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[WIP][1.3.1] North Kerbin Dynamics - Nuclear Bombs and Heavy Ordnance Pack (and other things) v0.84b


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1 hour ago, Firelordofhyrule said:

B-83 isn't working in weapon manager for me either... can't manually launch it either...

woops... I may have forgotten to delete a line that broke things, I'll throw up a hotfix (it's up now)

10 hours ago, Fluburtur said:

Quick question about the mirv, it says it is GPS guided but is the warhead guided only (like, you fly a rocket over you target, and then tell the mirv to do the rest) or can it fly all the way to the target alone (with maybe the missile guidance thing)?

The MIRV is guided independently, as you can launch it.

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Would you consider doing some tweaks to a nuclear explosion under water? Like giving it a larger blast radius and a greater shock wave speed.

I was trying to replay Operation Crossroad yesterday when I found that nukes do nothing different underwater with one on the surface, which seems, a bit, boring.


EDIT: And did you get ammo type of the Zumwalt turret right? I see 406mmNuclearShells in the config

Edited by Acea
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7 hours ago, Acea said:

Would you consider doing some tweaks to a nuclear explosion under water? Like giving it a larger blast radius and a greater shock wave speed.

I was trying to replay Operation Crossroad yesterday when I found that nukes do nothing different underwater with one on the surface, which seems, a bit, boring.


EDIT: And did you get ammo type of the Zumwalt turret right? I see 406mmNuclearShells in the config

To your first point, The problem with that is creating a lot more code functionality that I'm simply too busy to bother with. I can give it a shot to see how complex it'll be, but no promises.

As for the second though, I forgot the withhold the Zumwalt from release... it just doesn't work like I want it to... Creating it is difficult enough as every time I create a model for the body it glitches out and the textures don't like me... It's just a mess really

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On 17-2-2016 at 6:06 PM, harpwner said:

I can do a quick release (or prerelease) when I add them, but it will be a while for another full update really

Maybe a silly question, but did you include ammo?

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10 hours ago, Firelordofhyrule said:

So... um... how the hell am I supposed to fire the howitzers and nuclear Valentinas? I've tried clicking, using the weapon manager, using action groups, and nothing seems to work. the cannons will move, but can't fire at all...

you need CAL

Its a mod with tons of ammo boxes
(though TBH while I'm glad people are who make these mods are being historically accurate it would be more user friendly if they stuck with the standard BDA ammo types)


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9 minutes ago, War Eagle 1 said:

you need CAL

Its a mod with tons of ammo boxes
(though TBH while I'm glad people are who make these mods are being historically accurate it would be more user friendly if they stuck with the standard BDA ammo types)


Now with only one universal ammo box, of which the ammo type can be switched manually XD

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2 hours ago, War Eagle 1 said:

you need CAL

Its a mod with tons of ammo boxes
(though TBH while I'm glad people are who make these mods are being historically accurate it would be more user friendly if they stuck with the standard BDA ammo types)


Frankly the default ammo types don't cut it, that's why we use CAL

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Would you be receptive to a new nuke particle effect?  I might be able to produce something fancy and nukelike in nature but I wanted to check if you were willing to look at effects submissions before I tried to do anything  (first post says you do most of the work).

Edited by QuakeIV
better wording
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4 hours ago, QuakeIV said:

Would you be receptive to a new nuke particle effect?  I might be able to produce something fancy and nukelike in nature but I wanted to check if you were willing to look at effects submissions before I tried to do anything  (first post says you do most of the work).

Well I'm going to have to pass. This project is more of a hobby and I'm rounding myself out by doing everything. Plus the particles I've made are my pride and joy so :P

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Okay, forgive my noobishness here. I only now starting playing with this mod (in 1.1.2) and it's very cool. As a fan of the film Trinity: The Atomic Bomb Movie and its declassified sequences of various nuclear bomb tests (narrated by William Shatner), I quite enjoyed the references to Castle Bravo and Tsar Bomba.

What I can't figure out is how to recreate the video at the top of this thread, where Kerbin was nuked from multiple strikes. I presume that when you stick B-83s onto multiple solid rocket boosters and let them all fly, the nukes are supposed to detonate on impact? Because mine just hit the dirt with no boom. If I put remote guidance on one rocket and control it manually, I can fire and detonate a nuke. But a cluster of them going in all directions? No go.

What could I be missing?

Edited by JonathanPerregaux
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40 minutes ago, JonathanPerregaux said:

What could I be missing?

Probably bdarmory. You'll need to use that to drop the nukes (and fire the missiles and guns and etc.)

Easiest way is to put the bdarmory weapon manager on your craft and set up an action group to trigger the "fire missile" option then select weapons from the gui and use the action group to fire/drop them.

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A-ha! That might be it. I did notice that the fly-out menu for the weapon manager said none were found. It didn't know what that meant, exactly. So like MechJeb, you have to attach a part somewhere. I was squinting at that Youtube video and didn't notice anything other than a missile stuck to some boosters, but I'll give it a look.

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I'm looking at adding new fire and heat functionality to my addon.

This means NAPALM! Basically it may take a bit of experimenting to see how Baha handled adding heat to ships in an area, but other than that I should be good.

Let's not also forget that I made nukes, so nuclear heat effects that effect craft at a wider range would also be a worthy endeavor for me.

Edited by harpwner
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On 5/19/2016 at 6:48 AM, harpwner said:

I'm looking at adding new fire and heat functionality to my addon.

This means NAPALM! Basically it may take a bit of experimenting to see how Baha handled adding heat to ships in an area, but other than that I should be good.

Let's not also forget that I made nukes, so nuclear heat effects that effect craft at a wider range would also be a worthy endeavor for me.

You should talk to the developer of NANA Wildfire, he implemented a great fire system in 1.0.5.

Here it is:



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I completely love the mod, great work but...

Just a minor complaint... When I dropped a nuke on KSP two things happened.

1. It was still standing, direct hit with the B-83 Nuke and no building was destroyed :(

2. After around 7 seconds after the intial explosion the particle effects all dissapeared and my bomber which was around 5km away from the blast was vaporized. Is this intended as I looked no way near the blast? (This also happened with the smaller one when I was around 14km away)

UPDATE: After the 7 second period the blast seems to jump ahead from where it landed (dropping on KSP from direction of Island) Also I tried it with the castle bomb and the buildings got destroyed but the blast was still moved (It moves quite a way). Only the buildings facing the new blast location were damaged even though it was a direct hit so this is maybe why they were seemingly undamaged with a smaller bomb

Edited by WildKhajiit
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15 hours ago, WildKhajiit said:

I completely love the mod, great work but...

Just a minor complaint... When I dropped a nuke on KSP two things happened.

1. It was still standing, direct hit with the B-83 Nuke and no building was destroyed :(

2. After around 7 seconds after the intial explosion the particle effects all dissapeared and my bomber which was around 5km away from the blast was vaporized. Is this intended as I looked no way near the blast? (This also happened with the smaller one when I was around 14km away)

UPDATE: After the 7 second period the blast seems to jump ahead from where it landed (dropping on KSP from direction of Island) Also I tried it with the castle bomb and the buildings got destroyed but the blast was still moved (It moves quite a way). Only the buildings facing the new blast location were damaged even though it was a direct hit so this is maybe why they were seemingly undamaged with a smaller bomb

These aren't problems with my mod. The nuke effects and destruction work off of modified BD code that doesn't actually change how it's calculated. High powers like my nukes and long lasting effects mean these issues are more obvious with my weapons than others, it's just something I can't fix.

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On 5/26/2016 at 9:09 AM, Collider1 said:

I found that by shoehorning the cluster bomb module from BDA into a nuclear bomb's cfg file, it's possible to make it detonate at an altitude between 100m and 1000m, which is pretty useful for maximising its destructive potential on the KSC.


Cluster nuke  when? 

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3 hours ago, andreasblom said:

Cluster nuke  when? 

Challenge accepted. Go to GameData > BDArmory > Parts > clusterBomb > clusterBomb.cfg and replace the code with the following:

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

// --- general parameters ---
name = bahaClusterBomb
module = Part
author = BahamutoD

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---
node_attach = 0.0, 0.25, -0.1, 0, 1, 0, 0
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.25, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = precisionEngineering
entryCost = 2100
cost = 950
category = none
subcategory = 0
title = CBU-87 Cluster Bomb
manufacturer = Bahamuto Dynamics
description = This bomb splits open and deploys many small bomblets at a certain altitude.
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.467
dragModelType = none
maximum_drag = 0.03
minimum_drag = 0.03
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 5
maxTemp = 3600

  name = MissileLauncher
  shortName = CBU-87
  thrust = 50 //KN thrust during boost phase
  cruiseThrust = 0 //thrust during cruise phase
  dropTime = 1 //how many seconds after release until engine ignites
  boostTime = 10 //seconds of boost phase
  cruiseTime = 0 //seconds of cruise phase
  guidanceActive = true //missile has guidanceActive
  maxTurnRateDPS = 70 //degrees per second

  guidanceActive = false
  blastRadius = 800 //meters
  blastPower = 625

  decoupleSpeed = 50
  deployAnimationName = deploy
  deployedDrag = 0.03
  deployTime = 0.2

  explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/explosion

  useSimpleDrag = true
  simpleCoD = 0,0,-2
  simpleStableTorque = 5
  rndAngVel = 0.7

  homingType = AGM
  missileType = missile
  homingType = GPS
  optimumAirspeed = 1000

  exhaustPrefabPath = BDArmory/Models/exhaust/smallExhaust

  name = ClusterBomb

  deployAltitude = 1000
  deployDelay = 2.5
  submunitionMaxSpeed = 2000
  swapCollidersOnDeploy = true

  subExplModelPath = North Kerbin Weaponry/effects/Explosion_M65
  subExplSoundPath = North Kerbin Weaponry/sounds/explosion_MOAB


Warning, this will very probably cause your game to lag as it will cause 20 or 30 nuclear explosions and will look something like this:


I made it a GPS guided missile as well as I figured that a higher speed when it deploys its submunitions may increase the spread. I recommend giving it a high deploy altitude. Unfortunately the submunitons cannot be set to airburst detonate, (at least I don't know how to do it) but the sheer number of them should ensure sufficient destruction of whatever you're aiming at.

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