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[1.7.3 & 1.11.0] Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered v2.5.0 & pre- (2021-January-19)

Whirligig Girl

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  On 10/12/2019 at 12:44 AM, DelicousPi said:

Thank you so so much Sigma - just applied the fix to vall's cfg myself and it loaded fine! looking forward to playing in my horrible hacked-together Frankenstein of a system :)


EDIT: well, I seem to have run into another problem. Just loaded the actual space center for the first time and the whole thing is floating a few metres above the ground -  in addition, the atmosphere intermittently appears thin and kind of twilight-y. It's a very pretty effect, but I'm guessing it's not intended. Looking through some forum threads this appears to be a known issue with SD/Rescale and planet packs? I tried adjusting some of the building height and terrain settings in the Rescale cfg, but nothing seemed to have any effect. Here are some screenshots I took of the bug - let me know if you want me to upload some more logs in the same method as before.



I will need to install the mod myself to check on this, I will let you know...

it might just be an issue with SD moving the KSC to a slightly wrong position


do you use Rescale! ? or do you have custom SigmaDimensions settings?

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  On 10/12/2019 at 9:44 PM, Sigma88 said:

I will need to install the mod myself to check on this, I will let you know...

it might just be an issue with SD moving the KSC to a slightly wrong position


do you use Rescale! ? or do you have custom SigmaDimensions settings?


Yes, this was using Rescale - I tried both the 2.5 and 3.2 configs. I didn't notice any significant difference between the two but I could have missed it.

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  On 10/14/2019 at 12:10 AM, birdog357 said:

Where in the .cfg for Vall do I add that line?


Not Sigma, but I inserted the fix at line 129 - Vall's .cfg looks like this for me in notepad++. Works great so far!

On a semi-related note, @Sigma88 I have a rather unsatisfying conclusion to the case of the floating KSC. I've been teaching myself a lot of MM syntax the past couple of days and decided it would be best to start over my install from scratch with a few proper patches in one folder instead of trying to sort out the insane house of cards it had become. A couple of hours later, and I installed SD/Rescale to find it working perfectly. Still don't know why it happened, but at least it's fixed. Thanks again for your help with the Vall bug :D

Edited by DelicousPi
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  On 10/14/2019 at 12:26 AM, DelicousPi said:

Not Sigma, but I inserted the fix at line 129 - Vall's .cfg looks like this for me in notepad++. Works great so far!

On a semi-related note, @Sigma88 I have a rather unsatisfying conclusion to the case of the floating KSC. I've been teaching myself a lot of MM syntax the past couple of days and decided it would be best to start over my install from scratch with a few proper patches in one folder instead of trying to sort out the insane house of cards it had become. A couple of hours later, and I installed SD/Rescale to find it working perfectly. Still don't know why it happened, but at least it's fixed. Thanks again for your help with the Vall bug :D


Give me a moment to incorporate the line and I'll let you know on a clean/minimal AKR install if it works the first time.

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  On 10/14/2019 at 12:26 AM, DelicousPi said:

Not Sigma, but I inserted the fix at line 129 - Vall's .cfg looks like this for me in notepad++. Works great so far!

On a semi-related note, @Sigma88 I have a rather unsatisfying conclusion to the case of the floating KSC. I've been teaching myself a lot of MM syntax the past couple of days and decided it would be best to start over my install from scratch with a few proper patches in one folder instead of trying to sort out the insane house of cards it had become. A couple of hours later, and I installed SD/Rescale to find it working perfectly. Still don't know why it happened, but at least it's fixed. Thanks again for your help with the Vall bug :D


Score. @Sigma88 Using a clean install of just AKR and the supporting mods, and adding your one line to the Vall.cfg, I successfully got a 2.5x AKR using Rescale! and SD. I do not have a floating KSC like @DeliciousPi had so he must have had another mod or patch conflict.

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  On 4/12/2020 at 5:05 PM, GregroxMun said:

h... how could it be a portal reference?


ah yes never mind I will just place the Aperture Science Weighted Storage Cube on the 1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Super-Colliding Super button.


in other news Tylo is kinda warm today

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Remember, folks -

Nearly all the mod makers for Kerbal Space Program are volunteers who make their creations out of love of the game and their desire to contribute to the community. And as with any other game, sometimes a modder will decide they've invested as much of their time and effort into mods as they desire and simply walk away from the game. And that's fine. We wouldn't want any mod maker to stick around and continue to develop mods because they felt obligated to do so. We want them to stick around and continue development of their mods because they want to.

So, this, as well as a whole bunch of other mods, have fallen to the wayside. Sometimes, someone else will come along and "adopt" the mod (which is why we require some sort of license for each mod released to the KSP community) and bring it back from extinction. But if no one is willing to do it, the mod may/may not work with future updated versions of the program.

Some KSP players will find their favorite mods last updated version and find out what version of KSP it was last compatible with - and play with that mod. But that's at the cost of losing any new features in the current stock version of the game. It's a trade-off some of us make.

But we do ask that you keep in mind Forum Guideline 2.2p:

Demanding or pressuring for release dates or updates from Take-Two or content creators.

Chances are if the thread for a mod in question has an OP that's not been updated in over a year OR there's no regular posts (generally, I use a simple method of the most recent post is six months old), chances are the mod has been abandoned and not adopted by any other mod creator/maintainer in our community.

And before it's reported, folks, there is nothing wrong with posting relevant questions/answers/comments in older threads. :) 


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  On 1/20/2021 at 12:50 AM, GregroxMun said:


here is a prerelease of the KSP 1.11.0 version of Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered, for use with RTB's Bleeding Edge Kopernicus for KSP 1.11.0



Good god, man, releasing this right at the start of the semester? When I'm online and in front of my computer all day? It's like you're trying to fail me. Shame on you. :wink:

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  On 1/20/2021 at 7:40 PM, DeliciousPi said:

Good god, man, releasing this right at the start of the semester? When I'm online and in front of my computer all day? It's like you're trying to fail me. Shame on you. :wink:


AKR isn't worth not doing your classwork for. I say this of course, from the standpoint of having daydreamed about AKR and other KSP planet modding since 2015. WAIT WHAT? TWENTY FIFTEEN?




I was sixteen. I had wacky high school friends and doodled drawings of Alternis Laythe and Alternis OPM system layouts in class. I livestreamed KSP for fun for a modest 1-10 viewers per stream. I was an annoying kid way in over my head, bodging together a slightly better version of a mod I fondly remembered but barely played from just a year or two prior. I drove the hype train thread with each new KSP release, and at one time the KSP 1.0 hype train thread was the longest thread on the forum.

The original Alternis Kerbol's dev thread was published December 13, 2013. Support ended before the release of KSP 0.23.5 on April 1st 2014. 3 months, and 19 days. (it's a fair bit longer if you account for the time until the mod actually broke, with the release of 1.0 on 27 April, 2015: 1 year, 4 months, 14 days)

Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered has lasted nearly 4 times longer than the original Alternis Kerbol did. That just breaks my brain.

I've always had this chronic problem of not being able to finish projects i've started. Stories, comics, art challenges. And yet these planet mods serve as the one piece of art and media that I have which connects me from the teenager I was in 2015 to the adult I am now. I'm a very different person than I was then, but some things never change.


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I've always had this chronic problem of not being able to finish projects i've started. Stories, comics, art challenges. And yet these planet mods serve as the one piece of art and media that I have which connects me from the teenager I was in 2015 to the adult I am now. I'm a very different person than I was then, but some things never change.


Wow, it's like looking in a mirror. I have a folder full of stories that are three-quarters done, some of which date back to seventh grade, because I can never be bothered to finish my work instead of jumping ship to something new and shiny. There is one project, though, that I've worked on continuously since I was fourteen. It's almost completely unrecognizable from what it was when I started (and better, I'd like to think), but still feels like a connection back to what my life was like when I started it. It's certainly a weird feeling.

  On 1/20/2021 at 9:38 PM, GregroxMun said:

The original Alternis Kerbol's dev thread was published December 13, 2013. Support ended before the release of KSP 0.23.5 on April 1st 2014. 3 months, and 19 days. (it's a fair bit longer if you account for the time until the mod actually broke, with the release of 1.0 on 27 April, 2015: 1 year, 4 months, 14 days)


I was there! Wow... I was in ninth grade in 2014, and I remember daydreaming about AK/piles and piles of KSP mods all the time in school. I'd spend many of my lunch breaks looking up lists of mods, scribbling down links and patches that I could try to frankenstein together after school. I spent an entire weekend when 0.23.5 came out hacking AK to work with the new version, along with EVE and its brand-new volumetric clouds. I was absolutely ecstatic when I got it working at 15 FPS on my at-the-time brand new laptop.

I'm in my third year of university now. My life, similarly to yours, has changed in many, many ways - my computer is different, my hobbies and friends and many of my interests are different; even my personality is different (thank god), and I'm on a vastly different path than I thought I'd be taking in university, one that's unfurled itself over years, that I wouldn't have ever guessed as a way forward for myself when I applied to my original program. The fact that all this time I've been playing the same game, even with a bunch of the same mods (or their successors, at least), is incredible to me - it's one of the very few things that's felt like a constant throughout the twisty course of my experiences thus far. So thank you, Gregrox, for continuing to help maintain that small link to my past in your efforts to continue this fantastic mod.

(Sorry for the rant, I realize that it's not terribly relevant. In the interests of remaining on-topic: I'll have to try a Principa AKR playthrough next, now that they're both on 1.11! A Kerbin-Jool L1 station might be cool. Or L4/L5 stations.)

Edited by DeliciousPi
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