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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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3 hours ago, Bombaatu said:

@Angel-125 - would it be possible to configure Classic Stock Resources to have 'intakeAtm' so that we could run various airplane mods w/o having CRP?

It’s been awhile since I made the configs, where is Pathfinder using IntakeAtm? Last I remember, Buffalo uses Atmosphere and CompressedAir, both part of Classic Stock Resources. For an airplane mod, if you want to use it with Classic Stock Resources, you could write a module manager patch to do that. :) Anyway, the Classic Stock equivalent of IntakeaAtm is Atmosphere.

It would be something like

@Part[partName]:NEEDS[ClassicStockResources] {
@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] {
@PROPELLANT[IntakeAtm] [
@name = Atmosphere 

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50 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

It’s been awhile since I made the configs, where is Pathfinder using IntakeAtm? Last I remember, Buffalo uses Atmosphere and CompressedAir, both part of Classic Stock Resources. For an airplane mod, if you want to use it with Classic Stock Resources, you could write a module manager patch to do that. :) Anyway, the Classic Stock equivalent of IntakeAtm is Atmosphere.

It would be something like

@Part[partName]:NEEDS[ClassicStockResources] {
@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] {
@PROPELLANT[IntakeAtm] [
@name = Atmosphere 

Pathfinder doesn't use intakeAtm but there are other mods (like Airplanes Plus) that do.  I'm trying to set up a game using *just* CRP and am running into various issues; this is one. If it is possible to have CSR define intakeAtm (unless CRP is present), that could be helpful for adopting broader support. For now I'll just snag the above.


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18 minutes ago, Bombaatu said:

Pathfinder doesn't use intakeAtm but there are other mods (like Airplanes Plus) that do.  I'm trying to set up a game using *just* CRP and am running into various issues; this is one. If it is possible to have CSR define intakeAtm (unless CRP is present), that could be helpful for adopting broader support. For now I'll just snag the above.


No problem. :) Another option is to configure Pathfinder to use CRP through the Play Mode. CRP is legacy support now but there are configs for it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having some problems producing ore on my small outpost on minmus. I made sure to land on a space with suitable mineral content - plenty of ore at my site.

I just started assembling a small colony of 3 modules. An OSE printer to make parts, a strip miner (accompanied by 2 small drill o matic jnrs and a custom module that I made to turn equipment produced at the 3D printer into RocketParts and Material kits, since I couldn't find any other way to do this simply. My PC is not powerful enough to have massive colonies producing lots of different resources so I have to put it on a more simplistic mode.

I'm having the problem however that I cannot produce ore at all. I have two drills and a strip mine, as i mentioned and enough power to run them. The site im on also has enough ore as I sent a prospector probe to run a surface analysis, however still no ore production on any of my drills

I think its my own fault, but I'm still really confused. I set up a base in a sandbox game by hyperediting it into a random place on minmus's surface, and i still got ore drilling there on a claimjumper and one of the large base drills. They managed to produce ore and I'm really confused as to why my career base can not produce ore even though I have landed it in a place with high ore concentration?

Is it something to do with lodes? I'm really confused. I'm playing Classic Stock template, with a few custom base modules I made to make my life easier (one to convert Equipment to Material Kits and rocketparts, one to sift through ore to get exoticminerals and raremetals and one to make some gases for ion engines


Did some testing, and I moved my base. Strangely, only upon reloading did my claim jumper's manage operations UI update to include the drilling section, and now it says something about prospecting the biome. Do I need to prospect to actually mine for ore? if so is there a way to disable this?

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1 hour ago, "Our Benefactors" said:


Did some testing, and I moved my base. Strangely, only upon reloading did my claim jumper's manage operations UI update to include the drilling section, and now it says something about prospecting the biome. Do I need to prospect to actually mine for ore? if so is there a way to disable this?

I just came here because, after some testing, I discovered that this mod is disabling my drills. I don't know why and I'd really like to use the parts in this mod, but since I can't figure out how to get it to let me to mine, I can't. I don't even know what "prospecting the biome" means! I've never seen that as an option.

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4 hours ago, "Our Benefactors" said:

I'm having some problems producing ore on my small outpost on minmus. I made sure to land on a space with suitable mineral content - plenty of ore at my site.

I just started assembling a small colony of 3 modules. An OSE printer to make parts, a strip miner (accompanied by 2 small drill o matic jnrs and a custom module that I made to turn equipment produced at the 3D printer into RocketParts and Material kits, since I couldn't find any other way to do this simply. My PC is not powerful enough to have massive colonies producing lots of different resources so I have to put it on a more simplistic mode.

I'm having the problem however that I cannot produce ore at all. I have two drills and a strip mine, as i mentioned and enough power to run them. The site im on also has enough ore as I sent a prospector probe to run a surface analysis, however still no ore production on any of my drills

I think its my own fault, but I'm still really confused. I set up a base in a sandbox game by hyperediting it into a random place on minmus's surface, and i still got ore drilling there on a claimjumper and one of the large base drills. They managed to produce ore and I'm really confused as to why my career base can not produce ore even though I have landed it in a place with high ore concentration?

Is it something to do with lodes? I'm really confused. I'm playing Classic Stock template, with a few custom base modules I made to make my life easier (one to convert Equipment to Material Kits and rocketparts, one to sift through ore to get exoticminerals and raremetals and one to make some gases for ion engines


Did some testing, and I moved my base. Strangely, only upon reloading did my claim jumper's manage operations UI update to include the drilling section, and now it says something about prospecting the biome. Do I need to prospect to actually mine for ore? if so is there a way to disable this?


2 hours ago, PariahDog119 said:

I just came here because, after some testing, I discovered that this mod is disabling my drills. I don't know why and I'd really like to use the parts in this mod, but since I can't figure out how to get it to let me to mine, I can't. I don't even know what "prospecting the biome" means! I've never seen that as an option.

You can remove the drills patch from ModuleManagerPatches/MM_Drills. You'll need to add your own drill configs for the various resources that you extract.

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2 hours ago, Angel-125 said:


You can remove the drills patch from ModuleManagerPatches/MM_Drills. You'll need to add your own drill configs for the various resources that you extract.

Awesome, thanks for your help!

Right now I have the most scuffed fix for it. I released that all my drills can drill for dirt, so what I did is I made a converter on the claimjumper to process dirt into ore at extremely high effeciency, so instead of mining ore I mine dirt.

@PariahDog119 if you want to have a similar fix to this, you can add the following line to the Claimjumper.cfg, which for me is located in WildBlueIndustries\Pathfinder\Templates\ClassicStock


        name = ModuleResourceConverter
        ConverterName = Dirt Sifter
        StartActionName = Start Sifter
        StopActionName = Stop Sifter
        AutoShutdown = false
        GeneratesHeat = false
        UseSpecialistBonus = true
        SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
        SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
        ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
        EfficiencyBonus = 1

            ResourceName = Dirt
            Ratio = 10

            ResourceName = Ore
            Ratio = 10
            DumpExcess = false


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Few more questions -

How far is the range of the pipelines? Will I be able to transfer stuff throughout the Kerbol System or does the fuel or EC cost scale? Does the payload instantly send or is there a travel time?

How do I most effectively set up the rangeland? Currently I use KAS transfer pipes to connect it to my bases, but this seems kinda,,,, not great. The Spyglass is wayyy too small to be usable with it as well. also, can we get a gauge of how big the rangeland is going to be when it deploys? I have to save scum to set it up. And it really often explodes with certain engine exhauts (Lithium Ion from NFT always seems to break my poor launchpads, they're cheap to make just irritating to set up :( )

How do I drill for Gravolium? I have an outpost set up on Dres specifically for this, and I built it in one of the gravolium rich zones and my drills are still getting nothing. Do I have to prospect? Or use a certain drill?

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16 hours ago, Meid said:

How far is the range of the pipelines? Will I be able to transfer stuff throughout the Kerbol System or does the fuel or EC cost scale? Does the payload instantly send or is there a travel time?

Pipelines are effective within the SOI of the body in which they're located. If you want to shoot something from Moho out to Eeloo, for example, you're out of luck - even Mun to Minmus is a no-go, but you can have a Pipeline connect between the edge of Kerbin's SOI and LKO for example. The minimum distance is physics range; the sending and receiving ends cannot be within physics range of one another.

Maximum distance is dependent on power, to which there is a limit. Default is something like ten tonnes at a time to Mun orbit, which is not terribly helpful if you want to send a lot from, say, the surface of Eve to Eve orbit. If you're willing to fiddle with the configuration settings, you can do more with pipelines; the aforementioned Eve surface shot was something I was doing regularly a few versions back. I would have to look up the specific configuration setting to adjust though.

Travel time is instantaneous, but - and this is critical - there has to be sufficient dedicated storage for what you're attempting to shoot, and it has to be unlocked. Otherwise it will just up and vanish on you.

16 hours ago, Meid said:

How do I most effectively set up the rangeland? Currently I use KAS transfer pipes to connect it to my bases, but this seems kinda,,,, not great. The Spyglass is wayyy too small to be usable with it as well. also, can we get a gauge of how big the rangeland is going to be when it deploys? I have to save scum to set it up. And it really often explodes with certain engine exhauts (Lithium Ion from NFT always seems to break my poor launchpads, they're cheap to make just irritating to set up :( )

I usually just attach the damn thing directly to the end of a Hacienda, mash go and run like hell. On a world where you can jetpack, you can land directly on top of the thing, have your jetpack turned on and just fly off...

Spyglass is pretty much worthless. I'll just say that.

And yeah, they do have a tendency to explode with new craft. I quicksave before finalizing new craft as a rule, and if possible I try to have another Rangeland printed up in case something goes completely south. It's good practice with MOLE's orbital shipyards as well - sometimes what you built just ain't gonna fit in the drydock...

Wish I could give you better advice here.

16 hours ago, Meid said:

How do I drill for Gravolium? I have an outpost set up on Dres specifically for this, and I built it in one of the gravolium rich zones and my drills are still getting nothing. Do I have to prospect? Or use a certain drill?

You'll need to have dedicated Gravolium storage set up somewhere, whether as part of a Castillo or Chuckwagon, and you'll have to use a Hacienda/Claim Jumper to get to it; the stock drills haven't worked with the mod properly since about 1.3 or so.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello space kamper, i have an issue with the converter, when i accelerate the time it's not working but it's noted that is working. same issue with the drill.  it's doing the same when i quit the base.  i must restart everything when i come back . 


what can i do to fix it?

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55 minutes ago, noap1311 said:

Hello space kamper, i have an issue with the converter, when i accelerate the time it's not working but it's noted that is working. same issue with the drill.  it's doing the same when i quit the base.  i must restart everything when i come back . 


what can i do to fix it?

This appears to be an ongoing issue that I've yet to resolve, unfortunately. :( Pathfinder's converters are based on the game's stock converters so I suspect it's something in KSP itself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am having an issue, that in order to use an omniconverter to print equipment I need to have Precious Minerals and Minerite. But there is "no definition" of them. I cannot access the options menu via alt-P because it just brings up a winch menu. Is there another option to fix this? 

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11 hours ago, Stumble said:

I am having an issue, that in order to use an omniconverter to print equipment I need to have Precious Minerals and Minerite. But there is "no definition" of them. I cannot access the options menu via alt-P because it just brings up a winch menu. Is there another option to fix this? 

I'll ask you the 'is it plugged in' questions first - have you verified that Precious Minerals and Minerite are in the biome in which you're located (check via the Geology Lab or with a surface scanner), do you have a dedicated storage area available designated for these two resources at your base, and what kind of drills are you trying to utilize?

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4 hours ago, capi3101 said:

I'll ask you the 'is it plugged in' questions first - have you verified that Precious Minerals and Minerite are in the biome in which you're located (check via the Geology Lab or with a surface scanner), do you have a dedicated storage area available designated for these two resources at your base, and what kind of drills are you trying to utilize?

Very fair questions, but that's not the problem. Even in the VAB if i go to manage operations for a Castillo Depo I cannot add Precious Minerals or Minerite for warehousing space.  No where else except in the recipe for equipment do these show up.

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15 minutes ago, Stumble said:

Very fair questions, but that's not the problem. Even in the VAB if i go to manage operations for a Castillo Depo I cannot add Precious Minerals or Minerite for warehousing space.  No where else except in the recipe for equipment do these show up.

Which mode are you using?

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1 hour ago, Stumble said:

I don't know actually. I cannot bring up the menu because Alt-P brings up a winch control window from some other mod (not sure which)

Okay. Assuming you didn't use CKAN to install the mod, let me see if I remember how to check this manually...

So, you want to go to C:/Kerbal Space Program (or whereever you've got the game installed)/GameData/ and find the file WBIPlayMode.cfg. Open that file up in a plain text editor of your choice (Notepad will do the trick just fine in Windows). It should have something that looks like this:

	name = CRP

We're interested in what you've got where it says "name = ".  If it matches mine (i.e. if you're playing in CRP mode, or really anything if it says anything other than Classic Stock), that would explain your issue; Precious Metals and Minerite are endemic to Classic Stock mode only.

(I was just thinking that I had an old version of the game/mod I was looking at, and it is - it's my KSP 1.8 save. Process would still be valid, though.)

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5 hours ago, capi3101 said:

Okay. Assuming you didn't use CKAN to install the mod, let me see if I remember how to check this manually...

So, you want to go to C:/Kerbal Space Program (or whereever you've got the game installed)/GameData/ and find the file WBIPlayMode.cfg. Open that file up in a plain text editor of your choice (Notepad will do the trick just fine in Windows). It should have something that looks like this:

	name = CRP

We're interested in what you've got where it says "name = ".  If it matches mine (i.e. if you're playing in CRP mode, or really anything if it says anything other than Classic Stock), that would explain your issue; Precious Metals and Minerite are endemic to Classic Stock mode only.

(I was just thinking that I had an old version of the game/mod I was looking at, and it is - it's my KSP 1.8 save. Process would still be valid, though.)

I did use CKAN to install it... but who knows it can get glitchy.

And FWIW the path is \Kerbal Space Program\GameData so if anyone else has this issue don't go digging thru the subfolders it is in the GameDat folder directly. 


In my case name = Classic Stock .  I changed it to CRP and will see if that resolves the issue.


So I switched to CRP and is still is looking for Precious Metals for some reason. I have a lot more options for omni-Storage now, but none of them is the elusive PM.

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12 hours ago, Stumble said:

I did use CKAN to install it... but who knows it can get glitchy.

And FWIW the path is \Kerbal Space Program\GameData so if anyone else has this issue don't go digging thru the subfolders it is in the GameDat folder directly. 


In my case name = Classic Stock .  I changed it to CRP and will see if that resolves the issue.


So I switched to CRP and is still is looking for Precious Metals for some reason. I have a lot more options for omni-Storage now, but none of them is the elusive PM.

How exactly did you go about switching it to CRP; did you use CKAN, and if so, did you do a full uninstall/reinstall? If not, you'll need to do that at this point. You might need to do that anyway - Precious Metals doesn't exist in CRP mode; the equivalent resource is Rare Metals (if I recall correctly, it's Rare Metals that gets used for Equipment printing in CRP mode.).  And 'Minerite' becomes 'Minerals'. And you'll need to do a fresh scan with your Geology Lab or Surface scanner to verify they exist in the biome in which you're located.

I used CRP mode for a long time. Frankly, I like it better than Classic Stock (which I switched over to with 1.9), but that's just me.

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25 minutes ago, capi3101 said:

How exactly did you go about switching it to CRP; did you use CKAN, and if so, did you do a full uninstall/reinstall? If not, you'll need to do that at this point. You might need to do that anyway - Precious Metals doesn't exist in CRP mode; the equivalent resource is Rare Metals (if I recall correctly, it's Rare Metals that gets used for Equipment printing in CRP mode.).  And 'Minerite' becomes 'Minerals'. And you'll need to do a fresh scan with your Geology Lab or Surface scanner to verify they exist in the biome in which you're located.

I used CRP mode for a long time. Frankly, I like it better than Classic Stock (which I switched over to with 1.9), but that's just me.

I swapped the definition in the .cfg file... As you might expect it seriously borked the mod and had to be reverted. 

I ended up just going into the module manager config and manually deleting the requirements for Precious Metals and Minerite from the recipe. So while it is working, it does mean every time it gets updated I will have to redo it. 

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2 hours ago, Stumble said:

I swapped the definition in the .cfg file... As you might expect it seriously borked the mod and had to be reverted. 

I ended up just going into the module manager config and manually deleting the requirements for Precious Metals and Minerite from the recipe. So while it is working, it does mean every time it gets updated I will have to redo it. 

Yeah...the old way of switching modes was to switch to Pristine, then exit the game, then switch to what you wanted, then exit the game, then restart the game. Changing the setting by hand or not following this process exactly was a surefire way to bork the mod completely.

Nowadays, you let CKAN handle it - pick one game mode and ignore the others.

Sometimes though, you have to fiddle with the configuration files. I mean, I've had to do that every version with the Pipelines. Then again, I like the idea of shooting ten tonnes into orbit around Eve from the surface. Is that cheating? Yeah, in that case, almost certainly...

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  • 1 month later...

i have to say i had a odd experience because it uses the kis/kas system i found a critical and ancient ksp bug(also known as Kore Kraken:This bug was  discovered in KSP version 0.22. This type of Kraken will only occur when parts somehow manage to come to rest below the surface) where the terrain landing collission dedector and terrain destroyer (crash) collission dedector are out of sync (uneven terrain) this causes some objects like especially like saddle muncrete slab to crash to terrain whenever they are placed down from kerbal inventory system or sometimes where they are attached to the ground with pairs , you should switch to modern inventory system where the terrains problems are not so persistent

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