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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  sarbian said:
I fixed a few things for the engines and merged xytovl fix for the orbital maneuver warning message.

The MechJebKMGimbalExt was updated too since it had the same error, so if you use it then get it again.

Wow, fast bug smashing. No more warning spam, nice.

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Is this the appropriate place to post a feature request? After using this with FAR installed I was thinking it would be nice to have a 'target speed' option on the spaceplane module so I could have mechjeb handle my throttle to try and keep my airspeed below a certain mark. FAR tends to rip craft apart if you go too fast or angle too heavily away from the direction of motion and I am awful at keeping my attention on throttle control.

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Does anyone have the files for the old MJ command pod from before MJ 2.0. The sphere with the heat shield/fuel tank, the legs and the engines? I really liked that little pod and I thought I'd see if I could get it going again.

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sorry, i have a problem... probably u know it... but i will explain

i've found the last version of mechjeb (2.3.1) in the first page of this thread...

installed under .24.2

when i use the autopilot (ascent guidance, randevoux or lander or others) the mechjeb calculate the right node... turn itself to correct position... but... it not use the throttle... never...

i must incrase or decrase engines manually....

the previous version, under .23.5 worked fine.. now i have only an auto-assistant... not pilot

i did something wrong?

Edited by Kerbinidiel
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  Kerbinidiel said:
sorry, i have a problem... probably u know it... but i will explain

i've found the last version of mechjeb (2.3.1) in the first page of this thread...

installed under .24.2

when i use the autopilot (ascent guidance, randevoux or lander or others) the mechjeb calculate the right node... turn itself to correct position... but... it not use the throttle... never...

i must incrase or decrase engines manually....

the previous version, under .23.5 worked fine.. now i have only an auto-assistant... not pilot

i did something wrong?

You are in career mode and you need to unlock more Mech Jeb in the research and development building.

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  Kerbinidiel said:
sorry, i have a problem... probably u know it... but i will explain

i've found the last version of mechjeb (2.3.1) in the first page of this thread...

You need to download the latest dev version, link is below the link to the last official release. And if you're doing Science or Career mode you'll need to do more science to unlock all of MechJeb - or edit its cfg to fully unlock it.

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thx for the answers...

i want fully functional mechjeb for career mode....

what config i need edit?

adn.... what i need change inside the config file?

thx for the help

EDIT: done... i have edit my cfg and now mecheb works fine inside career mode

thx for your suggestion

Edited by Kerbinidiel
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I've a problem with SASS in build 319 I've never had before when working with docking and undocking several parts of a ship.

When I set control from here on a docking port or RGU or other such part, SASS is not letting go of control on previous docking ports that had control when they docked to the main assembly. Whichever part has control is not overriding all other SASS settings like it did with previous builds.

My latest lander assembly test around Gilly is paralyzed because on the lander the docking ports are all fighting one another for control so it's trying to rip itself apart. :( Didn't happen with build 318 and previous.

The log http://m.uploadedit.com/b039/1410590424249.txt (this site allows txt files up to five megabytes and auto expires them in 30 days)

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I went back to build 318 and the problem of more than one part having control from here and/or SASS active is still there. Deleted all the mechjeb_settings files, didn't change anything.

Here's the quicksave http://m.uploadedit.com/b039/1410676688707.txt

What do I look for in there to edit so that just one part of the ship has control and only one or none has SASS active? I did all the moving parts around with build 318, not a problem until I updated MechJeb to 319 to separate the assembled lander to land on and return from Gilly to see if I had it worked out so Rendezvous Autopilot could do its job.

Seems to be somewhat like the one old build where it wasn't setting *any* part to be in control upon undocking and the craft would just wibble around uncontrollably until a command or control part was set by the user.

Edit: Now this is odd. Started a fresh save, fresh launch. Moved ONE part of the ship from one port to another and build 318 has it fighting itself. When it's doing this and I use Hyperedit to change the orbit even a tiny bit the ship's pieces get sent off in all directions at high speed.

Edit Two: Tried build 317 tonight and this time this massive, very sluggish ship that requires many RCS thrusters to get it to turn went into a high speed tumble (with RCS off) after decoupling the VAB assembled docking port node then docking it to a different port. Hit F9 and tried it again. Got the first piece moved and all seemed OK until I decoupled node on the second piece. The craft began to wobble back and forth at ever increasing speed.

No engines active, RCS off, SASS off on both prior to the docking - yet somewhere it appears to be getting conflicting command or control inputs.

Editish: Solved it! Some suddenly screwy behavior from Quantum Struts mounted on Oscar-B fuel tanks. Took some shooting of troubles to figure that out because when I came up with this design they had worked there without a problem.

Edited by Galane
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  solracotos said:
So, After putting the MechJeb Folders into the GameData Folder, I start KSP and when I try to select part is all greyed out. It says "part model requires an entry purchase in R&D", I'm playing in the Science mode. Any ideas?

It means exactly what it says. You have to go to the R&D building and select the tech category that the part in question is in. Select the part and another dialogue box will pop up allowing you to purchase it.

Normally, when you unlock or purchase a tech, all parts in it are automatically purchased. However, you installed MJ2 after unlocking the tech that the parts are in. So now you have to purchase them manually.

The same thing can also happen if a part's tech category is changed after being unlocked or if the part exists in multiple tech categories. (if that happens, the save game has to be edited to fix the problem)

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  Odyssey said:
Does anyone have the files for the old MJ command pod from before MJ 2.0. The sphere with the heat shield/fuel tank, the legs and the engines? I really liked that little pod and I thought I'd see if I could get it going again.

You can still download the old Mechjeb 1 Versions from the MuMech Website (which is the "official" site): http://svn.mumech.com/KSP/trunk/Releases/

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I have a bug to report: sometimes mechjeb won't allow me to attach parts in the VAB/SPH: the part shows as green before adding, then when you want to attach it, it doesn't show up and i can't get out of the VAB/SPH when the bug is happening.

Here's the error that is popping up when it's happening in the debug menu:

Log]: [MechJeb2] Exception in MechJebModuleStageStats.StartSimulation(): at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,MuMech.FuelNode].get_Item (.Part key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.FuelNode.AssignDecoupledInStage (.Part p, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 nodeLookup, Int32 parentDecoupledInStage) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.FuelFlowSimulation..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 parts, Boolean dVLinearThrust) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleStageStats.StartSimulation () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I used the last dev version.

Edited by MK3424
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  MK3424 said:
I have a bug to report: sometimes mechjeb won't allow me to attach parts in the VAB/SPH: the part shows as green before adding, then when you want to attach it, it doesn't show up and i can't get out of the VAB/SPH when the bug is happening.

Here's the error that is popping up when it's happening in the debug menu:

Log]: [MechJeb2] Exception in MechJebModuleStageStats.StartSimulation(): at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,MuMech.FuelNode].get_Item (.Part key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.FuelNode.AssignDecoupledInStage (.Part p, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 nodeLookup, Int32 parentDecoupledInStage) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.FuelFlowSimulation..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 parts, Boolean dVLinearThrust) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleStageStats.StartSimulation () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I used the last dev version.

Are there other error messages too? Perhaps you can upload the full log somewhere? I can fix this particular error message but it shouldn't be causing the problems you are reporting. I'm guessing this error message is the result of some other problem, which may or may not be caused by MechJeb.

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  The_Duck said:
Are there other error messages too? Perhaps you can upload the full log somewhere? I can fix this particular error message but it shouldn't be causing the problems you are reporting. I'm guessing this error message is the result of some other problem, which may or may not be caused by MechJeb.

Only that error and nullreferenceexceptions thrown inbetween.

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I have a problem I haven't been able to figure out. My maneuver nodes disappear after I click "execute next note". I figured it might be that I had too little torque to point the ship, but I do have lots of torque now.

And thanks for the MJ + FAR optional dll. It stopped my rocket from doing the hula dance around the navball guide.

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  Oinker said:
I have a problem I haven't been able to figure out. My maneuver nodes disappear after I click "execute next note"...

That usually happens with very small burns that are all but eliminated by the repositioning of the command pod or core as the vehicle rotates to the appropriate heading. Basically, KSP/MJ decide that the manoeuvre is already complete and ditches it.

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  Pecan said:
That usually happens with very small burns [snip]. Basically, KSP/MJ decide that the manoeuvre is already complete and ditches it.

Nope. Tried a circularize @ apo with ap 136, pe 74 and got same result. That's what it looks like though. It creates a perfect maneuver node and removes it when I click execute. Too many mods to list but there couldn't be that many that would cause this behavior.

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