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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Hi, sarbian,

thanks for your reply. I finally worked through my problems. I narrowed the spinning down to a part that I got rid of. The unresponsiveness was my own fault due to the fact that I activated ASAS before launch and during decent. In the latest version this overrides mechjeb.

Again thanks for your reply and take care.

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Well, I'll take back all of those things I said about MechJeb. Seems ever since I restarted KSP, the Rendezvous Autopilot is getting smarter. Two times it got me close enough to my Space Station to switch to the Docking Autopilot, which I say is very awesome.

Each time I use it (Docking Autopilot), I don't know how it does it, but it always hits the mark and locks on.

And the Landing Guidance, despite what I heard about it stinks, is landing me exactly where I tell it to. This is exactly what I need for my mission at Duna.

Kudos to the author of the mod.

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My programing skills are 20 years old, without use. So, i'm trying to interpret C Sharp and making some try outs here. Thank you any way!


If you need help, give me a yell. I use C# on a daily basis.

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If you need help, give me a yell. I use C# on a daily basis.

Thank you Gary. I not sure yet what to ask, because i need to link the function that Sarbian show me, to the config on Unity editor of the part i made.

I don't now if i need to set the light_red light_green name to an animation inside that, but i an in try and error mode. With you have a light (knowledge about this interaction), please, i will be glad. But, thanks anyway! :D

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I was wondering if there was a way to make the docking autopilot a little more aggressive until closer to the target? Its burns up tons of RCS trying to get closer when using a little engine may actually make more sense, or turning 90deg, and using the engine when way off the centerline, then turn toward the docking port and use RCS, and maybe a little engine to get closer.

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What's the optimal way to transfer to Minmus from Kerbin?

Now I launch to a circular 80km-orbit, match inclination with Minmus, transfer, set Pe to 40km and circularise there.

In the end I have used much more dV than the amounts described in the various dV-maps that are available.

How can I improve this?

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Launch to 80km orbit, preform transfer to Minmus without a plane change, then in Manuver planner "set closest approach" to whatever you want your PE to be (40KM) then let it place it in the optimal location.

The transfer burn will be 930ish m/s and the correction burn will be between 5 and 70 m/s depending on where Minmus is in its orbit. Either way the transfer will only cost 1000m/s max, plus up to 200m/s to circularize at 40km.

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Optimally you should transfer to Minmus by putting one of the nodes (ascending or descending) on the encounter to eliminate the need for an inclination change. That'll need phase angles though. I'm not sure how MJ does these though, I didn't use it to plot transfers before.

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Unlike many here, I'm loving the Rendevous and Docking autopilots; they've definitely improved from how I used to use them in older versions to the current latest dev build. But the problem I'm actually having is that Mechjeb finds it impossible to complete the circularisation burn for this long rocket...


It used to be able to fly it, using either just the gyros or the RCS on the upper stage, but the only way I can complete the manoeuvre after a standard launch is by jettisoning the rear tanks, and the fuel that's still in them. Adding RCS at the end of the central core hasn't seemed to help. Even when it gets near the blue target pip, the pip either keeps sliding away and thus time never speeds up for the burn, or it wobbles about constantly so the ship doesn't think it's pointed at it.

The problem after much testing is, I think, the RCS Balancer. Mechjeb seems to assumes it's on during an automated Ascent, even if the green text isn't visible under options to indicate it is. Once ready for the circularising burn, it's still in Balancer On mode and the RCS doesn't have enough thrust to move the ship about... however disengaging autopilot, then turning RCS Balancer on then off again gives it the required turn ability.

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Kethane and Ore pockets are almost never in the same spot. I would *love* to take some predictable hops from one to another. On Kerbin it would be the quickest way to get anywhere (KSC2, anomalies) too.

Is there an easy way to do this with Mechjeb?



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Maneuver Planer has 'execute next node' button

Yeah, it does. I played with it. Gotta first use "transfer to another planet" and make sure I at least have a wide enough orbit around Kerbin, since it'll be a long wait 'till the next Transfer Window. Then I use "fine tune with target" which sets up the encounter.

It's a semi-autopilot, but it got me to Duna three times, perfect orbit. Just need to do my capture burn, then tighten my orbit, then rendezvous with my Space Station. Very nice and takes the stress out. :)

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I'm sure someone has had this same problem, but I really don't want to scour the 228 pages in this thread. When I download the 2.0.8 zip and install it, it only registers as the old version. I've gone as far as to completely reinstall the game with zero luck. Anyone have a solution that I may not be thinking of?

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I'm sure someone has had this same problem, but I really don't want to scour the 228 pages in this thread. When I download the 2.0.8 zip and install it, it only registers as the old version. I've gone as far as to completely reinstall the game with zero luck. Anyone have a solution that I may not be thinking of?

Remove the old MechJeb command pod or part from your vehicle, and attach the new MechJeb part. The two versions can actually live side by side in your installation, you pick which version you want to use by selecting the appropriate part to place on your vehicle. (Not sure what happens if you attach both at once -- might cause nasal demons.)

Edited by Gaius
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