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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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And the staging icons...anyway, dont know if this was mentioned before, but Ive read somewhere that in 0.20 plugins can be made so they arent dependent on parts with their MODULE, anyone guide me how to do this? would be much better then having to add mechjeb to every single command pod every single patch.

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This is probably a dumb question but mechjeb is not working for me. I installed all the mod files in GameData and it is not working. [read a thread about how to place mods in the new .20]. Is there a hotkey that brings mechjeb up like the hotkeys for Debug?

It said there would be a tab at the right and all I have to do is click it, but it is not there.

Any help would be appreciated.

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The rendevousz atopilot works until it plans to match velocities at closest approach. Then it stops and says next maneuver in 68 years?

Yes, there is a bug in it. Put randevouzs planner up and you can just do that one thing by yourself, its a simple manneuver.

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Yes, there is a bug in it. Put randevouzs planner up and you can just do that one thing by yourself, its a simple manneuver.
I don't need any help to rendevousz i just wanted to point out that there is a bug:)
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I hope is some future release the "Fine Tune Closest Approach" get some work. in 2.0.8 I set it for 100km it shows me a projected 38km, to get 100km I had to set it to 173km.

Yes, it says "approximate final periapsis" for a reason :) It will get improved if and when I can figure out the math to make it exact.

Edited by The_Duck
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I'm having some trouble with the ascent guidance on Mechjeb2. Is there a way to set it to heading instead of inclination? I'm on the Mun and no matter what I enter for inclination, my craft always ends up launching toward a nearly polar orbit. I'm trying to rendezvous with the station I have in an equatorial orbit.

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I'm having some trouble with the ascent guidance on Mechjeb2. Is there a way to set it to heading instead of inclination? I'm on the Mun and no matter what I enter for inclination, my craft always ends up launching toward a nearly polar orbit. I'm trying to rendezvous with the station I have in an equatorial orbit.

Yeah I am having same problem. Just leave it blank, 0. 0 is default old 90*

180* is heading west.

270* is heading north.

90* is heading south.

0* is heading east.

It's kind of relative to the ship proper heading. It might get confusing around the Mun and other objects. So far this just applies to Kerbal orbit.

But like you, I miss the heading button.

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This is probably a dumb question but mechjeb is not working for me. I installed all the mod files in GameData and it is not working. [read a thread about how to place mods in the new .20]. Is there a hotkey that brings mechjeb up like the hotkeys for Debug?

It said there would be a tab at the right and all I have to do is click it, but it is not there.

Any help would be appreciated.

Yeah, the description in post 1 is kinda poor. The tab appears if and only if you place the MechJeb part on your rocket. It's found under the Control parts. If you want it to appear without that, you need to add:

name = MechJebCore

...to all your command pod CFG files.

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This doesn't seem to be properly "compatible" with 0.20. According to this post, the Plugindata and Plugins folders should be contained within KSP/GameData/MechJeb2/, not within the root KSP folder. When can we expect this fixed? Just asking, not trying to rush anything or sound rude.

EDIT: I'm stupid. Not sure why those folders were created, but they are actually empty. The correct folders are within the mechjeb folder. My bad. Move along.

Edited by KWall24
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Hey, Duck, I was just noticing that Auto-staging function keeps coming around to bite me time and time again whenever I switch vehicles, or go off of Ascent auto pilot to start manual control... I know I can deactivate it manually, but its a bit of a pain that it remains functioning by default to stage 0, and activates all my landers engines at once while its still transferring... and the only way to turn it off is by having to open ascent autopilot again, but even then, it just turns back on when I switch over to another ship again, or go back to one that had it turned off earlier...

Think you could possibly squeeze in the means to make it override to automatically deactivate, say when the ascent window is closed, or when you switch to another ship? Just a thought, otherwise this mod works like a dream, amazing stuff, like a miracle of science and magic with how it works so well. XD

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Is there a means to move the mechjab menu tab further down the screen? As of right now, it covers up the new kerbalpedia icons.

I'm curious too, is there any way for me to move the MechJeb tab further down the screen, or even better, can it be made to be repositionable like the tab fpr Lazor System can be moved up and down the right-hand side of screen?

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I've learned so much from this mod. Its a learning tool more then an AP. I could hardly do **** before this mod. As it would do the things for me I'd watch and learn and now I hardly use it.

Thanks so much for such a great learning tool!

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Hey, Duck, I was just noticing that Auto-staging function keeps coming around to bite me time and time again whenever I switch vehicles, or go off of Ascent auto pilot to start manual control... I know I can deactivate it manually, but its a bit of a pain that it remains functioning by default to stage 0, and activates all my landers engines at once while its still transferring... and the only way to turn it off is by having to open ascent autopilot again, but even then, it just turns back on when I switch over to another ship again, or go back to one that had it turned off earlier...

Think you could possibly squeeze in the means to make it override to automatically deactivate, say when the ascent window is closed, or when you switch to another ship?

Yes, the current status of the autostaging functionality is not our final goal for it. Here's what I was thinking today:

-Autostaging during ascent will work like it did in MJ 1, turning off when the ascent AP turns off

-You'll be able to temporarily turn on autostaging at any other time via two buttons: "Autostage next stage" and "Autostage until stage N", where N will be a text field. I think these buttons should be enough to cover most things people might want to do with autostaging.


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Just a question, has anyone noticed any problems using the autoland part?

I can target KSC with no problem and it does everything like in a text book (so it should it a computer) :P - however, when it's doing the final burn before landing on Kerbin at around 70m things go haywire, it starts moving form side to side almost as if it trying to correct something, and I end up losing engines or part of my landing gear when it finally hits the ground..

using smartASS I can go up and down and land with no problems at all...

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I can not get this mod to work.

I download 2.0.8, put the MechJeb2 folder into GameData and the part shows up and appears to be working fine, but the tab on the right side of the screen never appears after adding the part to my ship. I then tried putting the mod parts into the folders the "old fashioned" way with no change where the part still shows, but the tab doesn't after adding the part to my ship. The only thing I can think of is that I'm using the Steam version and that may be throwing something off, but I don't know why that would be the case.

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I'd still like to know how to autostage a Jet-Engine first stage of a rocket. Currently, if the stage runs out of fuel, MechJeb doesn't deploy the decouplers, so I have to manually do it with the space bar.

Is this even possible?

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I can not get this mod to work.

I download 2.0.8, put the MechJeb2 folder into GameData and the part shows up and appears to be working fine, but the tab on the right side of the screen never appears after adding the part to my ship. I then tried putting the mod parts into the folders the "old fashioned" way with no change where the part still shows, but the tab doesn't after adding the part to my ship. The only thing I can think of is that I'm using the Steam version and that may be throwing something off, but I don't know why that would be the case.

I think you need to put the Plugin file named "Mechjeb2.dll" into your GameDir\Plugins folder.

That may resolve the problem of the "tab" not being there to use during flight.

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Hello, I'm posting a quick-fix for people who may have the same probem than me.

I managed to make MJ-1 work in 0.20 but once I placed a part I couldn't grab any of them again once positioned, keeping me from replacing them by "safe part".

The solution to replace them by "clean Stock part" : grey-out everything else, attach a part to the impossible to grab mumech part, use Alt + Maj to select the whole part assembly, then get rid of it and replace it by whatever you want.

Hope it helped some people.

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