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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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  On 5/18/2016 at 3:11 PM, stk2008 said:

thought i would try latest update but still getting this error every time I place path finder parts etc


1 place buffolo cab

2 buffolo chassis

[Error]: Input is null
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at ConfigNode.CleanupInput(System.String value)
   at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value)
   at BaseFieldList.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at PartModule.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at ShipConstruct.SaveShip()
   at ShipConstruction.CreateBackup(.ShipConstruct ship)
   at EditorLogic.SetBackup()
   at EditorLogic.<SetupFSM>m__101()
   at KerbalFSM.RunEvent(.KFSMEvent evt)
   at KerbalFSM.updateFSM(KFSMUpdateMode mode)
   at KerbalFSM.UpdateFSM()
   at EditorLogic.Update()


thanks in advance


It has something to do with how the game saves the craft. It isn't fatal though, you can safely ignore it.


  On 5/18/2016 at 4:47 PM, Horus said:

Saddle Muncrete Slab part causes NRE in log & when trying to attach, say, a battery to it - the game crashes.


Definitely not seeing that issue. Have you tried 0.9.23?

Edit: I found where the Input is null error is coming from and fixed that. Still isn't fatal though.


Edited by Angel-125
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Ok, 0.9.24 is officially released!

- Fixed an issue where the Buffalo crew module was not loading properly and messing up the KIS seat inventories as a result.
- Fixed NREs and Input is NULL errors.
- Fixed an issue where the Buffalo Adapter was not showing up in flight.
- Fixed an attachment node height issue with the M1-A1.
- Increased ElectricCharge storage in Buffalo parts to account for new KSP 1.1 wheel power requirements.
- Added support to the Buffalo for Kerbalism.
- Made some minor updates to the Buffalo Crew Module IVA.
- Fixed an issue in the Saddleback 2 where it would be spawned partly below ground when pulled from a KIS inventory.

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  On 5/20/2016 at 3:06 PM, Angel-125 said:

Ok, 0.9.24 is officially released!

- Fixed an issue where the Buffalo crew module was not loading properly and messing up the KIS seat inventories as a result.
- Fixed NREs and Input is NULL errors.
- Fixed an issue where the Buffalo Adapter was not showing up in flight.
- Fixed an attachment node height issue with the M1-A1.
- Increased ElectricCharge storage in Buffalo parts to account for new KSP 1.1 wheel power requirements.
- Added support to the Buffalo for Kerbalism.
- Made some minor updates to the Buffalo Crew Module IVA.
- Fixed an issue in the Saddleback 2 where it would be spawned partly below ground when pulled from a KIS inventory.


Thanks for your hard work. Have you been able to gain any insight about why the concrete slab turns invisible once placed? 

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  On 5/20/2016 at 3:43 PM, Rafael acevedo said:

Thanks for your hard work. Have you been able to gain any insight about why the concrete slab turns invisible once placed? 


Yes. It has to do with the fix I tried to make to stop wheels from getting blocked. I fixed that in the current release. I hope. :)

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holy crap ive just tested this version out and now I get no error when placing the parts i said in my last post :).

Thanks so so much for fixing it.


tbh i wont have a clue what ya talking bout but could you explain what was casuing the error? :)


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  On 5/20/2016 at 4:08 PM, stk2008 said:

holy crap ive just tested this version out and now I get no error when placing the parts i said in my last post :).

Thanks so so much for fixing it.


tbh i wont have a clue what ya talking bout but could you explain what was casuing the error? :)



The Input is NULL error has been around for a long time, since the Multipurpose Colony Modules era. It comes from the game trying to save the ship's configuration data after you add a part. It was caused by fields in a custom PartModule that I created that were initialized to null (meaning, they had no text in them). It wasn't until KSP 1.1 finally started showing me more debug information that I could ferret out what was causing the issues and fix them.

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Happy Birthday Pathfinder!

What a difference a year makes! Pathfinder began a year ago on the Add-on Development forum after it became clear that its predecessor, Mulitpurpose Colony Modules (MCM), essentially a re-skinned MKS/OKS, began to outgrow the mod it was founded on. I wanted a direction where kebals could build bases by hauling parts on their backs to a desired location, inflate the module, and fill it with the stuff it would need to fulfill a specific purpose. That vision include a bootstraps nature as well. Pathfinder brought that vision to reality.

Many of the original parts transitioned over to Pathfinder, as did the dynamic template system that I created to let players change a part’s functionality both before and after launch. It gained a geology research system that lets you take core samples to improve drilling efficiency, and research projects to improve production efficiency- or to publish for reputation gains, or to sell for funds. It gained the Buffalo Modular Space Exploration Vehicle (MSEV), also available separately, to transport your base components around when you’re ready to pick up and move to another biome. And it adhered to the philosophy that it’s your game, your choice; you have numerous ways to customize Pathfinder to suit your play style instead of being funneled through a particular vision that might or might not work for you.

While Pathfinder is nearing its 1.0 release- there are 1-3 more parts to build and I have to finish the IVAs- I’ve been thinking about what to do for Pathfinder’s end-game features. And since the mod’s first year began with a story, it seems only fitting that its second also starts with a story:

The Buffalo Construction Rover (BCR) settled onto the ground and wasted no time deploying its long legs. Within a few seconds, it raised itself to its full height. Satisfied with the diagnostics data, Mission Control directed the automated rover to begin building a Tipi habitat module. It needed resources to build with, but a nearby automated Buffalo Resource Rover (BRR) was already busy sifting through the dirt and making konkrete, chemicals, and other essential building materials. The construction rover rotated its printer gantry and began printing up the new home using nothing but local resources.

A week later, the BCR completed its task, and a brand new Tipi rested on the surface, built without the help of a single kerbal. This multi-tonne, radiation hardened structure represented the first permanent structure on the surface of Duna. Its red hue reflected the local materials it was built from.

Not much bigger than a Ponderosa (it has to fit under the BCR), the Tipi had four standard expansion ports that provided egress and ingress and could accommodate any of the older inflatable multipurpose modules. But attaching them would require kerbals, and none currently resided on the rusty planet. Instead, Mission Control continued with the automated base building by ordering the BCR to make a Pueblo extension for the Tipi. Like the Chuckwagon before it, the Pueblo could hold a variety of different resources.

A few days later, the Pueblo was finished and attached to the Tipi, again without kerbal intervention. Mission Control continued with the construction by ordering the BCR to move to an available expansion port and build a Wigwam that will house the base’s industrial elements, a Ramada to park a Buffalo rover, and a Hogan to house the science labs. After that, the BRR would create equipment and store it in the Pueblo for a future crew to outfit their new home with, and a greenhouse variant of the Tipi to plant the seeds of future growth…

Unlike the current model, where you have kerbals pull flat-packed modules from an inventory and assemble them, the end-game parts are built on site via 3D printing. The idea is actually being studied by NASA and ESA. Here are some links I found:




NASA even had a 3D habitat challenge: http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/centennial_challenges/3DPHab/index.html

I think it will be a good goal to figure out how to build and attach parts to expansion ports without the need for a kerbal on EVA. I envision that after taking the prerequisite time to build the structure using local resources, the game spawns the part and attaches it to the desired port (or simply on the ground as the root of a new vessel). Fortunately, KIS has many of the tools I need to do just that. It may take awhile, but it'll be a good goal to achieve. :)

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First of all congratulations on the mod Bday, I am really looking forward to the tipi and the rest. I am sorry to bother you again, but as I surface attach the new switchback it explodes, place un the ground , have tool in hand press H attach, attaching sound, release h then boom.

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  On 5/22/2016 at 1:45 PM, Rafael acevedo said:

First of all congratulations on the mod Bday, I am really looking forward to the tipi and the rest. I am sorry to bother you again, but as I surface attach the new switchback it explodes, place un the ground , have tool in hand press H attach, attaching sound, release h then boom.



I think this has to do with KIS; there is a known issue where spawned parts will explode. It depends upon where the part is spawned; on the launchpad, for instance, I have no issues. Where did you see this happen?

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So I have tried this mod before and now I'm using it again. The thing is before and now when I use the mod the "doc science lab" when ever I place it it seems to want to stand on the long skinny end of the lab and no matter what I do it won't lay flat. I have even tried to force it down by hitting it. Can some one please help? Thanks!

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  On 5/26/2016 at 2:12 AM, Tristan925 said:

So I have tried this mod before and now I'm using it again. The thing is before and now when I use the mod the "doc science lab" when ever I place it it seems to want to stand on the long skinny end of the lab and no matter what I do it won't lay flat. I have even tried to force it down by hitting it. Can some one please help? Thanks!


The parts are designed to be attached using KIS. To get an idea of how this works, here is the getting started guide from the Pathfinder Wiki.

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0.9.25 is now available!

Get the latest here.

- Updated to latest WildBlueTools, which fixes NREs and Input is NULL errors.
- Improved GUI for selecting storage templates.
- Fixed missing texture files in the Hacienda.
- You can now click on the laptop prop's screen and change its image.
- Updated to latest ModuleManager.

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  On 5/30/2016 at 2:27 AM, Deimos Rast said:

super minor thing: your Spacedock forum link points to page 18, and not the OP.



LOL! Didn't know that, thanks for pointing that out. :)


  On 5/30/2016 at 9:02 AM, Luovahulluus said:

I'm using this mod with MKS and USI-LS. I couldn't find any documentation, does any of the habitation modules have Livingspace? The kind that is needed for the kerbals to be productive.


The Wiki is here, but currently doesn't list USI-LS values. Pathfinder modules do have living space as well as wear. Take a look at MM_USILC.cfg in the Pathfinder/ModuleManagerPatches folder. It has the info you need. :)

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  On 5/21/2016 at 9:12 PM, Angel-125 said:

Happy Birthday Pathfinder!


Drinks all around!


  On 5/21/2016 at 4:12 PM, Angel-125 said:

While Pathfinder is nearing its 1.0 release- there are 1-3 more parts to build and I have to finish the IVAs- I’ve been thinking about what to do for Pathfinder’s end-game features. And since the mod’s first year began with a story, it seems only fitting that its second also starts with a story:


That is a great story.  I really want this, so hurry up and make it happen :)

I think your idea of having the printed parts just appear when complete is the way to go.  That's how EL makes baby spaceships and nobody complains.....

Hmmm, that brings up an interesting spin-off.  This mechanism would be different from EL in that it would add parts to an existing "ship".  This has many useful applications besides building bases.  You could add actual permanent parts to ships in space instead of docking them.  That opens up a whole realm of possibilities.  So if you can get this working on the ground, please consider making a space-based version for shipyards :)


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  On 5/30/2016 at 5:12 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Drinks all around!


That is a great story.  I really want this, so hurry up and make it happen :)

I think your idea of having the printed parts just appear when complete is the way to go.  That's how EL makes baby spaceships and nobody complains.....

Hmmm, that brings up an interesting spin-off.  This mechanism would be different from EL in that it would add parts to an existing "ship".  This has many useful applications besides building bases.  You could add actual permanent parts to ships in space instead of docking them.  That opens up a whole realm of possibilities.  So if you can get this working on the ground, please consider making a space-based version for shipyards :)



It's definitely doable, I just have to figure out the right combo to make it work. That's going to take some time, but KIS is going to help me on that front. :) Once I get the basic concept figured out, I can make variants for the ground and orbit.

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I'm not sure this has been mentioned before, but I rather like your naming conventions and theme. There is a definite South-Western/Texan/Cowboy theme to a lot of your work that I enjoy. The parallels between the frontier of the 1800s and the Final Frontier are many (I'm sure the early settlers thought California was made of Icecream too, just like Minmus:sticktongue:), and you've done a good job of capturing that in my opinion. Was this a conscious decision ahead of time, or did it just sort of morph into that?


p.s. now I just need to find a KIS compatible cowboy hat...

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  On 5/30/2016 at 6:58 PM, Deimos Rast said:

I'm not sure this has been mentioned before, but I rather like your naming conventions and theme. There is a definite South-Western/Texan/Cowboy theme to a lot of your work that I enjoy. The parallels between the frontier of the 1800s and the Final Frontier are many (I'm sure the early settlers thought California was made of Icecream too, just like Minmus:sticktongue:), and you've done a good job of capturing that in my opinion. Was this a conscious decision ahead of time, or did it just sort of morph into that?


p.s. now I just need to find a KIS compatible cowboy hat...


Glad you noticed! Yup, I indeed had a Space Western/Texan/Cowboy theme in mind when I started designing Pathfinder. There's a lot of bootstrapping and jurry-rigging built into the mod's theme. I listened to music like The Magnificent Seven, Gunsmoke, and NSYNC's Space Cowboy.

I also listened to Save My Soul (used as the theme song to The Men Who Built America)

Forgot to mention that while I haven't implemented it yet, once I finish up the remaining parts and IVAs, I'll add in the Gold Rush aspect to the mod that I've had planned from the start. :)

Edited by Angel-125
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