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Here I am playing this game for hundreds of hours. Developing ships that I find efficient. I see a video today (I kid you not) that was almost an exact replica of my recently designed ship.

Due to my low income and shortened education (due to my destructive and limiting childhood) I am stuck in my home never to achieve the potential I have.

Space has been a passion of mine since looking up at the stars at six years old. My I.Q. is well above average. I have taken many, many tests to calculate a base of 136.

Capitalism is the worst thing to happen to the growth of the sciences. Even when I want to progress I'm halted due to the overall cost.


A frustrated person

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You mean in real life? Well, cool, but you should know that the differences between KSP spacecraft and real spacecraft are far greater than appearances would imply.

Also most of your post is off-topic, but if you have a computer you probably have the opportunity to solve your own problems as with many people who have used the power of the internet (and computers) to place their lives in a more favourable situation. I wish you the best.

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Yes, I 'm aware that this post is on a game forum. I'm aware that this post will lead almost certainly to no gain. But, find it in your heart to let me vent. If it makes you feel any better I will input my game woes.

I have experienced constant issues when having my Kerbin on EVA missions. Whether it be travel on foot or glitching in batteries.. These little guys are constantly bugging out.

Edit: In fact, just recently I had a Kerbin jet off into nearly a light speed trajectory out of the solar system simply because he bumped a RCS (the name escapes me currently; it's the vanilla module) unit above but connected to the 2-man Capsule.

Edited by Jas1126
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Which video?

Rockets have this weird habit of looking really similar to each other, IRL. If you designed a rocket thinking about how it would be IRL, then that could be why.

Starting at around 3:00. This is a ship I had developed hours before watching said video.

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Why would that frustrate you?

What does your financial situation have to do with it? Just by having a PC, access to the internet and enough free time to play games makes you better off than a significant portion of population.

Do you think that the rest of us here lauch full sized Delta IIs in our backyards when we get bored?

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Here I am playing this game for hundreds of hours. Developing ships that I find efficient. I see a video today (I kid you not) that was almost an exact replica of my recently designed ship.

Due to my low income and shortened education (due to my destructive and limiting childhood) I am stuck in my home never to achieve the potential I have.

Space has been a passion of mine since looking up at the stars at six years old. My I.Q. is well above average. I have taken many, many tests to calculate a base of 136.

Capitalism is the worst thing to happen to the growth of the sciences. Even when I want to progress I'm halted due to the overall cost.


A frustrated person

You couldn't be more wrong, and history proves it... go study it some.

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I think we're being a bit hard on Jas1126. Maybe Kerbal will be a catalyst for him/her to begin to make some changes in his/her life?

My wife and I both work in environments where we're surrounded by people with very impressive credentials. We have commented to each other that it is clear that being smart alone isn't enough. You've also got to be determined and you have to have a bit of luck. But to some degree we make our own luck with determination. If Jas1126 is determined enough, I am sure he/she can begin to turn things around.

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Jas, there was this man called Marcus Aurelius. He was a Roman Emperor, and he was much wiser than anybody alive today. He wrote a work called "Meditations", which is almost a manual for living stoically. Living stoically is, in my opinion, best summarized by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, which defines it as "the quality or behavior of a person who accepts what happens without complaining or showing emotion".

"Meditations" is a great work, and you would be better for reading it through. I was made better for reading it. It doesn't require much time to read it through, and you should read it slowly, stop frequently, think about what you've read, think about how it applies to your life, and what you can do to change. Here's a link to read it: http://classics.mit.edu/Antoninus/meditations.html. It can also be bought very cheaply, under 10 dollars, if you like to read from paper like I do. There is also always the Library, Library cards are usually free or require a <$10 one-time fee to get one.

Here are four quotes from "Meditations" which relate to your current situation:

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.â€Â

“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.â€Â

“Do not indulge in dreams of having what you have not, but reckon up the chief of the blessings you do possess, and then thankfully remember how you would crave for them if they were not yours.â€Â

“Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.â€Â

There is also a work by the Greek-Roman Philosopher Epictetus called "Enchiridion" which contains more stoic philosophy, but "Meditations" will set you on your way and get you on a good track. Realize what you cannot control, and set your worry free of those things. Worrying about things you can't control will degrade your mind faster than any video game or television program.

Edited by Flymetothemun
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