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[1.0.5] Sigma: OPM Tilt


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Last%20Release-January%2017%2C%202016-re Sigma-OPMTilt.svg KSP-1.0.5-orange.svg CKAN-Indexed-brightgreen.svg dev.version-%40GitHub-lightgrey.svg total.svg

Sigma: OPM Tilt

This mod gives Urlum (OPM) a 90° axial tilt.

Rings and moons are tweaked to be consistent with the planet's tilt.


Requires Outer Planets Mod, Kopernicus and ModuleManager

Supported Mods

KSP-AVC: Warns you when a new patch is released.

OPMClouds: adds clouds to the OPM planets and moons

Sigma OPM Recolor: changes the colors of the OPM Gas Giants


Sigma: OPM Tilt

Tilted Urlum

Tilted Urlum

How to install this mod
1 - Download the mod
2 - If you have an old version installed, delete the folder GameData/Sigma/OPMTilt
3 - Install the mod by merging the GameData folder from the archive with the one in your KSP install
4 - Make sure you have OPM installed. If not, you can find it here.
5 - Make sure you have Kopernicus installed. If not, you can find it here.
6 - Make sure you have ModuleManager installed. If not, you can find it here.


Install it using CKAN



Latest Release
If you want to contribute to my caffeine addiction:
iSFDI5f.png r8916yD.png
Don't expect anything in return other than my sincere gratitude. :)



- Added compatibility with EVE clouds


- Updated to KSP 1.0.5
- Updated to Kopernicus 0.5.2
- Changed folder structure for On-Demand compatibility

- First Release (non beta)


- Sarbian & Co. for ModuleManager
- Thomas P. & Co. for Kopernicus
- CaptRobau & Eudae55 for Outer Planets Mod
Eleusis La Arwall for OPMClouds
- Cybutek for KSP-AVC

- pkmniako for designing the new download button
- Olympic1 for taking care of CKAN compatibility

- Many Others who I may have missed, they'll be added as soon as I remember k_smiley.gif

Special thanks to CaptRobau for being patient with me, always bothering him with my ideas.
Without him probably I would have never started a thread on this forum.

Other special thanks to 
Eleusis La Arwall for taking the time to write configs for the clouds of this mod, If I had to do it by myself the clouds wouldn't have been out for quite a long while.

Other special thanks to KillAshley, Thomas P. and NathanKell for the support in my issues with planets tweaking and creation.




Edited by Sigma88
Updating to 1.2.0
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Hi Sigma,

Quick question, do the moons rotate? I remember you saying in the older thread that they won't.

Thanks for the good work!

Technically, rotation around the vertical axis is removed. that's because otherwise you would see the moons rotate in a direction that is just wrong :)

but the fact that the moon is revolving around Urlum make it look like the moon is rotating.

for example, this is a gif of what you see while landed at Polta

[TABLE=width: 350]


[TD=align: center]We1EAMYm.gif

click on the image to see the animation[/TD]



now, sadly KSP do not allow for tweaking the rotation around an horizontal axis. so I can't get the moons to be tidally locked (like in vanilla OPM)

that's why I have changed Priax's "Leading Side" to "South Pole"

Edited by Sigma88
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  • 3 weeks later...
Does Urlum rotate? If so, did you fix how it is supposed to rotate along its now tilted axis?

No that is a limitation of KSP that cannot be overcome (not by me anyway :) )

giving any rotation to urlum would mean "rotation around a vertical axis" which would ruin the effect given by the tilted texture.

A trick would be to install OPMClouds + one of the cloud mods supported. that way you'll have clouds rotating around urlum, around the correct axis.

I'm not really a fan of cloud mods tho, so I completely understand if you choose not to.

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  • 4 weeks later...
[I][SIZE=6]Sigma: OPM Tilt [SIZE=4]version 1.1.0

[/SIZE][/SIZE][/I]this is just a compatibility patch to bring the mod up-to-date with the latest versions of KSP and kopernicus[I][SIZE=6][SIZE=4]


[/SIZE][/B][TABLE="width: 145"]
[TD="align: center"][LEFT][B]Latest Release[/B]
[TABLE="width: 90"]
[TABLE="width: 140"]

[/SIZE][/B][TABLE="width: 700"]

- Updated to KSP 1.0.5
- Updated to Kopernicus 0.5.2
- Changed folder structure for On-Demand compatibility
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  • 1 month later...

Sigma: OPM Tilt v1.2.0

This small release adds compatibility with EVE.

if you have a mod (or a custom config) that adds clouds to urlum, this mod will now rotate the clouds to account for the tilt :)

Download links in the OP

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  • 4 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

EPISODE 13: Mama Told Me Not to Come

So another year came and went while the Boffins and Scientists of Mission Control went on a long vacation, and then it was time for the 1st Urlum Expedition, launched 10 years previously, to arrive.  First of the 3 ships to enter Urlum's SOI was the carrier for the communications relays.

13-01 Urlum Relays Entering System

As can be seen in the left pic above, @Sigma88's "OPM Tilt" mod is in effect so the whole Urlum system is inclined 90^ to the rest of the solar system, like the real Uranus.

To anyone that might be interested:

@Geschosskopf just did a mission to Tilted Urlum :)

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13 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

To anyone that might be interested:

@Geschosskopf just did a mission to Tilted Urlum :)

And it's a lot of fun.  Having the moons going up and down instead of round and round makes for very interesting navigational challenges.  If you're going to Urlum, do it right and use this mod.

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Hmmm, I have found a drawback to using this mod.....  Because the moons of Urlum don't actually revolve around their axes, it's pretty much impossible to map them with SCANsat.  No matter what orbit you put the satellite in, it always flies over the exact same strip of ground.

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22 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

Hmmm, I have found a drawback to using this mod.....  Because the moons of Urlum don't actually revolve around their axes, it's pretty much impossible to map them with SCANsat.  No matter what orbit you put the satellite in, it always flies over the exact same strip of ground.

Yes that's one issue I can't solve for now.

But I can suggest a couple of "fixes"

One would be to add back some degree of rotation to urlum moons

The other would be to set up an orbit that covers as much ground as possible and tweak it at each orbit

One is ugly to see, the other is a pain to do.

The second solution you can achieve both with hyper edit or burning actual fuel.

I know this is a crappy solution, but I honestly have no idea of how to solve this :/

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38 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

Yes that's one issue I can't solve for now.

I was afraid you'd say that....

38 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

But I can suggest a couple of "fixes"

One would be to add back some degree of rotation to urlum moons

The other would be to set up an orbit that covers as much ground as possible and tweak it at each orbit

One is ugly to see, the other is a pain to do.

The second solution you can achieve both with hyper edit or burning actual fuel.

I know this is a crappy solution, but I honestly have no idea of how to solve this :/

Well, I tried the orbit adjustment method and you're right, it's a total pain.  To the point of being unworkable, especially because you have to go through the whole process 3 times at the 3 different orbital altitudes (150km, 265km, and 760km) that the various resource, biome, and radar mappers work best at.  But it's bad enough just trying to do it once.  It would be nice if somebody invented an automatic orbit precession-making tool that would tweak your LAN a few degrees each orbit (and allowed you to set the amount to fit the swath width of the scanner).  But until that happens, this method is a no-go.

So, that leaves adding rotation to the moons.  I have no clue how to do that, nor can I anticipate the effects, or why they'd be "ugly to see".  Please enlighten me on both subjects.

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3 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

I was afraid you'd say that....

Well, I tried the orbit adjustment method and you're right, it's a total pain.  To the point of being unworkable, especially because you have to go through the whole process 3 times at the 3 different orbital altitudes (150km, 265km, and 760km) that the various resource, biome, and radar mappers work best at.  But it's bad enough just trying to do it once.  It would be nice if somebody invented an automatic orbit precession-making tool that would tweak your LAN a few degrees each orbit (and allowed you to set the amount to fit the swath width of the scanner).  But until that happens, this method is a no-go.

So, that leaves adding rotation to the moons.  I have no clue how to do that, nor can I anticipate the effects, or why they'd be "ugly to see".  Please enlighten me on both subjects.

Adding it is very easy:

Justa make a cfg anywhere in the gamedata folder with inside this code:

			@rotationPeriod = xxx
			@rotationPeriod = xxx
			@rotationPeriod = xxx
			@rotationPeriod = xxx

replace xxx with the number of seconds you want for the moon rotation period


it will look bad because the only allowed rotation it's around the vertical axis, so the moon will look weird having the equator on the same plane of the ecliptic while orbiting urlum on a perpendicular plane

Edited by Sigma88
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3 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

Adding it is very easy:

Justa make a cfg anywhere in the gamedata folder with inside this code:

Ah, thanks.  Yup, that's easy, and yup, that will look weird :).  But I guess I can then turn this off once I'm done mapping without any lasting ill effects, right?

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1 minute ago, Geschosskopf said:

Ah, thanks.  Yup, that's easy, and yup, that will look weird :).  But I guess I can then turn this off once I'm done mapping without any lasting ill effects, right?


it's a solution that can work for a series (you do that off camera) but it still ruins the game experience a bit. :)

no ill effects tho, once you remove the cfg everything goes back to standard OPMTilt

Edited by Sigma88
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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I really like this mod :)

But I have noticed that the "parameters" box in the tracking station is empty for Urlum and all of its moons, after installing it. 

Did I do something wrong?

Fresh install of KSP 1.1.2 and OPM 2.0. No other mods installed except for Sigma binary.

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1 hour ago, Kergarin said:

I really like this mod :)

But I have noticed that the "parameters" box in the tracking station is empty for Urlum and all of its moons, after installing it. 

Did I do something wrong?

Fresh install of KSP 1.1.2 and OPM 2.0. No other mods installed except for Sigma binary.

This mod was not designed to work with opm 2.0 

Were you having the same issue with 1.9.5?

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Ok, I hope squad will make this possible someday.

KSP only feels complete with OPM, and OPM only feels complete with Binary and OPM Tilt :) Thanks for both!


Any ideas to the empty parameters box? does this only happen to me?

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On 21/5/2016 at 5:29 PM, Kergarin said:

Ok, I hope squad will make this possible someday.

KSP only feels complete with OPM, and OPM only feels complete with Binary and OPM Tilt :) Thanks for both!


Any ideas to the empty parameters box? does this only happen to me?

thanks for the kind words :)

I am not sure of where the bug is coming from, but I haven't had the time to test OPM and OPMTilt with the latest versions of kopernicus.

But iirc I have seen that bug reported on other planet packs as well. not sure if the problem was ever identified

58 minutes ago, cantab said:

Do I assume that OPM Tilt will need updating for OPM 2.0 compatibility then?

I'm not sure to be hones, haven't had the time to test them yet

if you do I would apreciate the feedback :D

backup your saves because it might very well break everything

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/23/2016 at 5:29 PM, Sigma88 said:

tI'm not sure to be hones, haven't had the time to test them yet

if you do I would apreciate the feedback :D

backup your saves because it might very well break everything

OPMTilt seems to work just fine in 1.1.2 with OPM 2.0.  At least, Urlum and all its moons and rings are sideways, and show up in the tracking center, and I can interact with them with ships.

I do have one problem, however.  OPM comes with a CustomAsteroids config which adds asteroid moonlets to Jool and all the OPM planets.  This file gives Urlum 2 sets of moonlets, one in the rings and a more distant cloud of captured asteroids out beyond Wal.  The outer group works fine, but I can't make ring moonlets incline to match tilted Urlum.  No matter what I do, the ring moonlets remain in the ecliptic plane 90^ to Urlum's rings.

Here's the applicable part of the OPM_CustomAsteroids.cfg file (unmodified):

		name = urlumRingMoonlets
		title = Urlum

		centralBody = Urlum

		spawnRate = 0.0125

			type = SemimajorAxis
			min = Ratio(Urlum.rad, 2.3)
			max = Ratio(Urlum.rad, 2.9)

			avg = 0.0001

			avg = 0.5


And here's what I tried to fix it:

			min = 89
			max = 90


NOTE:  I managed a similar MM patch to make the Plock moonlets orbit Plock-Karen if you have SigmaBinary installed, so I'm kinda at a loss here.


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