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[1.0.5] Docking Target (0.4) 4/5/2016


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Visually align your craft for docking for a new level in docking precision.

This mod adds the white/black circle and cross seen below to allow you to visually align docking craft. Red lines peek out from behind the cross if you are misaligned, cuing you on which way you need to move for proper alignment.

HullCameraVDS view:


RPM View:





  • 0.1 Initial release
  • 0.2 Minor revision to be compatible with HullcamVDS, which now has it's own built in Docking port camera.
  • 0.3 Added KSP-AVC Support - uploaded to Spacedock.info
  • 0.4 Corrected file locations (derp)
Edited by tg626
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Not yet available for Jr and Sr ports, that's one reason this is v0.1.

Expanded support coming soon. :D

Hi tg626 :) your mod made docking more precise and even all my cross placed RCS thrusters are nearly in perfect alignment. :P

I took the liberty of adding the other docking ports in my copy of the config file, hope you don't mind. :">

Would just like to ask about the module variables, cameraForward, cameraUp and cameraPosition. What are they for? :"> Hope to do some tweaking for inline docking ports as well :D

Thanks in advance. :)

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On 8/25/2015, 11:36:58, OldDirtyMerc said:

I really like this idea, how do I make it with with Ven's stock revamp?

I don't know Ven's Stock Revamp too well, but if he has a "dockingport2" that replaces the squad part by the same name, it should just work if you install it UNLESS Ven's model is so different from stock that my target ends up INSIDE the docking port.


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On 2/21/2016 at 2:46 PM, Stone Blue said:

@tg626 Now that KerbalStuff is shutdown, is there any chance you could rehost this on its replacement site, SpaceDock.info?... Or at least somewhere?
Thanx! :)

Hang tight, it's coming to Spacedock.

On 2/13/2016 at 11:04 AM, sumghai said:

Hey @tg626, just a heads-up that my Service Module pack's parachute-equipped Clamp-O-Tron docking port variant now supports the use of your mod.

AWESOME!  Thanks!

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