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Capt'n Skunky

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And Bill makes it to Eve, using the same type of ship Jeb used to get to Duna.

Sadly, he badly eyeballed the angle between Kerbin and Eve when he set out and wound up chasing Eve around its orbit for a few hundred days. He also used up most of his fuel.

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If only that memorial had a real rocket/lander, we would be able to get it back home completing the "quest"...

Neil Armstrong completed his quest just fine. The stone lander is forever waiting for an astronaut who will never be coming home from where he's gone.

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If only that memorial had a real rocket/lander, we would be able to get it back home completing the "quest"...

For the memorial challenge I did that. I landed a rocket by the munar co-ordinates of that. I need to bring it into my new persistent though....

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Another picture in my IVA only "campaign"; looking at the butt-end of one of two "San" CSM's rendezvoused in LKE, two Kerbals are about to perform their first IVA-only crew swap (ok, I'll admit, I did use map view just a smidge for this rendezvous, but I'm avoiding it when possible!). This is a planned rendezvous just before the first Mun shot, where three lucky Kerbals will orbit and return from the Mun.

After this, I'll of course be planning a Mun landing as well. As for my progress, there are 2/3 planned GKO satelites in position, a Duna exploration probe is waiting in orbit for the proper injection window, and several manned flights have been performed with very few incidents (had to use my launch abort system a couple of times when dealing with a faulty launch vehicle), but still 0 accidental or work-related deaths!



"but I'm heading to the Mun!" -Jeb

Edited by Ekku Zakku
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Remember those modified telescope parts LucidLemon and KAO introduced to us, a few weeks ago? :)

Well, I finally got my "MOScou" (Munar Orbit Scout) to behave like I wanted, and the hatch EVA-capable, making it an entirely functional space station... I launched it tonight, and the first pictures are very promising!

See: this was shot from the MOScou's 7km high orbit, looking at my Mun Arch Station (currently on the sateliite's dark side), 15km afar at this moment! I annotated the picture, to make it more understandable:


•Zooming by the Munar surface:


•A new and very nice way to get rid of spent TMI stages: the Separatrons do the deorbit burn! f9o16.jpg

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Enture, I really love that picture of the Mun arch!


-Beautiful shot of the horizon of Kerbin, the San I mission that I rendezvoused with earlier, the Mun, and Kerbol.

EDIT: wow, some more incredibly beautiful screenshots:



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Due to an unfortunate accident that happened during the testing of an experimental Mun lander, KSC decided to assemble a new facility, a medical bay!

Milbin is certainly happy to be alive... The other two look as if they want to sue me for emotional distress =P


The crew that barely survived the lander accident is now the crew of KSC's new medical bay! Featuring 10 three-man pods, there is plenty of room for any Kerbals who might have undergone rough flights in the space program. It's also a great place for Kerbonauts who have just returned from space to get re-acclimated to Kerbin's gravity, as well as undergo medical tests related to long-term stays in zero gravity. This facility will be key in sending future Kerbonauts through deep space, and putting them on other worlds.



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Jeb, Bill and Bob hijack a massively expensive Munshine XI rocket to observe the sunrise at the memorial to the ultimate space badass.


Totally worth it.

That is a pilgrimage that all Kerbonauts should undertake at least once.

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After cleaning out my game, I went right to work on making an orbiter rocket

Presenting: The Kerbis-A on it's maiden test flight!




Booster Separation:


Orbit reached. Hmm, extra fuel...


Let's take this puppy to the Mun!


Jeb getting some fresh air:


Still almost a tank left, TO MINMUS!


Low orbit around Minmus:


Oh no


Dammit Jeb


I hope I have enough RCS fuel left...


To be continued...

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Enture, I really love that picture of the Mun arch!
Enture, are you nuts?! Never look into a palantir!

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Vanamonde, I'm glad you noticed the spacecraft's name; I almost always use names from Tolkien's writings in my space program, be it Palantir ("the far-seeing", which fits a telescope), Vingilot, Thorondor, Tulkas, Amandil... It's really fun to find a fitting name!

EDIT: latest news from my missions throughout the Inner Kerbol System:


•The spacecraft's antenna and front end suffered a bit from the BACE pack rescaling:


•Bill:«Jeb, stop fooling around and get back inside, for Meander's sake, we're nearing orbital night!» 7cIJv.png

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