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Capt'n Skunky

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Thanks, how did I not think of that myself for all this time...

A duna sample return mission. Initially, the plan was to rendez-vous with a second vessel in duna orbit, but it is so easy to escape duna I did the rendez vous in Kerbin orbit (I couldn't land the sample on kerbin directly because the probe had no parachutes).

Your probes inspire me. Didn't think it was even possible to lift off that easily...

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My Kethane scout rover on the Mun. Came across this scenic vista and had to snap a pic.


No matter how awesome your vista was ... zero awesomeness is left after the attachment system here mangles your jpg. Use an external image hoster like imgur dot com.

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Oh god, not that engine again. That things is so cheaty and ugly. And the texture has the wrong number of channels.

and you used photobucket! :thehorror:

Hey, before the mods find you, lemme warn ya: No non-constructive criticism

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How effective is this new-fangled technique of coronabraking?
Utterly ineffective. The current version of Kerbol is more interesting to look at, but has neither heat, atmosphere, nor solar wind. That was just me attempting to be funny. :) But you are destroyed by some invisible barrier at around 120,000m, even though the visible surface is much below that. I think somebody did land on it, though, most likely due to a glitch. Edited by Vanamonde
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