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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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First: I've been using MechJeb since an early version, and have grown to depend on it completely. It makes stuff so much more convenient, thank you for your work r4m0n!

And now my question: Is it possible for the rover autopilot to use brakes to slow down as needed? The rover controls work very well for my 160t Mun rover, but my rover doesn't have the wheel power to slow down on some slopes, and I have to manually brake now and then.

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  sadron said:
Which version should I use? 1.9.8 or 2.0.7?

This its a matter of personal preference, and whether or not you mind actually "testing" things, as has been said many times, the new mechjeb is still in the development stage, so in effect you would be testing it :)

That being said, I use the new mechjeb 2 in association with hydrotech RCS (for docking) and that combo works great for me. - I haven't go around for testing to other planets as yet tho so cannot comment on that..

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With Mechjeb 2.0.7 its impossible too land at a taget coordination, when you fill in the coordinates from the Kethane Scanner, i overshoot constantly with about 300KM from target, or my ship keeps spinning out of control..

When i manually pick the target as close too the Kethane coordinates, it just cant seem too land it without problems..

Only way too drop exactly on the spot with a refining ship is too do it manually, from a to b.

mechjeb is totally unrelyable, only use it has imho too get a quick raw setup for the nodes and then fine tune it, and do the rest manually..

Been trying whole day even too get close too the spots i want too land, only attempt that succeeded where the ones i did myself.

Accent automatisation is uneconomical, taking off by hand saves about 1/4 of fuel, and the homan tranfers put my ships in a ackward position near planets, need again waste alot of fuel too get into a optimal orbit, again better off to do it by hand..

Only option i see that's working perfectly and only manouvre i still cant do by hand is the docking and rendevous option.

only use i have atm for mechjeb.

Followed many tutorials on this, tried as far i can find every reference on the subject, but it just doesnt seem too work at all like it supposed to work..

It did helped getting the basics learned, only letting Mechjeb to the basics resulted in dissaster and killed many kerbals.

So its even doubous learning tool atm in this current build.

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As Arran indicated, MJ 2.0.7 has some bugs yet. However many people have used it for landing, and did not have issues.

Different ships, different landing profiles, .. different TWR, different results.

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  planetx said:
I'm running MJ 2.0.7. I've been having issues with MJ auto-staging even though auto-stage is turned off and even though I'm not even using ascent guidance.

Also I can usually create new stages on the fly while the ship is being flown but for some reason MJ keeps "auto-staging" and it just prevents me from doing that.

This happens to me as well. I find I have to turn off auto stage in the Assent once I am done with it or it will auto stage. I lost a 4 hour flight when it suddenly staged when the main tank ran out (I manually shunt fuel from the other parts as needed) and it suddenly blew the bolts to the capsule and that was that.


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  rkman said:
Since stuttering occurs with MJ installed (and used on a vessel) but not without, it seems to be not exclusively a KSP issue.

I think it is a KSP issue, as I have it without MJ too. I had a thread about that but that's gone into oblivion now. MJ and other circumstances seem to increase the amount of it though.

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Simply put, with the little toolbar mechjeb adds on ships with mechjeb parts. It shows up as normal, but when I click on the "Ascent Autopilot" button, the one between the landing autopilot and the orbital operations buttons, nothing comes up. The Ascent Autopilot turns dark however.

Any advice?

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  Fyrem said:
Simplicity, you may want to try out Mj2.0.7's docking... I find it very good.

Yup, have tried it several times :) - Huess it doesn't like me, as I am one of those that have problems with docking using it.

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I recently downloaded MechJeb 2.0.7.

With the intention to only use it for its docking pilot.

I read on the manual you can blacklist other modules, ( http://wiki.mechjeb.com/index.php?title=Manual/Blacklisting_modules ), but when i try this, even just for one of the manuals, the whole mechjeb window is empty, and i can't access any of it features?

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  Jas0n said:
Does the spaceplane guidance work at all?

If you don't mind flying up and down past your target altitude lol

SmartASS Surface heading and pitch control is better for that, but I've heard the auto land works well just haven't tried it myself.

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  Jas0n said:
Does the spaceplane guidance work at all?

yes it does, I have a couple of planes that will rise and sit at target altitude with a hundred meter deference on either side (if i say 10000 m, it will sit withing 99900m to 10100m) it all depends on the planes design

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  B787_300 said:
yes it does, I have a couple of planes that will rise and sit at target altitude with a hundred meter deference on either side (if i say 10000 m, it will sit withing 99900m to 10100m) it all depends on the planes design

What about the autoland function?

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  Climberfx said:
Maybe, but all the things i use i totally manageable.

I must be the only one who gets, or at least is getting frustrated with, MJ2's schizophrenic window saving procedure. Or lack thereof. I don't know. It seems to be on a per-ship basis which is kind of useless.

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yes the docking autopilot is good. yes I said something was good in mechjeb2. it even manages to deal with overpowered arrrcs thrusters on small craft and still get it done.

the only thing missing is the docking port selection like ORDA has and an ABD anti bonehead device. anyway to see the extent of a vessel how wide, big a radius it has with the say solar panels extended and take that into account? not that I have torn off solar panels or anything docking before hehe.

Edited by COL.Neville
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I seem to be having a peculiar problem with mechjeb 2.0.7. Occasionally the user interface gets messed up All letters become black, all other elements just vanish or become transparent. Also the layouting seems a bit different, I think the UI that manages mechjeb crashes. Gui for other mods and KSP itself don't show any symptoms.

It occurred a few times now. Once I thought I fixed it by deleting the plugin data for mechjeb. Next time the problem occurred though that didn't help. I have removed and reinstalled other mods. But I can't pinpoint which mod under which condition causes the problem. Google search and superficial browsing of this topic (132 pages guys :) ) doesn't give any clues.

I realize this is a pretty vague bug report but I'm hoping someone here has seen this before or has some smart suggestions for me to try out.

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Any plans to implement direct transfers from launch in Mechjeb? Mechjeb seems to assume you are going to gain an orbit before doing any kind of transfer. I know there are other planning plugins, but if you are planning a direct launch, it would be nice to do so in Mechjeb too.

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Try search thread (upper right corner), I'm pretty sure it's been discussed recently. Don't switch away from KSP while it's loading, even if it's a long wait. That's known to cause problems.

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As I am new to using MJ im not 100% sure if there is an option for this yet but if not I would love to see it added.

It would be awesome if the rendezvous module had an option where you could set the closest approach value so you could stop MechJeb from getting too close to an object. My station is getting quite large now and I am starting to find that the close approach is too close and ends up hitting unless I sit there ready to take control if need be.

I like to do most of the flying myself from accent , docking , landing etc I just like to use Jeb for rendezvous which with larger objects is becoming dangerous lol

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Maybe I'm just dumb but I think 1.9.8 might be better... 2.0.7 makes me make custom windows and doesn't have anything set up. I don't want to have to deal with all that **** (and I can't even get it to work) I just want the damn preset windows already made for me. Uninstalling 2.0 and grabbing the other one.

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  shadowmane said:
Any plans to implement direct transfers from launch in Mechjeb? Mechjeb seems to assume you are going to gain an orbit before doing any kind of transfer. I know there are other planning plugins, but if you are planning a direct launch, it would be nice to do so in Mechjeb too.

You can do this already, IF you are heading for something that orbits the body you are launching from (eg: launching from Kerbin, to Minmus).

(sorry, I do not have KSP up right now, so doing this from memory)

* in the Assent window, type in 47000 (minmus's altitude) as your desired alt.

* perform a test launch. this is needed for MJ2 to calculate a "launch angle". let MJ run the entire sequence, until you have a circ orbit at 47000km. don't hit the mun.

* End Flight, and RESTART flight.

* Set Minmus as your target

* set 47000 as your desired altitude

* (note, now there is an accurate launch angle listed in the bottom of the window)

* Do NOT click Launch to plane.

* Click Launch to Reoudevou (I know it is spelled wrong). AND then click Enable (the button at the top of the window).

* as long as you don't hit Mun on the way by, everything will be ok.

* after you are 1/2 to 2/3's of the way there, you should see an Encounter with Minmus.

Plan your Minmus Circ, or what ever you like.

If instead you meant planet to planet (Kerbin launch directly to Duna orbit, all automated)... then er... no. MJ does not do that in 'one step' currently.

Edited by Fyrem
planet to planet
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