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Progressive wheel damage

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One of the things I saw on the rover wheels,always in a violent jump, the wheels are literally destroyed, but then an engineer repairs wheel. so I propose the following to make the game a little more realistic:

the wheel is not destroyed in a jump,its somewhere else damaged, if the damaged wheel is ignored, perhaps it conditions gets worse in the next violent jump, with the scale of damage the following:

Level 1: minor loss of direction in the wheel

Level 2: damaged suspension, bit up / down movement

Level 3: totally damaged suspension, the wheel does not move up / down.

Level 4: the wheel does not transmit good speed, reduced acceleration.

Level 5: Change wheel!

Level 6: Shaft damaged wheel, the engineer will have to be some time repairing the wheel (about 6 minutes).

about the speed at which the damage occurs,I do not know, because I have not run a rover at high speeds ...

Tell me what you think of the idea ...

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The whole driving system and rovers are being totally reworked in 1.1

While that's true, it doesn't make the suggestion for progressive wheel damage any less valid since the rework sounds like it will be for the driving handling and physics, not the damage model.

I think that a progressive damage system is a great idea and could be extended to all of the parts in the game. The current system leaves a lot to be desired.

Edited by Lord Aurelius
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I like this, but I think level 6 damage should just basically be FUBAR. Meaning no matter how high your Engineers level is that rover is screwed.

I think it'd be interesting if something similar could be applied to engines as well, because while I am still guilty of using my engines as landing gear, I don't believe that's something that's recommended in real life.

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Yes. I like the idea of progressive damage, but it does have graphic implications with needing multiple damage models for each stage for each part as well as any extra physics calculations.

That said, I'm not a programmer so I don't know how big an impact it would have on how the hame runs or how much work it would be to implement.

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Yes. I like the idea of progressive damage, but it does have graphic implications with needing multiple damage models for each stage

a solution to the problem is:

at level 1, the range of rotation of the wheel is reduced, no visual changes.

at level 2, the wheel has less suspension travel. a texture on the part of the suspension is added showing damage.

at level 3, the wheel is replaced by a version that does not have suspension, with a texture that shows major damage.

at level 4, the damaged wheel is replaced by a version without suspension and low maximum speed and acceleration and perhaps a new model showing considerable damage.

at level 5, is the model that is currently in the game ....

and in the level 6 maybe some specialized machine to repair the wheel (a welding machine mounted on some other vehicle.

when I refer to replace a wheel, it means that the damaged wheel is exchanged for another with the attributes of the desired level. the damaged wheel is not accessible in the menu of parts.simulating the damage in an easy way.

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No time based repairs, thats just pointless when you can timewarp. I like the overall idea though.

Well, I'd like something that forces you to avoid certain situations. Like a life support, or kerbals being frosted at night, incoming storms, ect. Than, you could have trouble with time based repairs, even with timewarp.

But that's just an idea...

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IMHO, life support is going to be added to stock at some point. Squad's already working on remotetech like features for 1.1 and life support is a logical next feature after that.

Another limiting factor besides time could be a limited supply of repair parts.

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  • 4 months later...



Mods: Infernal Robotics (powered hinge, IR rotatron) + USI (octogonal adapter). The highly optional flat solar panels are from Dr. Jet Chopshop mod.

With 42 tons of fuel, it can go 30 m/s+ ... upwards the hills! Wheels are stainless steel and virtually unbreakable. Four girders provide belly protection.

Requires assigning just two control groups.


Makes vanilla roller wheels thaw into formless mess.

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On 10/3/2015 at 10:40 PM, Alshain said:

No time based repairs, thats just pointless when you can timewarp. I like the overall idea though.

We need MORE time-based issues (life support, build time, etc.) to make the clock more than just numbers in the corner of the screen. Just because you can timewarp through it doesn't mean it can't be meaningful, when there are rendevous to hit, snacks to consume, contracts to expire, etc.

...That said, time-based repairs probably would just be an annoyance, as unless you're going to take hours or days to make the fix, the time taken is probably negligible in the big scheme of things.

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I would like a damage system based on that for everything. Some sort of scratches/cracks/holes texture would be applied and something like landing on the bell of a nozzle would make it more prone to overheating, or exploding. Also fuel leaks from tanks. That would be better than just exploding on impact.

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