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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Deep Space Exploration Vessels - Build NASA Inspired Ships In KSP

Angelo Kerman

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Got some more done:


This is the backside of the centrifuge. Just need to finish the front side and add the struts, the animate the thing...

I decided to dispense with the inflatable hab ring because I wanted the kerbalized Nautilus to have a look that's reminiscent of the nautilus sea creature with its hard shell. The bellows aren't as armored as the rest of the ring but that's ok, I like the contrast. :) Plus, let’s face it, inflatable centrfuge rings have been done many times over...

Edited by Angel-125
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@Angel-125:  love the ring hab,  I already have plans to build a torque-powered low-gravity rover using a pair of these for wheels :) 

In other news, I recently updated to ModuleManager 3.0.1 due to other-than-your mods.  This new version of MM doesn't like a few things in DSEV.  Here are the relevant excerpts from the log:

[ERR 17:25:57.124] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

[ERR 17:25:57.126] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

[ERR 17:25:57.128] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

[ERR 17:25:57.129] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

[ERR 17:25:57.130] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

[ERR 17:25:57.132] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node: WildBlueIndustries/MOLE/Parts/Utility/BOW/@PART

[ERR 17:25:57.134] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

These were the only errors I got.  The new MM seems to like Buffalo, MOLE, and Pathfinder.

Edited by Geschosskopf
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  On 12/13/2017 at 11:46 PM, Geschosskopf said:

@Angel-125:  love the ring hab,  I already have plans to build a torque-powered low-gravity rover using a pair of these for wheels :) 

In other news, I recently updated to ModuleManager 3.0.1 due to other-than-your mods.  This new version of MM doesn't like a few things in DSEV.  Here are the relevant excerpts from the log:

[ERR 17:25:57.124] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

[ERR 17:25:57.126] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

[ERR 17:25:57.128] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

[ERR 17:25:57.129] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

[ERR 17:25:57.130] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

[ERR 17:25:57.132] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node: WildBlueIndustries/MOLE/Parts/Utility/BOW/@PART

[ERR 17:25:57.134] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node:

These were the only errors I got.  The new MM seems to like Buffalo, MOLE, and Pathfinder.


Thanks, that's a known issue with the new MM. It's already fixed in the upcoming release. If you want a quick fix, just remove the FINAL keywords.

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  On 12/13/2017 at 11:53 PM, Angel-125 said:

Thanks, that's a known issue with the new MM. It's already fixed in the upcoming release. If you want a quick fix, just remove the FINAL keywords.


I'll wait for the next MM nothotfix (for which I wish there was a way to get notifications).  The thing I'm trying to track down here is why, despite years of previous peaceful co-existence, I'm suddenly having apparently fuel-switching conflicts between your stuff and/or B9PS and/or IFS.  IFS just updated to be compatible with MM 3.0.x so I'm wondering if the new version gets solves my main problem.  IFS has become my primary suspect.

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  On 12/14/2017 at 12:33 AM, Geschosskopf said:

I'll wait for the next MM nothotfix (for which I wish there was a way to get notifications).  The thing I'm trying to track down here is why, despite years of previous peaceful co-existence, I'm suddenly having apparently fuel-switching conflicts between your stuff and/or B9PS and/or IFS.  IFS just updated to be compatible with MM 3.0.x so I'm wondering if the new version gets solves my main problem.  IFS has become my primary suspect.


If you have CryoFuels installed, then it needs to exclude the B9PS from parts that have WBIConvertibleStorage part modules. @Nertea I think is aware of the issue. If you have IFS installed, it needs to do the same thing.

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  On 12/14/2017 at 12:54 AM, Angel-125 said:

If you have CryoFuels installed, then it needs to exclude the B9PS from parts that have WBIConvertibleStorage part modules. @Nertea I think is aware of the issue. If you have IFS installed, it needs to do the same thing.


I have never had CryoFuels installed, even with various NFT mods installed.  Yet this happens anyway.

Edited by Geschosskopf
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  On 12/14/2017 at 1:35 AM, Angel-125 said:

If you have IFS installed then that too will cause problems.


Well, it's a strange thing.....

I started with a totally clean, pristine stock install.  Then I did the following:

  1. Added MM 3.0.1
  2. Added all your part mods:  DSEV, MOLE, and Buffalo/Pathfinder.  Only issues noted were the aforesaid MM errors.
  3. Built a test ship with a DSEV Delta tank set to LF-only using the WBT "reconfigure storage" interface..  This remained LF-only through many loads, reloads, and scene changes.  It was always LF-only whether in the VAB or on the pad, with the scene reloaded several times each to make sure.  In my main game, it would have reverted to the default LFO, often while messing with it in the VAB.  And if I had the tank set to LF-only in the VAB, it would revert to LFO when I hit the VAB "launch" button.
  4. Quit game, added B9PS, and loaded the test ship from #3 in the VAB.  It was still LF-only and remained so both in the VAB and on the pad through many changes of scene.
  5. Quit the game and added IFS, with also includes Patch Manager.  Did the same tests.  The tank remained LF-only throughout.

So, I must rule out both B9PS and IFS as the culprit, and even Patch Manager.  It's something else.  I'll keep adding mods to my test game to try to isolate the problem.

And just to make sure we're on the same page, the problem I'm having in my main game is that tanks whose default setting is LFO revert to that continuously both in the VAB and later on in life.

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  On 12/14/2017 at 2:38 AM, Geschosskopf said:

Well, it's a strange thing.....

I started with a totally clean, pristine stock install.  Then I did the following:

  1. Added MM 3.0.1
  2. Added all your part mods:  DSEV, MOLE, and Buffalo/Pathfinder.  Only issues noted were the aforesaid MM errors.
  3. Built a test ship with a DSEV Delta tank set to LF-only using the WBT "reconfigure storage" interface..  This remained LF-only through many loads, reloads, and scene changes.  It was always LF-only whether in the VAB or on the pad, with the scene reloaded several times each to make sure.  In my main game, it would have reverted to the default LFO, often while messing with it in the VAB.  And if I had the tank set to LF-only in the VAB, it would revert to LFO when I hit the VAB "launch" button.
  4. Quit game, added B9PS, and loaded the test ship from #3 in the VAB.  It was still LF-only and remained so both in the VAB and on the pad through many changes of scene.
  5. Quit the game and added IFS, with also includes Patch Manager.  Did the same tests.  The tank remained LF-only throughout.

So, I must rule out both B9PS and IFS as the culprit, and even Patch Manager.  It's something else.  I'll keep adding mods to my test game to try to isolate the problem.

And just to make sure we're on the same page, the problem I'm having in my main game is that tanks whose default setting is LFO revert to that continuously both in the VAB and later on in life.


it seems to be ifs, ive not had any problems since i pulled IFS completely and patched cryo fuels to exclude WBI

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  On 12/14/2017 at 8:45 AM, Space Kadet said:

it seems to be ifs, ive not had any problems since i pulled IFS completely and patched cryo fuels to exclude WBI


Everybody keeps pointing a finger at CyroFuels but damn if I can find it anywhere.  My GameData folder doesn't have anything named cryo-whatever.  And it doesn't seem to be a mod of its own.  I see Nertea's Cryogenic Engines but I've never downloaded that.  I did have NF Propulsion, however, and noted it had an MM patch that said :NEEDS[cryo-something], but did not include cryo-something in the bundle.

I do have IFS, though, which I think came with NF Propulsion.  Is that where cryo-whatever lives?

  On 12/14/2017 at 3:48 AM, Angel-125 said:

No normal map or specular map yet, and the window lights aren't there yet, and no IVA, but...


That is AWESOME!  Will it roll by itself if you took off the launch clamps?  :D 

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  On 12/14/2017 at 2:45 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Everybody keeps pointing a finger at CyroFuels but damn if I can find it anywhere.  My GameData folder doesn't have anything named cryo-whatever.  And it doesn't seem to be a mod of its own.  I see Nertea's Cryogenic Engines but I've never downloaded that.  I did have NF Propulsion, however, and noted it had an MM patch that said :NEEDS[cryo-something], but did not include cryo-something in the bundle.

I do have IFS, though, which I think came with NF Propulsion.  Is that where cryo-whatever lives?

That is AWESOME!  Will it roll by itself if you took off the launch clamps?  :D 


No, the Nert file with the patch is in a folder named "CryoTanks" that you'd get with Kerbal Atomics or Cryogenic Engines. Not sure what else may be causing issues. After I went through and made sure IFS, B9, and that patch were all correct, I stopped getting phantom fuel. What all this probably means is that you have something else adding tank types to all tanks. I haven't seen you post a pic of your GameData folder, so maybe that would be a good start?

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  On 12/14/2017 at 2:45 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Everybody keeps pointing a finger at CyroFuels but damn if I can find it anywhere.  My GameData folder doesn't have anything named cryo-whatever.  And it doesn't seem to be a mod of its own.  I see Nertea's Cryogenic Engines but I've never downloaded that.  I did have NF Propulsion, however, and noted it had an MM patch that said :NEEDS[cryo-something], but did not include cryo-something in the bundle.


Better than your GameData would actually be your log file - It should have exactly where the patch is and what's triggering it.

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  On 12/14/2017 at 3:21 PM, Krakatoa said:

No, the Nert file with the patch is in a folder named "CryoTanks" that you'd get with Kerbal Atomics or Cryogenic Engines. Not sure what else may be causing issues. After I went through and made sure IFS, B9, and that patch were all correct, I stopped getting phantom fuel. What all this probably means is that you have something else adding tank types to all tanks. I haven't seen you post a pic of your GameData folder, so maybe that would be a good start?



  On 12/14/2017 at 3:25 PM, DStaal said:

Better than your GameData would actually be your log file - It should have exactly where the patch is and what's triggering it.


Thanks.  I'll probably not have a chance to look at this until Friday, though.

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  On 12/14/2017 at 2:45 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Everybody keeps pointing a finger at CyroFuels but damn if I can find it anywhere.  My GameData folder doesn't have anything named cryo-whatever.  And it doesn't seem to be a mod of its own.  I see Nertea's Cryogenic Engines but I've never downloaded that.  I did have NF Propulsion, however, and noted it had an MM patch that said :NEEDS[cryo-something], but did not include cryo-something in the bundle.

I do have IFS, though, which I think came with NF Propulsion.  Is that where cryo-whatever lives?

That is AWESOME!  Will it roll by itself if you took off the launch clamps?  :D 


Yes it would.. :)

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Will the corridors to the centre and the other sections have an IVA? I know it isn't necessary but it would look cool, especially with Enhanced IVA.

Also, will it have Kerbalism compatibility as a centrifuge? I don't use Kerbalism, I'm just curious.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I absolutely love this

Edited by Kosmonaut
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Does WBITools do something related to contracts? I am having an issue where the game fails to recognize contract goals that are completed (such as entering into a given orbit, or reaching a body, or whatever), and I see this error in my logs:

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm sure many things could be responsible for whatever is going on with contracts, and this isn't the only error I'm getting, but though I'd ask since this has the word "Contract" in it. Posted in the Buffalo thread with logs a while ago, apparently same error, but this thread seems to be more active.

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