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Didn't Think That I'd See That! (Screenshots of things that you weren't planning to see)


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Well today, I was playing around with Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems and I was attempting a Mün landing. When I came across, The Mün Arch! (Well one of them). I didn't expect I'd ever get to see one in game unless I looked for it, but hey, there it is!

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(Is this working, because I'm getting told that I've taken a wrong turn.)

I think it would be a little interesting to see what you didn't plan on seeing as well, so show away :D

Edited by Sgt.Shutesie
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Ah!... I see it now. Yes; That's Mun Arch #2. I was just there a few days ago. I landed in the crater, EVA jet-packed up to it, climbed it, and then took a leap off and jet-packed back to the lander. Weird thing about it was that when I climbed it, nearing the top, my pilot kind of went into the rock of the arch, and when he came out up on the top he was invisible (no 'skin') ... I had to switch to the lander and then back to the pilot for his 'skin' to appear again.

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Back in the days before I joined the KSP forum, shortly after first exploring the island airbase, I learned about these various Easter eggs and launched a whole serious of suborbital flights looking for more of them. Over several hours, I saw a lot of terrain scatter, several very small islands and plenty of texture seam artifacts. That was everything.

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OK, I've seen a few weird things, but the weirdest was this scary black spot on Ike...

When I planted a flag there I named it Kraken's Swamp.



The Wiki page on Ike mentioned such spots, and not being able to see or tell day from night without looking up at the sky. I've not been to one yet. Sounds like fun.

If you want to egg hunt, I'll suggest SCANsat; It shows where all the anomalies are, but doesn't tell you what they are - it's up to you to go and find out. If you bring the BTDT scanner ("Been There Done That") along with you, it will label them on the map for future reference.

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Ah!... I see it now. Yes; That's Mun Arch #2. I was just there a few days ago. I landed in the crater, EVA jet-packed up to it, climbed it, and then took a leap off and jet-packed back to the lander. Weird thing about it was that when I climbed it, nearing the top, my pilot kind of went into the rock of the arch, and when he came out up on the top he was invisible (no 'skin') ... I had to switch to the lander and then back to the pilot for his 'skin' to appear again.

Ahh, yes I do believe Danny 2462 fund that glitch.

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