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The Dunatian, Playable Save File (Like a Scenario)

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We have moved up to page 2 of the shareables on curse, (past at least three shuttles Westi29, gunning for you ;) ) my next project when I get a chance to play is to produce the beta save file with all assets in place.

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If anyone likes this project, you can give it a like on curse, I am slowly uploading all the craft to KerbalX as well.

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That Hermes is looking good!

The Ares V is an impressive piece of engineering, too. One thing though.. given that the 10 Rockomax X200-32's on top of the boosters are purely cosmetic (since they don't have fuel lines attached), 160 tons of unnecessary mass can be removed by emptying them before re-saving the file. It then gets to orbit quite a bit more efficiently, leaving a bigger reserve for tweaking the orbit as required, to boot.

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  JAFO said:
That Hermes is looking good!

The Ares V is an impressive piece of engineering, too. One thing though.. given that the 10 Rockomax X200-32's on top of the boosters are purely cosmetic (since they don't have fuel lines attached), 160 tons of unnecessary mass can be removed by emptying them before re-saving the file. It then gets to orbit quite a bit more efficiently, leaving a bigger reserve for tweaking the orbit as required, to boot.

Damn, they were empty on the Ares 1 and I assumed they would retain that when I made them a subassembly to attach to the new craft. I never even checked them. Thanks you, I will fix that, I also need to tweak the deployment of the cargo module. The seperatons are blowing the cap with too much force. Wow we just added 160 tons to the payload limit, I only tested up to 10% payload fraction.

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  selfish_meme said:
Wow we just added 160 tons to the payload limit, I only tested up to 10% payload fraction.

In that case, you could perhaps consider extending the cargo bay, and sending both rovers in the one launch.. :D

Mind you, you won't be able to get 160 tons extra to orbit.. don't forget, all that unused fuel would normally get dumped when the boosters burn out in the lower atmosphere. It doesn't ride all the way to orbit. Although if you add a couple of fuel lines to parallel stage things, and retain sufficient fuel atop the boosters to feed the main engines until booster burn-out, you might get a significant increase in payload limit.

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I already got two rovers to orbit in the current bay, the part count was getting too high though. I'm more interested in better performance as it was quite a slow climb to orbit before. Also I turned up the max output of the SRB's so they finish quicker, now I can turn them back down and get a few thousand feet higher with SRB's and save fuel.

I might also put more fuel in the second stage and put in an interplanetary engine for the Duna orbital insertion.

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Well I just uploaded a beta save file to curse with all the assets in place, when it's approved it can be downloaded for testing.

Still to do so far:

Ascent Vehicle and Descent Vehicle need work

Cargo Modules need to be placed

arrangement of Ares 3 site

RTG pickup Testing

Pathfinder trip second test

trip to ascent vehicle test

Rover docking port adjustment on Hab Module (slightly higher and more verticle)

Ares 4 Ascent vehicle, forgot to put ladder down before detaching probe core

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  selfish_meme said:
450 parts for something in space is not out of the question

Believe me, those of us with low-end computers would appreciate the part-welded version.. when I took the Ares V to orbit, every in-game second took 7 seconds of real time.. usually launches use about 3 seconds!

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  selfish_meme said:
Well I just uploaded a beta save file to curse with all the assets in place, when it's approved it can be downloaded for testing.

Downloading now..:cool:

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  selfish_meme said:
I am adding a system to right the rover in case of a roll.

Darn things fire every time I turn the rover though.. I don't see the monoprop lasting for the entire journey at that rate. I'm about to experiment with having the rear wheels on the trailer turn as well, to see if the turn rate can be improved, hopefully reducing monoprop usage a little.

  Majorjim said:
We need inflatable habs Squad!
  selfish_meme said:
It would be pretty cool, reverse fairings, when you stage them they erect. Good idea for a mod.

That mod already exists..


  selfish_meme said:
In the book they delivered 14 of the cargo modules to Mars, it's gonna make a hell of a mess in that crater.

Actually, it said 14 missions, one of which would be the DAV, and probably two more for the rovers. There were also 4 weather stations, which presumably were each a separate probe. The book specifically mentions presupply probe #9, which contained 13 packages of Hab canvas.

  selfish_meme said:
Still to do so far:

Ascent Vehicle and Descent Vehicle need work

Cargo Modules need to be placed

arrangement of Ares 3 site

RTG pickup Testing

Pathfinder trip second test

trip to ascent vehicle test

Rover docking port adjustment on Hab Module (slightly higher and more verticle)

Ares 4 Ascent vehicle, forgot to put ladder down before detaching probe core

Re the arrangement of the Ares 3 site, the book states that there are four weather stations, each located 1km from the Hab, in four directions, presumably N,S,E,W. The book mentions that the DAV is located downhill from the Hab. (Don't know how easy that will be to set up.. I understand the Hab is presently sited at the lowest point in the crater.)

That was a nice touch to see the DDV laying on its' side, as per the story, too! :cool:

I think the Hab ought to be rotated around some, though. At present the solar panels are roughly on the southern side of the Hab. The Ares 3 site is well south of the equator, meaning Kerbol transits the sky to the north. So I'd imagine the solar panels would logically be located on the northern side of the Hab, to avoid the Hab shadow falling on the panels, and maximising exposure as Kerbol transits from east to west.

I was about to test the RTG pickup, got halfway there before running low on charge, so I stopped, deployed the panels to charge, and went to make a coffee while I waited. Came back to find batteries fully charged, but the Kracken had eaten the universe..

I'm just now about to re-launch and resume testing the RTG and Pathfinder trip.

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  JAFO said:
Darn things fire every time I turn the rover though.. I don't see the monoprop lasting for the entire journey at that rate. I'm about to experiment with having the rear wheels on the trailer turn as well, to see if the turn rate can be improved, hopefully reducing monoprop usage a little.

That mod already exists..


Actually, it said 14 missions, one of which would be the DAV, and probably two more for the rovers. There were also 4 weather stations, which presumably were each a separate probe. The book specifically mentions presupply probe #9, which contained 13 packages of Hab canvas.

Re the arrangement of the Ares 3 site, the book states that there are four weather stations, each located 1km from the Hab, in four directions, presumably N,S,E,W. The book mentions that the DAV is located downhill from the Hab. (Don't know how easy that will be to set up.. I understand the Hab is presently sited at the lowest point in the crater.)

That was a nice touch to see the DDV laying on its' side, as per the story, too! :cool:

I think the Hab ought to be rotated around some, though. At present the solar panels are roughly on the southern side of the Hab. The Ares 3 site is well south of the equator, meaning Kerbol transits the sky to the north. So I'd imagine the solar panels would logically be located on the northern side of the Hab, to avoid the Hab shadow falling on the panels, and maximising exposure as Kerbol transits from east to west.

I was about to test the RTG pickup, got halfway there before running low on charge, so I stopped, deployed the panels to charge, and went to make a coffee while I waited. Came back to find batteries fully charged, but the Kracken had eaten the universe..

I'm just now about to re-launch and resume testing the RTG and Pathfinder trip.

You should turn off RCS, it's only for righting the rover if it rolls. Also there are no reaction wheels, so SAS has no real benefit.

I have seen some other habitat mods, when I have some spare time I will check that one out.

OK so 9 empty cargo modules, since everything else would be delivered in them. and build 4 weather stations.

OK will see about rearranging the site as per your explanation.

Um the DDV crashed while I was placing it....totally meant it ;)

I found I couldn't dock the rover to the hab, the gravity makes the suspension different on Duna, need to fix that. I haven't tried the RTG on Duna yet, good luck.

I found that with 4 batteries and 4 RTG's there was no need to recharge, I am down to two batteries (like the book) and two RTG's, let me know if it is enough.

After some inebriated testing with a friend the other night, ABBA does not make rover driving more interesting.

If my nephews (younger better looking and more interesting) are interested we might do a Live stream of the more interesting parts in a play through. I still have to write the script on how to do everything, like don't turn on the RCS.

With steering on the back rover it does turn faster but is more likely to roll, when you are on the trip you hardly turn anyway. I know it's a pain around the base. Also to save EC you can turn the engines off on the back rover. It limits top speed to 20ms but is the best way to avoid rolling. I used half the charge getting the rover to the base from the RTG, then the other half trying to dock.

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  selfish_meme said:
You should turn off RCS, it's only for righting the rover if it rolls.

RCS was off.. in fact, I couldn't turn it on.

  selfish_meme said:
OK so 9 empty cargo modules, since everything else would be delivered in them. and build 4 weather stations.

You could possibly even reduce that to seven cargo modules. 1 mission for the DAV, 2 for the rovers, 4 for the weather stations.. that could account for 7 of the 14 missions.

  selfish_meme said:
After some inebriated testing with a friend the other night, ABBA does not make rover driving more interesting.

I very much doubt that anything can make rover driving more interesting.. :D

  selfish_meme said:
Also to save EC you can turn the engines off on the back rover. It limits top speed to 20ms but is the best way to avoid rolling.

That's a good idea.. hadn't thought of that. Thanks for the tip!

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  JAFO said:
RCS was off.. in fact, I couldn't turn it on.

You could possibly even reduce that to seven cargo modules. 1 mission for the DAV, 2 for the rovers, 4 for the weather stations.. that could account for 7 of the 14 missions.

I very much doubt that anything can make rover driving more interesting.. :D

That's a good idea.. hadn't thought of that. Thanks for the tip!

I thought you said the thrusters were using monoprop? They should only do that if RCS is on?

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  JAFO said:

You could possibly even reduce that to seven cargo modules. 1 mission for the DAV, 2 for the rovers, 4 for the weather stations.. that could account for 7 of the 14 missions.

I packed the rovers into the Cargo Modules though, so they don't need a special launch vehicle. I bet I could do the 4 weather stations in one cargo module.

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My Hermes has about 5k dV, no crew seating yet BUT the nose capsule is empty so you could fit some seats or hitchhiker modules inside. Kerbin TWR a pathetic 0.09 with a 0.35 max. A lot of the fuel is in the 6 fuel spheres at the bottom of the craft.

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  selfish_meme said:
Your probably right, how is the performance on your machine?

Well, my reasons for trying to cut down on the litter was more to do with your remark about what a mess the site would look like, than performance issues.

Performance at the moment is fine. Which is to say my usual 1:3 time ratio for when I'm on the ground.

So far my only problem is whenever I'm in the process of trying to pick up the RTG, my game keeps going black, except for the GUI, then crashes. The last couple of seconds of the log are loaded with hundreds of entries like this:

[LOG 19:33:25.426] Occlusion area test is NAN! Args 0.225920375956186 0.222402599145007 NaN

[LOG 19:33:25.428] part1: NaN

[LOG 19:33:25.429] part2: NaN

[LOG 19:33:25.430] part3: NaN

and this:

[ERR 19:33:25.278] Actor::setAngularDamping: The angular damping must be nonnegative!

I'm wondering if it's something to do with the damping settings on the rover wheels.. at the time I was attempting to manoeuvre into alignment with the RTG docking port.

From some googling around, it turns out both the above errors are relatively common in KSP at the moment. From what I can see, it can happen even in a stock install. It doesn't appear to have been tracked down, so far. The best guess I've seen on the cause so far seems to be this:

  Fengist said:
My guess is, this error is being generated by the PhysX SDK, written by NVidia, and used by the Unity engine. Among other things, it does collision detection. According to the PhysX docs, angular dampening is related to 'the rates at which rigid bodies dissipate angular and linear momentum'. So, somewhere along the way, the Unity engine tried to take something that had angular momentum and make it move slower than the PhysX allowed.

The only mods installed are StockBugFixModules, KerbPaint and ModuleManager. Think I'll see what happens with all mods removed.

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  Yukon0009 said:
Do you want my Hermes craft file now?

Sure I"ll take a look at it

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  JAFO said:
Well, my reasons for trying to cut down on the litter was more to do with your remark about what a mess the site would look like, than performance issues.

Performance at the moment is fine. Which is to say my usual 1:3 time ratio for when I'm on the ground.

So far my only problem is whenever I'm in the process of trying to pick up the RTG, my game keeps going black, except for the GUI, then crashes. The last couple of seconds of the log are loaded with hundreds of entries like this:

and this:

I'm wondering if it's something to do with the damping settings on the rover wheels.. at the time I was attempting to manoeuvre into alignment with the RTG docking port.

From some googling around, it turns out both the above errors are relatively common in KSP at the moment. From what I can see, it can happen even in a stock install. It doesn't appear to have been tracked down, so far. The best guess I've seen on the cause so far seems to be this:

The only mods installed are StockBugFixModules, KerbPaint and ModuleManager. Think I'll see what happens with all mods removed.

I have had other craft that caused instant game crashes when something activated. I will test it and maybe build a new one.

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