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How Many Is Too Many Mods???

Glaran K'erman

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13. And I deserve a cookie for giving an actual number.

Not that I'm superstitious, I just checked that my main KSP install has 12 mods. That was the point when I decided to make separate KSP installs for different challenges.

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I have just chatterer and hyperedit installed. I'd say however many you want until your game crashes at any point, more than once. I used to have amazing texture packs and Kerbinside, but my game crashed every 15 mins and upon loading/saving/exiting.

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Not exactly related but I've noticed that any game with a sizeable moddin community will have a meme of "Mod it till it breaks" that appears frequently. An intresting observation of the human condition (species gamerus moddicus​)

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I should have known responses would get philosophical near-instantaneously when bringing up modding lol.

. . . . . .atever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth for we didn't weave . . . . . .

If you give rats and monkeys lit cigarettes what will they do? How about a teenager a completely unrestricted smartphone. So conceptually you are offering human a thing, a thing that they like to possess, then ask them how much of it they want to possess. The obvious answer is they will want to possess that thing until it begins to harm them in someway. Then you can look up venerable old Indian chief quotes and reflect on the philosophy, as if you had to look up something that was obvious.

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Too many mods is when you spend all of your time scrolling through the VAB/SPH sidebar looking for the one part you need amongst the hundreds of parts that you don't need, never have needed and never will.

- - - Updated - - -

  Kilmeister said:
Three Mods. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number of mods thou shalt install, and the number of installed mods shall be three. Four shalt thou not install, nor either install thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to install three. Five is right out. Once mod number three, being the third mod, be installed, then, starteth thou game, and launcheth thine little green men into space.

Thou three mods must be thee following: Kerbal Engineer Redux, Kerbal Alarm Clock and Module Manager. No moar, no less.

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  Captain Sierra said:
When your map view looks like this.


Haha yea that's a fairly insane system. What the Keck (telescope) is that blue planet doing going so close to Kerbol! Seriously though what planet is that...

  windows_x_seven said:
# of Mods = RAM/sqrt Kraken

# of Mods = RAM/Kraken2, common mistake

Edited by Glaran K'erman
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