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Is there any reason to upgrade from 1.0.3?


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1.0.4 just fixed the issue with adding new attachment nodes to parts causing existing vessels in saves to stop working. This specifically was related to the heat shields, as someone pointed out above.

However, as a modder, I'm assuming people are going to be using 1.0.4, and have set that as the minimum in my new releases, and am ADDING NODES to some parts. That means if you have some of my existing mod parts in your saves, and you upgrade the mod, but are still using 1.0.3 or earlier, you might run into the same problem that the stock game was causing with the heat shields.

So I think it's worth upgrading just so that any mods you're using won't also break your saves.

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I would update just so mods don't complain you're using the wrong version.

Yeah, this is actually the one reason I had actually considered. I recently went and found your post on the top 10 mods you can't live without and installed them. There are a couple of complaints every time I start the game. Wow, do those mods ever add a lot to the game experience!

Happy landings!

- - - Updated - - -

However, as a modder, I'm assuming people are going to be using 1.0.4, and have set that as the minimum in my new releases, and am ADDING NODES to some parts. That means if you have some of my existing mod parts in your saves, and you upgrade the mod, but are still using 1.0.3 or earlier, you might run into the same problem that the stock game was causing with the heat shields.

So I think it's worth upgrading just so that any mods you're using won't also break your saves.

That is an excellent reason! You've convinced me.

Thanks Necro.

Happy landings!

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