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[1.3.x] CONTARES 1.8.9 closed


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On 27.1.2017 at 8:38 PM, TachyonGMZ said:

For some reason all of the planes are not controllable in the atmosphere. Are they supposed to be like that or should they have control surfaces? I have installed all dependencies.

Regarding the compliance of the CoG / CoM, the unnecessary of control surfaces and the compatibility with other mods can be read in previous posts. All gliders can re-enter the atmosphere and be maneuvered to the runway, depending on their limited maneuverability and depending on the pilot's (your) ability.

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During the trip through the Kerbol system, this part came out of the shadow of an insignificant moon. Looks a bit antiquated. Well, with sufficient polish and color becomes a tourist attraction (HAL is hopefully far away) :wink:



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For technical reasons the publication date of Contares 1.8.2 shifts by about 2 weeks. As compensation, there will always be pictures and information about the state of development.

At the moment the reworking of the TechTree affiliation of all parts is in process.

The last, missing parts for completing the (CNSA) Khi-carrier rocket series Khi-5, Khi6 and Khi-7 are finished.

Work on ISRO is in full swing.

The old TUG from 2001: a space odyssey has been reworked and renovated, take a look:




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Pictures of ISRO (KSRO) project out of Wings-3D



4th MMH/MON stage PAM-G


3rd stage solid fuel PS-3


2nd stage HOT-separation for later versions of GSLV Mk. I/II (decoupler)


VIKAS engine of stage 2 include (blue) water-tank


1st stage with booster (all solid) and vernier RCS engines SITVC


view of all parts


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Will it once be possible to download only separate parts of this mod? 

I mean possibly only the ESA Launchers, the Rockosmos once or the Space-shuttle-thingies? 

Or is there no plan to split this huge pack? - Or would it be too much administrative work to split those?

(Here I as German am especially interested in the ESA Launchers and possibly the Soyus and Proton M. As personally for me I dont care about the chinease Launchers and the Russian Pods and stuff. ATV, HTV-II I am also eager for.)

Thanks for the great work so far.

Best Rissa

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5 hours ago, Rissa said:

Will it once be possible to download only separate parts of this mod? 

I mean possibly only the ESA Launchers, the Rockosmos once or the Space-shuttle-thingies? 

Or is there no plan to split this huge pack? - Or would it be too much administrative work to split those?

(Here I as German am especially interested in the ESA Launchers and possibly the Soyus and Proton M. As personally for me I dont care about the chinease Launchers and the Russian Pods and stuff. ATV, HTV-II I am also eager for.)

Thanks for the great work so far.

Best Rissa

It's a complicated process to split mods into multiple downloads but you can always go into GameData/Contares/Parts and delete the stuff you don't want.

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6 hours ago, Rissa said:

Will it once be possible to download only separate parts of this mod? 

I mean possibly only the ESA Launchers, the Rockosmos once or the Space-shuttle-thingies? 

Or is there no plan to split this huge pack? - Or would it be too much administrative work to split those?

(Here I as German am especially interested in the ESA Launchers and possibly the Soyus and Proton M. As personally for me I dont care about the chinease Launchers and the Russian Pods and stuff. ATV, HTV-II I am also eager for.)

Thanks for the great work so far.

Best Rissa

If it would allow the forum rules I would gladly answer in German, it would make the matter much easier. We can talk about your questions via PM in German.

Certainly, it would be possible to disassemble the mod into several parts, but this would be a considerable maintenance effort, especially since many parts, such as decoupler, fairings, tanks and others, are used on different carrier rockets and space ships.
The mod is already divided into categories under the PARTS directory. This makes it possible to remove individual components
without compromising the integrity of the mod.


1 hour ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

It's a complicated process to split mods into multiple downloads but you can always go into GameData/Contares/Parts and delete the stuff you don't want.

Thank you ... absolutely correct!

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Came by to say thank you for developing this great mod! Makes my ksp missions much more slick looking !

And a little request : It'd be super awesome if you could add tweakscale support for parts like engines and decouplers and fuel tanks and stuff . they look so good but many times i have to drop them just because they don't fit in place (Like a separation  being motor too large/small )


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16 hours ago, Alpha_Mike_741 said:

Came by to say thank you for developing this great mod! Makes my ksp missions much more slick looking !

And a little request : It'd be super awesome if you could add tweakscale support for parts like engines and decouplers and fuel tanks and stuff . they look so good but many times i have to drop them just because they don't fit in place (Like a separation  being motor too large/small )



Hello Alpha_Mike_741,

decoupler are available in all common diameters. The Contares standard tanks in diameter 1.875m have a tweakscale setting. Also the most of small utilitiy parts like antennas, sas, fins and stabilizer.

For tanks and engines of more or less scale parts, tweakscale makes no sense. The performance data of the engines would be totally corrupted, like the contents of the tanks.

Sure, you are free to create a corresponding tweakscale entry to adapt the mod to your needs.
Take a look at /GameData/Contares/Patches/Contares_TweakScale.cfg
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The balancing of the Contares parts for the Techtree must wait. (it's a frustrating job!)

Here are some pictures from the current production.


2nd stage VIKAS-2 Engine and Fairing of GLSV Mk.2


LH-40 Booster (VIKAS) on PS-1 Main-Stage (solid)

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14 hours ago, NeoFatalis said:

What do you mean by water tank? is it just aesthetic or it has some function?

VIKAS engines are license products of (Ariane) VIKING engines. Both use water as film coolant for nozzles. It's only aesthetic.

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41 minutes ago, Rissa said:

Hm looks like Proton - but is not? I count only 4 boosters instead of six?

PROTON is not, at least as long as Contares do not have the SALJUT / MIR components in 50% Scale implemented.

:rolleyes: That's parts of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) and GSLV (Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle).

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