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Please integrate Porkjet's mods

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The devs had paid a lot of attention to spaceplanes several last updates. .25, .90, 1.0, 1.1. And the models are very pretty, thanks to Porkjet.

But he has made other awesome mods: namely Habitat Pack (adds some space base/space station/interplanetary ship part vaguely similar to Nautilus-X) and Atomic Age (adds, well, different nuclear engines including nuclear trubojet and also more radiators).

And spacecrafts do need some love.

So. Please please please please consider integrating this mods into stock.

Edited by nothingSpecial
oh my god my English is so terrible
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I wouldn't go so far to fully implement both of those packs. The nuclear jet looks really nice, but do we really need more nuclear engines? Inflatable base modules on the other hand, are something I would love to have. Using hitchhikers or the mobile lab in horizontal position on the surface is pretty bad.

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I wouldn't go so far to fully implement both of those packs. The nuclear jet looks really nice, but do we really need more nuclear engines? Inflatable base modules on the other hand, are something I would love to have. Using hitchhikers or the mobile lab in horizontal position on the surface is pretty bad.
I don't know about engines (I want to try consecutive burns with low TWR for interplanetary one day, and for them NERVE should be enough) but radiators look pretty cool.
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We have 1 nuclear engine. Having ones for the other node sizes would be very useful, as would a nuclear jet that works in any atmo.

Ok, you and Red Iron Crown actually made me change my opinion on that. I would especially like the small nuke, but we really need that PorkJet's tweakable to make the fuel tanks LF only first to make them worth using.

My point though was that we still lack an engine to fly in oxygen-less atmospheres. I'm only going to use the small 'Juno' engine, because it will be added and is cute (yes, 'cute' is my main argument here). But 'Goliath' and 'Panther'? Nah, don't think so.

Also, @Red Iron Crown: Six jet engines? I thought we were getting additional three to already existing two? That makes it five, not six.

Edited by Veeltch
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me too. I'm sick of using hitch-hikers as surface habitats. they are not really "living spaces" just but passenger seating in a can.

If we have habs with internal living space they NEED to be inflatable. I have no desire to launch mushrooms just to accommodate a massive single part hab

EDIT: I just saw that they are. However they look like they are just seats inside too.. I want to walk around inside. And hilariously I can using stock parts. In fact I already have! Coming soon.

Edited by Majorjim
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Also, @Red Iron Crown: Six jet engines? I thought we were getting additional three to already existing two? That makes it five, not six.

Wheesley, Whiplash and Rapier currently, plus the Goliath, Panther and 0.625m one whose name I forget coming.

(I know the Rapier is also a rocket engine, but it's a bad one that only gets used when you need the airbreathing capabilities, too.)

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If we have habs with internal living space they NEED to be inflatable. I have no desire to launch mushrooms just to accommodate a massive single part hab

EDIT: I just saw that they are. However they look like they are just seats inside too.. I want to walk around inside. And hilariously I can using stock parts. In fact I already have! Coming soon.

Inflatable habs are a must! imagine if you could design inflatable habs the same way you draw fairings!

as for walking around inside, hopefully this video/mod will inspire the devs to revisit the earlier planned enhanced IVA feature:

hopefully one day we might be able to put the practice of mass clipping and horrendous misappropriation of parts behind us.


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0.625m and 2.5m nuclear engines would be nice, for smaller ships and for super huge as time and part saver

Also I would like rocket engine with 30-50 thrust on ground level, before 1.0 we had 3 engines very close to that range, but now... they all suck at ground level.

Closest is 120 thrust, but it is too much and too heavy.

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Atomic age would be nice implementation indeed.

Why y'all like balloon habs that much? Why not something more solid?

don't think we need all of atomic age parts to be added. the nuke lightbulb is nice, but nuke jet and RTG engine may not be necessary for stock. I wouldn't argue if they were added though, just limiting my expectations.

inflatable habs just make sense. the mass to volume ratio is good and its also nice and compact during launch.

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hopefully one day we might be able to put the practice of mass clipping and horrendous misappropriation of parts behind us.


This I do NOT agre with. And neither do Squad by all accounts. Where you see horrendous misappropriation of parts I see possibility for glorious creativity.

I fear you want to turn my KSP Lego into KSP duplo.. You want to dumb it down don't you? You sir are an ignoramus and a monster. Be gone with you!

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This I do NOT agre with. And neither do Squad by all accounts. Where you see horrendous misappropriation of parts I see possibility for glorious creativity.

I fear you want to turn my KSP Lego into KSP duplo.. You want to dumb it down don't you? You sir are an ignoramus and a monster. Be gone with you!

*pats out flames*


:sticktongue: lol, I kid, I kid.

what I mean is, there should be a wide selection of fully realized and properly functioning structural parts so builders don't need to use 230 gravioli detectors and 741 radiator panels to make a desired shape, only to have it react strangely in atmosphere due to limits of the game.

***anyhoo this^ is a discussion for another thread.

porkjet parts for stock! but habs and 2.5 nuke should take priority.

Edited by Capt Snuggler
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I fear you want to turn my KSP Lego into KSP duplo.. You want to dumb it down don't you? You sir are an ignoramus and a monster. Be gone with you!

The problem is that SQUAD follows the "new Lego way" of "you can use this nice part in exactly one way or it would look extremely stupid". Think about all the engines (each fits exactly one tank size) and all the cool options you have for tip of a Mk2 spaceplane...

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Wheesley, Whiplash and Rapier currently, plus the Goliath, Panther and 0.625m one whose name I forget coming.

(I know the Rapier is also a rocket engine, but it's a bad one that only gets used when you need the airbreathing capabilities, too.)

Oh, yeah. Forgot about the RAPIER. I believe the small engine is called 'Juno' after the WW2 Jumo engine.

FTFY You're welcome!

You didn't read what I posted after that, did you?

Edited by Veeltch
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