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The plane is accelerating too quick after installing mods. How to identify the culprit mod?

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I have a little problem, I installed couple of mods today and now my flying physics changed drastically. Weird is that the mods I installed shouldn't affect the flying physics much. The plane acts all weirdly like if I had no air resistance or something. It just keeps accelerating till I run out of fuel. I am using the RAPIER engine.

My installed mods: http://i.imgur.com/wGMjA4c.png

Screenshots of the accelerating issue:



Did anyone have the same issue? And how did you fix it?

Thank you very much for an answer,

Adam 'Mavi' K.

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Its not a mod issue, have you played about with the aerodynamics.cfg file or the in-game Alt+F12 menu/physics/aero settings?

No I did not change any cfg or used the ALT+F12 (I didn't even know about this menu). :(

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First things first:

Delete the PartDatabase.cfg file in the KSP root directory. This file defines drag behavior of parts, and it just loves randomly breaking whenever you add or update content that involves parts (meaning, both part mods and KSP itself). Parts may exhibit completely different drag behavior or lose their drag cubes completely.

When you delete it, the file will be regenerated correctly the next time you start the game, so it's a completely safe and easy thing to do. I delete mine everytime I install or update anything at all in my KSP install, just to be safe.

If you still get unexpected behavior after that, you should start looking though your gamedata folder for ModuleManager configs that might increase the thrust of the jet engines or other such things.

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First things first:

Delete the PartDatabase.cfg file in the KSP root directory. This file defines drag behavior of parts, and it just loves randomly breaking whenever you add or update content that involves parts (meaning, both part mods and KSP itself). Parts may exhibit completely different drag behavior or lose their drag cubes completely.

When you delete it, the file will be regenerated correctly the next time you start the game, so it's a completely safe and easy thing to do. I delete mine everytime I install or update anything at all in my KSP install, just to be safe.

If you still get unexpected behavior after that, you should start looking though your gamedata folder for ModuleManager configs that might increase the thrust of the jet engines or other such things.

Thanks for your reply! I tried to delete the PartDatabase.cfg, but it still did the same thing. Then I tried to delete Physics.cfg in the root, and ModuleManager.ConfigCache, Modulemanager.ConfigSHA and ModuleManager.Physics but nothing helped. It still does the same thing.

Here are the settings in the ALT+F12 menu:




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Mavi, where have you installed ckan?

If the ckan.exe is not in the KSP folder, and you set the path to KSP.exe within ckan, ckan will try to start KSP from whatever folder the ckan.exe is in.

If this is your desktop, KSP won't find the settings.cfg, PartDatabase.cfg or Physics.cfg, and it will be forced to use the built-in defaults.

As Streetwind says, these are incorrect and will cause the symptom you describe, and now you have deleted the Physics.cfg you will need to get that file either from the KSP.zip or from my Linux thread.

To fix your issue, you will need to put the ckan.exe inside the KSP folder, replace Physics.cfg, and run ckan from there.

If you really need ckan on your desktop you can make a shortcut to it in Windows.

Edited by sal_vager
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You know, the ckan devs could fix their software so it uses the path set by the user as the working directory before starting KSP...

I mean, that would be the sensible thing to do, seeing as it's their software calling the KSP.exe from outside the games folder...

Nah, obviously it's all Squads fault.

Edited by sal_vager
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Mavi, where have you installed ckan?

If the ckan.exe is not in the KSP folder, and you set the path to KSP.exe within ckan, ckan will try to start KSP from whatever folder the ckan.exe is in.

If this is your desktop, KSP won't find the settings.cfg, PartDatabase.cfg or Physics.cfg, and it will be forced to use the built-in defaults.

As Streetwind says, these are incorrect and will cause the symptom you describe, and now you have deleted the Physics.cfg you will need to get that file either from the KSP.zip or from my Linux thread.

To fix your issue, you will need to put the ckan.exe inside the KSP folder, replace Physics.cfg, and run ckan from there.

If you really need ckan on your desktop you can make a shortcut to it in Windows.

Thanks a lot for your reply, I thought this might be it, but I moved the ckan.exe to the KSP root folder, I verified the integrity of game cache on Steam (redownloaded the physics.cfg) and tried to launch it again. It still does the same thing :( .. here's a KSP.log if it helps. (I removed some hopefully unnecessary parts to be able to post it)

Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer) Steam

OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8)
RAM: 16327
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (3072MB)
SM: 30 (Direct3D 9.0c [nvd3dum.dll])
RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, RGB565, Default, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8

Log started: Wed, Oct 28, 2015 20:14:24

[LOG 20:14:26.183] PhysicsGlobals: Loading database
[LOG 20:14:27.753] Load(Assembly): /ModuleManager.2.6.8
[LOG 20:14:27.754] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ModuleManager.2.6.8.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.791] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'ModuleManager' V2.5
[LOG 20:14:27.791] Load(Assembly): 000_Toolbar/Toolbar
[LOG 20:14:27.791] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\000_Toolbar\Toolbar.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.802] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'Toolbar' V1.0
[LOG 20:14:27.802] Load(Assembly): BatteryIndicator/Plugins/BatteryIndicator
[LOG 20:14:27.803] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\BatteryIndicator\Plugins\BatteryIndicator.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.805] Load(Assembly): ContractsWindow/ContractsWindow
[LOG 20:14:27.805] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ContractsWindow\ContractsWindow.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.816] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'Contracts_Window' V5.3
[LOG 20:14:27.816] Load(Assembly): JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Plugins/RasterPropMonitor
[LOG 20:14:27.817] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\JSI\RasterPropMonitor\Plugins\RasterPropMonitor.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.820] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'RasterPropMonitor' V0.17
[LOG 20:14:27.820] Load(Assembly): KAS/Plugins/KAS
[LOG 20:14:27.821] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KAS\Plugins\KAS.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.841] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'KAS' V0.5
[LOG 20:14:27.842] Load(Assembly): KAS/Plugins/MiniAVC
[LOG 20:14:27.842] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KAS\Plugins\MiniAVC.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.856] Load(Assembly): KIS/Plugins/KIS
[LOG 20:14:27.856] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KIS\Plugins\KIS.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.869] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'KIS' V1.2
[LOG 20:14:27.869] Load(Assembly): KIS/Plugins/MiniAVC
[LOG 20:14:27.869] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KIS\Plugins\MiniAVC.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.885] Load(Assembly): SCANsat/Plugins/SCANmechjeb
[LOG 20:14:27.885] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SCANsat\Plugins\SCANmechjeb.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.887] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'SCANmechjeb' V0.3
[LOG 20:14:27.887] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssemblyDependency 'SCANsat' V1.4
[LOG 20:14:27.888] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssemblyDependency 'MechJeb2' V2.5
[LOG 20:14:27.888] Load(Assembly): SCANsat/Plugins/SCANsat
[LOG 20:14:27.888] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SCANsat\Plugins\SCANsat.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.919] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'SCANsat' V1.4
[LOG 20:14:27.919] Load(Assembly): TriggerTech/KerbalAlarmClock/KerbalAlarmClock
[LOG 20:14:27.919] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TriggerTech\KerbalAlarmClock\KerbalAlarmClock.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.941] Load(Assembly): VesselView/Plugins/VesselView
[LOG 20:14:27.941] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\VesselView\Plugins\VesselView.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.943] Load(Assembly): VesselView/Plugins/VesselViewPlugin
[LOG 20:14:27.943] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\VesselView\Plugins\VesselViewPlugin.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.944] Load(Assembly): VesselView/Plugins/VesselViewRPM
[LOG 20:14:27.945] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\VesselView\Plugins\VesselViewRPM.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.946] Load(Assembly): VesselView/Plugins/VVDiscoDisplay
[LOG 20:14:27.946] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\VesselView\Plugins\VVDiscoDisplay.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.948] Load(Assembly): VesselView/Plugins/VVPartSelector
[LOG 20:14:27.948] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\VesselView\Plugins\VVPartSelector.dll
[LOG 20:14:27.951] AssemblyLoader: Loading assemblies
[ERR 20:14:27.951] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'SCANmechjeb' has not met dependency 'MechJeb2' V2.5

[ERR 20:14:27.952] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'SCANmechjeb' is missing 1 dependencies

[LOG 20:14:27.988] VesselModules: Found 2 VesselModule types
[LOG 20:14:27.998] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ModuleManager' from assembly 'ModuleManager'
[LOG 20:14:28.089] [ModuleManager] Adding ModuleManager to the loading screen 2
[LOG 20:14:28.105] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CompatibilityChecker' from assembly 'Toolbar'
[LOG 20:14:28.106] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ToolbarManager' from assembly 'Toolbar'
[LOG 20:14:28.130] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'Logger' from assembly 'MiniAVC'
[LOG 20:14:28.145] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'Starter' from assembly 'MiniAVC'
[LOG 20:14:28.147] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonCursor' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:14:28.148] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPickup' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:14:28.149] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'Logger' from assembly 'MiniAVC'
[LOG 20:14:28.150] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'Starter' from assembly 'MiniAVC'
[LOG 20:14:28.151] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CustomAddonLoader' from assembly 'SCANsat'
[LOG 20:14:28.153] Found KSPAddonImproved in SCANsat.SCAN_Toolbar.SCANtoolbar
[LOG 20:14:28.155] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader: LOADING was loaded; instantiating addons...
[LOG 20:14:28.155] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader finished; created 0 addons
[LOG 20:14:28.621] Load(Audio): JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Sounds/buttonbeep
[LOG 20:14:28.847] [CompatibilityChecker] Running checker version 4 from 'aaa_Toolbar'
[WRN 20:14:28.849] [Toolbar] [WARN] KSP version is incompatible: 1.0.4
[WRN 20:14:28.849] [CompatibilityChecker] Incompatible mods detected: aaa_Toolbar
[LOG 20:14:28.857] MiniAVC -> Executing: MiniAVC -
[LOG 20:14:28.857] MiniAVC -> Assembly: D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KAS\Plugins\MiniAVC.dll
[LOG 20:14:28.857] MiniAVC -> Starter was created.
[LOG 20:14:28.858] MiniAVC -> Starter was destroyed.
[LOG 20:14:28.999] MiniAVC -> D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KIS\Plugins\KIS.version
URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KospY/KIS/master/kis.version
VERSION: 1.2.2
CompatibleKspVersion: True
CompatibleKspVersionMin: True
CompatibleKspVersionMax: True
CompatibleGitHubVersion: True

[LOG 20:14:29.956] MiniAVC -> Identical remote version found: Using remote version information only.
[LOG 20:14:29.957] MiniAVC -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KospY/KAS/master/kas.version
NAME: Kerbal Attachment System
URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KospY/KAS/master/kas.version
DOWNLOAD: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92514
LatestRelease: NULL
AllowPreRelease: False
VERSION: 0.5.4
CompatibleKspVersion: True
CompatibleKspVersionMin: True
CompatibleKspVersionMax: True
CompatibleGitHubVersion: True
[LOG 20:14:29.961] Load(Audio): KIS/Sounds/drop
[LOG 20:14:29.961] MiniAVC -> Starter was destroyed.
[LOG 20:14:51.425] Load(Model): SCANsat/Parts/MULTI/MULTI
[ERR 20:14:51.444] Texture 'SCANsat/Parts/MULTI/MULTI' not found!

[LOG 20:14:55.349] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/landingLegLT-1/model
[ERR 20:14:55.370] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:55.370] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:55.372] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/landingLegLT-2/model
[ERR 20:14:55.393] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:55.393] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:55.395] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/landingLegLT-5/model
[ERR 20:14:55.421] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:55.421] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:55.923] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackTriCoupler/model
[LOG 20:14:55.942] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearFixed
[ERR 20:14:55.961] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:55.961] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:55.963] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearFree
[ERR 20:14:55.978] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:55.978] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:55.980] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearLarge
[ERR 20:14:55.998] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:55.998] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:56.002] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearMedium
[ERR 20:14:56.017] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:56.017] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:56.018] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheelM1/model
[ERR 20:14:56.043] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:56.043] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:56.046] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheelS2/model
[ERR 20:14:56.068] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:56.068] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:56.071] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheelTR-2L/model
[ERR 20:14:56.090] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:56.090] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:56.095] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheelXL3/model
[ERR 20:14:56.122] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:56.122] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:56.134] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/model
[ERR 20:14:56.153] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[ERR 20:14:56.153] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.

[LOG 20:14:57.169] GameDatabase: Assets loaded in 30.686s
[LOG 20:14:57.309] [ModuleManager] SHA generated in 0.098s
[LOG 20:14:57.310] [ModuleManager] SHA = 0C-8A-5A-7C-79-59-95-3E-41-61-97-59-A4-73-43-FA-11-B5-21-92-9E-53-37-67-D3-AF-77-9A-D9-3D-3B-2C
[LOG 20:14:57.310] [ModuleManager] Cache SHA = 0C-8A-5A-7C-79-59-95-3E-41-61-97-59-A4-73-43-FA-11-B5-21-92-9E-53-37-67-D3-AF-77-9A-D9-3D-3B-2C
[LOG 20:14:57.311] [ModuleManager] useCache = True
[LOG 20:14:57.476] [ModuleManager] ModuleManager env info
Args: KSP.exe-single-instance
Executable SHA256 0d830ae4941c6b458a425ed3810c0fdea7f4c267ffb56d13151fc4363e9ab62c
[LOG 20:14:57.590] [ModuleManager] compiling list of loaded mods...
Mod DLLs found:
Assembly-CSharp v1.0.0.0 SHA256 ff2bbea35fb8bfab288a9674ad6314ad7afd151af26d06f85cd16fdd26b39c62
ModuleManager.2.6.8 v2.6.8.0 SHA256 cbb29a04e5c3915187e190a15ee2f105de90836e63d96c349f5c27a0c5496af6
aaa_Toolbar v1.0.0.0 / v1.7.9.0 SHA256 37d029058d21efc14aaeca6bb3f6666941e5ad1eddefe4cba409c03e20f0f665
BatteryIndicator v1.0.0.0 SHA256 c9004ed733d6c540aafde93cffd9a3e8263b7cbd8f2db2ba6da36ad7abac5da0
ContractsWindow v1.0.5.3 / vv5.3 SHA256 0ef0d823e7cd5a0ed845d7b9b9e014bd3f80eb9aab2b2617a0ad17341c1c34db
RasterPropMonitor v0.17.0.0 / v0.23.2 SHA256 d94aa530765a78b1be30157d977060e479e1fac342a7a4998cb9e6458b4a0c6a
KAS v0.5.4.0 / v0.5.4 SHA256 96122b9baee3697dcf3312b9393f13af709116753efebdff15e2590f7e918d40
MiniAVC v1.0.3.0 SHA256 3a74237363b4c9739208c0420ecc04ead93f10bed39e82acad822317ffe04cc3
KIS v1.2.2.0 / v1.2.2 SHA256 565bbbce5b74c9d7bf7ef523d30f42b646b526c7388a1911c71708adf71d1a7c
MiniAVC v1.0.3.0 SHA256 3a74237363b4c9739208c0420ecc04ead93f10bed39e82acad822317ffe04cc3
SCANsat v1.4.0.2 / vv14.2 SHA256 684893df3011692b7eda4bb590e42af649d041a1f695914647c4719ee5444792
KerbalAlarmClock v3.4.0.0 SHA256 c3ebf798d9751d63071245aec788551a77d2e0a782ee51a1a013ab7a9582b140
VesselView v1.0.0.0 SHA256 f0959ba0d33aef434a280d4c927e278d13a04016d900934afb7e23b6ab554e56
VesselViewPlugin v1.0.0.0 SHA256 d223856b671e64ed272e2dc716e40c1d8be316698c1bef981b013e003f4634a0
VesselViewRPM v1.0.0.0 SHA256 5e032cf6719e9c9273ec4c29f596fc6c71515fbccffc592f52252e6fc40c45d2
VVDiscoDisplay v1.0.0.0 SHA256 9bdc0984ce0105183a1ae1e682379ab7281981d295a22829e7ee45c41db2bccd
VVPartSelector v1.0.0.0 SHA256 06a931504cbb0b0d817cad64b55eca9db5ed8f360c74b92b946a9be442818371
Non-DLL mods added (:FOR[xxx]):
Mods by directory (sub directories of GameData):

[LOG 20:14:57.595] [ModuleManager] Loading from Cache
[LOG 20:14:57.908] [ModuleManager] Parent null for /Physics
[LOG 20:14:58.030] [ModuleManager] Cache Loaded
[LOG 20:14:58.031] [ModuleManager] ModuleManager: 58 patches loaded from cache

[LOG 20:14:58.031] [ModuleManager] Reloading ressources definitions
[LOG 20:14:58.032] Resource RESOURCE_DEFINITION added to database
[LOG 20:14:58.032] Resource RESOURCE_DEFINITION added to database
[LOG 20:14:58.032] Resource RESOURCE_DEFINITION added to database
[LOG 20:14:58.033] Resource RESOURCE_DEFINITION added to database
[LOG 20:14:58.033] Resource RESOURCE_DEFINITION added to database
[LOG 20:14:58.033] Resource RESOURCE_DEFINITION added to database
[LOG 20:14:58.033] Resource RESOURCE_DEFINITION added to database
[LOG 20:14:58.034] Resource RESOURCE_DEFINITION added to database
[LOG 20:14:58.034] Resource RESOURCE_DEFINITION added to database
[LOG 20:14:58.034] Resource RESOURCE_DEFINITION added to database
[LOG 20:14:58.615] [ModuleManager] Ran in 1.446s
[LOG 20:14:58.623] PartLoader: Loading part database
[LOG 20:14:58.624] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Parts/ExternalCameraPart/external-camera/JSIPrimitiveExternalCamera'
[LOG 20:14:58.641] EffectList: Created 11 effect types
[LOG 20:14:58.661] PartLoader: Part 'JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Parts/ExternalCameraPart/external-camera/JSIPrimitiveExternalCamera' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:58.712] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'JSIPrimitiveExternalCamera'
[LOG 20:14:58.736] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KAS/Parts/cPort1/part/KAS_CPort1'
[LOG 20:14:58.747] PartLoader: Part 'KAS/Parts/cPort1/part/KAS_CPort1' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:58.750] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KAS.CPort1'
[LOG 20:14:58.769] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KAS/Parts/hook_anchor/part/KAS_Hook_Anchor'
[LOG 20:14:58.777] PartLoader: Part 'KAS/Parts/hook_anchor/part/KAS_Hook_Anchor' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:58.780] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KAS.Hook.Anchor'
[LOG 20:14:58.793] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KAS/Parts/hook_grapplingHook/part/KAS_Hook_GrapplingHook'
[LOG 20:14:58.804] PartLoader: Part 'KAS/Parts/hook_grapplingHook/part/KAS_Hook_GrapplingHook' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:58.808] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KAS.Hook.GrapplingHook'
[LOG 20:14:58.817] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KAS/Parts/hook_harpoon/part/KAS_Hook_Harpoon'
[LOG 20:14:58.827] PartLoader: Part 'KAS/Parts/hook_harpoon/part/KAS_Hook_Harpoon' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:58.833] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KAS.Hook.Harpoon'
[LOG 20:14:58.853] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KAS/Parts/hook_magnet/part/KAS_Hook_Magnet'
[LOG 20:14:58.864] PartLoader: Part 'KAS/Parts/hook_magnet/part/KAS_Hook_Magnet' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:58.868] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KAS.Hook.Magnet'
[LOG 20:14:58.882] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KAS/Parts/pylon1/part/KAS_Pylon1'
[LOG 20:14:58.890] PartLoader: Part 'KAS/Parts/pylon1/part/KAS_Pylon1' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:58.893] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KAS.Pylon1'
[LOG 20:14:58.915] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KAS/Parts/strut1/part/KAS_Strut1'
[LOG 20:14:58.923] PartLoader: Part 'KAS/Parts/strut1/part/KAS_Strut1' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:58.926] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KAS.Strut1'
[LOG 20:14:58.947] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KAS/Parts/winch1/part/KAS_Winch1'
[LOG 20:14:58.970] PartLoader: Part 'KAS/Parts/winch1/part/KAS_Winch1' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:58.981] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KAS.Winch1'
[LOG 20:14:59.000] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KAS/Parts/winch2/part/KAS_Winch2'
[LOG 20:14:59.008] PartLoader: Part 'KAS/Parts/winch2/part/KAS_Winch2' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.012] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KAS.Winch2'
[LOG 20:14:59.033] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KIS/Parts/bomb1/part/KIS_bomb1'
[LOG 20:14:59.042] PartLoader: Part 'KIS/Parts/bomb1/part/KIS_bomb1' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.045] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KIS.bomb1'
[LOG 20:14:59.061] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KIS/Parts/concreteBase1/part/kis_concreteBase1'
[LOG 20:14:59.067] PartLoader: Part 'KIS/Parts/concreteBase1/part/kis_concreteBase1' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.070] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'kis.concreteBase1'
[LOG 20:14:59.089] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KIS/Parts/container1/part/KIS_Container1'
[LOG 20:14:59.100] PartLoader: Part 'KIS/Parts/container1/part/KIS_Container1' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.104] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KIS.Container1'
[LOG 20:14:59.132] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KIS/Parts/container2/part/KIS_Container2'
[LOG 20:14:59.169] PartLoader: Part 'KIS/Parts/container2/part/KIS_Container2' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.200] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KIS.Container2'
[LOG 20:14:59.224] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KIS/Parts/container3/part/KIS_Container3'
[LOG 20:14:59.267] PartLoader: Part 'KIS/Parts/container3/part/KIS_Container3' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.302] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KIS.Container3'
[LOG 20:14:59.323] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KIS/Parts/containerMount1/containerMount1/KIS_ContainerMount1'
[LOG 20:14:59.329] PartLoader: Part 'KIS/Parts/containerMount1/containerMount1/KIS_ContainerMount1' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.331] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KIS.ContainerMount1'
[LOG 20:14:59.340] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KIS/Parts/electricScrewdriver/part/KIS_electricScrewdriver'
[LOG 20:14:59.354] PartLoader: Part 'KIS/Parts/electricScrewdriver/part/KIS_electricScrewdriver' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.361] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KIS.electricScrewdriver'
[LOG 20:14:59.372] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KIS/Parts/evapropellant1/part/KIS_evapropellant'
[LOG 20:14:59.380] PartLoader: Part 'KIS/Parts/evapropellant1/part/KIS_evapropellant' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.383] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KIS.evapropellant'
[LOG 20:14:59.399] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KIS/Parts/guide/part/KIS_guide'
[LOG 20:14:59.406] PartLoader: Part 'KIS/Parts/guide/part/KIS_guide' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.408] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KIS.guide'
[LOG 20:14:59.423] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KIS/Parts/wrench/part/KIS_wrench'
[LOG 20:14:59.430] PartLoader: Part 'KIS/Parts/wrench/part/KIS_wrench' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.433] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KIS.wrench'
[LOG 20:14:59.442] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SCANsat/Parts/BTDT/BTDT/SCANsat_Scanner32'
[LOG 20:14:59.450] PartLoader: Part 'SCANsat/Parts/BTDT/BTDT/SCANsat_Scanner32' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.455] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'SCANsat.Scanner32'
[LOG 20:14:59.466] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SCANsat/Parts/MapTraq/MapTraq/SCANsat_Tracker'
[LOG 20:14:59.472] PartLoader: Part 'SCANsat/Parts/MapTraq/MapTraq/SCANsat_Tracker' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.475] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'SCANsat.Tracker'
[LOG 20:14:59.485] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SCANsat/Parts/MULTI/MULTI/SCANsat_Scanner24'
[LOG 20:14:59.491] PartLoader: Part 'SCANsat/Parts/MULTI/MULTI/SCANsat_Scanner24' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.494] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'SCANsat.Scanner24'
[LOG 20:14:59.508] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SCANsat/Parts/RADAR/RADAR/SCANsat_Scanner'
[LOG 20:14:59.517] PartLoader: Part 'SCANsat/Parts/RADAR/RADAR/SCANsat_Scanner' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.522] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'SCANsat.Scanner'
[LOG 20:14:59.547] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SCANsat/Parts/SAR/SAR/SCANsat_Scanner2'
[LOG 20:14:59.558] PartLoader: Part 'SCANsat/Parts/SAR/SAR/SCANsat_Scanner2' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 20:14:59.562] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'SCANsat.Scanner2'
[LOG 20:14:59.575] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/aerodynamicNoseCone/aerodynamicNoseCone/noseCone'
[LOG 20:14:59.581] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/airbrake/Airbrake/airbrake1'
[LOG 20:14:59.591] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/airIntakeRadialXM-G50/airIntakeRadialXM-G50/airScoop'
[LOG 20:14:59.600] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/airlinerWings/ControlSurface/airlinerCtrlSrf'
[LOG 20:14:59.608] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/airlinerWings/MainWing/airlinerMainWing'
[LOG 20:14:59.615] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/airlinerWings/TailFin/airlinerTailFin'
[LOG 20:14:59.622] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/advancedCanard/AdvancedCanard'
[LOG 20:14:59.630] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/standardCanard/CanardController'
[LOG 20:14:59.638] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/sweptWing/sweptWing'
[LOG 20:14:59.645] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneFins/tailfin/tailfin'
[LOG 20:14:59.655] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/basicFin/basicFin/basicFin'
[LOG 20:14:59.662] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/circularIntake/circularIntake/CircularIntake'
[LOG 20:14:59.670] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/circularIntake/intakeShockCone/shockConeIntake'
[LOG 20:14:59.677] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/avionicsNoseCone/avionicsNoseCone'
[LOG 20:14:59.685] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/ConeA/pointyNoseConeA'
[LOG 20:14:59.692] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/ConeB/pointyNoseConeB'
[LOG 20:14:59.698] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/noseConeAdapter/noseConeAdapter'
[LOG 20:14:59.704] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/smallNoseCone/standardNoseCone'
[LOG 20:14:59.710] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/tailConnectorA/airplaneTail'
[LOG 20:14:59.716] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/tailConnectorB/airplaneTailB'
[LOG 20:14:59.722] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/engineNacelle/engineBodyRadial/radialEngineBody'
[LOG 20:14:59.730] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/engineNacelle/engineNacelle/nacelleBody'
[LOG 20:14:59.738] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingSize1/fairingSize1'
[LOG 20:14:59.742] Added sound_vent_large to FXGroup deploy
[LOG 20:14:59.755] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingSize2/fairingSize2'
[LOG 20:14:59.760] Added sound_vent_large to FXGroup deploy
[LOG 20:14:59.767] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/fairingSize3/fairingSize3'
[LOG 20:14:59.770] Added sound_vent_large to FXGroup deploy
[LOG 20:14:59.777] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield1/HeatShield1'
[LOG 20:14:59.787] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield2/HeatShield2'
[LOG 20:14:59.791] Added sound_vent_large to FXGroup decouple
[LOG 20:14:59.798] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield3/HeatShield3'
[LOG 20:14:59.800] Added sound_vent_large to FXGroup decouple
[LOG 20:14:59.806] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/intakeRadialLong/intakeRadialLong/IntakeRadialLong'
[LOG 20:14:59.814] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk7/protectiveRocketNoseMk7/rocketNoseCone'
[LOG 20:14:59.825] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/ramAirIntake/ramAirIntake/ramAirIntake'
[LOG 20:14:59.833] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/delta/wingShuttleDelta'
[LOG 20:14:59.840] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/elevon/elevonMk3'
[ERR 20:14:59.840] PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/elevon' as model does not exist

[ERR 20:14:59.841] PartCompiler: Model was not compiled correctly

[ERR 20:14:59.841] PartCompiler: Cannot compile model

[ERR 20:14:59.841] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part

[LOG 20:14:59.841] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/elevon1/wingShuttleElevon1'
[LOG 20:14:59.850] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/elevon2/wingShuttleElevon2'
[LOG 20:14:59.864] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/rudder/wingShuttleRudder'
[LOG 20:14:59.872] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/strake/wingShuttleStrake'
[LOG 20:14:59.879] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wingletAV-R8/wingletAV-R8/R8winglet'
[LOG 20:14:59.886] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wingletAV-T1/wingletAV-T1/winglet'
[LOG 20:14:59.893] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wingletDeltaDeluxe/wingletDeltaDeluxe/winglet3'
[LOG 20:14:59.901] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector1/wingConnector'
[LOG 20:14:59.907] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector2/wingConnector2'
[LOG 20:14:59.914] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector3/wingConnector3'
[LOG 20:14:59.920] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector4/wingConnector4'
[LOG 20:14:59.927] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/connector5/wingConnector5'
[LOG 20:14:59.933] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/delta/deltaWing'
[LOG 20:14:59.940] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/delta_small/delta_small'
[LOG 20:14:59.947] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon1/StandardCtrlSrf'
[LOG 20:14:59.954] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon2/elevon2'
[LOG 20:14:59.963] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon3/elevon3'
[LOG 20:14:59.971] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon4/smallCtrlSrf'
[LOG 20:14:59.978] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/elevon5/elevon5'
[LOG 20:14:59.995] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/strake/wingStrake'
[LOG 20:15:00.002] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural1/structuralWing'
[LOG 20:15:00.009] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural2/structuralWing2'
[LOG 20:15:00.016] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural3/structuralWing3'
[LOG 20:15:00.023] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/structural4/structuralWing4'
[LOG 20:15:00.030] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/swept1/sweptWing1'
[LOG 20:15:00.036] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/swept2/sweptWing2'
[LOG 20:15:00.043] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/advancedSasModuleLarge/advSasModuleLarge/asasmodule1-2'
[LOG 20:15:00.051] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/cupola/cupola'
[LOG 20:15:00.075] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/externalCommandSeat/externalCommandSeat/seatExternalCmd'
[LOG 20:15:00.083] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/hitchhikerStorageContainer/hitchikerStorageContainer/crewCabin'
[LOG 20:15:00.097] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/inlineAdvancedStabilizer/inlineAdvancedStabilizer/advSasModule'
[LOG 20:15:00.104] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/inlineReactionWheel/inlineReactionWheel/sasModule'
[LOG 20:15:00.112] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/mk1-2CommandPod/Mark1-2Pod'
[LOG 20:15:00.134] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpit/mk1Cockpit/Mark1Cockpit'
[LOG 20:15:00.163] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/mk1InlineCockpit/mk1InlineCockpit/Mark2Cockpit'
[LOG 20:15:00.185] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/mk1LanderCan/mk1LanderCan/landerCabinSmall'
[LOG 20:15:00.203] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/mk1Pod/mk1pod'
[LOG 20:15:00.226] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/mk2CockpitInline/mk2CockpitInline/mk2Cockpit_Inline'
[LOG 20:15:00.244] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/mk2CockpitStandard/mk2CockpitStandard/mk2Cockpit_Standard'
[LOG 20:15:00.262] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/mk2DroneCore/mk2Dronecore/mk2DroneCore'
[LOG 20:15:00.272] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCan/mk2LanderCan/mk2LanderCabin'
[LOG 20:15:00.307] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/mk3CockpitShuttle/mk3Cockpit_Shuttle'
[LOG 20:15:00.324] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreCube/probeCoreCube/probeCoreCube'
[LOG 20:15:00.332] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex/probeCoreHex/probeCoreHex'
[LOG 20:15:00.341] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto/probeCoreOcto/probeCoreOcto'
[LOG 20:15:00.353] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto2/probeCoreOcto2/probeCoreOcto2'
[LOG 20:15:00.364] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody/probeRoverBody/roverBody'
[LOG 20:15:00.373] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackLarge/probeStackLarge/probeStackLarge'
[LOG 20:15:00.386] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackSmall/probeStackSmall/probeStackSmall'
[LOG 20:15:00.396] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackSphere/probeStackSphere/probeCoreSphere'
[LOG 20:15:00.405] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/fuelLine/fuelLine/fuelLine'
[LOG 20:15:00.429] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/strutConnector/strutConnector/strutConnector'
[LOG 20:15:00.437] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/1x6ShroudSolarPanels/1x6ShroudSolarPanels/solarPanels2'
[LOG 20:15:00.446] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/1x6SolarPanels/1x6SolarPanels/solarPanels4'
[LOG 20:15:00.454] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/3x2ShroudSolarPanels/3x2ShroudSolarPanels/solarPanels1'
[LOG 20:15:00.462] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/3x2SolarPanels/3x2SolarPanels/solarPanels3'
[LOG 20:15:00.470] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/gigantorXlSolarArray/gigantorXlSolarArray/largeSolarPanel'
[LOG 20:15:00.477] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/radialFlatSolarPanel/radialFlatSolarPanel/solarPanels5'
[LOG 20:15:00.488] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/RTG/RTG/rtg'
[LOG 20:15:00.499] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-100Battery/z-100Battery/batteryPack'
[LOG 20:15:00.505] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-1kBattery/z-1kBattery/batteryBank'
[LOG 20:15:00.512] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-200Battery/z-200Battery/batteryBankMini'
[LOG 20:15:00.517] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-400Battery/z-400Battery/ksp_r_largeBatteryPack'
[LOG 20:15:00.522] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-4kBattery/z-4kBattery/batteryBankLarge'
[LOG 20:15:00.528] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/ionEngine/ionEngine/ionEngine'
[LOG 20:15:00.548] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngineBasic/jetEngineBasic/JetEngine'
[LOG 20:15:00.615] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngineTurbo/jetEngineTurbo/turboFanEngine'
[LOG 20:15:00.637] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine24-77/liquidEngine24-77/smallRadialEngine'
[LOG 20:15:00.649] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine48-7S/liquidEngine48-7S/liquidEngineMini'
[LOG 20:15:00.662] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineAerospike/liquidEngineAerospike/toroidalAerospike'
[LOG 20:15:00.736] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.736] Added sound_explosion_low to FXGroup flameout
[LOG 20:15:00.749] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-1/liquidEngineLV-1/microEngine'
[LOG 20:15:00.752] Added sound_rocket_mini to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.759] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-1R/liquidEngineLV-1R/radialEngineMini'
[LOG 20:15:00.762] Added sound_rocket_mini to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.770] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-909/liquidEngineLV-909/liquidEngine3'
[LOG 20:15:00.773] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.786] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-N/liquidEngineLV-N/nuclearEngine'
[LOG 20:15:00.793] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.808] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T30/liquidEngineLV-T30/liquidEngine'
[LOG 20:15:00.812] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.812] Added sound_explosion_low to FXGroup flameout
[LOG 20:15:00.824] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T45/liquidEngineLV-T45/liquidEngine2'
[LOG 20:15:00.829] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.829] Added sound_explosion_low to FXGroup flameout
[LOG 20:15:00.842] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail/liquidEngineMainsail/liquidEngine1-2'
[LOG 20:15:00.846] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.847] Added sound_explosion_low to FXGroup flameout
[LOG 20:15:00.861] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMk55/liquidEngineMk55/radialLiquidEngine1-2'
[LOG 20:15:00.864] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.873] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEnginePoodle/liquidEnginePoodle/liquidEngine2-2'
[LOG 20:15:00.878] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.892] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineSkipper/skipperLiquidEngine/engineLargeSkipper'
[LOG 20:15:00.898] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.898] Added sound_explosion_low to FXGroup flameout
[LOG 20:15:00.911] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/MassiveSRB/part/MassiveBooster'
[LOG 20:15:00.931] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/OMSEngine/omsEngine/omsEngine'
[LOG 20:15:00.935] Added sound_rocket_mini to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:00.942] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapierEngine/RAPIER'
[LOG 20:15:00.969] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/Size2LFB/part/Size2LFB'
[LOG 20:15:01.004] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/Size3AdvancedEngine/part/Size3AdvancedEngine'
[LOG 20:15:01.042] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/Size3EngineCluster/part/Size3EngineCluster'
[LOG 20:15:01.063] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterBACC/solidBoosterBACC/solidBooster1-1'
[LOG 20:15:01.067] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:01.076] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterRT-10/solidBoosterRT-10/solidBooster'
[LOG 20:15:01.080] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:01.090] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterRT-5/solidBoosterRT-5/solidBooster_sm'
[LOG 20:15:01.093] Added sound_rocket_hard to FXGroup running
[LOG 20:15:01.105] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterSep/solidBoosterSep/sepMotor1'
[LOG 20:15:01.108] Added sound_rocket_mini to FXGroup running

[LOG 20:15:01.473] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Misc/PotatoRoid/part/PotatoRoid'
[WRN 20:15:01.479] PartLoader Warning: Variable density not found in Part
[LOG 20:15:01.488] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCell/FuelCell'
[LOG 20:15:03.033] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Props/VSI/prop/VSI'
[LOG 20:15:03.035] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesMod/kp0110-remade-internal/KP0110internalRPM'
[ERR 20:15:03.036] PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'KerbonTech/Spaces/KP0110Internal/KP0110Internal' as model does not exist

[ERR 20:15:03.036] PartCompiler: Model was not compiled correctly

[LOG 20:15:03.036] LoadInternalPart 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesMod/kp0110-remade-internal/KP0110internalRPM' FAILED: Cannot find model
[LOG 20:15:03.037] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesMod/orbital-orb-remade-internal/orbitalOrbInternalsRPM'
[ERR 20:15:03.037] PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'HabitatPack/Spaces/orbitalOrbInternals/model' as model does not exist

[ERR 20:15:03.038] PartCompiler: Model was not compiled correctly

[LOG 20:15:03.038] LoadInternalPart 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesMod/orbital-orb-remade-internal/orbitalOrbInternalsRPM' FAILED: Cannot find model
[LOG 20:15:03.038] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/cupola-remade-internal/cupolaInternalRPM'
[LOG 20:15:03.053] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/mk1-inline-remade-internal/MK1_Inline_Int_RPM'
[LOG 20:15:03.063] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/mk1-remade-internal/mk1PodCockpitRPM'
[LOG 20:15:03.072] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/mk12pod-remade-internal/PodCockpitRPM'
[LOG 20:15:03.097] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/mk1cockpit-remade-internal/mk1CockpitInternalRPM'
[LOG 20:15:03.104] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/mk1lander-remade-internal/landerCabinSmallInternalRPM'
[LOG 20:15:03.113] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/mk2-sh-cockpit-remade-internal/SH_mk2CockpitInternalRPM'
[ERR 20:15:03.114] PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'SH_mods/Spaces/SH_mk2CockpitInternal/model' as model does not exist

[ERR 20:15:03.114] PartCompiler: Model was not compiled correctly

[LOG 20:15:03.114] LoadInternalPart 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/mk2-sh-cockpit-remade-internal/SH_mk2CockpitInternalRPM' FAILED: Cannot find model
[LOG 20:15:03.115] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/mk2-sh-cockpit-remade-internal/mk2CockpitInternal'
[ERR 20:15:03.115] PartCompiler: Cannot clone model from 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock' directory as model does not exist

[LOG 20:15:03.116] LoadInternalPart 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/mk2-sh-cockpit-remade-internal/mk2CockpitInternal' FAILED: Cannot find model
[LOG 20:15:03.116] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/mk2-spp-cockpits/mk2CockpitStandardInternalsRPM'
[LOG 20:15:03.140] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesStock/mk2landercan-remade-internal/landerCabinInternalsRPM'
[LOG 20:15:03.148] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/internal/crewCabinInternals'
[LOG 20:15:03.153] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/internal/cupolaInternal'
[LOG 20:15:03.160] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/internal/GenericSpace1'
[LOG 20:15:03.166] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/internal/GenericSpace3'
[LOG 20:15:03.174] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/internal/landerCabinInternals'
[LOG 20:15:03.177] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/internal/landerCabinSmallInternal'
[LOG 20:15:03.181] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/LargeCrewedLabInternals/internal/Mobile_Processing_Lab_Int'
[LOG 20:15:03.184] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/internal/mk1CockpitInternal'
[LOG 20:15:03.187] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/internal/mk1PodCockpit'
[LOG 20:15:03.190] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/MK1_Inline_Int/MK1_Inline_Int/MK1_Inline_Int'
[LOG 20:15:03.195] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/mk2CockpitStandardInternal/internal/mk2CockpitStandardInternals'
[LOG 20:15:03.210] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/Mk2CrewCabinInternal/internal_MK2_CrewCab/MK2_CrewCab_Int'
[LOG 20:15:03.216] InternalSeat: Cannot find seatTransform of name 'Seat_UpLeft'
[LOG 20:15:03.216] InternalSeat: Cannot find portraitCamera of name 'Camera_UpLeft'
[LOG 20:15:03.217] InternalSeat: Cannot find seatTransform of name 'Seat_UpRight'
[LOG 20:15:03.217] InternalSeat: Cannot find portraitCamera of name 'Camera_UpRight'
[LOG 20:15:03.217] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/MK3CockpitInternal/internal_MK3/MK3_Cockpit_Int'
[LOG 20:15:03.225] InternalSeat: Cannot find seatTransform of name 'Seat_UpLeft'
[LOG 20:15:03.226] InternalSeat: Cannot find seatTransform of name 'Seat_UpRight'
[LOG 20:15:03.255] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/MK3_CrewCab_Int/internal_MK3_CrewCab/MK3_CrewCab_Int'
[LOG 20:15:03.258] InternalSeat: Cannot find portraitCamera of name 'Camera_Left003'
[LOG 20:15:03.265] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/Placeholder/internal/Placeholder'
[LOG 20:15:03.273] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/internal/PodCockpit'
[LOG 20:15:03.284] Loading Systems: Elapsed time is 36.82814s
[LOG 20:15:04.468] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader: PSYSTEM was loaded; instantiating addons...
[LOG 20:15:04.468] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader finished; created 0 addons
[LOG 20:15:04.473] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonCursor' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:04.474] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPickup' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:04.515]
[LOG 20:15:04.969] Agent: Found 18 agent mentality types
[LOG 20:15:04.970] AgentList: 29 agents parsed and loaded.
[LOG 20:15:05.355] [CelestialBody]: Kerbin's solar day length is 1d, 0h, 0m long. sidereal day length is 5h, 59m, 59s long
[WRN 20:15:05.500] HighlightingSystem : Framebuffer depth data is not available and can't be used to occlude highlighting. Highlighting occluders enabled.
[WRN 20:15:05.557] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From LOADING to MAINMENU =====================
[LOG 20:15:06.355] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader: MAINMENU was loaded; instantiating addons...
[LOG 20:15:06.355] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader finished; created 0 addons
[LOG 20:15:06.366] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'InstallChecker' from assembly 'Toolbar'
[LOG 20:15:06.367] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'contractAssembly' from assembly 'Contracts_Window'
[LOG 20:15:06.368] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'contractSkins' from assembly 'Contracts_Window'
[LOG 20:15:06.369] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'DependancyChecker' from assembly 'KAS'
[LOG 20:15:06.369] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonCursor' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:06.370] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonEditorFilter' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:06.371] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPickup' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:06.371] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'SCANmainMenuLoader' from assembly 'SCANsat'
[LOG 20:15:06.372] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'SCANskins' from assembly 'SCANsat'
[LOG 20:15:06.373] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KerbalAlarmClockTextureLoader' from assembly 'KerbalAlarmClock'
[LOG 20:15:06.375] 10/28/2015 8:15:06 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Textures
[LOG 20:15:06.398] 10/28/2015 8:15:06 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loaded Textures
[LOG 20:15:06.443] Assembly : KIS | Version : found !
[LOG 20:15:06.443] Minimal version needed is : 1.2.1
[LOG 20:15:06.444] INT : 122/121
[LOG 20:15:06.445] [SCANlogger] Assembly: SCANsat found; Version:; File Version:; Info Version: v14.2; Location: SCANsat/Plugins
[LOG 20:15:06.446] [SCANlogger] Assembly: RasterPropMonitor found; Version:; File Version: 0.23.2; Info Version: ; Location: JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Plugins
[LOG 20:15:06.447] [SCANsat] FinePrint Waypoint Field Assigned
[LOG 20:15:06.447] [SCANsat] FinePrint Stationary Waypoint Field Assigned
[LOG 20:15:06.447] [SCANsat] FinePrint FlightBand Field Assigned
[LOG 20:15:06.473] [ModuleManager] Total loading Time = 38.436s
[LOG 20:15:31.969] ExperienceSystem: Found 0 trait types
[LOG 20:15:31.971] ExperienceSystem: Found 9 effect types
[LOG 20:15:34.071] ScenarioTypes: List Created 14 scenario types loaded from 17 loaded assemblies.
[WRN 20:15:34.080] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From MAINMENU to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================
[LOG 20:15:34.497] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonCursor' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:34.498] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPickup' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:35.674] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader: SPACECENTER was loaded; instantiating addons...
[LOG 20:15:35.674] ImprovedAddonLoader: Creating addon 'SCANtoolbar'
[LOG 20:15:35.688] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader finished; created 1 addons
[LOG 20:15:35.709] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'AddScenarioModules' from assembly 'KSP'
[LOG 20:15:35.709] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ContractDefs' from assembly 'KSP'
[LOG 20:15:35.719] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CustomConfigsManager' from assembly 'ModuleManager'
[LOG 20:15:35.720] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonCursor' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:35.720] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPickup' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:35.720] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonConfig' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:35.722] [KIS] Set KIS config...
[LOG 20:15:35.723] [KIS] Eva inventory module loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.723] [KIS] Eva pickup module loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.724] [KIS] Eva inventory module loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.724] [KIS] Eva pickup module loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.724] [KIS] Loading pod inventory...
[LOG 20:15:35.725] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : cupola
[LOG 20:15:35.725] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.725] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : crewCabin
[LOG 20:15:35.726] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.726] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 1 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.726] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 2 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.727] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 3 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.727] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : Mark1-2Pod
[LOG 20:15:35.727] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.728] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 1 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.728] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 2 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.728] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : Mark1Cockpit
[LOG 20:15:35.729] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.729] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : Mark2Cockpit
[LOG 20:15:35.729] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.729] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : landerCabinSmall
[LOG 20:15:35.730] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.730] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : mk1pod
[LOG 20:15:35.730] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.731] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : mk2Cockpit.Inline
[LOG 20:15:35.731] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.731] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 1 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.732] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : mk2Cockpit.Standard
[LOG 20:15:35.732] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.732] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 1 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.733] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : mk2LanderCabin
[LOG 20:15:35.733] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.733] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 1 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.734] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : mk3Cockpit.Shuttle
[LOG 20:15:35.734] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.734] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 1 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.735] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 2 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.735] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 3 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.735] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : mk3CrewCabin
[LOG 20:15:35.736] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.736] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 1 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.736] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 2 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.737] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 3 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.737] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 4 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.737] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 5 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.738] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 6 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.738] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 7 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.739] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 8 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.739] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 9 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.739] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 10 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.740] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 11 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.740] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 12 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.740] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 13 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.741] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 14 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.741] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 15 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.741] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : Large.Crewed.Lab
[LOG 20:15:35.742] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.742] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 1 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.742] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : mk2CrewCabin
[LOG 20:15:35.743] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 0 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.743] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 1 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.743] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 2 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.744] [KIS] Pod inventory module(s) for seat 3 loaded successfully
[LOG 20:15:35.744] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KACSpaceCenter' from assembly 'KerbalAlarmClock'
[LOG 20:15:35.749] 10/28/2015 8:15:35 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Awakening the KerbalAlarmClock-KACSpaceCenter
[LOG 20:15:35.749] 10/28/2015 8:15:35 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Settings
[LOG 20:15:35.760] 10/28/2015 8:15:35 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Transfer Modelling Data
[LOG 20:15:35.809] 10/28/2015 8:15:35 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Transfer Modelling Data Load Complete
[LOG 20:15:35.810] 10/28/2015 8:15:35 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Sounds
[LOG 20:15:35.847] 10/28/2015 8:15:35 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,WarpRates:8
[LOG 20:15:35.848] 10/28/2015 8:15:35 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,API Ready
[LOG 20:15:36.728] [CustomConfigsManager] Setting moddeed physics as the active one
[LOG 20:15:36.729] PhysicsGlobals: Loading database
[LOG 20:15:36.742] 10/28/2015 8:15:36 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Searching for KER
[LOG 20:15:36.743] 10/28/2015 8:15:36 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-KERWrapper,Attempting to Grab KER Types...
[LOG 20:15:36.745] 10/28/2015 8:15:36 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Searching for VOID
[LOG 20:15:36.746] 10/28/2015 8:15:36 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-VOIDWrapper,Attempting to Grab VOID Types...
[LOG 20:15:37.233] 10/28/2015 8:15:37 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Setting App Button True
[LOG 20:15:37.243] 10/28/2015 8:15:37 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,WarpRates:8
[LOG 20:15:37.360] 10/28/2015 8:15:37 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Textures
[LOG 20:15:37.378] 10/28/2015 8:15:37 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loaded Textures
[LOG 20:15:37.381] 10/28/2015 8:15:37 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Adding DrawGUI to PostRender Queue
[LOG 20:15:37.421] ContractSystem: Found 15 contract types
[LOG 20:15:37.422] ContractSystem: Found 38 parameter types
[LOG 20:15:37.423] ContractSystem: Found 5 predicate types
[LOG 20:15:37.436] StrategySystem: Found 0 strategy types
[LOG 20:15:37.437] StrategySystem: Found 4 effect types
[LOG 20:15:37.443] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 20:15:37.445] [ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 20:15:37.450] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading 3 known vessels
[LOG 20:15:37.453] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Kerbin
[LOG 20:15:37.466] 10/28/2015 8:15:37 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,BaseLoadDone. Alarms Count (Should be 0):0
[LOG 20:15:37.471] 10/28/2015 8:15:37 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 0 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 20:15:37.471] 10/28/2015 8:15:37 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 0 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 20:15:37.472] 10/28/2015 8:15:37 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 0 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 20:15:37.472] 10/28/2015 8:15:37 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 0 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 20:15:37.472] 10/28/2015 8:15:37 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,ScenarioLoadDone. Alarms Count:4
[LOG 20:15:37.474] Loading Depletion Nodes
[LOG 20:15:37.474] DepNodeCount: 0
[LOG 20:15:37.475] Loading Biome Nodes
[LOG 20:15:37.475] BiomeNodeCount: 0
[LOG 20:15:37.476] Loading Planet Nodes
[LOG 20:15:37.476] PlanetNodeCount: 0
[LOG 20:15:39.507] 10/28/2015 8:15:39 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Contracts System Ready
[LOG 20:15:39.607] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 2893.532 Funds taken, yields 0.2258326 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.608] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 2.3043 Reputation taken, yields 2454.567 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.610] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 360 Funds taken, yields 0.02809706 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.610] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0.75 Reputation taken, yields 798.9088 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.627] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 440 Funds taken, yields 0.03434085 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.627] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0.75 Reputation taken, yields 798.9088 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.629] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 440 Funds taken, yields 0.03434085 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.629] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0.75 Reputation taken, yields 798.9088 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.632] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 3000 Funds taken, yields 0.2341421 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.632] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 20 Reputation taken, yields 21304.23 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.633] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.633] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.634] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.634] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.634] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 500 Funds taken, yields 0.03902369 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.635] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 1.5 Reputation taken, yields 1597.818 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.635] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 4125 Funds taken, yields 0.3219454 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.636] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 27.5 Reputation taken, yields 29293.32 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.636] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 412.5 Funds taken, yields 0.03219454 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.636] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 2.75 Reputation taken, yields 2929.332 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.637] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 412.5 Funds taken, yields 0.03219454 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.637] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 2.75 Reputation taken, yields 2929.332 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.638] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 412.5 Funds taken, yields 0.03219454 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.638] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 2.75 Reputation taken, yields 2929.332 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.681] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 412.5 Funds taken, yields 0.03219454 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.682] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 2.75 Reputation taken, yields 2929.332 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.683] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 11628.04 Funds taken, yields 0.9075382 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.683] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 123.2196 Reputation taken, yields 131255 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.683] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.684] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.684] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.685] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.685] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.685] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[LOG 20:15:39.686] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:39.686] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[WRN 20:15:46.194] [ShipConstruction]: No thumbnail image exists for thumbs/Mavi_SPH_Meepstah I
[WRN 20:15:46.226] [ShipConstruction]: No thumbnail image exists for thumbs/Mavi_SPH_Meepstah II R_A_P_I_E_R W
[WRN 20:15:46.341] [ShipConstruction]: No thumbnail image exists for thumbs/Mavi_SPH_Meepstah II R_A_P_I_E_R Wat
[WRN 20:15:46.385] [ShipConstruction]: No thumbnail image exists for thumbs/Mavi_SPH_Meepstah II R_A_P_I_E_R
[WRN 20:15:46.459] [ShipConstruction]: No thumbnail image exists for thumbs/Mavi_SPH_Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 20:15:53.368] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for CraftWithinPartCountLimit: PASS!
[LOG 20:15:53.368] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for CraftWithinSizeLimits: PASS!
[LOG 20:15:53.368] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for CraftWithinMassLimits: PASS!
[LOG 20:15:53.369] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for ExperimentalPartsAvailable: PASS!
[LOG 20:15:53.370] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for CanAffordLaunchTest: PASS!
[LOG 20:15:53.370] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for FacilityOperational: PASS!
[LOG 20:15:53.370] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for FacilityOperational: PASS!
[LOG 20:15:53.371] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for NoControlSources: PASS!
[LOG 20:15:53.378] [Pre-Flight Check]: Checking for WrongVesselTypeForLaunchSite: PASS!
[LOG 20:15:53.379] [Pre-Flight Check]: All Checks Complete. Go for Launch!
[LOG 20:15:53.379] Launching vessel from Runway. Craft file: D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\Mavi\Ships\SPH\Auto-Saved Ship.craft
[LOG 20:15:53.380] Flight State Captured
[LOG 20:15:53.391] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 20:15:53.392] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 20:15:53.503] Game State Saved to saves/Mavi/persistent
[LOG 20:15:53.513] 10/28/2015 8:15:53 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,AppLauncher: Destroying Button-Button Count:0
[WRN 20:15:53.520] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to FLIGHT (Async) =====================
[EXC 20:15:53.522] NullReferenceException
UnityEngine.Transform.set_localRotation (Quaternion value)
SpaceCenterCamera2.UpdateTransformOverview ()
SpaceCenterCamera2.UpdateTransform ()
SpaceCenterCamera2.Update ()
[LOG 20:15:53.523] 10/28/2015 8:15:53 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Scene Change from 'SPACECENTER' to 'FLIGHT'
[LOG 20:15:53.524] 10/28/2015 8:15:53 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Active Vessel unreadable - resetting inqueue flag
[LOG 20:15:53.876] 10/28/2015 8:15:53 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Removing DrawGUI from PostRender Queue
[LOG 20:15:54.050] 10/28/2015 8:15:54 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Destroying the KerbalAlarmClock-KACSpaceCenter
[LOG 20:15:54.051] 10/28/2015 8:15:54 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,API Cleaned up
[LOG 20:15:54.239] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonCursor' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:54.240] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPickup' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:55.171] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader: FLIGHT was loaded; instantiating addons...
[LOG 20:15:55.171] ImprovedAddonLoader: Creating addon 'SCANtoolbar'
[LOG 20:15:55.172] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader finished; created 1 addons
[WRN 20:15:55.173] ApplicationLauncher already exist, destroying this instance
[LOG 20:15:55.176] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'NavWaypoint' from assembly 'KSP'
[LOG 20:15:55.179] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KASAddonWinchGUI' from assembly 'KAS'
[LOG 20:15:55.179] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KASAddonDebugTools' from assembly 'KAS'
[LOG 20:15:55.180] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KASAddonControlKey' from assembly 'KAS'
[LOG 20:15:55.181] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonCursor' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:55.181] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPickup' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:55.182] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPointer' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 20:15:55.183] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KACFlight' from assembly 'KerbalAlarmClock'
[LOG 20:15:55.184] 10/28/2015 8:15:55 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Awakening the KerbalAlarmClock-KACFlight
[LOG 20:15:55.184] 10/28/2015 8:15:55 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Settings
[LOG 20:15:55.187] 10/28/2015 8:15:55 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Transfer Modelling Data
[LOG 20:15:55.217] 10/28/2015 8:15:55 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Transfer Modelling Data Load Complete
[LOG 20:15:55.218] 10/28/2015 8:15:55 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Sounds
[LOG 20:15:55.237] 10/28/2015 8:15:55 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,WarpRates:8
[LOG 20:15:55.237] 10/28/2015 8:15:55 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,API Ready
[LOG 20:15:55.237] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'VesselViewPlugin' from assembly 'VesselViewPlugin'
[LOG 20:15:55.238] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'VVDiscoDisplay' from assembly 'VVDiscoDisplay'
[LOG 20:15:55.239] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'VVPartSelector' from assembly 'VVPartSelector'
[LOG 20:15:55.267] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------
[LOG 20:15:55.350] Loading ship from file: D:\Hry\Steam hry\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\Mavi\Ships\SPH\Auto-Saved Ship.craft
[LOG 20:15:55.521] Meepstah II loaded!
[LOG 20:15:57.688] putting ship to ground: 3.615506
[LOG 20:15:57.696] RPMVesselComputer: Initializing RPM version 0.23.2
[LOG 20:15:57.696] RPMVesselComputer: Awake for vessel Meepstah II (6a3c884e-427f-45a9-9f6b-44279a681797).
[LOG 20:15:57.697] RPMVesselComputer: I know that Assembly-CSharp ISLOADED_ASSEMBLY-CSHARP
[LOG 20:15:57.697] RPMVesselComputer: I know that ModuleManager.2.6.8 ISLOADED_MODULEMANAGER.2.6.8
[LOG 20:15:57.698] RPMVesselComputer: I know that aaa_Toolbar ISLOADED_AAA_TOOLBAR
[LOG 20:15:57.698] RPMVesselComputer: I know that BatteryIndicator ISLOADED_BATTERYINDICATOR
[LOG 20:15:57.698] RPMVesselComputer: I know that ContractsWindow ISLOADED_CONTRACTSWINDOW
[LOG 20:15:57.699] RPMVesselComputer: I know that RasterPropMonitor ISLOADED_RASTERPROPMONITOR
[LOG 20:15:57.699] RPMVesselComputer: I know that KAS ISLOADED_KAS
[LOG 20:15:57.699] RPMVesselComputer: I know that MiniAVC ISLOADED_MINIAVC
[LOG 20:15:57.699] RPMVesselComputer: I know that KIS ISLOADED_KIS
[LOG 20:15:57.700] RPMVesselComputer: I know that MiniAVC ISLOADED_MINIAVC
[LOG 20:15:57.700] RPMVesselComputer: I know that SCANsat ISLOADED_SCANSAT
[LOG 20:15:57.700] RPMVesselComputer: I know that KerbalAlarmClock ISLOADED_KERBALALARMCLOCK
[LOG 20:15:57.701] RPMVesselComputer: I know that VesselView ISLOADED_VESSELVIEW
[LOG 20:15:57.701] RPMVesselComputer: I know that VesselViewPlugin ISLOADED_VESSELVIEWPLUGIN
[LOG 20:15:57.701] RPMVesselComputer: I know that VesselViewRPM ISLOADED_VESSELVIEWRPM
[LOG 20:15:57.702] RPMVesselComputer: I know that VVDiscoDisplay ISLOADED_VVDISCODISPLAY
[LOG 20:15:57.702] RPMVesselComputer: I know that VVPartSelector ISLOADED_VVPARTSELECTOR
[LOG 20:15:57.707] RPMVesselComputer: Remembering system resource LiquidFuel as SYSR_LIQUIDFUEL
[LOG 20:15:57.708] RPMVesselComputer: Remembering system resource Oxidizer as SYSR_OXIDIZER
[LOG 20:15:57.708] RPMVesselComputer: Remembering system resource SolidFuel as SYSR_SOLIDFUEL
[LOG 20:15:57.709] RPMVesselComputer: Remembering system resource MonoPropellant as SYSR_MONOPROPELLANT
[LOG 20:15:57.709] RPMVesselComputer: Remembering system resource XenonGas as SYSR_XENONGAS
[LOG 20:15:57.710] RPMVesselComputer: Remembering system resource ElectricCharge as SYSR_ELECTRICCHARGE
[LOG 20:15:57.710] RPMVesselComputer: Remembering system resource IntakeAir as SYSR_INTAKEAIR
[LOG 20:15:57.710] RPMVesselComputer: Remembering system resource EVA Propellant as SYSR_EVA-PROPELLANT
[LOG 20:15:57.711] RPMVesselComputer: Remembering system resource Ore as SYSR_ORE
[LOG 20:15:57.711] RPMVesselComputer: Remembering system resource Ablator as SYSR_ABLATOR
[LOG 20:15:57.713] RasterPropMonitor: rcModuleRealChute is null
[LOG 20:15:57.713] JSIParachute: A supported version of RealChute is not available
[LOG 20:15:57.715] JSIMechJeb: A supported version of MechJeb is not available
[LOG 20:15:57.716] JSIFAR: A supported version of FAR is not available
[LOG 20:15:57.717] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,Attempting to Grab KAC Types...
[LOG 20:15:57.719] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,KAC Version:
[LOG 20:15:57.720] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,Got Assembly Types, grabbing Instance
[LOG 20:15:57.720] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,Got Instance, Creating Wrapper Objects
[LOG 20:15:57.721] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,Getting APIReady Object
[LOG 20:15:57.721] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,Success: True
[LOG 20:15:57.722] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,Getting Alarms Object
[LOG 20:15:57.722] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,Success: True
[LOG 20:15:57.722] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,Getting Alarm State Change Event
[LOG 20:15:57.723] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,Getting Create Method
[LOG 20:15:57.723] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,Getting Delete Method
[LOG 20:15:57.724] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,RasterPropMonitor-KACWrapper,Getting DrawAlarmAction
[LOG 20:15:57.724] JSIKAC: A supported version of Kerbal Alarm Clock is present
[LOG 20:15:57.730] [Meepstah II]: Ready to Launch - waiting to start physics...
[LOG 20:15:57.737] Crewmember Patlan Kerman assigned to Mk1 Cockpit, seat # 0 (crew seat index: 0)
[LOG 20:15:57.738] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Meepstah II ----------------------
[LOG 20:15:57.739] setting new dominant body: Kerbin
FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin
[LOG 20:15:57.740] Reference Frame: Rotating
[LOG 20:15:57.754] stage manager resuming...
[LOG 20:15:57.756] Vessel assembly complete!
[LOG 20:15:57.756] stage manager starting...
[LOG 20:15:57.757] all systems started
[LOG 20:15:57.788] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Searching for KER
[LOG 20:15:57.788] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-KERWrapper,Attempting to Grab KER Types...
[LOG 20:15:57.790] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Searching for VOID
[LOG 20:15:57.790] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-VOIDWrapper,Attempting to Grab VOID Types...
[LOG 20:15:57.801] [SCANsat] start: live
[LOG 20:15:57.801] [SCANsat] sensorType: 0 fov: 0 min_alt: 0 max_alt: 0 best_alt: 0 power: 0.05
[LOG 20:15:57.860] RPMVesselComputer: Start for vessel Meepstah II (6a3c884e-427f-45a9-9f6b-44279a681797)
[LOG 20:15:57.882] RasterPropMonitorComputer: Setting RasterPropMonitor debugging to True
[LOG 20:15:57.890] JSIVariableAnimator: Configuration complete in prop 12, supporting 12 variable indicators.
[LOG 20:15:57.895] JSIVariableAnimator: Configuration complete in prop 19, supporting 1 variable indicators.
[LOG 20:15:57.895] JSIVariableAnimator: Configuration complete in prop 20, supporting 1 variable indicators.
[LOG 20:15:57.896] JSIVariableAnimator: Configuration complete in prop 21, supporting 1 variable indicators.
[LOG 20:15:57.898] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font texture from URL "JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/hudfont"
[LOG 20:15:57.898] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font definition from JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/fontDefinition.txt
[LOG 20:15:57.904] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font texture from URL "JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/hudfont"
[LOG 20:15:57.905] RasterPropMonitor: Done setting up pages, 2 pages ready.
[LOG 20:15:57.908] Shader: Found embedded shader JSI.Shaders.RPM-FontShader-compiled.shader - valid
[LOG 20:15:57.909] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font texture from URL "JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/baseFont"
[LOG 20:15:57.909] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font definition from JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/fontDefinition.txt
[ERR 20:15:57.914] Invalid value length for Vector2

[ERR 20:15:57.939] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'EngineIgnitorRPM'

[LOG 20:15:57.939] RasterPropMonitor: Warning, handler module "EngineIgnitorRPM" could not be loaded. This could be perfectly normal.
[ERR 20:15:57.940] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'DPAI_RPM'

[LOG 20:15:57.940] RasterPropMonitor: Warning, handler module "DPAI_RPM" could not be loaded. This could be perfectly normal.
[ERR 20:15:57.940] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'DPAI_RPM'

[LOG 20:15:57.941] RasterPropMonitor: Warning, handler module "DPAI_RPM" could not be loaded. This could be perfectly normal.
[LOG 20:15:57.941] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font texture from URL "JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/extraFont1"
[LOG 20:15:57.941] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font texture from URL "JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/hudfont"
[LOG 20:15:57.942] RasterPropMonitor: Done setting up pages, 21 pages ready.
[LOG 20:15:57.943] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font texture from URL "JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/baseFont"
[LOG 20:15:57.943] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font definition from JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/fontDefinition.txt
[ERR 20:15:57.946] Invalid value length for Vector2

[ERR 20:15:57.955] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'EngineIgnitorRPM'

[LOG 20:15:57.955] RasterPropMonitor: Warning, handler module "EngineIgnitorRPM" could not be loaded. This could be perfectly normal.
[ERR 20:15:57.956] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'DPAI_RPM'

[LOG 20:15:57.957] RasterPropMonitor: Warning, handler module "DPAI_RPM" could not be loaded. This could be perfectly normal.
[ERR 20:15:57.957] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'DPAI_RPM'

[LOG 20:15:57.958] RasterPropMonitor: Warning, handler module "DPAI_RPM" could not be loaded. This could be perfectly normal.
[LOG 20:15:57.958] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font texture from URL "JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/extraFont1"
[LOG 20:15:57.959] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font texture from URL "JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/hudfont"
[LOG 20:15:57.959] RasterPropMonitor: Done setting up pages, 21 pages ready.
[LOG 20:15:57.960] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font texture from URL "JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/baseFont"
[LOG 20:15:57.960] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font definition from JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/fontDefinition.txt
[ERR 20:15:57.963] Invalid value length for Vector2

[ERR 20:15:57.972] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'EngineIgnitorRPM'

[LOG 20:15:57.972] RasterPropMonitor: Warning, handler module "EngineIgnitorRPM" could not be loaded. This could be perfectly normal.
[ERR 20:15:57.973] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'DPAI_RPM'

[LOG 20:15:57.973] RasterPropMonitor: Warning, handler module "DPAI_RPM" could not be loaded. This could be perfectly normal.
[ERR 20:15:57.973] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'DPAI_RPM'

[LOG 20:15:57.974] RasterPropMonitor: Warning, handler module "DPAI_RPM" could not be loaded. This could be perfectly normal.
[LOG 20:15:57.974] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font texture from URL "JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/extraFont1"
[LOG 20:15:57.974] RasterPropMonitor: Loading font texture from URL "JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Fonts/hudfont"
[LOG 20:15:57.975] RasterPropMonitor: Done setting up pages, 21 pages ready.
[LOG 20:15:57.978] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Vessel Change from 'No Vessel' to 'Meepstah II'
[LOG 20:15:57.999] 10/28/2015 8:15:57 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Active Vessel unreadable - resetting inqueue flag
[LOG 20:15:58.002] RPMVesselComputer: Awake for vessel KSC (fde3aba8-bd64-41cb-ab31-24c29097f899).
[WRN 20:15:58.011] HighlightingSystem : Multiple Highlighter components on a single GameObject is not allowed! Highlighter has been disabled on a GameObject with name 'model'.
[LOG 20:15:58.015] [KSC]: landed - waiting for ground contact to resume physics...
[LOG 20:15:58.022] Shader: Found embedded shader JSI.Shaders.RPM-DisplayShader-compiled.shader - valid
[LOG 20:15:58.024] GraphLine: Graphing ALTITUDE in color RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255)
[LOG 20:15:58.024] GraphLine: Graphing RADARALTOCEAN in color RGBA(0, 255, 0, 255)
[LOG 20:15:58.025] JSIVariableGraph: Graphing 2 values.
[ERR 20:15:58.028] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'JSIMechJeb'

[ERR 20:15:58.029] InternalProp: Failed finding module JSIMechJeb for method SetSmartassMode

[LOG 20:15:58.031] GraphLine: Graphing ALTITUDE in color RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255)
[LOG 20:15:58.032] GraphLine: Graphing RADARALTOCEAN in color RGBA(0, 255, 0, 255)
[LOG 20:15:58.032] JSIVariableGraph: Graphing 2 values.
[ERR 20:15:58.032] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'JSIMechJeb'

[ERR 20:15:58.033] InternalProp: Failed finding module JSIMechJeb for method SetSmartassMode

[LOG 20:15:58.034] GraphLine: Graphing ALTITUDE in color RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255)
[LOG 20:15:58.034] GraphLine: Graphing RADARALTOCEAN in color RGBA(0, 255, 0, 255)
[LOG 20:15:58.034] JSIVariableGraph: Graphing 2 values.
[ERR 20:15:58.035] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'JSIMechJeb'

[ERR 20:15:58.035] InternalProp: Failed finding module JSIMechJeb for method SetSmartassMode

[LOG 20:15:58.036] RPMVesselComputer: Start for vessel KSC (fde3aba8-bd64-41cb-ab31-24c29097f899)
[LOG 20:15:58.183] 10/28/2015 8:15:58 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Textures
[LOG 20:15:58.201] 10/28/2015 8:15:58 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loaded Textures
[LOG 20:15:58.228] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 20:15:58.229] [ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 20:15:58.231] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading 3 known vessels
[LOG 20:15:58.231] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Kerbin
[LOG 20:15:58.234] 10/28/2015 8:15:58 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,BaseLoadDone. Alarms Count (Should be 0):0
[LOG 20:15:58.235] 10/28/2015 8:15:58 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 0 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 20:15:58.235] 10/28/2015 8:15:58 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 0 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 20:15:58.236] 10/28/2015 8:15:58 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 0 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 20:15:58.236] 10/28/2015 8:15:58 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 0 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 20:15:58.236] 10/28/2015 8:15:58 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,ScenarioLoadDone. Alarms Count:4
[LOG 20:15:58.237] Loading Depletion Nodes
[LOG 20:15:58.237] DepNodeCount: 0
[LOG 20:15:58.238] Loading Biome Nodes
[LOG 20:15:58.238] BiomeNodeCount: 0
[LOG 20:15:58.238] Loading Planet Nodes
[LOG 20:15:58.238] PlanetNodeCount: 0
[LOG 20:15:58.251] 10/28/2015 8:15:58 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Adding DrawGUI to PostRender Queue
[LOG 20:15:58.252] 10/28/2015 8:15:58 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Skipping version check
[LOG 20:15:58.447] 10/28/2015 8:15:58 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Contracts System Ready
[LOG 20:15:58.473] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 2893.532 Funds taken, yields 0.2258326 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.473] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 2.3043 Reputation taken, yields 2454.567 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.474] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 360 Funds taken, yields 0.02809706 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.474] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0.75 Reputation taken, yields 798.9088 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.474] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 440 Funds taken, yields 0.03434085 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.475] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0.75 Reputation taken, yields 798.9088 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.477] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 440 Funds taken, yields 0.03434085 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.477] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0.75 Reputation taken, yields 798.9088 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.479] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 3000 Funds taken, yields 0.2341421 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.479] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 20 Reputation taken, yields 21304.23 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.479] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.480] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.480] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.480] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.481] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 500 Funds taken, yields 0.03902369 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.481] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 1.5 Reputation taken, yields 1597.818 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.482] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 4125 Funds taken, yields 0.3219454 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.482] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 27.5 Reputation taken, yields 29293.32 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.482] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 412.5 Funds taken, yields 0.03219454 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.483] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 2.75 Reputation taken, yields 2929.332 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.483] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 412.5 Funds taken, yields 0.03219454 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.484] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 2.75 Reputation taken, yields 2929.332 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.484] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 412.5 Funds taken, yields 0.03219454 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.484] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 2.75 Reputation taken, yields 2929.332 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.486] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 412.5 Funds taken, yields 0.03219454 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.487] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 2.75 Reputation taken, yields 2929.332 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.487] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 11628.04 Funds taken, yields 0.9075382 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.487] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 123.2196 Reputation taken, yields 131255 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.488] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.488] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.488] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.489] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.489] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.489] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.490] [CurrencyConverter for Outsourced R&D]: 0 Funds taken, yields 0 Science
[LOG 20:15:58.490] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds
[LOG 20:15:58.510] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Meepstah II
[LOG 20:15:58.736] Flight State Captured
[LOG 20:15:58.743] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 20:15:58.743] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 20:15:58.796] Game State Saved as persistent
[LOG 20:16:00.037] [Meepstah II]: ground contact! - error: 0.010m
[LOG 20:16:00.038] Unpacking Meepstah II
[LOG 20:16:01.548] activating stage 1 - current stage: 2
[LOG 20:16:01.549] [RAPIER]: Activated
[LOG 20:16:01.549] [00:00:00]: Liftoff!!
[LOG 20:16:09.173] [SCANsat] Height Map Of [Kerbin] Completed...
[LOG 20:16:09.195] [SCANsat] All Height Maps Generated
[LOG 20:16:32.860] KSC Unloaded
[LOG 20:16:32.862] RPMVesselComputer: OnDestroy for vessel KSC (fde3aba8-bd64-41cb-ab31-24c29097f899)
[EXC 20:17:19.620] NullReferenceException
UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject ()
PQSLandControl+LandClassScatter.SphereInactive ()
PQSLandControl.OnSphereReset ()
PQS.Mod_OnSphereReset ()
PQS.ResetSphere ()
PQS.OnDestroy ()
[EXC 20:17:19.649] NullReferenceException
SpriteMesh.CreateMesh ()
SpriteMesh.get_mesh ()
SpriteRoot.Delete ()
SpriteBase.Delete ()
UIListItemContainer.Delete ()
UIScrollList.RemoveItem (Int32 index, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing)
UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing)
UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy)
ApplicationLauncher.RemoveApplication (.ApplicationLauncherButton button)
ResourceDisplay.OnDestroy ()
[EXC 20:17:19.650] NullReferenceException
UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject ()
GenericAppFrame.OnDestroy ()
[LOG 20:17:19.680] RPMVesselComputer: OnDestroy for vessel Meepstah II (6a3c884e-427f-45a9-9f6b-44279a681797)
[EXC 20:17:19.689] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
FinePrint.WaypointManager.RemoveWaypoint (FinePrint.Waypoint wp)
FinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.SurveyWaypointParameter.OnUnregister ()
Contracts.ContractParameter.Unregister ()
Contracts.Contract.Unregister ()
Contracts.ContractSystem.OnDestroy ()
[LOG 20:17:19.715] 10/28/2015 8:17:19 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Destroying the KerbalAlarmClock-KACFlight
[LOG 20:17:19.715] 10/28/2015 8:17:19 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,API Cleaned up

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You're right, Squad should totally go into the OS and change how 'working directory' and 'run from' work. :)
You know, the ckan devs could fix their software so it uses the path set by the user as the working directory before starting KSP...

I mean, that would be the sensible thing to do, seeing as it's their software calling the KSP.exe from outside the games folder...

Nah, obviously it's all Squads fault.

The sensible thing to do would be to read Physics.cfg and PartDatabase.cfg from the directory the KSP executable is in, the same as it does for everything else it uses. If for some bizarre reason this isn't possible, the next best options when Physics.cfg is not found are to either generate a correct Physics.cfg or throw an error. Silently creating an incorrect file and proceeding to give incorrect behaviour in the program is something I can only consider a blatant bug.
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