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4 hours ago, Nhawks17 said:

Sorting out some issues with rbray with the dev version. Hopefully we can get them figured out and I can get an update out to fix some of the issues people are experiencing. 

So, which bugs specifically are you hoping to fix? I've personally been really enjoying SVE when it works (mah clouds! mh , but sometimes stuff like LvetjPY.pnghappens, and that is a problem.

Also, I tried disabling the cities - because I consistently run into the black cities bug, but now whenever I timewarp clouds don't load.gME54oJ.pngWonder if it's because I'm timewarping or something, I don't seem to get this otherways.

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2 minutes ago, DuoDex said:

So, which bugs specifically are you hoping to fix? I've personally been really enjoying SVE when it works (mah clouds! mh , but sometimes stuff like LvetjPY.pnghappens, and that is a problem.

The issues that were mentioned early in the post. This looks sorta similar (or along similar lines) to what was happening to them so hopefully that will be fixed (although I've never seen it happen). When I get a response from rbray hopefully he'll have a fix for me for the problem that is preventing me from releasing the update!

By the way, your avatar is amazing :P 

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12 minutes ago, Nhawks17 said:

The issues that were mentioned early in the post. This looks sorta similar (or along similar lines) to what was happening to them so hopefully that will be fixed (although I've never seen it happen). When I get a response from rbray hopefully he'll have a fix for me for the problem that is preventing me from releasing the update!

By the way, your avatar is amazing :P 

Perhaps I should try reading the previous page in more detail before complaining about bugs. ;) Good luck.

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19 hours ago, Nhawks17 said:

Gotcha. Well like I said, I'm going to be poking the dev version soon so I'll just have to release the next update with the dev version so that issue is fixed.

Thank you Nhawks17, you're doing an amazing job! :wink:

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On 10/22/2015 at 4:25 AM, Nhawks17 said:

I'm just taking that texture and making it purple :D


This is what the texture looks like. I might tweak it some more though.


That picture looks show bright!


Please add the mod to CKAN so I do not have to have multiple download of the same mod.

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5 minutes ago, Curiosity7907 said:

That picture looks show bright!


Please add the mod to CKAN so I do not have to have multiple download of the same mod.

Thats an old texture and it's no longer in use. And this is on CKAN, at least it's supposed to be. It's marked on KerbalStuff to be, if its not then that's something the CKAN team did. I don't plan on adding "official" support for CKAN until I make a full release.

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Just a heads up. Until rbray can find out the issue that is causing Jool to not take cloud textures I'm going to be unable to update this, hopefully he'll figure it out soon though. However! Proot is releasing an updated KSPRC today so everyone can check that out until I can get this updated!

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Sorry if this is a stupid question.  I am a bit confused about installing this mod after reading the installation instructions.

1. Do I need to install Kopernicus to use this mod?

2. Scatterer is optional, yes?  There's a Scatterer folder in the MR zip file, if I don't use Scatterer, should I copy this folder into my GameData folder as well?

3. If I only want SVE and not Scatterer/Kopernicus, I should only extract the contents of EnvironentalVisualEnhancements folder and the StockVisual Enhancements (and deleting the Kopernicus subfolder), correct?  

4. If I've already installed this mod in Step 3, do I need anything additional files from EVE?

Thank you!  I look forward to playing with this wonderful mod!

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2 hours ago, Noblejms said:

Sorry if this is a stupid question.  I am a bit confused about installing this mod after reading the installation instructions.

1. Do I need to install Kopernicus to use this mod?

2. Scatterer is optional, yes?  There's a Scatterer folder in the MR zip file, if I don't use Scatterer, should I copy this folder into my GameData folder as well?

3. If I only want SVE and not Scatterer/Kopernicus, I should only extract the contents of EnvironentalVisualEnhancements folder and the StockVisual Enhancements (and deleting the Kopernicus subfolder), correct?  

4. If I've already installed this mod in Step 3, do I need anything additional files from EVE?

Thank you!  I look forward to playing with this wonderful mod!

1. Only if you want rings around Jool, it's completely optional. 
2. Yes, optional but highly recommended.
3. Correct. Though you don't need to delete the Kopernicus subfolder, it will be ignored if you don't have Kopernicus installed.
4. No, the SVE download package contains everything you need if you don't want Kopernicus or Scatterer.

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Does any of this affect the atmosphere, drag, weights or anything of that nature? Is it all just visual only? Ive had it installed before and I really liked it a lot but something I had installed changed something and broke a rocket that I use. Been trying to figure out what it was that broke things. Might have been KIS and KAS and not this at all. Thought I would ask and maybe that would help me to figure out what did change things. I love mods but they can be a double edged sword at times.

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2 hours ago, Noblejms said:

Thank you Red Iron Crown!  Another question, can I install the MR version (medium quality package) but use cloud texture from a higher quality package like HR/UR?  

I think you can, and if I'm not mistaken you don't even need to touch any config values or anything, you just stick the high res cloud textures in there.

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8 hours ago, Noblejms said:

Thank you Red Iron Crown!  Another question, can I install the MR version (medium quality package) but use cloud texture from a higher quality package like HR/UR?  


5 hours ago, blackrack said:

I think you can, and if I'm not mistaken you don't even need to touch any config values or anything, you just stick the high res cloud textures in there.

What blackrack said, the only difference between the versions is the resolution of the cloud and citylight textures, everything else is the same. So if you want the clouds from the HR or UR version you can just use that, you don't need to use the MR version at all.

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@Nhawks17 I too am getting the "excessive clouds" issue, and have narrowed down the cause, but unsure how to really fix it. All versions, but am using the UR version.

This issue occurs in both x64 and x32 (with just EVE/Scatterer/SVE installed) so thats not the issue. Somehow its caused by EVE's config files, and it loads the extra clouds, so you get two layers of clouds as seen as such.


Laythe however illustrates the "double cloud layer" perfectly


Removing EVE's cloud folder results in a single layer of clouds... except for one major problem, completely black sky.


This is followed all the way into orbit


Kerbin looks great, but black sky is killing it.

Edit: *sigh* Turns out adding the BoulderCo folder does not fix the black sky issue, but DOES bring in the double cloud problem.

Edit2: Ok, after going into CKAN and downloading the required files there, and then deleting the clouds.cfg file in the BoulderCo folder, the sky is back and only one layer of clouds. For some reason the current version of EVE available on GitHub is borked I think. I'm now going to attempt the same solution for my x64 version.

Edit3: 2 for 2 on the fix, My x64 install is running SVE no problems. Installing EVE through CKAN and deleting the clouds.cfg file in the BoulderCo fixes it right up. Manual install borks everything for some reason. KSP looks amazing now



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.... I think I know what's happening, did you install SVE through CKAN or just EVE? Because it looks like my SVE clouds and the "stock" EVE clouds are getting applied, it'd make sense for that to happen if installing through CKAN because I think they made it so that SVE requires EVE which would download both the plugin material and the clouds that come with it.... If that's the case then I might have to remove SVE from CKAN until I can come up with official CKAN support.

Edit: I'm still a little confused by your post but I think I'm getting it now :P In your Gamedata folder if you have a BoulderCo folder you can delete that completely, you only need EnviromentalVisualEnhancements and StockVisualEnhancements.

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@Nhawks17 Actually SVE doesnt require EVE in CKAN, oddly enough.

That still doesnt explain the black sky though, which was done when I manually downloaded all three of the mods required. The sky was returned to normal when I deleted the mods and installed them through CKAN.

BTW, Any update on the fix for clouds disappearing? At first I thought i might be because of the 3x rescale but I see others have this problem as well.

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2 hours ago, Sovek said:

@Nhawks17 Actually SVE doesnt require EVE in CKAN, oddly enough.

That still doesnt explain the black sky though, which was done when I manually downloaded all three of the mods required. The sky was returned to normal when I deleted the mods and installed them through CKAN.

BTW, Any update on the fix for clouds disappearing? At first I thought i might be because of the 3x rescale but I see others have this problem as well.

Ohh, you downloaded EVE through Github.. Yeah that explains it. I haven't been able to look into it yet but the most recent versions of EVE has caused the black sky, it's best to just use what is given in my SVE download on my Github. 

The clouds disappearing is caused by EVE. The latest dev versions of EVE might have that issue fixed but like I said above, that causes the black sky with the current build so it'll have to wait until I can get around to getting everything working properly with the latest EVE versions. I'm trying to decide if my next version will be the release version of SVE or if I release an update sooner and just keep it in the pre-release stage (will lack things I've been working on and will focus mainly on updating configs and EVE), if the next IS the release version I wouldn't expect an update for a little while but we will see.

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im using the lowest resolution possible of this mod,and it looks absolutely amazing.

i can't imagine how are things on ultra resolution-didn't had any crazy fps drop or crazy ram usage,thank you sir for this mod...

now every time i play i will adjust my screen to colorful mod,and i will get kspgasm.



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