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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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Hey, @Angel-125, I'm having a bit of trouble in my game, and I'm fairly certain it's a simple thing. I'm getting this error when focused on a craft bringing a load of tourists home after a WBI stay in a base. This particular contract wanted me to bring them home, but it counted that check mark for returning them when I loaded onto the launchpad, and it stayed checked after I sent the mission rather than reverting to unchecked till the rest of the contract was satisfied. The time finally ran out, but when I focus on the craft with them in it, I suddenly can't save or go to any other screen. Tried staying focused on that craft and brought it all the way home, but couldn't recover it, either. Every time I hit either, I got this NRE in the output log and a giant mess in the KSP.txt file with references to protoCrewMembers. Also see that the game tried to remove the tourists, but it can't quite succeed. Basically, I think it tried to fire the delete tourist thing while they were still out on the mission rather than on recovery of the vessel.

[EXC 16:10:44.103] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	KerbalRoster.ValidateAssignments (.Game st)
	Game.Updated ()
	GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode)
	KSP.UI.Screens.AltimeterSliderButtons.returnToSpaceCenter ()
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args)
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke ()
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press ()
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)

I can upload the full things if you like. They're huge, as I think I'm having a few things going sideways with this install. Thank you muchly for any insight you may have.

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  On 2/24/2018 at 1:05 AM, Krakatoa said:

Hey, @Angel-125, I'm having a bit of trouble in my game, and I'm fairly certain it's a simple thing. I'm getting this error when focused on a craft bringing a load of tourists home after a WBI stay in a base. This particular contract wanted me to bring them home, but it counted that check mark for returning them when I loaded onto the launchpad, and it stayed checked after I sent the mission rather than reverting to unchecked till the rest of the contract was satisfied. The time finally ran out, but when I focus on the craft with them in it, I suddenly can't save or go to any other screen. Tried staying focused on that craft and brought it all the way home, but couldn't recover it, either. Every time I hit either, I got this NRE in the output log and a giant mess in the KSP.txt file with references to protoCrewMembers. Also see that the game tried to remove the tourists, but it can't quite succeed. Basically, I think it tried to fire the delete tourist thing while they were still out on the mission rather than on recovery of the vessel.

[EXC 16:10:44.103] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	KerbalRoster.ValidateAssignments (.Game st)
	Game.Updated ()
	GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode)
	KSP.UI.Screens.AltimeterSliderButtons.returnToSpaceCenter ()
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args)
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke ()
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press ()
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)

I can upload the full things if you like. They're huge, as I think I'm having a few things going sideways with this install. Thank you muchly for any insight you may have.


Thanks for the info, I'll take a look. Haven't run into this one..

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  On 2/13/2018 at 6:34 PM, drhay53 said:

@Angel-125 I have encountered a couple of issues which have previously been reported, and I will try to describe them here. 

The first issue was reported about a year ago and I don't see that there was any resolution. I have a Casa inflatable that was originally configured as a Pigpen, which was reconfigured to a Geology Lab. It's "Manage Operations" button does not work; it causes a new "Start Converter" button (currently I think it has 10 from me playing around) to appear in the right click menu, and throws an NRE. Here is the NRE that I believe is thrown, as well as a link to an output_log:

  Reveal hidden contents

There is also a lot of spam at the end of the log for this:

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https://www.dropbox.com/s/5d624j2gk6h0tx9/output_log (3).txt?dl=0

For this issue, I cannot track down the full set of steps to reproduce what happened. When tested with my clean install shown below, the Casa is behaving normally, but perhaps the NRE will give you the answer.

The second issue was reported in January and is that there is no deflate button on any of the inflatable modules. I set up a clean install with only Buffalo, Pathfinder, and the associated requirements. Here are screenshots of the install, the right click menus, and a link to an output_log from that game.


The MLM holds equipment.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/kxlqmaq2mylwvt3/output_log (4).txt?dl=0


I am also having this problem with pathfinder modules. After I have initially set up an inflatable using "manage operations", every-time I try to use the "manage operations" button again it throws up a new "Start Converter" button. 
Bit sad as I love the mod :D



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Hi, I am new to using this mod with any degree of scale. Previously I have other WBI mods and just used a couple of items from this mod. Now I am giving this mod a whirl at making a base on the Mun.

I seem to have quite a bit of this:

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Here is the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ibb1udpzhb1zk7w/saves for Pathfinder.1.output_log.rar?dl=0

I zipped it as there are over two thousand entries for:

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Can you let me know what I am doing wrong please? I feel sure it must be something my end...

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Hi, I am new to using this mod with any degree of scale. Previously I have other WBI mods and just used a couple of items from this mod. Now I am giving this mod a whirl at making a base on the Mun.

I seem to have quite a bit of this:



Hmm, looks like @Angel-125 will have to look into the Gold Strikes. (geology lab can find gold strikes which can be extracted by gold diggers for a limited amount of resources)

Edited by TDplay
Added the quote for what the person said
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  On 2/28/2018 at 8:23 AM, Apaseall said:

Hi, I am new to using this mod with any degree of scale. Previously I have other WBI mods and just used a couple of items from this mod. Now I am giving this mod a whirl at making a base on the Mun.

I seem to have quite a bit of this:

  Reveal hidden contents

Here is the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ibb1udpzhb1zk7w/saves for Pathfinder.1.output_log.rar?dl=0

I zipped it as there are over two thousand entries for:

  Reveal hidden contents

Can you let me know what I am doing wrong please? I feel sure it must be something my end...


Try using the 1.41 pre-release of WildBlueTools and see if that helps.

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Just thought I'd pop by the forums and share a cool Base In A Box, my colony lander is (almost) intact, I've just scrapped one of the two OX-STAT-XL units because I accidentally broke it while disembarking. The entire base was contained in the 6000L KIS box and assembled with the small Delta tank of Equipment, while landed on the bigger Delta tank of LFO and the Poodle engine, using the landing struts. The 3 connectors were pre-added, one for connecting to the future base and the other 2 for bolting the lander down. I was *barely* able to set it all up on just the one tank and the only issue I'm having is the Buckboard Generator not producing enough. Welp, whatever, time to ship another in!

Havin' a whale of a time setting it up! Can't wait to land the next module.

Fun fact for ya: 3 Kerbals were (nearly) killed in the making of this base because somebody (aka TDplay) set the orbit too low. Thank god for the "Revert to Launch" and "Quicksave" options.


Edited by TDplay
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Just thought I'd pop by to share more information about my Mun base. It has now grown and is bigger and better.


My colony now has a little runabout made of the bits I brought in a rocket (which crashed and is now inoperable but at least the cargo is fine). It has one removeable seat (removed for more cargo space) and a 1u cargo space (can install seat 2 in) and also has the chassis probe core and a trailer hitch so I can link to my base. The small chassis parts are just there for the solars.


You can now see extra Buckboards and my rover docked in the right. Attatched to my Hacidenia (left) is a Spyglass for vessel building and my Ponderosa (central) contains plenty of supplies like a Casa for geology and 4 Survey Stakes to mark where to build my craft (e.g. a full buffalo not the little chassis with a seat I have)

Also I can easily give this mod my stamp of approval (which I did absolutely not just grab off google, please ignore the stickers on it that say "Found on Google").


Edited by TDplay
Spelling correction!!1!!one
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Ok, I think I've bugged the game out. I've attatched a Casa and started it as a prospector, now my Ore stocks are dropping fast (and thus my main power source's (Buckboard Gen) fuel stocks) and the Manage Operations button is just causing the context menu to add a "Prospector: zero efficiency" readout and a "Stop Converter" button. I'm using an engineer to reconfigure and a game restart and even computer reboot did not fix the issue.

Please help, it would be greatly appreciated. Fixed. In the meantime, I'll go see if WBT can be updated because

  On 3/2/2018 at 6:40 PM, Angel-125 said:

and the patch notes say that WBIProspector has been fixed not to make NRE (what is that anyway I hope it fixes the issue anyway) Worked.


EDIT: WBT update fixed it. My ore (and thus EC) is stable now. Now back to base managing! Expect my next post soon-ish.

Edited by TDplay
WBT update worked
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Another base update!


Bill: "I'm fine carrying this >1t box!"

Jeb: "Well, you are a Kerbal. We are strong because we are Kerbals."


Bill: "WOAH! Steady on the turns! You know what happened in the simulator with a top-heavy rover!

Jeb: "I'm being as steady as I can. Also, I quicksaved before this so it doesn't matter if we crash and die."


Now the settlement is nice and cozy. 3D printing tested and working, and the Spyglass has been moved - it was on an impractical curve earlier. Also the new generator has been installed and EC is pretty stable for now. Thank the KerboGods that planets yield infinite ore. So I can confirm 2 Gold Diggers + 1 MC2000 generator is stable at 15% ore and one more digger plus an MC3000 generator is good for dealing with demand spikes (then again an MC1000 battery is also great for demand spikes). Now I just need to use the spare Buckboard to carry Equipment and LFO from my crashed supply ship!

And now to get Equipment and RocketParts production up and running!

Edited by TDplay
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OK, so I'm trying to get ExoticMinerals up and running but my Geology Lab is saying the concentration is "unknown" and the Prospector is not filling my ExoticMinerals tanks. Do I need a TERRAIN satellite or do I just need to rig up a Gold Digger? Or will I need a Claim Jumper?

Also here's a beauty shot of my base at night. Loving the lights on all the modules!


Edited by TDplay
Beauty shots are always good.
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  On 3/3/2018 at 8:47 PM, TDplay said:

OK, so I'm trying to get ExoticMinerals up and running but my Geology Lab is saying the concentration is "unknown" and the Prospector is not filling my ExoticMinerals tanks. Do I need a TERRAIN satellite or do I just need to rig up a Gold Digger? Or will I need a Claim Jumper?

Also here's a beauty shot of my base at night. Loving the lights on all the modules!



I think a density of "unknown" means there isn't any there. If you get lucky and you prospect an exotic minerals node, then you're good, but you may just be in a spot with 0% distribution. Did you do an orbital scan and chose a spot that definitely had your resources?

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  On 3/3/2018 at 8:59 PM, Krakatoa said:

I think a density of "unknown" means there isn't any there. If you get lucky and you prospect an exotic minerals node, then you're good, but you may just be in a spot with 0% distribution. Did you do an orbital scan and chose a spot that definitely had your resources?


Yeah, I did an orbital scan (but only looked at ore).

No exotic minerals here DX is there anything I can do that isn't shipping it in or using the Blacksmith's equipment maker?

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  On 3/3/2018 at 9:05 PM, TDplay said:

Yeah, I did an orbital scan (but only looked at ore).

No exotic minerals here DX is there anything I can do that isn't shipping it in or using the Blacksmith's equipment maker?


Not that I know of, other than setting up pipelines and a secondary base in a place that does have exotic minerals. I use SCANSat to help me find areas with the resources my base is looking for, so I try to find a spot with at least rare metals, exotic minerals, and metal ore so that I can have OSE and EPL running.

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  On 3/3/2018 at 9:10 PM, Krakatoa said:

Not that I know of, other than setting up pipelines and a secondary base in a place that does have exotic minerals. I use SCANSat to help me find areas with the resources my base is looking for, so I try to find a spot with at least rare metals, exotic minerals, and metal ore so that I can have OSE and EPL running.


As for pipelines, can I automate them? I'd really like to not have to constantly request shipments. kOS maybe?

For now, I'll just 3D print Equipment in my Blacksmith.

Edited by TDplay
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  On 3/3/2018 at 9:13 PM, TDplay said:

As for pipelines, can I automate them? I'd really like to not have to constantly request shipments. kOS maybe?


Beyond my ken. I would just set a large duna tank able to hold massive amounts attached to the base and send what I need through a pipeline. That, or what I've done in the past is set up a second base as close as possible in another biome to pick up the supplies I need and I bring an actual shipment back on a rover, just using a large tank so I don't have to make that journey too often.

Edited by Krakatoa
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  On 3/3/2018 at 9:17 PM, Krakatoa said:

Beyond my ken. I would just bet a large duna tank able to hold massive amounts and send what I need through a pipeline. That, or what I've done in the past is set up a second base as close as possible in another biome to pick up the supplies I need and I bring an actual shipment back on a rover, just using a large tank so I don't have to make that journey too often.


Well, rovers are out of the question. The nearest Exotics are on the poles, I'm on the equator (nearly) in a small crater in a giant crater.

Full on material kits though so I guess I can just 3D print my equipment. Cue long micromanaging session involving the Buckboards' limited output... I need to set up a Brew Works.

EDIT: Aah, I misread my little Buckboard's Equipment maker as using Exotic Minerals - it only needs Minerals. :D

Edited by TDplay
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  On 3/2/2018 at 6:40 PM, Angel-125 said:

Try using the 1.41 pre-release of WildBlueTools and see if that helps.


Here is a fun thing, wildbluetools appears 1118 times in the log file I provided, but I think these entries are pertinent:

  Reveal hidden contents

It is unclear to me from the above how to tell which version was installed at the time the log was produced.

From knowledge of how I behave I can say this, I try to keep mods up to date. Once I am aware an update is available I install it. I have a zip file called WildBlueTools_1_40.zip dated 13/02/2018 and a file called WildBlueTools_1_41.zip dated 22/02/2018 in my 'i have installed these mods' folder. I believe Wednesday was the 28th. Therefore it is my belief that I did have version 1.41 installed at the time of log creation.

  On 3/2/2018 at 6:24 PM, TDplay said:

Hmm, looks like @Angel-125 will have to look into the Gold Strikes. (geology lab can find gold strikes which can be extracted by gold diggers for a limited amount of resources)


If this is a comment relating to my post, I can add that I have no geology lab in any of my parts AFAIK, since I have not created any or designated any as such. The module may of course exist without my knowledge. But it not something I have actively tried to implement.



After poking through the log in question I found:

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Indeed I do have more than one RadialDrill present.

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  On 3/3/2018 at 9:41 PM, Apaseall said:

Here is a fun thing, wildbluetools appears 1118 times in the log file I provided, but I think these entries are pertinent:

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It is unclear to me from the above how to tell which version was installed at the time the log was produced.

From knowledge of how I behave I can say this, I try to keep mods up to date. Once I am aware an update is available I install it. I have a zip file called WildBlueTools_1_40.zip dated 13/02/2018 and a file called WildBlueTools_1_41.zip dated 22/02/2018 in my 'i have installed these mods' folder. I believe Wednesday was the 28th. Therefore it is my belief that I did have version 1.41 installed at the time of log creation.

If this is a comment relating to my post, I can add that I have no geology lab in any of my parts AFAIK, since I have not created any or designated any as such. The module may of course exist without my knowledge. But it not something I have actively tried to implement.


Ponderosas and Casas are by default geology labs, and you can configure any part supporting PATH_HAB to one. The labs are VERY important due to their ability to do a biome analysis, thus allowing you to change Gold Diggers' output resources and/or sift ore for minerals in the biome with either a Geology Lab, Claim Jumper, Rockhound or any other part/configuration supporting WBI_Prospector. Thus, this may have happened with you building a Ponderosa or Casa.

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  On 3/3/2018 at 9:53 PM, TDplay said:

Ponderosas and Casas are by default geology labs, and you can configure any part supporting PATH_HAB to one. The labs are VERY important due to their ability to do a biome analysis, thus allowing you to change Gold Diggers' output resources and/or sift ore for minerals in the biome with either a Geology Lab, Claim Jumper, Rockhound or any other part/configuration supporting WBI_Prospector. Thus, this may have happened with you building a Ponderosa or Casa.


I edited my post. I think the edit is relevant.

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I also have a completely different item I wish to discuss.

I am trying to do some fun things with OPT. In this case I am writing a MM patch that clones an OPT H Mounted Crew Tank [h_3m_crew_mm] to create an OPT H Mounted Science Lab [h_3m_lab_mm]. Once I had added the MODULE[ModuleScienceLab] I was able to select which type of lab I wanted.

Now here is the question. In Flight I tried to use the lab. I selected an experiment, but I seem to fail to meet the requirements. I think it is looking to see if I have any of a predefined list of parts. MOLE or a list of others. I am thinking that it is looking to see if I have the facilities available to run the experiment. I am trying to base my new part on the WBI_DocSciLab. I believe that is listed as one of the parts sought.

Can you tell me how to make my new part be accepted?

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  On 3/3/2018 at 10:06 PM, Apaseall said:

I also have a completely different item I wish to discuss.

I am trying to do some fun things with OPT. In this case I am writing a MM patch that clones an OPT H Mounted Crew Tank [h_3m_crew_mm] to create an OPT H Mounted Science Lab [h_3m_lab_mm]. Once I had added the MODULE[ModuleScienceLab] I was able to select which type of lab I wanted.

Now here is the question. In Flight I tried to use the lab. I selected an experiment, but I seem to fail to meet the requirements. I think it is looking to see if I have any of a predefined list of parts. MOLE or a list of others. I am thinking that it is looking to see if I have the facilities available to run the experiment. I am trying to base my new part on the WBI_DocSciLab. I believe that is listed as one of the parts sought.

Can you tell me how to make my new part be accepted?

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If you're using the WBI-style experiments (done in labs), then you should bring a scientist and antenna (you need a scientist and KSC connection to add an experiment) along or pre-load them. It's also best to be on the ground, but not 100% necessary.

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  On 3/3/2018 at 10:34 PM, TDplay said:

If you're using the WBI-style experiments (done in labs), then you should bring a scientist and antenna (you need a scientist and KSC connection to add an experiment) along or pre-load them. It's also best to be on the ground, but not 100% necessary.


I thought I had better clarify things a little. This is the current entry in the ModuleManager.ConfigCache for the part I am working on:

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I am asking two things basically.

1. Do I have all the required MODULES patched in?

2. Where and what do I need to patch or edit in order for my new part to be recognized in order to fulfill the requirements for experiments to be run.

I am aware that an antenna is needed, I presumed that it would use any on the craft this part was attached to? I believe there are 4 attached plus any that are built in like the one in the cockpit.

I am also aware that I need a scientist. There are currently 4 scientists in one lab and 3 in the other. Two labs as there is the option to convert the lab into three types. I had only enough space on the craft to add two labs atm.

@Angel-125 would you be kind enough to glance over this and point me in the right direction. I obtained most of the patch posted above from @JadeOfMaar as I am working on OPT parts.

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I hope I am answering my own question 2 here:

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