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Taking screenshots?

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The steam key should still work, but it will also turn on the aerodynamic overlay. So, there aren't many screenshots on Steam these days that don't have the yellow text "Aerodynamic Overlay Enabled" on it. (Way to go Squad)

Yeah, I'm on steam, and F12 works, but I re-assigned the Aerodynamic Overlay Enabled real fast...

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Yeah, but then you'll have to pause KSP, ALT+TAB to the image editing program of your choice, save the screenie and the ALT+TAB back to KSP. I find it quite annoying. But then again, I found out about that F1 key only a few weeks ago myself (*feelsdumb*), so before I did it just the same. Shame only that my MacBook doesn't have a PrtScr key (running it under Windows...).

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Yeah, I'm on steam, and F12 works, but I re-assigned the Aerodynamic Overlay Enabled real fast...

I did the opposite, and moved my steam screenshot key to Pause/Break, which is the most upper-right key I have available. Works like a charm across all games.

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I did the opposite, and moved my steam screenshot key to Pause/Break, which is the most upper-right key I have available. Works like a charm across all games.

I did that with F1 for KSP for a while, it would then take screenshots in both locations at the same time. Problem is, all the other Steam games expect it to be F12 and play nice with Steam by not assigning crap to F12. If Squad wanted to do it right, since Steam is the only platform the release on that does that, they should change their own default screenshot key to F12 too. Not a lot of harm in taking screenshots twice, unless you are low on drive space, but really hard drives are cheap.

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By the way, if you're using F1 to take screenshots, you may want to become friends with F2 as well. That toggles all UI elements (navball, staging UI, altitude display, etc.) on/off, so you don't have them cluttering your screenshots if you don't want them.

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