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WWII Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber

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I feel like I am leading you down the wrong path, what version of the B-17 is it? That would determine some of the features. The picture I posted before is the best guide you can go by.

Well... I based it all on pictures I can find. Sorry.

As Kerbart said, the best I can go by would be the B-17F.

EDIT: What a 900th post! :D

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It seems as if you have certainly spent a lot of time on this. But the nose, does kill it (also seems too long?), and there are some minor scruffy parts - struts exposed. The jet engines could probably be offset and hidden into the nosecone at the back of the engine and one would assume that because it's offset it should still thrust(?). The fairing base could be covered too. But the fact that it gets down to such nitpicking says that overall it's there.

As for the nose, if it were mine to change I would offset the cupola and rotate. Then add in something to fill the gap and start detailing.

Just a quick cobble, but gives you a much better starting point?


I look forward to seeing the updated version and carpet bombing those a-holes in the VAB.

Oh and if you don't already, I highly recommend you install EditorExtensions. The most useful mod for building! I don't know how I ever KSPd without out.

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It seems as if you have certainly spent a lot of time on this. But the nose, does kill it (also seems too long?), and there are some minor scruffy parts - struts exposed. The jet engines could probably be offset and hidden into the nosecone at the back of the engine and one would assume that because it's offset it should still thrust(?). The fairing base could be covered too. But the fact that it gets down to such nitpicking says that overall it's there.

As for the nose, if it were mine to change I would offset the cupola and rotate. Then add in something to fill the gap and start detailing.

Just a quick cobble, but gives you a much better starting point?


I look forward to seeing the updated version and carpet bombing those a-holes in the VAB.

Oh and if you don't already, I highly recommend you install EditorExtensions. The most useful mod for building! I don't know how I ever KSPd without out.

Thanks :) For the nose, I've come up with using fairings, but the sacrifice for that is that the Cupola would no longer have a decent view. I'm currently looking for other ways.


The jet engines could probably be offset and hidden into the nosecone at the back of the engine.

I actually tried before, it caused the wings to overheat and eventually destroy themselves. :P

I highly recommend you install EditorExtensions.

I actually heard about that before! I'll give it a try.

I actually just finished taking photos of the B-17 for the update and was about to release it, but ah well. Your feedback is more important.

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Looks messy, I still dont know why when people build "replicas" that look nothing like the real thing, not even from afar, and still expect to get good reviews...

But whatever, someone will be along shortly telling me how lacking in taste Im, just dont post on the interwebz if you cant take the heat.

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I've wanted to make one of these for a long time, guess you finally beat me to it! I'm amazed at the amount of effort you out into it! I think it's a very good take on my favorite bomber to date!

Thank you! :)

And how exactly do you expect a perfectly accurate B-17 to be made out of space shuttle fuselage and rocket fairings? This replica is pretty much perfect IMO in terms of wing profile, tail shape, engine nacelles, props and cockpit, and looks like it functions great too.

*silently nods in agreement shamelessly

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This looks amazing. Rep for you. I saw another B-17 up, and it pales in comparison to this one. Does anyone know where I can find a B-29 Superfortress replica? Been wanting one to drop an atomic bomb (BDArmory add-on) on those bastards in the R&D facility who can't do anything without me busting my [CENSORED] off to get science.

BTW, where can I find a tutorial on making bearings?

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Hey man,

Ok I tested it and here are my findings.

She looks great man, and apart from the issues listed below she flies beautifully! Once you deal with the issues I found this will be an amazing aircraft. The bombs worked as advertised and where a ton of fun to use!

So on to the issues, I will list them for ease of reference and add pictures below.

-Rolling causes the aircraft to pitch up

-You haven't changed the ailerons on the wings to do their job properly, you only changed the upper tail plane

-The wings are not strutted and flap around when flying (1)

-The created cockpit is off center as is the upper tail plane (2,3)

-The cargo bay doors clip into the engines when open (4)

-The tail plane isn't strutted so it moves alarmingly from side to side when you yaw (5)

-lowering the gear caused an explosion and removed the rear of the aircraft -Jeb survived but only just- (6,7,8,9,10)

Pics are numbered as above

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It really is a glorious aircraft. The gunner pods are great and there are some really nice design touches. Let me know if you need any more feedback mate.


p.s Put in a few empty stages before the body work fairings. That way nobody will accidentally stage them when dropping bombs.

Edited by Majorjim
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Hey man,

Ok I tested it and here are my findings.

She looks great man, and apart from the issues listed below she flies beautifully! Once you deal with the issues I found this will be an amazing aircraft. The bombs worked as advertised and where a ton of fun to use!

So on to the issues, I will list them for ease of reference and add pictures below.

Alright :) Thanks in advance!

-Rolling causes the aircraft to pitch up
-You haven't changed the ailerons on the wings to do their job properly, you only changed the upper tail plane

I reckon a quick edit in Pitch/Yaw/Roll/etc. might fix this. I'll note this in the next version.

-The wings are not strutted and flap around when flying (1)

That's unusual, the struts I applied worked on the wings rather well. I'll try testing it on another save to see if the struts would still be there.

-The created cockpit is off center as is the upper tail plane (2,3)

Angle Snap.. Darn. (This is why I need Editor Extensions!) Noted too.

-The cargo bay doors clip into the engines when open (4)

From what the picture shows, I need to move the engines just *slightly* forward. Hopefully it wouldn't cause another huge mound of CoM problems.

-The tail plane isn't strutted so it moves alarmingly from side to side when you yaw (5)

The yaw of the empennage is extreme in that image! I need to strut the girders holding it!

-lowering the gear caused an explosion and removed the rear of the aircraft -Jeb survived but only just- (6,7,8,9,10)

..Sorry.. I only encountered it once during testing (While working on the new update) and it wasn't recorded into the Flight Report. (I believe it's structural failure of the empennage.)

It really is a glorious aircraft. The gunner pods are great and there are some really nice design touches. Let me know if you need any more feedback mate.


p.s Put in a few empty stages before the body work fairings. That way nobody will accidentally stage them when dropping bombs.

Thanks, Majorjim! Really helpful too :) Noted too.

EDIT: Unfortunately, the empty stages get removed from the staging list when it's launched..

Sorry :(

- - - Updated - - -

Update To-Do list:

-Redo Tail, strut more and make it thinner (Priority, most problems stem up from this)

-Edit Pitch/Yaw/Roll of all control surfaces

-Apply more struts on wings, test if working on different saves

-(Install EditorExtensions) Center (and pretty much redo) cockpit

-Offset engines forward not to clip cargo bay

-Add empty stages before fairings

-Make nose cone more broad

Edited by Columbia
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Hey I am liking the direction the nose is taking, usually trouble getting off the runway is due to COM too far forward, also do you have any angle in the wings?

Thanks. I had to sacrifice a bit for the nose, though - It's about 16 parts, adding to the already extreme part count of this aircraft. Considering how simplistic-looking it is at first glance, I'm limited to budgeting it as much as I could.

Here's the CoM/CoL relation:


And no, the wings were placed perfectly perpendicular to the fuselage.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh great, now it can't even lift off.


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Alright, finally got it aloft! Final changes commencing..

Release is imminent within the week...

I may or may not have clipped in a krapton of reaction wheels and control surfaces in desperation.


- - - Updated - - -

Who wants a Kerbal Space Center wallpaper?

I took it while I observed the B-17 crash, bringing with it my skill at landing planes.


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Does it take off without control input or SAS? That's a feature of the real one. And stacking control surfaces helps a lot. If some problems persist, contact me. I'm a pro at building ridiculously large airplanes (remember the turboshaft Fw 190, right?)

Reaction wheels? Never.

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Does it take off without control input or SAS? That's a feature of the real one. And stacking control surfaces helps a lot. If some problems persist, contact me. I'm a pro at building ridiculously large airplanes (remember the turboshaft Fw 190, right?)

Reaction wheels? Never.

Actually, yes, it does (Albeit at a much lower speed, I reckon the lift is overpowered).

Also, about stacking control surfaces.. Yeah, umm... about that..


(I'm sorry :()

I've seen a lot of your creations before! They stand out really well, and really diverse. (I especially like that bus, and your propellers!)

Thanks for the help, Azimech!

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Barley can turn... Hmmm what type of real plane is like that? Heavy bombers.

Well, heavy bombers in general are pretty hard to turn around and maneuver.. But I think this one's difficulty was a bit overkill.

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Update 1.5 released!


-Improved nose (less sharp)

-More struts! (Notably on wings and tail)

-Better-looking cockpit

-Empennage revised

-Improved performance


-Higher part count

-Less visibility in Cupola module

Download links will be up soon.

- - - Updated - - -

Download links up!

Edited by Columbia
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