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Disable heat system outside of atmosphere.

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You can do this yourself in the debug menu, but you shouldn't be experiencing performance issues related to the heat system, it's really not that heavy.

I suggest you upload your system specs and game logs, and post in Support, because it sounds like you have an issue that we may be able to resolve.

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You can do this yourself in the debug menu, but you shouldn't be experiencing performance issues related to the heat system, it's really not that heavy.

I suggest you upload your system specs and game logs, and post in Support, because it sounds like you have an issue that we may be able to resolve.

Will do that when I get back to my PC, but I have seen a lot of complaints about anything over 180 parts in the forums

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I'm be opposite. I'd like to have heating outside of the atmosphere. There's more than just one kind of heat (reentry), you can also be heated through the constant heating of being in the sun above earth. In fact the Space Shuttle had to rotate itself so it's bottom always faced the sun so that the shuttle could maintain a safe temperature. The Apollo CSM would put itself into a constant rotation so that it could get equal and constant heating. Other spacecrafts have radiators and other such hardware for heat regulation. Moreover the radiators don't make sense to me. There isn't a craft with enough heat production and thrust to merit a reason for the large radiators. The NERVAs have high heat production but the large radiators weigh them down too much and therefore make it pointless to have it. You can't use it during re-entry either as it'll be blown away make the large radiators useless!! If you used them in reality, you'd attach it to something like the ISS so you could radiate heat from it since its size creates a lot of heat since its large surface area picks up a lot of the Suns heat.

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I'm be opposite. I'd like to have heating outside of the atmosphere. There's more than just one kind of heat (reentry), you can also be heated through the constant heating of being in the sun above earth. In fact the Space Shuttle had to rotate itself so it's bottom always faced the sun so that the shuttle could maintain a safe temperature. The Apollo CSM would put itself into a constant rotation so that it could get equal and constant heating. Other spacecrafts have radiators and other such hardware for heat regulation. Moreover the radiators don't make sense to me. There isn't a craft with enough heat production and thrust to merit a reason for the large radiators. The NERVAs have high heat production but the large radiators weigh them down too much and therefore make it pointless to have it. You can't use it during re-entry either as it'll be blown away make the large radiators useless!! If you used them in reality, you'd attach it to something like the ISS so you could radiate heat from it since its size creates a lot of heat since its large surface area picks up a lot of the Suns heat.

So you want an extremely laggy game so it can be incredibley realistic in one (uninportant) aspect, when there isn't even proper life support implemented.

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So you want an extremely laggy game so it can be incredibley realistic in one (uninportant) aspect, when there isn't even proper life support implemented.

That more sounds like he want a little more laggy game (hey, solar panels already measure light) so it can be fun (important) in one more aspect. You can have other priorities, but please don't be harsh on other for them having other priorities - it can be done the way new aero was implemented - with an option to turn any feature off.

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Typically the heat produced by a properly designed nuclear thermal engine is carried away with the propellant or used otherwise in the systems or radiated as part of the assembly.

Heat management of spacecraft systems it a fundamental aspect science figured out that allows us high altitude flight and space operations. Eliminating it in game due to play necessity seems to be a poor choice. i hope the balance and play issues surrounding heat, thermo, and related parts and systems are soon addressed by the devs and not (as is now) forced on the player to accommodate.

Edited by Wallygator
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Hi Clivman,

Can you be more specific? How many parts, the actual Frames per second and is this in orbit? I want to test. There is more lag in versions 1.0+ up. Some bizarrely deny it but I have done in depth testing on three separate PCs and there is significant lag at certain points during ascent through the atmosphere that TOTALLY dissapears when you hit 70k M, seriously try sometime looking at a FPS counter when you cross 70k M. it's amazing. And proof the areo/heating system needs major work. I would hold off until version 1.1 hits then do more testing.

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So you want an extremely laggy game so it can be incredibley realistic in one (uninportant) aspect, when there isn't even proper life support implemented.

My computer sucks- but the heat system has never been an issue leading to lag. Just you man. There's an option to disable it.

And yes, I'd like to have it added as it adds better realism and a new challenge to the game.

As to life support, that's secondary and requires a complete update dedicated to JUST LS. This is a much simpler system which can be added ontop of the pre-existing heat system. So don't talk about LS system because A) it's in the What Not to Suggest list and B) My request for a heat system has NOTHING to do with LS!

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My computer sucks- but the heat system has never been an issue leading to lag. Just you man. There's an option to disable it.


It has been the major lag causing issue after 1.0, indicated by several polls and discussions on the forums. If Unity V fixes this however, that's a whole different story.

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It has been the major lag causing issue after 1.0, indicated by several polls and discussions on the forums. If Unity V fixes this however, that's a whole different story.

Well again, I personally have not experienced this lag. Most of mine comes from large part count crafts... and that's about it. And again, my computer sucks... just to give a basis for my statement. I'm not running a custom computer beast.

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I also have not personally experienced this lag, and I have yet to see any evidence that it is the heat system specifically that is causing lag.

I have noticed KSP can struggle a bit more with the hair shader than it did previously, and in case you don't know, the white transonic effect and red flame effect are generated by a hair shader.

So all I do is turn aero fx down a notch.

But neither of these operate in a vacuum, so something else is happening.

By the way, heat while in space is under much less load than in an atmosphere as there's fewer things to account for, for example the only sources of heat are your own vessel and the sun, while the only means of transferring heat are via internal conduction and external radiation.

Aerodynamics are also not in operation wile in space, so again it's something else.

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