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Kids playing KSP


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My kid is 7. He sees me playing KSP a lot (maybe too much...). 2 days ago, he wanted to try flying planes. I helped him flying one. He had fun "kerbaling" some planes into the ground (he blew the VAB trying to land - who didn't ! :D ).

I put him in sandbox, not to manage science and funds which complicates things even more. But sandbox is quite overwhelming too. I explained that rockets are easier than planes. We flew "Kerbal X" to space using MJ for ascending and letting him managing the staging and I explained how chutes works (not before 250m/s !)

I suspect most of us aren't teenagers :D, so there should be many dads whom kids are interested in KSP. How do you manage that ?

A real "kid game mode" could be very nice too in KSP.

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I suspect most of us aren't teenagers :D, so there should be many dads whom kids are interested in KSP. How do you manage that ?

My kids has never had any problems with the complexity, it's more been an issue of finding time to play.

But then I define "kids" as people < 35, since eldest is 34 ;)

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A real "kid game mode" could be very nice too in KSP.

Sandbox seems best for kids but the amount of parts is probably too much at the beginning.

I think some sort of sandbox mode where you unlock more parts over time or depending on how many things you've launched would be good for that.

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Well I must say my kid can't read english ; even if he remembers well where to click to come back to KSC. We hope he could remember as well to hook up his pijamas in his bedroom every morning... He'll start learning multiplication this year. So :

- contracts are not possible

- parts are mostly undistinctive except for their shape.

I'll see what he's built when I'll be back from work.

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My 10-year old son plays sometimes. Mostly he makes "party barges"--rovers built like pontoon boats with lots of seats and lights--and drives them off the end of the runway into the sea. Although he still can't really dock, he asked me to copy my asteroid station into his game so he can visit it.

My 13-year daughter doesn't really play, but she knows all about it and reads my comics. When I told her Lisa Kerman's character was based a little bit on her, that made her VERY happy :)

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My 13-year daughter doesn't really play, but she knows all about it and reads my comics. When I told her Lisa Kerman's character was based a little bit on her, that made her VERY happy :)

That is so cool. Makes me smile. I'd rep you some more, but, you know.

Happy landings!

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My boys are 5 and 4, and they love "playing rockets". They're not very sophisticated about construction and piloting (yet), but they thoroughly enjoy launches and executing staging events. And explosions. And kerbals ragdolling when they fall down.

One thing I've done to make construction easier for them is to make a custom category of parts with only a small selection of parts all on one tab, and none of them are those that have attachment issues (like stack batteries, for example). So they can put together a functional rocket without having to switch tabs or deal with part overload.

I have learned to lock the staging when one of them is up with me when I'm playing seriously, due to some past mishaps. ;)

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I'd venture Science Mode is best for new players of all ages. Start with a small selection of parts that makes it obvious what to do, but no worrying about overall mass limits, part counts, money, or any of the other career mode hassles.

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One thing I've done to make construction easier for them is to make a custom category of parts with only a small selection of parts all on one tab, and none of them are those that have attachment issues (like stack batteries, for example). So they can put together a functional rocket without having to switch tabs or deal with part overload.

That's a VERY good idea. I'll do that this evening.

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I have learned to lock the staging when one of them is up with me when I'm playing seriously, due to some past mishaps. ;)

Oh god, yes. I don't have kids (hell, I'm still one myself) but my sister and friends are out to get me with this thing. If they find that staging is locked then they'll pitch/yaw the ship until I crash. :P

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My daughter is not into rockets but I built a huge base on Dres that looks like a castle and named it after her. When I showed it to her we played around with the game a bit and one of the Kerbals ended up rag-dolling & spinning on his head like he was break dancing... we laughed and laughed. I also wrote a story for her about Kerbals who accidentally become space pirates and she loved it. I think she "borrowed" some ideas from it for a Language Arts assignment in school.

I introduced KSP to my nephew and he loves it, he landed on the mun the first time he tried but couldn't manage to dock. I showed him a few tricks and now he can dock like a pro. Space planes are a different matter. Unfortunately the game doesn't run on his laptop so he only plays when I'm around.


Edited by Jolly_Roger
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My 3 year old sits on my lap while I play and I let her do the staging...I am sure you can all imagine how that sometimes goes... But she loves it and we talk all about spaceships and astronauts and astronomy. So who cares if I have to revert scum my way to Orbit sometimes!

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My 3 year old sits on my lap while I play and I let her do the staging...I am sure you can all imagine how that sometimes goes... But she loves it and we talk all about spaceships and astronauts and astronomy. So who cares if I have to revert scum my way to Orbit sometimes!
Same here (mine is three and change), when I'm actually playing KSP. With Minecraft and Skyrim her favorite thing is to hold down "w" while wildly flailing the mouse around.
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One thing I've done to make construction easier for them is to make a custom category of parts with only a small selection of parts all on one tab, and none of them are those that have attachment issues (like stack batteries, for example). So they can put together a functional rocket without having to switch tabs or deal with part overload.

This is freaking brilliant... had not occurred to me. I will do this this evening.

My 9 YO son has already messed around a fair bit, as has my 11 YO daughter (who was particularly happy to see Val, et al).

They are decidedly in a minority, I think, in that they cannot stand the notion of harming kerbals. It's almost crippling to them in terms of experimenting much, as they don't want to hurt them. So we have worked a little on chutes, etc. so they can survive accidents.

A friend I turned on to KSP has 9 YO daughter, and she plays, but ended up embracing a fundamental problem (IMO) with default staging in KSP. She quickly realized that rockets firing with a chute on the pad at the same time often results in spinning. She is NOT like my kids, and doesn't mind watching kerbals being flung. So she makes spinning contraptions, then EVAs kerbals to see how far they can be flung. LOL.

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Sandbox seems best for kids but the amount of parts is probably too much at the beginning.

I think some sort of sandbox mode where you unlock more parts over time or depending on how many things you've launched would be good for that.

That is what science mode is for. Essentially sandbox, but with science gathering and the tech-tree unlocks. Might be a good balance between the overwhelming of sandbox and the challenge of career.
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I'm technically a kid as well, better said a teenager, but I play KSP seriously. That means: SSTO's, Minmus cities (currently building one), building a Duna plane, planning to send a probe to Jool... etc. I'm even smart/stupid enough to mod it 'till it freezes and am desperately hoping for 1.1 and a RAM upgrade :P.

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Heh, I'm a kid myself, does that count?

Same here. It seems that not much people around me play KSP. I tried once to talk my classmate into it with no success.

Trying to contain all those principles and laws and terms to not look like a complete geek/nerd/mad man is exhausting...

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