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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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34 minutes ago, tjt said:

I just loaded BDB, excited to try it...the little sounding rocket that you start with - with the Geiger counter and thermometer. It doesn't seem to have enough power to transmit both experiments, but with no chute, it's going to break up on landing, so I can't collect the experiments...what am I missing here? is there supposed to be a battery?


Like others have pointed out, that's Explorer 1, the first US satellite. This is the second total whiff on understanding historical rocketry in as many days.Can nobody pick up a history book anymore?

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29 minutes ago, Jack Wolfe said:

Like others have pointed out, that's Explorer 1, the first US satellite. This is the second total whiff on understanding historical rocketry in as many days.Can nobody pick up a history book anymore?

haha...you know...there are many points of entry for people to learn and there are many different ways people come into new knowledge...

Being denigrated for not knowing something is NOT one of those ways people learn..thank you for taking time to attack someone you have no knowledge of :wink: have a great weekend

EDIT- OH..and just for the record..if you google " HLR-E1 Sienno" it doesn't return any information about the US Space Program...So if you have some golden nugget of wisdom to share with the class why don't you link us to it?

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1 hour ago, CobaltWolf said:

did something change recently? Several people have said lately that it doesn't have enough battery. It was fine last I checked.

It was fine and I don't think anybody was messing with it. I'm at work,  has anybody taken the time to verify this?

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35 minutes ago, tjt said:

EDIT- OH..and just for the record..if you google " HLR-E1 Sienno" it doesn't return any information about the US Space Program...So if you have some golden nugget of wisdom to share with the class why don't you link us to it?

In case you haven't figured this out already, the mod uses alternate names for the different parts. If you ever want to know how to build something in particular but don't know the alternate name, you can go to the manual on the OP

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Just now, Cdw2468 said:

In case you haven't figured this out already, the mod uses alternate names for the different parts. If you ever want to know how to build something in particular but don't know the alternate name, you can go to the manual on the OP

Thanks! I was a bit confused that some of the parts were easily recognizable from history while other names didn't ring a bell :)

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Just now, tjt said:

Thanks! I was a bit confused that some of the parts were easily recognizable from history while other names didn't ring a bell :)

And as the other commenter put it bluntly, I'd recommend doing some research into space history. I've found myself spending significant amounts of time just looking at wiki articles about the different missions

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10 minutes ago, VenomousRequiem said:

I did also directly tell you it was Explorer 1...

Yes, you did, but Jack was making snarky comments referencing the first post at which time I wasn't aware of the real name. My response back to him was to call out the fact that, at the time when I make the OP, I didn't have that info...

what...I've never felt so attacked by a group in a KSP forum before...

9 minutes ago, Cdw2468 said:

And as the other commenter put it bluntly, I'd recommend doing some research into space history. I've found myself spending significant amounts of time just looking at wiki articles about the different missions

I'll say it again..I've never felt so rudely spoken to in a KSP forum before...do you all just sit around and wait for a new guy to come in so you can rub his nose in the fact that he didn't recognize that  HLR-E1 Sienno was actually Explorer 1? sheesh

Here's how grownups welcome the new guy...

"hey TJT, the " HLR-E1 Sienno" you asked about is actually modeled after the Explorer 1 - the first US satellite. here's the Wiki if you want to read up on it"


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6 hours ago, tjt said:

The HLR-E1 Sienno Probe Core...has 60EC, but the two experiments take more than 60 to transmit...so how am I supposed to use it when I don't yet have solar panels and I don't yet have batteries??

  • Geiger = 8 mits = 48 EC
  • Temp = 3 mits = 18 EC
  • Telemetry = 1 mits = 6 EC

EDIT...unless some mod is changing my base cost to transmit...is 6 EC / MIT typical?

I can't duplicate this. Here the geiger counter and temperature experiments are both 8 mits, and cost less than 5 ec to transmit. SETI would be my guess since it rebalances science. I've never used it so I don't know for sure. Try a stock temp gauge on a stock probe core and see what that costs to transmit.

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2 hours ago, Jso said:

I can't duplicate this. Here the geiger counter and temperature experiments are both 8 mits, and cost less than 5 ec to transmit. SETI would be my guess since it rebalances science. I've never used it so I don't know for sure. Try a stock temp gauge on a stock probe core and see what that costs to transmit.

SETI does rebalance antennae.

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8 hours ago, tjt said:

Yes, you did, but Jack was making snarky comments referencing the first post at which time I wasn't aware of the real name. My response back to him was to call out the fact that, at the time when I make the OP, I didn't have that info...

what...I've never felt so attacked by a group in a KSP forum before...

Yeah I don't understand the flak. When I started using FASA back in early 2014, I didn't know anything about this stuff! The Saturn was probably the only rocket that I would have recognized (though I don't think it was in the mod yet) and everything else was completely new. If you haven't see it yet, the OP of the thread has a manual (somewhat out of date) that includes an appendix that explains some of the names and their IRL counterparts. The probes are a bit different, since they often don't have parts for the whole probe, just the more interesting bits and pieces. Most names for the parts are the first interesting word (usually a name) that I find on the wikipedia page for that particular craft.

7 hours ago, Daelkyr said:

That LM does look amazing! Here's a comparison of my Sarnus I, Sarnus IB, and Sarnus V rockets for my Kane Program using the Sarnus rocket parts and the Kane CSM.

Awesome! A couple tips/things I noticed:

  • Make sure you use the other H-1 for the inner cluster on the S-1.
  • Try turning the brightness down on KVV. Those crafts are really blown out and you're losing detail.
  • NASA didn't really use the meatball logo back then, they used the worm logo.


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Beginning IVA modeling for the Hermes interior! I didn't get much time to work on it last week but I'll update with pictures shortly once I've got the basic layout done.

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27 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

Awesome! A couple tips/things I noticed:

  • Make sure you use the other H-1 for the inner cluster on the S-1.
  • Try turning the brightness down on KVV. Those crafts are really blown out and you're losing detail.
  • NASA didn't really use the meatball logo back then, they used the worm logo.


Thanks for the tips on KVV. I'll give that a shot today. I am using a inner ring of HC1-260 "Grivan" with an outer ring of HD1-260 "Navi" engines on my Sarnus I & IB. Ugh... That dreaded worm. I'll probably switch over to that when I start Kane Application Programs mission. Thanks again for making a truly amazing mod.

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On 8/4/2016 at 11:47 PM, legoclone09 said:

I say yours looks better, mainly because I can't stand gold foil.

3D model intended as a replica of the LM looks better than the LM itself... okay...

But seriously, I bet it was pretty neat to see a real LM (wasn't that one supposed to be on Apollo 18?). The closest I've come is a mock-up they have at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville.

On Topic: The LM under design here looks really neat too, I can't wait to try it out!

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3 minutes ago, pTrevTrevs said:

3D model intended as a replica of the LM looks better than the LM itself... okay...

But seriously, I bet it was pretty neat to see a real LM (wasn't that one supposed to be on Apollo 18?). The closest I've come is a mock-up they have at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville.

On Topic: The LM under design here looks really neat too, I can't wait to try it out!

It was awesome to see (Saturn V right next to it was more awesome, though)

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9 hours ago, tjt said:

I'll say it again..I've never felt so rudely spoken to in a KSP forum before...do you all just sit around and wait for a new guy to come in so you can rub his nose in the fact that he didn't recognize that  HLR-E1 Sienno was actually Explorer 1? sheesh

I didn't mean that in any sort of condescending way, I was just saying that space history is amazing and I'd recommend spending time and reading up on it, it's great to learn. I didn't mean to come off as rude and I do apologize. 

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2 hours ago, legoclone09 said:

SETI does rebalance antennae.

Yep, thanks much for helping me run this down. Looks like SETI mods most basic antenna's with a cost that works out to 6EC / MIT. This is the behavior I was seeing. 

26 minutes ago, Cdw2468 said:

I didn't mean that in any sort of condescending way, I was just saying that space history is amazing and I'd recommend spending time and reading up on it, it's great to learn. I didn't mean to come off as rude and I do apologize. 

Thanks for clarifying! Really appreciate it :)

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12 hours ago, tjt said:

Yes, you did, but Jack was making snarky comments referencing the first post at which time I wasn't aware of the real name. My response back to him was to call out the fact that, at the time when I make the OP, I didn't have that info...


You're absolutely right, and I apologise for my quite unfair tone. Yesterday took a rather ugly turn and I let it get the better of me.

An excellent source of information on virtual every space vehicle flown (and even some that never made it off the drawing board) can be found at Encyclopedia Astronautica. Be forewarned that you can lose several hours of your day once you start poking around there. NASA's archives are an especially rich source, right down to the individual flight plans if you're of a mind to recreate historical missions.

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Version 0.11 (Vaquero!) is up on Github, Spacedock, and should be on ckan whenever ckan picks it up. This is everything up to and including the Saturn 1 rocket. Apollo not included, that's nowhere near stable.

If you've got a career save going, this update will break saves.

Changelog summary:
-Tweakscale support on all compatible parts (hopefully) - @Cowboy_WY
-Bulkhead profiles corrected everywhere - @Cowboy_WY
-Heatshields separated from pods
-Antenna Range, Community Tech Tree Support, and Science definitions updated - @rasta013
-Saturn 1/Saturn IV and H-1 engines
-Gemini reentry issues fixed
-Gemini parts renamed to avoid conflict with TRAILS. Totally save breaking!
-Numerous cost/mass/balance/description adjustments just about everywhere
-Too many bug fixes to list
-Part tags getting better

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28 minutes ago, Jso said:

Version 0.11 (Vaquero!) is up on Github, Spacedock, and should be on ckan whenever ckan picks it up. This is everything up to and including the Saturn 1 rocket. Apollo not included, that's nowhere near stable.

If you've got a career save going, this update will break saves.

Changelog summary:
-Tweakscale support on all compatible parts (hopefully) - @Cowboy_WY
-Bulkhead profiles corrected everywhere - @Cowboy_WY
-Heatshields separated from pods
-Antenna Range, Community Tech Tree Support, and Science definitions updated - @rasta013
-Saturn 1/Saturn IV and H-1 engines
-Gemini reentry issues fixed
-Gemini parts renamed to avoid conflict with TRAILS. Totally save breaking!
-Numerous cost/mass/balance/description adjustments just about everywhere
-Too many bug fixes to list
-Part tags getting better


Forgive me if I'm overlooking something, but the download I got from Spacedock has no Apollo folder at all. Have the Apollo parts been renamed or merged with another folder?

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2 minutes ago, Jack Wolfe said:

Forgive me if I'm overlooking something, but the download I got from Spacedock has no Apollo folder at all. Have the Apollo parts been renamed or merged with another folder?

From the release post you quoted:

32 minutes ago, Jso said:

 Apollo not included, that's nowhere near stable.


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