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Most Annoying thing in KSP


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And predictable but plainly WRONG overheats

Right there with you. The atmosphere of Jool is NOT the surface of a star. Neither is Eve's.


"Realistic" heating is anything but realistic at planets other than Kerbin and (possibly) Laythe.

Possible solution: Add a per-planet multiplier to the "X m/s is temperature of X degrees" thing, which shouldn't even be a thing in the first place.

Entry on Duna should only require heatshields if the ship doesn't stop in a parking orbit before landing (SOI switch straight to atmospheric entry, descent, and landing).

Mid-high altitude skims of Eve's atmosphere (60+km Pe) might require heatshields. Higher skims (75+ km Pe) should be doable without heatshields.

Aerocapture using Jool's atmosphere (~125-150 km Pe) should require heatshields. Higher skims (aerobraking at 175km+ Pe) might not.

No matter what, a 205km x 195km orbit around Jool shouldn't vaporize the ship nearly immediately like it does now (tested this myself).

If I had the pull, I'd get people to start complaining about this until it was fixed. As I don't, I'll just put it here.

Edited by SciMan
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Oh lord, don't even get me started on those service bays. They wobble, they come loose, they explode, they teleport to another dimension, pretty much everything except their job

I had the same problem. The weird thing is about them is that they have 4 nodes, where two pairs are very close together (top inside/outside, bottom inside/outside). If you attach the next part in the stack to the inside of the bay, that's where wobble and coming loose comes from. You have to be really careful to attach what belongs on the outside to the outside and what belongs on the inside to the inside.

I had a huge minmus mining base and attached about 50t worth of a base half to a tiny probe core node because of that. I did some savefile editing to rescue it, so I attached it correctly to the outside node.

The problem is that the inside nodes and outside nodes are visually not that different :/

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Unrealistic stock and mods, it seems KSP is stuck somewhere between 1950 and 1980 with nuclear rockets, spaceplanes, warp drive, etc.

But there are realistic mods, so soon after grand tour/jool-5 byebye stock and welcome good mods and fine tuning of parts for more 21th century space realism !!:)

Note : good aspect of KSP, people can have fun the way they want with mods : unrealist, scifi, oldies, realist, modern, etc; but stock is a bit disappointing at the end of tech level, very outdated.

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IIt's really annoying when an encounter trajectory just flickers and disappears when I'm adjusting a node, making it impossible to see what I'm doing.

Also the claw bug. ...

A bit off topic:What's also annoying is the fact i can't persuade my own friends to play this awesome game. I want to show them the light! But the learning curve is too step for them i guess.. xp perhaps a voiced tutorial with easy missions would persuade the nay sayers.

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Wedge, not a fix, but zoom out really really far and it won't wiggle so much.

If only. Most of the time I need to be viewing in close to see what my orbit will actually be doing after a capture. I've gotten in the habit of quicksaving the game, fast-forwarding time to see what actually happens, and then hitting F9..... :)

Side note: the problem with wobbling orbit indicators usually seems to happen when I'm on an "encounter-escape" trajectory; it seems to go away when I get into any kind of orbit that's actually a closed loop.

Works with a craft spinning out of control as well for those times you have phantom forces and can't turn your battery back on because the button is too tiny to click while spinning.

Heheheh. This has never been a problem for me; all my ships are equipped standard with Temporal Inertial Stabilizers............. <quiet snickering>

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I don't like how it maxes out its limited memory capabilities in no time at all... the whole memory management seems to be in dire need of improvement.

If it could use the full RAM that a computer provides, and would learn to rid the memory of unneeded information the game would be perfect for me (well maybe get rid of some bugs too, but the memory thing is the most annoying to me)

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Many things there are like performance issues with many parts, glitchy bays, parts that only seems to attach but don't and more.

But the most annoying thing for me is when I play for several hours and then suddenly, without any reason at all, it crashes to desktop. Hey this landing on minmus greater flats? CRASH. Adjusting the spacecraft in deepspace between eeloo and jool? CRASH.

Starting up the game? CRASH. <-- and this is even stock sometimes.

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Many things there are like performance issues with many parts, glitchy bays, parts that only seems to attach but don't and more.

But the most annoying thing for me is when I play for several hours and then suddenly, without any reason at all, it crashes to desktop. Hey this landing on minmus greater flats? CRASH. Adjusting the spacecraft in deepspace between eeloo and jool? CRASH.

Starting up the game? CRASH. <-- and this is even stock sometimes.

That's trippy. My game hasn't crashed on me yet. :0

EDIT: Might be worth mentioning my game is stock. I've never tried to mod it.

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Side note: the problem with wobbling orbit indicators usually seems to happen when I'm on an "encounter-escape" trajectory; it seems to go away when I get into any kind of orbit that's actually a closed loop.

Sorry, didn't catch all of this conversation, so pardon my cluelessness, but is this when your path just wobbles up and down when you've set up an encounter in a far away SOI like Minmas?

I think that's just the physics messing about, I just press "." to get it into the first level of time acceleration putting my craft on rails, the wiggling stops and you can set up your nodes and whatever without all the jumping about.

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Turbojet is now a SR-71 eng and basic jet is a hairdryer

I know I'm a bit slow getting on to this, but the basic jet is still a supersonic jet. It took people a damn long time to get thru the sound barrier.

Still having been used to the way it was I was also kinda disappointed by the nerfage - my Harrier replica didn't hover anymore :(

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  • 4 months later...

- Uncheck 'Show Space Center Crew' and still see trucks driving around in the SPH and VAB. Didn't I tell you that I don't want to see the crew?

- Parts not snapping to connection nodes, no matter how close you put one node to the other.

- Symmetry mode forcing radial mode, to the point you have to mash the 'r' key multiple times and by luck, have the part connected correctly in mirror mode. If not, rinse and repeat.

-Lack of space when working on large vessels.

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16 hours ago, BloodDusk said:

- Uncheck 'Show Space Center Crew' and still see trucks driving around in the SPH and VAB. Didn't I tell you that I don't want to see the crew?

Well, technically trucks aren't crew... But yeah. Inconsistency.

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