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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Well I reinstalled everything and don't seem to be freezing anymore, but now MechJeb won't use my SAS. Any clue? It seems to work on any new ships I build but not any that I copied over from reinstalling.

Edited by FunkMunki
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Would it be possible for MechJeb to display the angle between your spaceship, the planet/sun your orbiting and your target (eg. Moon, Minmus)? To put it another way: for example the current angle between the imaginary line spaceship-Kerbin and the line Kerbin-Minmus.

This would help a lot in precise timing of transfer burns and would be especially useful when new planets are added in 0.17.

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Bug report. I just did a mechjeb tmi to minmus. The Mun got in the way during the burn and the burn stopped prematurely. I'm guessing MJ detected a change in the conics and stopped the burn immediately, instead of checking which SOI I'd end up with and deciding to continue the burn or not. I ended up in an elliptical orbit somewhere between the Mun (which I entered then exited) and short of minmus.

A rare occurance and one difficult to replicate for debugging purposes. Just putting it out there. :)

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I have a feature suggestion. With the advent of EVA, there should be a Rendezvous button in Orbital Ops. The REND button would bring up a rendezvous menu including a target select. Once you select a target, the ship would perform the correct orbital maneuvers to catch up and become parallel with the target ship. This would work well with the Orbital and Planetary Construction mod, or if you just want to perform a crew swap between ships.

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I have a feature suggestion. With the advent of EVA, there should be a Rendezvous button in Orbital Ops. The REND button would bring up a rendezvous menu including a target select. Once you select a target, the ship would perform the correct orbital maneuvers to catch up and become parallel with the target ship. This would work well with the Orbital and Planetary Construction mod, or if you just want to perform a crew swap between ships.

If you look closer, there is a rendezvous module in Mechjeb 1.9.1. It's not fully automated, but you can select a target, see a lot of relevant information (distance, relative velocity, etc) and then use Smart A.S.S. to rotate your ship relative to the target and to the relative velocity vector, making rendezvous burns much easier than eyeballing it. I guess it'll be fully automated in later versions.

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If you look closer, there is a rendezvous module in Mechjeb 1.9.1. It's not fully automated, but you can select a target, see a lot of relevant information (distance, relative velocity, etc) and then use Smart A.S.S. to rotate your ship relative to the target and to the relative velocity vector, making rendezvous burns much easier than eyeballing it. I guess it'll be fully automated in later versions.

This is an extraordinarily useful function. But, I've noticed two minor annoyances since the return of the rendezvous module; the Target+ doesn't always point exactly at the target, especially when you get very close, and if you leave RCS on while using the Target +/- or Rel +/- buttons, it keeps you from using the RCS to maneuver while burning up all your fuel.

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Are there any known incompatibilities? KSP hangs on loading at mumech_mechjebpod and mumech_mechjebpod2.

Using 1.6 with Dynasat, Zoxygene, Powertech and Electrical Energy, as well as Mechjeb.

--- double post merged by moderator ---

Nevermind, it's Dynasat that it doesn't like. Seems that installing dynasat first, then mechjeb, fixes that though.

I think dynasat had an old version of mechjeb or something.


Edited by olex
Mergind double post.
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Why 1.6? 1.9.1 has many more features.

I guess he meant KSP version 0.16, many mistake that for 1.6.

Moderator note: carnifux, please don't double-post - edit your first post to add new information, if no posts were made after it. I merged your double post above into one.

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Are you going to publish Kurts 3d glasses?

That one is just for him for now, but I may expand and publish the Assessorizer plugin if Nova takes too long to add his version into the game.

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All of the parts say "Not Compatible with your version of KSP" :(

I'm using .16 D:

(Sorry, I'm just really confused. There's no good documentation of the specific parts that I can seem to find...)

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Make sure that there's a MuMechLib.dll file in your plugins folder, and make sure that your KSP folder is in a directory that doesn't have permissions restrictions (C:\Users\[username]\Games\ is the commonly recommended directory).

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Hi, I'm new to KSP and having alot of fun with it. I installed this mod like the instructions said, but I don't see anything in-game. How do I get the menu's to appear like the photo in the OP?

You need to attach one of the MechJeb parts to your ship.

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Bug report. I just did a mechjeb tmi to minmus. The Mun got in the way during the burn and the burn stopped prematurely. I'm guessing MJ detected a change in the conics and stopped the burn immediately, instead of checking which SOI I'd end up with and deciding to continue the burn or not. I ended up in an elliptical orbit somewhere between the Mun (which I entered then exited) and short of minmus.

A rare occurance and one difficult to replicate for debugging purposes. Just putting it out there. :)

A rare occurence? That happens to me 1 out of 3 times!

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If I might make a suggestion (apologies if this has been made before)?

Would it be possible when performing a Trans-Minmus-Injection to have MJ do an "inclination" burn to put you in the same orbital plane as Minmus itself? That way you wouldn't have to time your rendevous to coincide with Minmus passing its ascending or descending node (not that you HAVE to, it just makes it easier). Right now I do it manually (get into a 6 degree inclination with Kerbin, timing my burn such that the nodes put me in almost perfectly the same plane as Minmus), but it would be really cool if MJ would do it for you.

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First off, this is a very excellent mod and I appreciate all of the hard work that's gone into it.

I'd like to make a couple of suggestions that might make it even better. Not criticisms, just ideas for what I feel would be very useful features.

1.) We have an inclination setting for ascent, could the same function be made available in orbital operations? (as the previous poster mentioned)

2.) Can a "maximum G" or "maximum throttle" setting be incorporated into the ascent mode? That would sure make "sensitive" rockets simpler to get into orbit. Yes, I know we can turn off automatic throttle, but often 50% or 75% max would allow for fully automated ascent operations.

3.) A "surface transfer mode" which would incorporate a suborbital ascent and descent to a designated spot. Would make for a great spaceplane tool as well as for rocket powered transfers to say a North Polar base, or while trying to search the next crater for a monolith.

Any of these things can easily be done flying manually, but for repetitious operations like getting large quantities of parts to a orbit or location for the "orbital construction" mod, or placing a bunch of radio relays, a few additions to the basic Mechjeb interface would be extraordinarily useful for those that can't/don't want to write a script for everything.

Thanks for a great mod!

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I can't get "Land at Target" to get anywhere near the target coords using the LV-909 LFE. I increased the thrust to 50kN and it's dead on, but at the original 20kN it'll be 100 km or more off.

Sorry if this has been posted before, I haven't been keeping up with the forums.

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Jontu, I agree, Mechjeb seems to assume a certain minimum TWR for landing. If you try to land with a low-powered engine on the Mun it will start the burn at the wrong time and land 70-100 Km off target along the line of the orbit (usually East-West). Add a little more thrust capability, as you discovered, and Mechjeb will put you on-target every time.

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