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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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New resource copy-paste system:



Note that we copied the configuration from the small tank, and pasted it to the large tank, and the relative amounts were updated. When you paste the config, symmetry parts will be updated as well.

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Maore YAY.

Quick question time. Resource distribution. Am I correct in believing that RD takes place between parts that can and are within 2K of each other, if 2K is my 'loaded vessel' range?
By loaded vessel I guess I mean physic range, erm the range when craft are loaded when you approach them?
If so then I seem to have experienced a little hiccup. I have two bases side by side. I had to use KAS to connect them in order to get equipment to inflate a part. The part I wanted to inflate/assemble was in a base that had no resource for equipment. The other base had about 800 equipment and was set for sharing. Despite making more equipment, going from about 750 to 800, I got the same quantity missing message when I tried to inflate.
Like I said I solved the problem but does this sound like something was not working as it should?

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Pathfinder 1.28 is now available:

Omni Converters & Storage
- Added search functions to OmniStorage and OmniConverter GUI.
- Play Mode now lists which mods support a particular mode.

Classic Stock
- Added new Classic Stock omni converters: Propellium Distiller, Oxium Distiller, Snack Grinder (requres Snacks), Soil Dehydrator (requires Snacks).
- Changed the default template to OmniShop and OmniWorks for the Casa/Ponderosa and Hacienda, respectively.
- The Mule's default template is now OmniStorage.

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Lol. Well I nearly had a cursing fit. With the last update, visited my base. Oh NO! Where is my Casa. Where is my Hacienda? Then I noticed that they were there. They needed to be inflated again.

Thankfully the Kerbals did not die. How they managed to remain in there...
I inflated them both.
They retained the settings for Omni Storage.

They do not have a Manage Operations option.
I tried a quick save and quick reload. No joy.
I tried saving and loading. No dice there either.

I will have to pop into the save game, see if I can do something there.

I would have spotted this earlier had I not spent an age pratting about trying to transport a heavy object in the hold of a small vtol craft. Yes I hit the ground a lot!

So whilst not cursing, this IS a problem if you have a Hacienda or Casa in a base then update to this patch.
Of course it could be that I am terribly unlucky and be the only one this ever happens to.


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Looking inside my save games I see:

Modules present in old save that are not in new save:
WBIDrillSwitcher, WBIMultipurposeHab, WBIResourceDistributor, WBIOmniConverter (x6), WBIOmniStorage.

Modules present in new save that are not in old save:
ModuleAnimateGeneric and WBIMeshToggle.

I presume similar will be found when I look into the Casa, which I notice is called WBI.Ponderosa2?

My current plan is to make a new save as a copy of the present new save.
Then make a copy of the old WBI.Hacienda.
Insert into that, in the right places, ModuleAnimateGeneric and WBIMeshToggle.
Cross my fingers and see what happens.

Obviously this has halted play for me, since I was building and learning about Resource Distrubtion/Not/Quirks.

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Nope sorry to say, my editing FU is not powerful enough to make those parts work.
Also I noticed that a ChuckWagon that was attached to the Hacienda is a POTATO and not an Omni Storage as it was previously.
This is probably due to the fact that Omni Storage is not an option presently available in any of my existing ChuckWagons.

Now I am not sure if Omni Storage will be present if I put down a fresh ChuckWagon in a fresh base.

Pretty sure that I will have to rebuild the entire base now.


Ok as a test I just went into the SPH. In a new build I dropped down a Guppy Cab and slapped a Tundra 200 onto it. I can confirm that Omi Storage is not an option available in the Reconfiguration.
That means then that I will have problems with any other Tundra 200s' that I had setup for Omni Storage, which also SUCKS.

Hope you can fix this easily.

Edited by Snark
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5 hours ago, Apaseall said:

Lol. Well I nearly had a cursing fit. With the last update, visited my base. Oh NO! Where is my Casa. Where is my Hacienda? Then I noticed that they were there. They needed to be inflated again.

Same here. I tried to revert back to 1.27, reloading an older save, but it didn't work.

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2 hours ago, Terensky said:

Same here. I tried to revert back to 1.27, reloading an older save, but it didn't work.

I have not tried rolling back the update. I am surprised though that things did not revert. I trust that a fix will appear. Hopefully soon but that depends on the nature of the problem. I bet it is something to do with the alteration to Omni as default. If things are set for Omni as default and Omni has been incorrectly altered it would explain the problem. Not sure if I have described that very well but hopefully it makes some sort of sense.

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Okay, I'm experiencing a really severe error. Pathfinder and all of the other WBI mods are behaving inconsistently. Some parts (not many) work just fine, but most of the parts which use one of the modules added by WBI don't work. Buckboards are stuck in KIS inventory mode with no option to change. The Bigby Orbital Workshop doesn't seem to do anything at all. The inflatable modules inflate, but they can't change configurations. The only ones spared seem to be the buffalo parts, for some reason. I have verified that I have the latest version, and that it is in Community Resource Pack mode. I have no idea why this is happening.

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Here is my current ModuleManager.ConfigCache entry for a Tundra 200:


    name = WBI_Tundra200
    type = PART
    parentUrl = WildBlueIndustries/Buffalo/Parts/FuelTank/Tundra200
        name = WBI_Tundra200
        module = Part
        author = Angel-125
        rescaleFactor = 1
        node_stack_top = 0, 0, -0.626, 0, 0, -1, 1
        node_stack_bottom = 0, 0, 0.626, 0, 0, 1, 1
        node_stack_front = 0, 0.4233041, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
        node_stack_back = 0, -0.4233041, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1
        TechRequired = advConstruction
        entryCost = 1900
        cost = 800
        category = FuelTank
        subcategory = 0
        title = Tundra 200
        manufacturer = Wild Blue Industries
        description = Roughly equivalent to the FL-T200, the Tundra 200 is designed to conform to the Buffalo standard form factor. It can store a wide variety of different resources and can be configured as a simple storage box for your gear.
        attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
        mass = 0.175
        dragModelType = default
        maximum_drag = 0.2
        minimum_drag = 0.2
        angularDrag = 2
        crashTolerance = 20
        maxTemp = 900
        breakingForce = 50
        breakingTorque = 50
        bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
        CrewCapacity = 0
            model = WildBlueIndustries/Buffalo/Assets/Tundra200
            name = ModuleKISInventory
            maxVolume = 200
            externalAccess = true
            internalAccess = true
            slotsX = 4
            slotsY = 4
            slotSize = 50
            itemIconResolution = 128
            selfIconResolution = 128
            openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen
            closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose
            defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove
            name = WBIConvertibleStorage
            enableLogging = True
            fieldReconfigurable = True
            confirmResourceSwitch = True
            showGUI = True
            defaultTemplate = LFO
            resourcesToKeep = ElectricCharge
            capacityFactor = 0.15
            baseStorage = 200
            maxStorage = 1500
            name = KopernicusSolarPanel
            sunTracking = false
            raycastTransformName = suncatcher
            pivotName = suncatcher
            isBreakable = false
            resourceName = ElectricCharge
            impactResistance = 20
            chargeRate = 1.4
            name = ElectricCharge
            amount = 500
            maxAmount = 500
            isTweakable = true
            cube = Default, 1.056,0.9302,0.35, 1.056,0.9302,0.35, 1.931,0.9987,0.09846, 1.931,0.9987,0.09846, 1.345,0.9303,0.3014, 1.345,0.9303,0.3014, 1.037E-14,-1.09E-07,1.817E-07, 1.585,0.8461,1.25
            name = AYA_Solar
            name = ModuleCrewAssignment
            defaultAssignment = Empty
            name = PartTemperatureState
            name = ModuleAGX
            name = SectionInfo
            name = SmartRename
            name = ModulePAWS
            name = AYPart
            name = ModuleTankActionLock
            name = ModuleTweakableDeployablePanel
            moduleType = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
            name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
            passable = true
            impassablenodes = top,bottom
            name = WBIResourceDistributor
            name = WBIPartScrapper
            scrapSkill = RepairSkill
            minimumPartRecycleSkill = 2
            minimumVesselRecycleSkill = 4
            recycleResource = Equipment
            recyclePercentPerSkill = 10
            name = FNSolarPanelWasteHeatModule
            name = OseModuleInventoryPreference

Many of the Modules are added by other Mods. Relevant to WBI would be WBIConvertibleStorage as I believe this to be the module responsible for the ability to pick which resources are stored. That would be what we see in game as the options available under Reconfigure I believe.

So what does this mean, well it confirms that for my install, using the latest WBI updates, that the Tundra 200 has the ability to be reconfigured. This is not a new piece of information. I already knew that this part had the ability to be reconfigured. But I post it as the start of investigating why the Omni storage option is missing.
As we can see from the line: templateNodes = KONSTRUCTION_TEMPLATE;STORAGE_TEMPLATE, there are two templates used. These templates I believe are the means by which the list of options available to reconfigure what is stored in the part is built.

Relevant then is the STORAGE_TEMPLATE: of which in my cache I have 148 instances. They appear in places like above, where they are part of the templates available for each part, thus what we are interested in is the entry that defines what the STORAGE_TEMPLATE is. This would be where type = STORAGE_TEMPLATE. This occurs 48 times. In each instance the line name = xxx names the option that we see under Reconfigure. For example name = Ore, would add the option to store Ore in the part. Then we are interested to see if name = Omni appears as that is what appears to be missing from the list of options for resources that can be picked to reconfigure the part to store.
As an aside I see that name = Oxidizer appears more than once. As parentUrl = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/ModuleManagerPatches/MM_CryoEngines and parentUrl = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Templates/Common/Storage/Oxidizer.
name = Lead appears as parentUrl = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Templates/Common/Storage/Lead and parentUrl = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Templates/CRP/Storage/Lead.
name = ResearchKits appears as parentUrl = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Templates/Common/Storage/ResearchKits and parentUrl = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Templates/CRP/Storage/ResearchKits.
name = Xenon Gas appears as parentUrl = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Templates/Common/Storage/XenonGas and parentUrl = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Templates/CRP/Storage/XenonGas.
If more than one definition for the same template name has any impact at all I am uncertain. Since I hate duplication I took the time to list them. Who knows it may be important.
Back to the issue at hand, the missing option to reconfigure storage to become Omni storage. Indeed the name = Omi in relation to STORAGE_TEMPLATE is absent. This would appear to answer why that option is not available.

Searching for name = Omi in any context reveals that none exist explicitly as named. name = Omni Storage does exist. Unfortunately it is for type = OPT_TEMPLATE, which as the name implies is only used in connection with the excellent OPT parts.

Turning now to searching for files that relate to Omni in terms of a storage template reveals that two files of name OmniStorage.txt exist, in \GameData\WildBlueIndustries\000WildBlueTools\Templates\ClassicStock\Storage and \GameData\WildBlueIndustries\ClassicStockResources\Templates\Storage.
The latter contains information relating to OMNIRESOURCECOMBO and it is the former that contains the definition for STORAGE_TEMPLATE.
Checking the download zip for Pathfinder-1.27.1 reveals that the same number of files and locations existed in the mod prior to the latest update.

Whilst searching the latest update, Pathfinder-1.28, in windows, three files catch my eye. All are named DefaultTemplates,txt and occur in \GameData\WildBlueIndustries\Heisenberg\Templates\ClassicStock, \GameData\WildBlueIndustries\MOLE\Templates\ClassicStock and \GameData\WildBlueIndustries\Pathfinder\Templates\ClassicStock.
Since there is no file located in a folder relating to Buffalo, where we find the Tundra 200, I inspected all three. Only the file located in \GameData\WildBlueIndustries\Pathfinder\Templates\ClassicStock has mention of storage:


        @defaultTemplate = OmniShop

//    @MODULE[WBIMultipurposeLab]
//    {
//        @defaultTemplate = OmniLab
//    }

        @defaultTemplate = OmniWorks

        @defaultTemplate = OmniStorage

There are files in \GameData\WildBlueIndustries\Pathfinder\Templates\ClassicStock for OmniShop, OmniLab (despite being commented out here) and OmniWorks. What there is not is a file for OmniStorage.
From above we see there are two files of name OmniStorage, one of which seems most relevant, located else where.

For the Tundra 200 we can see that no provision appears for a default template.
Nor is there a file for OmniStorage specifically for the Buffalo.
The location of the two OmniStorage files seems to indicated that those files are meant as single instances to which other files should be pointed to. viz. if there is a storage container in any of the mods (PathFinder, Buffalo etc) then they should be directed to these files if OmniStorage is supposed to be available for them.

Turning then to Pathfinder WBI_Chuckwagon, a part designed as a storage container, we can see that OmniStorage is not granted to it as there is no entry in the DefaultTemplates.txt file.
This may explain why Omni is not a storage reconfiguration option available to the ChuckWagon.

This investigation does not really help with why the parts (Hacienda and Casa) of our existing base builds appear deflated. Nor does it shed any light on why the Manage Operations option is missing if we inflate them.
It may provide some help in working out why the OmniStorage option seems to be missing from places where it was present before.

[snip]  I am trying to help with solving this issue, namely by examination of .cfg's and filename/locations. Most of the time I find that these places do contain simple mistakes or have not received as much thought as other parts that make up a mod.
In other words, 'Hey I am just trying to help'.


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11 hours ago, Apaseall said:

I have not tried rolling back the update. I am surprised though that things did not revert.

I checked and found out that WildBlueTools were updated as well. Reverting back to the previous version of WildBlueTools too and reloading an old save seems to have fixed it. Note that if your current game was saved with Pathfinder 1.28, then you reverted to 1.27.4 and didn't first re-inflate the modules, it won't work. You have to reload an old (1.27.4) save.

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1 minute ago, Terensky said:

I checked and found out that WildBlueTools were updated as well. Reverting back to the previous version of WildBlueTools too and reloading an old save seems to have fixed it. Note that if your current game was saved with Pathfinder 1.28, then you reverted to 1.27.4 and didn't first re-inflate the modules, it won't work. You have to reload an old (1.27.4) save.

That is good to know. I wonder if a previous version of PathFinder contains the correct version of WildBlueTools. Probably does. I am not sure if I really want to go backwards. I think I will wait a bit and see how things develop.

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I have a question. Are the Omni modules supposed to be limited to only being available in stock game play mode? If like me, you are playing in CRP mode, would that explain why Omni suddenly vanished during the last update? Or am I reading too much into the locations that Omni files can be found?

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I'm just baffled. I've tried everything to figure out a common factor in determining which parts work and which don't, but there doesn't seem to be one. More DSEV parts work than any other mod, but there are still plenty that don't. The tiny capsule tank doesn't work at all.


Additionally, the Delta-16 and 64 tanks don't have the full variety of resources to choose from, but they still have a few (mostly just stock resources). I'm starting to worry that one of the files didn't get copied over correctly or something.

Edited by RocketSquid
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7 hours ago, RocketSquid said:

I'm just baffled. I've tried everything to figure out a common factor in determining which parts work and which don't, but there doesn't seem to be one. More DSEV parts work than any other mod, but there are still plenty that don't. The tiny capsule tank doesn't work at all.


Additionally, the Delta-16 and 64 tanks don't have the full variety of resources to choose from, but they still have a few (mostly just stock resources). I'm starting to worry that one of the files didn't get copied over correctly or something.

Definitely sounds like an install issue.

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Next update will fix a couple of things with OmniConverters (I found out that you have to reload the recipe if you change its inputs and outputs), and clarify a few things with the Claimjumper:


Gone is the single resource, especially since Gold Strike drills have been harvesting all the resources available in the biome for awhile now. That also means you no longer have or need the Prospector...

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26 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Definitely sounds like an install issue.

Is there any way I can check? I've already tried reinstalling once, and I'm not sure where the issue is arising. If nothing else works I'll try installing the WBI mods one at a time to see if the issue can be traced to one mod.

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4 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Definitely sounds like an install issue.

I have been playing KSP with your mods for sometime, so far I think I have managed to install things properly.
I will give it another go, I will download all the mods again and delete the current ones.


The first thing I have noticed is that file WildBlueTools_1_57_5 contains files that are older than Buffalo_2_6_7.
If the order of extraction and installation is incorrect this would mean wrong versions of some core .dll files being used.
When I did my install prior to this one, I unzipped all of angels mods in one place.
This may mean that answering yes to over writing some files lead to, as pointed out, some out of date .dlls being used.


Still missing Omni Storage option in Reconfigure Storage.
Test method. Load game. Go to SPH. Add Guppy cab. Add Tundra 200. Click on Reconfigure storage. Scroll down list. See Omni storage option is not present.
Outputlog: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kv57kjhkhsr3fw3/saves for missing Omni Storage.1.output_log.rar?dl=0
KSP log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xftmfhnfbopbqyf/saves for missing Omni Storage.1.KSP.rar?dl=0
ModuleManager cache:https://www.dropbox.com/s/1il07ey2t3ak4ty/saves for missing Omni Storage.1.ModuleManager.rar?dl=0

Again the only time Omni Storage appears in the cache is for:

    type = OPT_TEMPLATE
    parentUrl = OPT_Reconfig/OPT_WBI

I sourced the downloads for this install from: https://github.com/Angel-125/Pathfinder/releases etc ie replace Pathfinder with Buffalo etc.
I deleted my MMcache before running the game, so that is not a left over.
I would appreciate it if you could double check the contents of the zip files that I just downloaded, to make sure all files are present and of the correct versions.
Many thanks.

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Now just in case you were thinking that this might be the result of a conflict with other mods, here are the same files from a test install with a bare minimum of mods.
Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ac6gsk23hy4jkgd/saves for missing Omni Storage.2.output_log.rar?dl=0
KPS log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/en83kibko6anuvh/saves for missing Omni Storage.2.KSP.rar?dl=0
ModuleManager cache: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmmhu23mdjybx0o/saves for missing Omni Storage.2.ModuleManager.rar?dl=0

My conclusion is that the changes made between Pathfinder_1_27_3_0 and Pathfinder_1_28_0_0 have resulted in the loss of Omni Storage from the Reconfiguration Options available to the part whose game name appears as Tundra 200.
That unless something very odd is happening, I am installing these mods correctly.
That the loss of Omni Storage for Tundra 200 is due to the loss of Omni Storage from the Storage_Template itself, not something special to the Tundra 200.
That the loss of Omni Storage from the Storage_Template will remove Omni Storage from all parts that use a module that relies on the Storage_Template.

Here is a tree to show what files are present in the test install: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nyao7uf9u4m9776/saves for missing Omni Storage.2.tree.txt?dl=0

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1 hour ago, Apaseall said:

Now just in case you were thinking that this might be the result of a conflict with other mods, here are the same files from a test install with a bare minimum of mods.
Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ac6gsk23hy4jkgd/saves for missing Omni Storage.2.output_log.rar?dl=0
KPS log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/en83kibko6anuvh/saves for missing Omni Storage.2.KSP.rar?dl=0
ModuleManager cache: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmmhu23mdjybx0o/saves for missing Omni Storage.2.ModuleManager.rar?dl=0


I'm on that bug hunting mood this week, so I though on give this a peek.

Well, I found this on your log:

[ERR 08:21:28.757] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KIS, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 08:21:28.758] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KIS, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 08:21:28.759] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'SuperKerbal': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'KIS, Version=1.7.6496.29316, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one
File name: 'KIS, Version=1.7.6496.29316, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'KIS, Version=1.7.6496.29316, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one
File name: 'KIS, Version=1.7.6496.29316, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

So, something on your installment wants to load KIS, but since it is not installed, it capsizes. And God knows what it should had done in order to keep things working thigh.

WBI supports KIS, and if it thinks KIS is installed when it's not, such things can happens.

I also found Scatterer and Kopernicus on your installment. If they are not needed to reproduce the problem, my best advise is to delete them from the test bed. They just add loading time and expand the exposing area without adding any value to the bug hunting.

I think you should delete the ModuleManager cache and try again. I usually do it every time I delete, add or update a mod on my installment. It's not always necessary, the cache consistency code usually works - but now and then, it miss something and give me some headaches until I realize what's happened. By deleting the cache manually when changing something, my migraine medicine consumption dropped a lot. :)  

Edited by Lisias
some weird sentences fixed
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50 minutes ago, Lisias said:

I'm on that bug hunting mood this week, so I though on give this a peek.

Well, I found this on your log:

[ERR 08:21:28.757] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KIS, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 08:21:28.758] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KIS, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 08:21:28.759] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'SuperKerbal': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'KIS, Version=1.7.6496.29316, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one
File name: 'KIS, Version=1.7.6496.29316, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'KIS, Version=1.7.6496.29316, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one
File name: 'KIS, Version=1.7.6496.29316, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

So, something on your installment wants to load KIS, but since it is not installed, it capsizes. And God knows what it should had done in order to keep things working thigh.

WBI supports KIS, and if it thinks KIS is installed when it's not, such things can happens.

I also found Scatterer and Kopernicus on your installment. If they are not needed to reproduce the problem, my best advise is to delete them from the test bed. They just add loading time and expand the exposing area without adding any value to the bug hunting.

I think you should delete the ModuleManager cache and try again. I usually do it every time I delete, add or update a mod on my installment. It's not always necessary, the cache consistency code usually works - but now and then, it miss something and give me some headaches until I realize what's happened. By deleting the cache manually when changing something, my migraine medicine consumption dropped a lot. :)  

Hi, @Lisiasthank you for taking a look at this.
Yes KIS was not installed in the test. That was an oversight.
I have now deleted everything bar squad, WBI and KIS.
I too always delete the cache, in order to be confident that its contents are accurate.

Here is a new zip: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d9rfotf43cs3pae/saves for missing Omni Storage.3.rar?dl=0
It contains four files, outputlog, ksp log, mm cache and tree.

Again the test method is to drop a guppy, add a tundra 200 and try to reconfigure as Omni Storage.


Hang on a moment. I need to make some changes to the GameData, you will see in a moment what.

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I needed to add CommonResourcePack, as that is the WBI PlayMode I am using.
I also needed to add the NearFutureProps folder from the DSEV downloaded zip.
Interestingly enough, adding NFP gives me a popup during load which says "Unsupported KSP version... Please use 1.4.1"
As you can see I am running KSP 1.4.5 and the NFP is included in the DSEV_3_1_10_0 zip which I downloaded a little earlier today.
That makes two places where Angels' versions are not consistent in the downloads, NFP inside DSEV and some .dll's inside WildBlueTools_1_57_5.

I thought to remove the squad folder, but KSP failed to complete loading by giving me a black screen to look at, then I thought to remove squad/parts folder but that made loading hang.
The idea was to try and reduce the size of the output log.

I deleted the game I was using and created a shiny new Science game, as that is the game mode I normally use.

Here is a new zip, same files as before: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hhrqffga22kw4nt/saves for missing Omni Storage.4.rar?dl=0


I had a thought. There are two places in settings that have options to turn on WBI debug mode.
I switched them both on in game and reconfigured a Tundra 200 to hold equipment.
Here is the resulting output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tynsdkl7vy1owye/saves for missing Omni Storage.5.output_log.rar?dl=0


Examining output log 5 we can see that turning on the debug optinons forces much more information to be written to the log.
Of interest is the list of options that the Tundra 200 can be reconfigured to.
Again that uses the Storage_Template and we can see that the option for Omni Storage is not present.
This is consistent with my theory that the Omni Storage option is not being added to the Storage_Template template.

Edited by Apaseall
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