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Longer flights would be very tiring... I'll take the hilarious floppy arms while breaking some world records in sprint :cool:

Would you rather:

- Make one of your dreams come true (unless your dream is to be stupidly rich, or would lead to being stupidly rich)

- Have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life (but not as much as to allow you to accomplish any dreams - unless your dream is to live comfortably for the rest of your life, of course)

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Sucked into the engine. At least there'll be a moment of "wheeee!" before getting chopped to bits.

Would you rather:

- Be able to fly (you can add acceleration in any direction at-will)

- Be able to teleport short distances (you only gain speed thru clever use of gravity and portal angles) (I.E. teleport up into the air, let gravity speed you up, then teleport horizontally so you transfer that momentum forward)

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Let's see.. Cheating to success: No one knows, be famous, but have internal pain and feel bad for being dishonest.

Lose everything: No one knows YOU, people assume you lost it to some horrible addiction, have nothing, and feel horrible for having nothing. I'll take the Cheating for 300 please.

Would you rather Espeon or Umbreon?

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Umbrella because reasons

would you rather have an awesome phone or a epic shot gun

I have little use for a shotgun, and my phone is in pretty bad shape atm, so this choice was fairly obvious.


epic shotgun. you dont need to know why

TNT or ANFO (both explosives)

I think I'll go with ANFO, if I remember from Mythbusters, it makes slightly cooler looking explosions.

Would you rather

1)Suddenly and irreversibly have your appearance (size, build, skin tone, facial features, etc,) completely changed, making you completely unrecognisable,


2) Be changed to the opposite gender, but still be (mostly) recognisable as yourself.

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I would have to be number 2, cause my family would be horrified if a random unknown person appears in my bed in the morning, and I might be able to explain to my parents that I am now a girl.

Would you rather mispronounce everything but write in perfect grammar or pronounce everything correctelly but write in horrible grammar?

- - - Updated - - -

Umbrella because reasons

would you rather have an awesome phone or a epic shot gun


I will go catch an Eevee, evolve it with maximum happiness during the nighttime, and rename it Umbrella.

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Hot Embers

The mild acid isn't gonna do much though, depending on the acid.

Would you rather die in space from no space suite, or...

Die from your space ship exploding mid flight then falling back to earth and then die.

Or (if i'm allowed): die from crash landing somewhere, on another extriestial planet but you survive the crash.

Edited by Jaffa Cookie
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Umm... I'd have to go with no spacesuit (even though I have one on!). Even if I did survive a crash onto another planet, I wouldn't be alive that much longer to revel in the "achievement" or even communicate to my loved ones before I perish. Better to get it over with in 90 seconds or less.

Would you rather find $5000 on the street and get to keep it, or win a $20m lottery jackpot but be forced to donate it all to charity?

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My conscience wouldn't let me keep the 5k anyway... I'll donate the 20 million.

Would you rather sit in a bathtub full of spiders or a bathtub full of cockroaches? Naked, of course. For 20 minutes. Let's assume neither animal type would be lethal to you.

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