licensing (cost) has always been prohibitive for a free mod.  From your posted model it looks like it works very well, and could have the potential to greatly improve the SSTU textures (I already try to do something similar with with my textures using noise/etc, but it is slow and difficult to configure, and the results are not as impressive).  Might have to d/l and check out the trials (and then run a funding campaign for the license :); j/k -- if it is really that good, I could probably pick up a license myself ).  Any thoughts on the subject -- is it worth the cost (for someone who may spend 20+ hours a week doing modeling/texturing)?

I wasn't expecting you to model anything; though if you wanted to, I would not be opposed to adding some new parts.  Mostly I was curious as to some examples of what the proposed 'grabber' part would look like.

(on a side note -- love BattleTech; grew up playing the old PC games like Mechwarrior 1, and even dabbled in the tabletop pen and paper stuff a little bit)


^^ on that note; I have thought of a way that I might be able to add a 'thrust multiplier' to the nozzles themselves that shouldn't interfere with the rest of the plugin/module too much, and shouldn't take too long to implement (and set configs for/do testing on).  And as the 'part upgrades' are only used for ISP on those parts, I thankfully don't really have to worry about that mess.  If there were no surprises in code interaction would only be a couple lines of edited code, and one more line added to each nozzle config in the part config files.

Still not entirely convinced of the use of it though. 

Yeah, I have MAX +lots of plugins and the CC suite and Substance Painter/Designer and other things. 

Substance Painter is awesome. Reasonably significant learning curve to get all the texture baking and configuration correct and to get used to their workflow, they're French and as is usual their workflow and UI are a bit odd, but once you do get it it's both orders of magnitude better and faster than Photoshop and it's closely integrated with Unity. Only thing is it requires high horsepower, you can get by with a middle of the road machine with 16GB, but you'll need patience. For a reasonably interactive workflow (which is what it's designed for) you need fast i7+ and 32GB even for KSP's pretty simple models. But once you get a good material collection and really understand how Substances work, you can very quickly do things that are much more realistic than anything you've ever done in Photoshop. I particularly like using the procedural grunge and paint wear/chip and the like materials, like I used on the feet of the Executioner above.

Another example, Bushwacker feet.


These type of materials use curvature, normal, and AO maps in their algorithms to control where the grunge and chips and scratches and things go, once you grok how it works and all the controls, it becomes stupid easy to do very cool stuff.

This is a Raven getting a real raven paint job. The panel lines on the side of the cockpit were done in real time on the model with just a few clicks painting on the depth layer, all those alignment nightmares doing textures go away when you paint them in real time on the model. And for the feathers I made a quick feather brush in Photoshop, imported it to SP and then in real time (while mirroring to the other side of the model) I painted those feathers, scaling the brush as I went to change the feather size. Took probably 1/4 time it would in Photoshop.


Oh and the last thing, once you have your model and textures set up, you can change the colors of those textures in a couple clicks and bake out a new set of maps, takes almost no time to generate as many color combinations as you want.

So like I said pick a couple things you haven't gotten around to modeling and I'll see what I can do.

As for the SRBs, I'd trust your judgment quite a bit over mine as to what is right or not right to do with SSTU. I make suggestions, it's up to the designer who really understands it to decide whether that suggestion is useful or not. As a player, I probably wouldn't remember to use the nozzles often if they're aesthetic only, but if they have a real effect on my rocket design I'm going to click through them every time and eventually know off the top of my head which nozzle I want to use to get the performance combination I want. I think that would be cool. But if it doesn't work for some reason, it doesn't work.

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Hey there. Does someone else have crashes with 1.3.1 and SSTU? I copied the entire GameData and Sources folders into my KSP directory, and if I remove the SSTU folder, KSP starts.

My Mods:
x Science!
Better Burn Time
Community Category Kit
Community Resource Pack
Community Tech Tree
Community Trait Icons
DMagic Orbital Science
EVA Enhancements Continued
Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes
Kerbal Engineer
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement
Kerbal Reusability Expansion
Mech Jeb 2
Mod Rocket Sys
Nav Ball Adjustor
RCS Build Aid
RLA Stockalike
Sample Return Capsule
SpaceY Heavy Lifters
Universal Storage
ModuleManager 2.8.1

as well as, of course:

The error Report notes:
mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
The Error happens after loading the game, when the "loading" symbol on the lower right corner appears.

Should I just switch back to 1.3.0? I really love the SSTU Mod and don't want to miss out on it :/

Edited by Ernesti
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1.3. Just a few posts up:

On 10/6/2017 at 1:10 PM, Shadowmage said:

KSP 1.3.1 Update Info:

Official 1.3.1 update will (hopefully) be done this weekend (10-07-17 <-> 10-09-17).  Will include quite a few of the career fixes / balance changes that I've been working on this week.  Due to changes in KSP code, it will NOT be backwards compatible with 1.3.0.


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BTW Shadowmage and anyone else who decides to noodle around with SP, brush up on your blending modes. They're very important to the workflow in SP, being one of the primary parameters controlling the procedural materials and you need to understand them so you'll know what to use when and why. Otherwise you'll beat your head against some problem and then go ask a question in the forums and have some guy say like, why didn't you just use a decal and set it to multiply? And then you'd feel really stupid, not that I know anything about that, just saying it could theoretically happen.

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