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Was KSP beta rushed?


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Alfa was too long in fact. Since around 0.22 Squad could easily call every single version a 'release' and, well, it'd be more playable than most of 'released' games in the market.

All that 'too short beta' raging butthurt is a result of too long alfa. *raises heatshield*

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Not so much inflammatory than beating a dead horse which has already been turned into an amorphous blob.

An inflamed dead horse.

You know what this community is like. When an update drops, half the crowd plays with the new toys, and the other half flies into a seething rage about how broken everything is. Things usually cool down after a week or two, but the big Beta to Release update permanently transformed some people into enormous salt monsters. Best to leave such discussions alone, lest we wake the sodium beasts!

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A lengthy beta doesn't ensure that bugs will be fixed. We've had a lot of major issues fixed with Kerbal Space Program and can look forward to more being fixed in the future.

I can think of MMORPGs I've played that had betas of decent length where I tried in vain for eight years to have one simple bug fixed that persisted until the day they shutdown.

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Where have you been?

Look at the robocraft forums every time a major update is released. Nearly every single thread is a 5 page rant about how game breaking the update is, and it usually lasts for sometimes up to several days before dying down. There's also usually that one person who is attempting to defend the update but gets drowned in hate comments and occasionally an entire thread about how terrible that person is. They've even been dubbed as sh*tstorms due to how bad they are, and the developers occasionally make a defensive post about the update or just ignore it. A few days after it and the forums are back to normal after people have gotten used to the changes.

And who even cares. 1.0 has been out for quite some time. Unless you have a time machine talking about what has already occurred isn't terribly useful.

Yeah, I personally don't care too much about it, I was just curious about what other people thought.

Edited by Clockwork13
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IMHO, yes the beta and the whole 1.0 release was rushed. Thankfully the fallout appears to be limited primarily to disgruntled forum members like me who think that 0.27.4 is a more accurate version number for the game than 1.0.4 given its current state.

Despite my issue with the version numbering, the modding community is still very strong, the game appears to be selling well and Squad is still developing it (and with 1.1 it looks like they're taking things a little slower and not trying to rush which is a big plus) so the future of the game still looks bright in spite of the rushed release.

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Remember the good old days when 'release' meant it was distributed to shops in encyclopedia-sized (big books we had before google, kids) cardboard boxes that containing a 500 page instruction manual, 4 floppy disks, and the copy protection was a pinwheel with shiny numbers on that you couldn't photocopy? Of course bugs didn't get patched so much, but then it was kinda assumed that if a game was bugged it wasn't fit for purpose and you could get a refund.

Now, you can't get a refund because you didn't buy a game, you bought a 'service' that included 'access' to a game, and the paying customers are the playtesters, tech support and bugfixers too.

I'm going to have a cry... ;.;

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Remember the good old days when 'release' meant it was distributed to shops in encyclopedia-sized (big books we had before google, kids) cardboard boxes that containing a 500 page instruction manual, 4 floppy disks, and the copy protection was a pinwheel with shiny numbers on that you couldn't photocopy? Of course bugs didn't get patched so much, but then it was kinda assumed that if a game was bugged it wasn't fit for purpose and you could get a refund.

Now, you can't get a refund because you didn't buy a game, you bought a 'service' that included 'access' to a game, and the paying customers are the playtesters, tech support and bugfixers too.

I'm going to have a cry... ;.;

Don't forget the manuals the size of textbooks that actually were worth reading because they contained useful information on how to use the program (that and google didn't exist so you couldn't just go look it up online).

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Don't forget the manuals the size of textbooks that actually were worth reading because they contained useful information on how to use the program

I remember manuals for some games that were only half about the game. The other half was a textbook on whatever the game was about.

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I remember manuals for some games that were only half about the game. The other half was a textbook on whatever the game was about.

Can you imagine the 1990-style manual for KSP? :confused:

Edit: better get back on topic... yes it was rushed, by the standards of modern betas. Then again KSP is a pretty unique game genre - this ain't your modern MMO - and after all alpha/beta releases are just developer tools towards release, and like any tool they're applied as the craftsman/developer chooses. I'm not a game dev, so I can't really comment on whether Squad were right or wrong to have a short beta, but I can say that if it was short that was because Squad were happy with it that way.

Edited by The_Rocketeer
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Pointless thread is pointless.

Whether the beta was rushed or not, there is nothing useful to be gained here. They can't exactly go back to alpha/beta status, nor is there anything to be done about it at this point (aside from the continued development, which is happily happening), so this falls way outside any reasonable definition of "constructive criticism".

Sorry folks, this one gets locked.

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