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The Elcano Challenge on Tylo


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Could've detoured out the side of that canyon, just sayin.

The only way to descend safely to the bottom of the canyon was to use the rocketengines. After descending, the craft rode up the other canyon side. I just let it go until it reached a (reasonable) safe spot.

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Can anybody provide the coordinates of the highest point on Tylo?

After reading your mission log i must say thats pretty much a hardcore journey...

still spying into this Mission, greetings Mikki

IIRC theres a heightmap somewhere called KSP maps or in the wiki...?

Yes its here:


Select points of interest in the menu right after selecting celestial body

Edited by Mikki
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Unfortunately it won't be possible to visite the highest point on Tylo. The closest distance i'll get to it is about 850 km (70 degrees).

Today was a fabulous day for (of) driving. With the paper mod (sticking a piece of paper between the W key) the rover went several times into a special cadans.

The speed then get's to maximum, the rover doesn't veer off to the left or the right or when it does, returns to the same course by itself due to the angles of the trench (lacking a better word). The sound of the engine and tracks get's rythmic, almost hypnotic. The paper mod is an excellent cruise control!

I've noticed that the landing foot at the front is place to low. From a certain speed and at specific angles between inclines and declines, the foot can clip the terrain. As a precaution, i retract all landingfeet when i think it might happen.

I've stopped planting flags every 5 degrees, instead it plant one at every 10 degrees, which is about once every 104 km. (i've deleted the ones already planted to prevent possible memorycrashes).

Edited by TheCardinal
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm slowly moving again on Tylo. I'm determined to break the Tylo curse. The large distance and the environment which is always the same, make it hard to complete the journey. Still, it can be done, so i will! Even if it means (bad case scenario) i can only travel 10 km a day.

Yesterday i only travelled 16 km but it's progress none the less.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you, SpaceplaneAddict! Tylo really is jinxed. I intend to break the curse, even if it takes me a year to do so. Today, i barely managed to do just 10 km. Hardly a speed record. Still, it's progress. Like Konfucius (a famous Kerbal of centuries ago) once said, even a circumnavigation of Tylo starts with the first step.;}

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