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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.13.0 "Забытый" 13/Aug/2023)


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If anyone experiences strange heating issues with the parts let me know. I still haven't played since 1.0.5. The good news is Thor is being worked on an will hopefully have a dev release this weekend. I can't move my dev copy to 1.0.5 yet but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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Hey guys! Have a Thor. Textures are placeholders. It's missing the adapters to smaller (.625 and .9375) tank sizes. Looking for balance feedback.

@Venom I'll see if I can talk to you about Able/Ablestar this weekend. I have a rough idea of how I want them to look but I need to sketch the shape out in Maya.


Edited by CobaltWolf
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Looking Good! I'm appreciating this mod more and more with each launch!

Means a lot, yo.

It's been rather slow on here lately, has anyone else noticed that? With Cobalt and everyone else and their dog being away to play Fallout 4 e̶x̶c̶e̶p̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶ I guess I understand.

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[quote name='CobaltWolf']*cracks knuckles* one Ablestar, textured and in game, coming right up... assuming I survive the first week of final project submissions. T.T[/QUOTE]

No, no rush. I commiserate. Just spent the last two weeks figuring out what the next 4-5 years of school is to be... :confused:
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For those of you interested, I made a RealPlumes configs for every engine except for the dev Thor engine, as I have no idea how to make an RP config for something with 2 engine modules.

Here you go - [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/ydl2ypoudwv1lhk/BDB%20RP%20Configs.zip?dl=0"]Thing[/URL]

Update: Cobalt, you'd better keep me updated if you make more engines! I'd like to keep this updated. Edited by VenomousRequiem
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uhm. You'll probably be the first to know.

EDIT: The ablestar engine is prolly going to be called bluedog_ablestarEngine. There are too many variants of the AJ10 that might get put in and I don't want to worry about renaming things and thus breaking craft files down the road.
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[quote name='Redhornet919']One (or possibly more) of your part is causing the center of mass bug. I cant quite figure out which one yet but i am trying to narrow it down. right now i know that it is one of the atlas 1 parts.[/QUOTE]

Ooohh, but that's like the worst bug. Cobaaalt! I don't know how to fix this! :P

No, really, is one by chance the dome antenna? It has a... History.
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Couple more preview images of the next update. The Thor tanks are still *very* placeholder. Able doesn't have its engine yet - they're using a 48-7S in these screenshots, and Vanguard is using a tweakscaled Buzzard with Redstone fins (which incidentally got buffed - I set their range of motion too low)
[spoiler="Big images"]

Also, on that note, Vanguard is getting put in. I wind up using the engines in Lack's SXT far more often that I would have expected, and since Able is getting done anyways, I might as well make the rest of it. If only to have something at Tech0 to launch the Sienno probe. The good news is I have some small parts planned to make smaller lifters worthwhile, and they'll always be somewhat useful for launching smaller commercial satellites. Plus, as always, Tweakscale will be supported.

Also, would anyone want to chill with me for another dev stream tomorrow? Probably won't be a release at the end like last time but I'll be working on some decently interesting stuff: The two AJ10 variants, the Vanguard X40A5, and the Agena parts, as well as fiddling with textures. There might also be some work done on some probe parts I've been itching to do.
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Looking good Venom! I'll have to take a look at the configs and make sure they're packaged in the next release.

Thor shouldn't be too hard - the main engine runs on ModuleEngine and the verniers run on ModuleEngineFX. Dunno if I've broken some sort of rule by doing that but it works.

Incidentally, [SIZE=5]FOR THOSE THAT DON'T USE REAL PLUME [/SIZE]I've found a good workaround for the issues I was having with the Atlas verniers - their effects will work properly in the next release.

EDITED Edited by CobaltWolf
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[URL="http://www.twitch.tv/cobaltowolfy/"]Stream is up![/URL] VenomousRequiem will also be there tonight via Skype. Watch me swear + drink my way through the AJ10 engines and more!

EDIT: [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/ou06ee09l1hi1y6/Bluedog_DB_Dev_18_11_2015.zip?dl=0"]Current dev build [/URL]if anyone wants to play along (and report bugs) while I work Edited by CobaltWolf
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[quote name='VenomousRequiem'][I][SIZE=2]Hey, everyone. [/SIZE][/I]
What kind of mod compatibility do you all want to see with this mod?[/QUOTE]

How'd'ya mean? I mean by that... do you have an example?

I'm scrolling down the Addon Releases page looking for potential suspects, but i'm coming up short a bit...

The following is a random collection of thoughts that are floating about. They may or may not make sense. All of them are intended in a tone of praise for your awesome work.

Mod compatibility: I entirely appreciate that the antennas you've built have RT configs. It seems those are made of unobtainium at times... Incidentally, I also appreciate a lot that the Sienno built in omni is active from the start node; why RT devs picked such a deep node for that always on perk, I don't know... poorly documented too.. Ahh, I digress.
Perhaps Mechjeb/KER builtins for the probe core(s)?
On a similar note, there are a significant amount of AntennaRange users, I suspect. I don't know how much effort that would take to re-antenna all of the ones here, though. (Plus with 1.1 coming up... eeeek.)
Perhaps more structural adapters to go from size-to-size? I was scratching my head trying to figure out how to load a 2.5 m payload on the Centaur. I may not have all the parts unlocked, though. I have a serious addiction for odd diameter parts it seems. (HGR came out, I was all over that thing. :D ) Lately, these tiny parts have been... well, a blast, lets say.

I mention this because having a lot of lego like pieces is half the fun of KSP to me, and your guys' parts are very flexible in how they go together with themselves + others. Boosting that flexibility would go a long way to mod compatibility right there, without any particular target in mind.
I'm not using realfuels at the moment, but that's the one that pops to mind when dealing with an engine/tank pack.
Life support doesn't really pop up as there are no pods here. Science parts already tie into DMagic's, FASA, somewhat. I'm not certain who else is having a lot of science-y things to tie into. If a telescope ever happens, Cacteye would be something to look into. Science parts are generally good in my eye. (Besides: Where else are you going to find an accurate mass spec? :D )
Generally, I like the attention to detail paid to the parts, descriptions, prices, etc. It adds a lot of flavor, which is rather important/gets over looked a lot of the time, I think.
But mod compatibility... Hmmmm. Procedural Fairings, perhaps? Textures/Fairing Shapes/Bases? Its been a crazy week, perhaps my brain is borked as far as thinking goes :p

EDIT to say that the following two points are not on topic at all, but i'll leave them as thought fodder; neither is expected to be taken seriously.

Pie in the Sky, no pun intended, would be a set of lightweight engines/thrusters for [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61294-1-0-XT-Landertron-Smart-Retrorockets-for-Landers-and-Spaceplanes-v0-08-Oct-10"]Landertron[/URL] ? I've always thought them very Kerbal/A perfect companion for probes/remotetech when diving at the surface of a faraway land. Only problem would be not so much compatibility as dependency :(
I also have an idea, which you may or may not render into a plan to throw a shoe at me, butttt... One thing i've often thought missing from the addon spectrum was a stock-a-like Apollo SM engine. I've never seen one, at least. KW came close, but that... Well. KW. (RLA has a monoprop engine which is close... perhaps I just ought to reconfigure that critter. Hmm...)

I'm enjoying the work thus far, *a lot*. Also, Radish-a-like, it may be my favorite pod. It just seemed to 'fit', you know? Now, off to play with the new hot off the dev press goodies!

EDIT: GAH, these little windows belay how long posts get >< :blush::blush::blush::blush:
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