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null reference exception spam to debug log while in flight, hopelessly gigantic modlist.

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well, its as said in the title. i have an null reference exception spam, it doesent seem to be related to any part, and i remember seeing it, even when my craft has crashed and all parts destroyed. my modlist is absolutely gigantic, so removing mods 1 by 1 is not an option, or maybe it is, but it would take a couple of decades... i use FMRS, MK2 Expansion, and alot more mods with DLLS. any way to have ksp print a list of loaded DLLs, or part mods, or whatever?

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See the "How to get support" sticky thread for details of how to find the game's log files. This should contain more details about the exceptions (e.g. a call stack which can indicate what is responsible) and while it doesn't explicitly output a list of mods, it does have details on all the parts and plugin DLLs that are loaded.

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Hi 123nick, KSP will log the loaded addon DLL's and parts in the Player.log so it'd be useful to have that :)

You can find it in /home/yourusernamehere/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/

Hastebin.com is pretty good for log contents as there's no ads or other junk.

Edited by sal_vager
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alright. also, couldnt you just attach files to posts? anyways, i cant seem to find a player.log .. anywhere. im using linux, having ksp installed via steam, and i find no .config file or unity3d either. does linux hide some files/folders?

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Unfortunately no we can't put files in the posts, they have to be put elsewhere and linked here, it is possible to post just text though, but please put large amounts of text in [noparse]

[/noparse] tags.

"/home/yourusernamehere/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/" is the file path and yes, Linux can hide files and folders, open your file manager and press control+h to enable viewing of hidden files and folders, in your main folder you will now see many folders beginning with . these are the hidden folders and one of these is .config

Player.log is just a plain text file, and will open in Gedit or any other text editor.

Hope this helps.

Edited by sal_vager
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Hmm, it's saying infernal robotics wasn't found and couldn't be loaded, then lots of "Spinhub couldn't be loaded" errors.

Nullreferences on FAR.

Argument nullrefs on FAR! That can't be good.

Yeah I think you need to try removing FAR and IR, see what happens.

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  sal_vager said:
Hmm, it's saying infernal robotics wasn't found and couldn't be loaded, then lots of "Spinhub couldn't be loaded" errors.

Nullreferences on FAR.

Argument nullrefs on FAR! That can't be good.

Yeah I think you need to try removing FAR and IR, see what happens.

thats what i thought...

alright. will do.

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heres it without FAR, will try without IR...whenever. probs soon. : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=3315713F440A6017!310&authkey=!ANItV7wLzofFuV4&ithint=file%2clog

edit: the spinhub is added by pathfinder, i think it uses IR code to add it in, or maybe it was DSEV , whatever mod it was, its by angel125. its a centrifuge thingy, powered by IR. remove it?

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I'll note that the first exception that I can see is from KAS, so it may be something with that.

I'll also note that you haven't provided any reproduction steps at all, so there's absolutely no hope of finding the cause of your issue. Especially since there is only one way that you're getting nulls from that particular function: another mod is going around deleting intake parts, intake PartModules, or intake transforms when they shouldn't be. That or preventing FAR from clearing that safely.

Until you can provide reproduction steps, there's nothing anyone can do besides guessing wildly without having any clue of what's actually going on. Which doesn't fix issues.

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Heh, repo steps are "I install all these mods and now this happens".

Removing FAR actually seems to have broke things further, behold...

(gvfs-open:8142): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: /usr/src/packages/BUILD/glib2.0-2.32.3/./gobject/gtype.c:2722: You forgot to call g_type_init()

(gvfs-open:8142): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_interface_add_prerequisite: assertion `G_TYPE_IS_INTERFACE (interface_type)' failed

(gvfs-open:8142): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `result != 0' failed

(gvfs-open:8142): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: /usr/src/packages/BUILD/glib2.0-2.32.3/./gobject/gtype.c:2722: You forgot to call g_type_init()

(gvfs-open:8142): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `result != 0' failed

(gvfs-open:8142): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: /usr/src/packages/BUILD/glib2.0-2.32.3/./gobject/gtype.c:2722: You forgot to call g_type_init()

(gvfs-open:8142): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `result != 0' failed

Gvfs-open is just Ubuntu's program to open files with their default program, so something is pretty messed up.

And the first problem from the earlier log was not KAS, it was this.

The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing assembly (/home/nick/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/WildBlueIndustries/DSEV/)

Could not load file or assembly 'InfernalRobotics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
The class SpinHub.HubHelper could not be loaded, used in SpinHub, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.

Which can have a knock on effect or just be a symptom itself.

Even the first exception wasn't KAS, it was spinhub.

AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'SpinHub': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'SpinHub.HubHelper' from assembly 'SpinHub, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

Even the first nullref wasn't KAS.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.AssumeDragCubePosition (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

And there are further nullrefs in Realchute and KAS.

But removing FAR helped clear up some of the log spam, letting us narrow things down.

I thought spinhub was part of IR and removing IR would stop this, it probably just needs reinstalling, but you definitely should test reinstalling spinhub.

The gvfs-open error is a worry though, and wasn't happening before, so it won't hurt to reinstall FAR to see if it goes away and could indicate a separate issue with FAR on Linux, or it may be that not all FAR files had been removed.

But apart from the log spam, were there any other symptoms of this issue?

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  ferram4 said:
I'll note that the first exception that I can see is from KAS, so it may be something with that.

I'll also note that you haven't provided any reproduction steps at all, so there's absolutely no hope of finding the cause of your issue. Especially since there is only one way that you're getting nulls from that particular function: another mod is going around deleting intake parts, intake PartModules, or intake transforms when they shouldn't be. That or preventing FAR from clearing that safely.

Until you can provide reproduction steps, there's nothing anyone can do besides guessing wildly without having any clue of what's actually going on. Which doesn't fix issues.

redproduction steps---just launch any vehicle. in flight, the error log is spammed with null reference exceptions. is that not the steps? and the air intakes-- i have a mod that adds intakeatmosphere to all air intakes, so i can use them with, say, an atomic air engine from interstellar. aparently, 2 mods are doing that, but i dont know which 2 are, so is that causing it? KAS, well, i dont know about. i dont see why it would, although i have noticed that theres 4 copys of each kas part, but absolutely no reason why, even after fresh install.

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Really any vehicle? Even when there are no vessels or debris loaded that include intakes it throws from that function? Even on a new save where the only craft launched is a command pod? If not, which parts from which mod? This is what reproduction steps are for, to narrow those things down.

Now, the mods that mess with intake air, are they deleting PartModules or transforms randomly? Which mods are they? You know a lot more about what's going on in your install than I do, so you're gonna have to tell me what you've got going on before anything can be handled.

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  ferram4 said:
Really any vehicle? Even when there are no vessels or debris loaded that include intakes it throws from that function? Even on a new save where the only craft launched is a command pod? If not, which parts from which mod? This is what reproduction steps are for, to narrow those things down.

Now, the mods that mess with intake air, are they deleting PartModules or transforms randomly? Which mods are they? You know a lot more about what's going on in your install than I do, so you're gonna have to tell me what you've got going on before anything can be handled.

i dont think so... they add a module, to any part that has a resource for intake air, that lets them intake atm aswell. afaik, thats not deleting anything. does each resource intake module need extra data, besides just simple resource, and area size and etc. when being used with far? like, any numbers needing to be set or anything? and for kas, i dont know why theres 4 of each part in the list, but, hey, other than that it works fine. all parts are absolutely identical, although i think i remember 1 part that wasnt copied 4 times... not sure though. actually, that was probably just from KIS not KAS. spinrotor is from DSEV, short for deep space something by angel125, and i deleted it, and it still has null reference exceptions. i even deleted the other IR rotor part that works with it, spinhub i think, still nres. also, apparently i used the 64 bit unfixer thingy, and there was some leftover files that had something about .bkunfix or something, i deleted them. nothings different, i think. i did try a new save, with only a command pod, albiet modded but that mod has no errors whatsoever and might as well be stock, and still same errors. any help? ill see if i can run ksp again and get another player log. not all mods are compatible with linux maybe? also, i have FMRS installed too.

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Alright, so first off, since you're using the win64 unfixer, I have to assume that means that you're on win64, so after this, no further support from me, because that might be the cause of your issues for all we know given how messed up it is.

But no, FAR does not need any special extra information above the stock resource intakes. It works with stock and has no MM patches or anything specifically for those modules. So if it requires Interstellar, then something Interstellar does breaks the stock intake module. If the bug doesn't require Interstellar, then the intake parts (which i note, you still haven't bothered to mention which mod they are) are likely to be set up incorrectly.

At this point, I can't see any issue on FAR's end, it looks more like something else is breaking the stock code.

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So, are you really using Linux or are you using the 64 bit Windows hack version? If Linux then you really shouldn't have installed the win64 unfixer. If you're actually using the win64 version then you can't expect to get any support and lying about the platform you are using will not help your case...

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  ferram4 said:
Alright, so first off, since you're using the win64 unfixer, I have to assume that means that you're on win64, so after this, no further support from me, because that might be the cause of your issues for all we know given how messed up it is.

But no, FAR does not need any special extra information above the stock resource intakes. It works with stock and has no MM patches or anything specifically for those modules. So if it requires Interstellar, then something Interstellar does breaks the stock intake module. If the bug doesn't require Interstellar, then the intake parts (which i note, you still haven't bothered to mention which mod they are) are likely to be set up incorrectly.

At this point, I can't see any issue on FAR's end, it looks more like something else is breaking the stock code.

actually, it was on linux 64 bit. sorry about that, i think i might have just copied over the gamedata folder FROM the windows version, and it worked alright, so i really didnt care about using the unfixer on it, thought it didnt interfere much. but it turns out there was some leftover files, so yeah, sorry about that. anyways, i dont know what will fix this. i dont know what from interstellar would mess with it, so i just dont know... hm.

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