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Capt'n Skunky

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I think I just found the steepest mountains in the world.



Here is me "landing" on the hill just under the antenna arm in the first pic


One quickload later, and a different landing spot, I got this cool pic as i was preping the rover.


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All that's required for the .cfg edit is to post this at the bottom of the telescope piece's part file.

name = MuMechModuleHullCamera
cameraName = Hull
cameraForward = 0, 1, 0
cameraUp = 0, 1, 0
cameraPosition = 0, 0.37, 0
cameraFoV = 5

OK, tried this, and got a view through the lid of the scope, which is at a right angle to where I want to look...

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OK, tried this, and got a view through the lid of the scope, which is at a right angle to where I want to look...

Are you sure that it's the right part? I copy&pasted that from my part file, and it's working fine.

But to fix this, try different values for "cameraForward." It determines which way the camera is pointed relative to the part. So one of these should work

cameraForward = 1, 0, 0

cameraForward = -1, 0, 0

cameraForward = 0, 0, 1

cameraForward = 0, 0, -1

Close down KSP, replace the number values for cameraForward in the part config with one of these and save the file. Start up KSP. Make a ship with the part, and test it out. Repeat these steps until it works.

If your using a single craft to test the telescope part, be sure to delete the old version of the telescope part on the ship and replace it with a new one.

Hope this helps.

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An unexpected benefit to the PEP Pint-sized Expedition Rover's orientation. (Yes, its called PEPPER, deal with it.)




That's a 20 degree slope by the way. I think it's time to work on a launch vehicle.

Edit: I dropped the rover, and this happened:


When I switched to the PEPPERcam, I saw this:


EDIT2: Fixed image, didn't like being spoilered for some reason.:confused:

Edited by Pyre
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Are you sure that it's the right part? I copy&pasted that from my part file, and it's working fine.

But to fix this, try different values for "cameraForward." It determines which way the camera is pointed relative to the part.

Close down KSP, replace the number values for cameraForward in the part config with one of these and save the file. Start up KSP. Make a ship with the part, and test it out. Repeat these steps until it works.

If your using a single craft to test the telescope part, be sure to delete the old version of the telescope part on the ship and replace it with a new one.

Hope this helps.

Derp. I didn't know about the bold part. Will try that now.

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Neither did your pic link. :)

Yeah, there's something weird with the spoilers on the forum, sometimes they won't open. If you want to view them though, just click on "Reply With Quote" to that post, and then go through and see which pictures are in that spoiler and you can copy-paste the link to view it =3

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Loving that craft, Pyre.

But this,

That's a 20 degree slope by the way. I think it's time to work on a launch vehicle.

and this,
Nice, I guess the weights out to the side like that help with landing on a slope (to an extent, after seeing you crash and burn earlier on the side of a mountain! XD)

got me thinking. So I built myself a lander to test my thoughts.


That's a 40 degree slope.

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That's a 40 degree slope.

By Jeb's great-grandmother! That.....I.....

*Puts on hat*

*Puts on monocle*

*Tips hat*

Well done good sir!

I could probably raise the gear on mine a half meter or so, still plenty of room under the PEP:


Edited by Pyre
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True Pyre, but I think you really have to design the thing from the start with mountain climbing in mind. Lowering it would sacrifice some of it's surveillance ability too.

I decided to take a running jump on the mountain, and ended up 1km away.

I might make this a competition in the challenges section.

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